Break Frees not always working
Can you give more detail? Was this in the Signature Story Arc part 1? I had the guy in the first mission hold one of my tanks right through his mez protection so he either has high magnitude or can stack holds fast.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Number Nine in the new Halloween trial also seems to have a very high mag hold.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
One instance was indeed Number Nine in the new Trial. I am going to be honest but I don't remember exactly where the second instance happened but I am sure it was the Stone Control hold power.
I was under the impression Break Frees released you from any hold, is there a magnitude of power they don't effect?
I was under the impression Break Frees released you from any hold, is there a magnitude of power they don't effect?
In the Statesman TF, Ghost Widow has a mag 100 hold. You need a STACK of Break Frees, Clear Minds, whatever even on a stone tank in Granite.
You can call up the power information in-game. Drag a Break Free to the chat line and drop it. That will put the exact name in the chat line. Hit <Enter> and the text will show up in whatever channel in bold. Click on that and you can bring up the full details of the power, recipe, inspiration, enhancement, etc.
This works for any power. You can also type the power name directly by putting it in square brackets. Try [Dry Heave] or [Projectile Vomit].

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
One of the really interesting things in game that not many people know is that when you use your rest power the reason you can't move is because it stacks a huge hold on you. Eat a stack of breakfrees and you can move around while still resting.
Or at least you could a year or so ago when I tested it.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
From wiki Break Frees resist up to 10 mag immob so that would work on pretty much all standard mission bosses and EB's. You would need to eat 10 for Numina. The new trial AVs are probably a little over 10 mag just to make them difficult.
From wiki Break Frees resist up to 10 mag immob so that would work on pretty much all standard mission bosses and EB's. You would need to eat 10 for Numina. The new trial AVs are probably a little over 10 mag just to make them difficult.
Twice today on two different characters I was trapped in a Stone Control hold power and when I used a Break Free I did not get released.