Olivia Munn finally replaced




The moves she's made are good.

AOTS is a niche show. I personally find XPLAY to be a better and more entertaining show.

The Daily show+a new sitcom on a NETWORK > a niche G4tv show.

EDIT: That said all that has nothing to do with whether or not she has talent.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
The moves she's made are good.

AOTS is a niche show. I personally find XPLAY to be a better and more entertaining show.

The Daily show+a new sitcom on a NETWORK > a niche G4tv show.

EDIT: That said all that has nothing to do with whether or not she has talent.
Her bit part in Iron Man II was also a good move up.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
lol, good link. Redshirts always get such a raw deal. I bet Munn is talented enough to die a horrible Redshirt death.

If OM could get some voice work on The Venture Bothers or a role as a zombie survivor (or hot zombie) on The Walking Dead...I would totally buy into 'the power of the Munn'.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



The irony here being that I'm scoffing at you and think that you're obsessive.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
The irony here being that I'm scoffing at you and think that you're obsessive.
thank you, for that..I'm having trouble thinking of anything nice to say in this situation that is appropriate to this prime example of so many bad things about people.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
The irony here being that I'm scoffing at you and think that you're obsessive.
Thanks man for the corrections, I was trying to get that last one out while on the phone and have to admit that my grasp on 'scoff' isn't that solid.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
thank you, for that..I'm having trouble thinking of anything nice to say in this situation that is appropriate to this prime example of so many bad things about people.
No problem.



Side track: I just saw a commercial for Munns new show... and it actually looks better than I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, I'm as sick of her as the next person... but I think I'd actually watch that show. At the very least... just to give it a chance before I completely reject it out-right.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Ahhhh, I remember when people posted on these forums that she was a tease or a hypocrite for being in Playboy but not being naked. They couldn't handle the idea that a woman enjoyed being sexy but had limits. It was hilarious.
Marcian, did you forget? I made you see my point with a very succinct verbal beatdown. Playboy is for nudity, at least topless, no exceptions. There are plenty of other venues for showing off one's eroticism if you don't want to remove your clothes. Munn just wanted to generate cheap publicity by saying "Hey, I'm gonna be in Playboy!" and then didn't have the guts to actually do a real Playboy photo shoot.

More relevantly, did I miss a meeting? Since when did anyone consider Olivia Munn the least bit funny or talented? Heck, the jury was still categorically out on whether or not she was all that hot last time I saw her being discussed.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
Marcian, did you forget? I made you see my point with a very succinct verbal beatdown. Playboy is for nudity, at least topless, no exceptions. There are plenty of other venues for showing off one's eroticism if you don't want to remove your clothes. Munn just wanted to generate cheap publicity by saying "Hey, I'm gonna be in Playboy!" and then didn't have the guts to actually do a real Playboy photo shoot.
Or, conversely, she had the guts to go to a Playboy shoot, then call the shots and hold a higher standard for herself and her expecting audience.

Consider the mental marketshare that she's got to command for Playboy to decide to go ahead and feature a cover model that ordered them around, and refused to do what Playboy Wanted.

Sorry to burst whatever bubble you thought you had, but pulling off what Olivia pulled off with Playboy? That girls got a brass pair.

More relevantly, did I miss a meeting? Since when did anyone consider Olivia Munn the least bit funny or talented? Heck, the jury was still categorically out on whether or not she was all that hot last time I saw her being discussed.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Or, conversely, she had the guts to go to a Playboy shoot, then call the shots and hold a higher standard for herself and her expecting audience.

Consider the mental marketshare that she's got to command for Playboy to decide to go ahead and feature a cover model that ordered them around, and refused to do what Playboy Wanted.

Sorry to burst whatever bubble you thought you had, but pulling off what Olivia pulled off with Playboy? That girls got a brass pair.
Actually, that's probably more due to the fact that Playboy's clout and drawing power has fallen considerably since it's heyday, what with more popular and attention-getting photo shoot venues like Maxim, GQ and even the plain ol' internet. They haven't got the power to order anyone around, I'd wager, who isn't a complete unknown.

As far as her not "Playboying up" in her shoot, had it been someone who didn't have a general air of being an attention-seeking hanger-on, I wouldn't have bat an eye and not even thought about it. But every time I see Munn, it seems like she's just playing for the spotlight with her ego in the driver's seat. It's just seems like a bugsome pattern.

I will also say that if, when my brother gave me my first (and only) stack of Playboys when I was a teenager, I'd seen that the covergirl of the world's (then) leading nudie mag wasn't nudie, I'd've been upset. Given that that is what the mag is known for (and, oh yes, the articles), I see little problem with folks being annoyed...to a reasonable extent.

"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Or, conversely, she had the guts to go to a Playboy shoot, then call the shots and hold a higher standard for herself and her expecting audience.

Consider the mental marketshare that she's got to command for Playboy to decide to go ahead and feature a cover model that ordered them around, and refused to do what Playboy Wanted.

Sorry to burst whatever bubble you thought you had, but pulling off what Olivia pulled off with Playboy? That girls got a brass pair.
You mean brass balls like Heidi Montag? She's not exactly Rosa Parks.



Originally Posted by MisterTorgo View Post
Actually, that's probably more due to the fact that Playboy's clout and drawing power has fallen considerably since it's heyday, what with more popular and attention-getting photo shoot venues like Maxim, GQ and even the plain ol' internet. They haven't got the power to order anyone around, I'd wager, who isn't a complete unknown.
I'd have to go with this as the most logical explanation. Playboy is on it's way out and they're desperate. In an age where free porn is readily available for anyone with the ability to type, costly nude-y magazines will suffer tremendously.



Isn't Munn the idiot who when interviewing a game developer she started asking him stupid questions about his junk instead of the game, to the point where it was pissing the guy off?



Olivia Munn is a lady what I would do naked touch on. That is all.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Nude magazines that do a print copy are on their way out and they're desperate. In an age where free nude magazines images are readily available for anyone with the ability to type, costly nude magazines that are printed will suffer tremendously.



I'm not sure if that clarification was needed, but thanks none-the-less.



Actually, recently Playboy have been using non-nude celebrities to sell magazines. In fact, so much so, that they aped a picture of Jessica Alba, put her on the cover, and she sued, saying it implied she was getting nude, when in fact, it was just an article on her.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
