Marcian Tobay

Forum Cartel
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Lifetime subs get four slots.

    But yeah, the vast, vast majority of the game can be experienced by one character. The differences can be fully explored on three.

    I cannot conceive of a reason to have a 4th character outside of RP concepts.
  2. One of these days, I'm going to tell myself "I think that's it for new sections in The Scorched Desert zone", and I'll only be wrong by a lot as opposed to a devastatingly large amount.

    Seriously, this is probably the most content filled, spatially large zone I've ever seen in an MMO.

    You could fit, like, five other MMOs in this map.
  3. I am a canon character in the game.

    Will always be my favorite Easter Egg. I'll post a picture later, when I find it. Never encountered him myself, since you have to be a dirty, stinkin' hero to get to him.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The only thing I worry about is spreading the community pretty thin. I can't speak for others, but I only really have enough attention span for one, maybe two "major" forums, and the community is already spreading out between the Titan Network forums and PK's Unleashed. I don't mean to be a downer, but I have to ask this question:

    What does a new community forum bring that the existing options don't, in such a way as to justify adding a third location? I fear that this is a question we need to answer before we start making larger plans.
    That's something I'm turning over in my head. I'm thinking of just making it an homage to fandoms in general. All things with fervent fans welcome.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sylph_Knight View Post
    Let me know when you get this running or need capitol for hosting and acquiring a domain name. I'll be among the first to join.
    Thank you! That's extremely encouraging!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Interesting idea.

    But what would you be looking to create anew that was not already available at and/or ?

    A community independent of City of Heroes and more a celebration of geekdom in general that doesn't run in competition to any other forums I see.
  7. ... why do I suddenly have my avatar, my signature, and 1% more Private Message space?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    But we'd need a G-rated, R-rated and AO-rated section for each of those categories.

    Being my second request for an AO section.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    This not bad idea actually.

    As far as rules goes, probably the standard outline of rules would work BUT they must be clear concise and most importantly enforced and enforced fairly and evenly at all times.
    If it says, for example, off topic post that is not relevant to the thread is not allowed, then off topic posts that are not relevant to the thread should not be allowed. Or if it says no attacking other posters, then attacking other posters should not be allowed by anyone in any fashion regardless of their post count and or other factors.

    If it's a mad house, I probably won’t. If there some semblance of civilization, then I'll join in.

    One thing I wished I got out of the forum is more enforcement of the rules. Some days they enforce them some days they ignore them then they enforce them again, then they ignore them. It kind of made the rules a bit meaningless. Then again, it might have stemmed from that the rules were too vague. It says no trolling but maybe it should point out exactly what is constituted as trolling, attacking another player, insulting another poster compared to leaving a very large gray area.

    I do like the topics and ideas but would be nice if some actual deep topics can go beyond a page without someone coming in a throwing it off and the mods not doing a thing about it until 10-15 pages later, if ever.

    People tend to follow only rules that are enforced.

    The way this forum is broken down into sections is nice.

    Just my view and thought on the subject.
    As a former Community Rep, I can tell you that rules are a very tricky thing. I believe one should enforce them in a way that encourages the community to grow like a garden. One should gauge whether any given thing is a weed or a possible benefit.

    That being said, I will consider the deployment of rules carefully, as this is obviously important to you.
  10. I've received a suggestion that any Fandom (Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who, etc.) that gets three people requesting such gets its own section. So just like we have a Servers section here, we'd have a Fandoms section there.


    Also, reading the above. Thank you for the post.
  11. I would also like to know how you "screwed up a build". It's impossible to permanently make a build choice that excludes other choices. You can just go run some low level missions and apply the AP/SP to what you now wish you had.
  12. Recent events have caused me to think about whether I should make my own forums, fresh and anew! Since these forums are closing soon, I thought I'd ask you all some questions. Here we go:
    • Would you be interested in being a part of newly created forums?
    • If so, what sections would you want?
    • What policies/rules would be very important to you?
    • How likely would you be to post?
    • What did you want out of the CoH forums but never got?
    • What do you like about the CoH forums that you want to retain?

    I love the CoHers, so folding your need for a new forum hub with my desire to make new forums seems natural.

    Let me know. Perhaps it can become the new hangout!

