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  1. It was a small thing but one moment that brought a huge smile in my face was one time I was playing with what was at the time my only Tanker. I was fighting Tsoo and surrounded by five or six bad guys when I noticed I was no longer being attacked. I looked and all of the enemies around me had zero or near zero endurance. They had all punched themselves to exhaustion and my green bar had hardly budged.

    I immediately made several more Tanks.
  2. I bought $15 worth of points literally the day before the announcement. I e-mailed asking about a refund specifically for that but did not get any response.
  3. I never win these things but I grabbed one of the ones in the middle and yay!
  4. Outbreak was never that engaging so losing it was not that big of a loss (although it now kills the nostalgic feeling you would get when you do the Intro to Oro mission) but I always did like Breakout, the Villain tutorial. The new early Villain content is good but I find I miss good ol' Breakout.

    I also agree BTW the new Tutorial is fun and exciting, for new players especially, but is barely a teaching tool.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
    No, it only works once. After you complete the Mortimer Kal SF in Sharkhead, you get the Prometheus badge (I think?) and NotW attached to it that you can claim when you're 50.
    What if you have never done the TF before but are already 50? Would you get the Notice?
  6. I know when the Incarnate stuff was first introduced, the only way to get a Notice of the Well was to do the Weekly Strike Target TF. Is that still the case or is there an alternate way to get one? Thanks.
  7. It isn't just making promises to players and not keeping them. Announcing things years in advance lets your competitors know what you are doing.
  8. One instance was indeed Number Nine in the new Trial. I am going to be honest but I don't remember exactly where the second instance happened but I am sure it was the Stone Control hold power.

    I was under the impression Break Frees released you from any hold, is there a magnitude of power they don't effect?
  9. Twice today on two different characters I was trapped in a Stone Control hold power and when I used a Break Free I did not get released.
  10. I would like the option to solo the Haunted House if only to be able to explore the environment at my leisure. Teams always power through and I feel like I am missing stuff.

    ETA: I had no problems getting the Zombie badge on the two PUGs I did the trial with. You just avoid the Abomination and kill Zombies. As long as you have a few minutes to spare, that was enough to kill the Abomination.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snarkhunter View Post
    I realize that this does not always work...but have you tried asking ingame on various badge channels? As soon as I logged into the game and started wondering about where the contact was, I saw no fewer than 5 people ask and get a response within 10 minutes time.
    I think the point is many players wouldn't even know to ask. There is no reason why the Contact didn't automatically get introduced to us like the first one did.
  12. Something I just noticed when I logged in, while I have the mission, I do not have the "Arc" symbol on the contact, which leads me to believe this is a bug. Also to clarify, it is Hard Luck, not Hardcase. Two different contacts in St. Martial.

    ETA: after looking him up in the Wiki, what I got was his 4 regular missions. Not his arc or the badge mission he gives out. After the 4 he stopped talking so it looks like it was a bug.
  13. I can't explain it but I am on mission 3 of his arc.
  14. I logged into one of my Vigilantes for the first time in a long time and saw she had a finished Mayhem mission to turn in, so I went to St. Martial and turned it in and got to pick a contact. I picked Hard Luck and since he showed up on my map I figured what the heck and went to talk to him. And surprisingly, he offered me a mission.

    I didn't think that was possible. I thought the only missions a solo Vigilante could get in the Isles were Newspaper and Tip Missions. Did that change or is this a bug?
  15. I don't mind it but if you hate it, sometimes people will broadcast when they are doing the Speak to Latin Student mission so you can get the badge without having to do the arc.
  16. I have had a Fire/Fire Scrapper whose back story was he was a Firefighter. I have been waiting for a Helmet for a long time. Glad it's here and at a reasonable price.
  17. Another note: it only unlocks the "standard auras" at level one (the ones you get access to if you do the level 30 mission). The Auras that came from previous super boosters and the new volcanic aura do not get unlocked.
  18. Hy-Beams


    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    More shredded Carnies, with an interesting pattern:

    Pool       Drop Rate         Range   Drops        Expected    Mobs
    Salvage        9.61%  8.21%-11.16%     154         108-151   1,603 min. equiv.
      minion      10.96%  8.91%-13.30%      90           51-82     821 minions
      lieutenant  11.85%  8.35%-16.16%      34           21-42     287 LTs & snprs
      boss        23.44% 16.41%-31.74%      30           23-43     128 bosses & EBs
    When you're getting double drops, is it from all enemies, or just minions?
    I can't be sure it is always minions but the instances where I know I saw it happen were all minions.
  19. I solved the claws issue by saying my "werewolf" was the result of Mad Science mix of human and wolf DNA and the claws were a cybernetic implant. I added some metal pieces here and there and voila, the steel claws don't look out of place.

    I used /WP for what that's worth.
  20. Hy-Beams


    The rate may or may not have been increased but I am 100% sure that we are getting two drops for one kill some times. I don't know if that is a bug or a feature though.
  21. Hy-Beams

    Catalyst 11.9

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Not my problem. Hassle ATI to get their drivers to work with other games.
    Didn't mean to imply that it was any one's fault. Just letting people know since it is new game they may have gotten (like me).
  22. 1. Do they ever expire after being unused for a certain length of time?

    2. Would I lose unused ones if I became Premium?
  23. The only thing to me is it seems Account Items and Character Items are named in reverse. You get 1 account item per character and 1 character item per account. Seems that it should be the other way around.