  13. My favorite quote on the four... three... cabals so far:

    "If you ever need guidance, ask a Templar and then do the opposite."
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Personally, I couldn't stand the Dragon's Nemesis-esque "oh, so our plan failed but we totally saw that coming and planned accordingly" attitude.
    But we DID plan for that! :P

    Nah, the Dragons can take losing on the chin. In fact, losing is information. When something unexpected happens, that helps us to add more nuance to "The Model", our master program that, theoretically, contains all known information on the elements within the world. If something went perfectly to plan, we'd be done and bored with it.

    Once in a great while, however, we do, in fact, plan to intense degrees. It's entertaining and power-feeling, but it's not always the norm.

    I could give examples, but they're some of my favorite moments of the game.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I'm not a fan of malignant, power hungry, manipulative shadow organizations; nor of entrenched traditionalists who are the self-appointed elite. Of course, I'm not particularly inclined towards violent agents of change, either, but I find it to be the lesser of three [REDACTED].
    Welcome to the Dragons, brother. They are the watchers on and most passive by far. They seek to understand the world and shape it for its best interests. They have a self-righteous vibe as well, but not nearly the same.

    It's worth noting that this is game is less "Good vs. Evil" and more Praetoria than anything. Everyone is both evil and heroic in their own regards. Very rarely are there enemies that are just flat out evil, mustache twirling villains. You're never the good guys. You're just the better guys than the others.
  16. At certain points during the main storyline, as well, there are choices that you make that you can't take back. To be spoiler free, you will eventually find THE answer to the zombie outbreak in Kingsmouth. It takes a while, but when you do, you're given a choice.

    The choice doesn't immediately affect the game, but the developers have more or less confirmed that they are tracking the player choices and, after a significant period of time has passed, they will add content to the game that acknowledges the majority-winner as the canon thing "the player chose".

    That's something I enjoy greatly.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I take it you're forced to choose one of the three factions?
    It's one of the only choices in the game that's permanent, and yes, you do.

    It's funny, these three factions seem more personality-accurate than any other MMO I've ever played. That is to say, when I find people that are Templars, I expect them to be driven and sure-footed. When I find Dragons, they are open-minded and often neutral. Illuminati players tend to be effective and ambitious.

    Before the game launched, there was a personality quiz that was very thorough in guiding you to the right faction. As a result, everyone that pre-ordered is someone you can sort by their personality. I can be talking to someone and just be like "Oh, you immediately took lead of the party. Nice to meet you, Templar."

    I love it.
  18. Shotgun's secondary abilities have a lot to do with buffing your group, like the Leadership pool here.

    And melee weapons build resources on YOU, so if you hit someone 5 times and kill them, you have those 5 resources to use on someone else. With ranged weapons, you build 5 resources on an enemy, so if that enemy dies, the unused Resources die with them. While it's true you can equip a skill or two that makes use of them at the last moment, I don't find that satisfying.

    My question, to remove the slang, was my asking how people find Shotgun a satisfying experience.
  19. Try the "M" key.

    Your cartography skills will be coming into play on more than one mission, as well. Get used to the M key and planting pins.
  20. That being said, they do on rare occasion do events where they give out Cash Shop moniez. I did one and spent the money on my current look. I look... snazzy.

    I'm not saying the Cash Shop has no appeal. I'm just countering the idea that you MUST spend money or you'll look a schlum forever.

    Oh, and here's my page from the City Vau- I mean Chronicle.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That's good to know.

    Personally it's the costumes that only unlock for a single character that killed any interest I had in buying points if I decide to get the game.

    Do you know if you also have to buy a ticket to make use of the games tailor if you buy a new costume piece/set?

    Cuz that's just adding insult to injury.

    It's worth noting that you unlock a lot of costume pieces through achievement int he game. Completing THIS gets you a hoodie. Completing THAT gives you the official Dragon outfit. And, let's be honest, costumes being vanity, would you rather show off that you did all the "Carter Unleashed" missions or that you pay $5 in the store?

    Costume pieces can be swapped in and out on the fly at any time for any reason. This actually plays a vital role in certain later missions.

    The Tailor/Plastic Surgeon is exclusively for people that want to redo decisions made during character creation. Everyone also received one free coupon for each when they launched.
  22. Just a not: Server transfers are 98% irrelevant.

    Your "home server" is the server you log into every day. You can, however, at any time click on a player on your friends list and temporarily transfer over to their server. You can be on any server anytime you want for any reason.
  23. Look at you lot, marching in with the authority and conviction of a concrete mind in a fluid world. Beh.

    Still, anything to help against the Coming Days. Welcome, I suppose.