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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samothrake View Post
    Since we're talking all things Hal GL here, refresh my memory with where I have this memory from.
    I specifically recall reading a GL story of Hal's early carreer. He was in jail and had just recently gotten the ring. I think he was freshly back from a training session on OA. Well, anyways, the thing that sticks out in my mind is that he made a "Hal" construct in his jail cell so he could go out and do the hero thing. And specifically this construct was not green. It looked just like Hal. Because, as his instructor told him, while the energy used to make the construct is green, the construct doesn't have to be green. This little revelation was used a few times in the comic, but I don't know if this is still canon or not.
    That was Emerald Dawn I or II, I can't remember which, and it was a good story written by Gerard Jones, I think. In fact, Willie, Hal's cellmate was so fooled by the construct that he didn't notice it wasn't real until he accidentally stepped through it.

    That was back before Geoff "Retcon" Johns pushed me away from the book, y'see.
  2. HAhaha!

    "Green Lantern! Sure! Why not?"


    Yeah, I wasn't feeling anything good from anything I saw from the trailers for this flick. I will probably see it out of boredom and geek devotion to pre-Geoff Johns Hal Jordan but I won't expect much of anything good.

    Really, Green Lantern has always been, in my mind, one of those characters whom it would be extremely difficult to translate to a live-action universe successfully. It would take an amazing director with amazing vision, working with an amazing script, brought to life by amazing actors to make it good. Not that I'm casting judgement before I even see it, of course. Maybe I'll be surprised

    "You remember Green Lantern? Sure you do."
  3. Hmm. Am I the only one feeling nothing for this movie? I check out every new trailer and clip but it just seems perpetually...off(?) for me. Dunno if it's too much CG or clunky dialogue or what---and I'm sure I'll be seeing it in theaters at some point out of some geekly obligation---but I'm just not feeling it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    psst...Supes is an alien anyways
    American alien, comЯade.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    I think only Billy West gets more voice work than Phil....he was also Marvin in "Pulp Fiction"...didn't end well for that character
    He's best known, of course, as the "It's Spider-Man" guy on the train at the end of Spider-Man 2.

    Love this cartoon so far and, incidentally, one of the things that made me look forward to it was an interview Phil Lamarr had with IGN, I think, before the show aired. Don't remember all that he said but he showed up to the interview loaded down with real, honest-to-gosh comics after having gotten his weekly pickup. Made me feel good that there were folks involved who knew their stuff and not just saying "Oh yeah, I used to love comics as a kid". Certainly helped with the Timmverse stuff.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Is anyone else bothered by how "anime" inspired all the cartoons are these days?

    I really miss older style animation and seems any time I see a new remake of those old 80s cartoons there redone in some anime-ish fashion and I just don't like it as much.

    I prefer the older style animation, though Lion-O did look like a clown.
    It's bugged me for a while, but as I tend not to care for the...sensibilities(?) of anime or the emotionless ravages of time itself, I just kinda chalked it up to my natural curmudgeoninity.
  7. Loved the magazine when Jim MCLaughlin was around. Back then, it was laugh-out-loud funny, had the nadular fortitude to actually, honestly review comics and had geeky-fun what-if? articles and trivia. I've missed that Wizard for a long time.

    Haven't enjoyed post-that-time Wizard at all. I feel bad about the jobs lost, but this was long overdue.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starkweather View Post
    Wow, I must be too critical. The many plot holes in these two episodes just annoyed me. For a super secretive wistle blower, Oracle has NO idea how to keep a low profile, from driving around in a very non-conspicuous car and carrying around papers (what were they, flyers?) announcing who she is. The hero is a dumb ***, who should have died with the first knife shot at him from that incredibly inconvievable machine. And how does 'time' flow in that world anyways? It looked like he was able to master the cape, escape artistry, disapearing in smoke, hypnotism, and "dwarf-quan-do" in a matter of days, yet it takes that council man 5-10 minutes to even begin to eat his meal!

    I also how he sets up his secret lair in some abandoned house that is squater free, broods how to save the councilman, and immediately cuts to him in mortal danger and saved by Orwell.

    OK, I'll stop being critical and get back to work. Thanks for letting me vent.
    What you said. I really wanted to like this show and it'd be nice if it gets better, but so many things from the fast-fast-skipthisplotpoint-skipthatplotpoint-let'steamup pacing to the aforementioned inability of the super-secret blogger Orwell to be, well, super-secret (and I wonder exactly when they're gonna drop the "bombshell" about Chess being her father, or something) to the weird story omissions (if Chess knows where the Circus of Crime is, how did they get away and stay gotten away?), the show just strains my believability too far.

    To wit: I don't care how much they want this to be Batman-y, there is no way Max is "disappearing" from a chair in the middle of a group of bad guys like the way he did or no way The Cape can "reappear" to a skyscraper roof top without powers? Why didn't they just give him powers or make the cape magical or...something...?

    I'll keep watching cuz I have nothing better to do on my commute and I do hope it gets better, the way most shows do when they get more footing.
  9. MisterTorgo

    Darkman (1990)

    I remember when this one came out, all the employees at the local theater here wore "Who Is Darkman?" promo buttons. I remember the very sweet Danny Elfman score (which I used to play with as inspiration for one of my toons). I remember the carnival scene.

    In short, I remember enjoying this movie very much.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
    I actually think that looks really cool. But attaching the Superman name to it is just a God-awful idea.
    Right. That might look cool or another hero, but not Superman.
  11. MisterTorgo

    The Cape

    Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
    The really creepy thing is that Night Man is based on an actual comic book, published by Malibu comics back in the Ultraverse days.
    Yep. If you've read the book (as I did for the first half of its run, or so---before they gave him powers beyond the "hearing evil" thing), it's freaky to flip it on at random and see him stand-flying in cheesy fashion through San Francisco and saying "That guy and the big red wig looks a little like Night Man" before flipping it right back off.
  12. I should be clear, though: the rest of the show also bugs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    I thought they were nicely done and interesting enough for me to give the full series a shot.

    My wife, on the other hand, took one look at the first episode and at the moment where Optimus's face-shield slid back revealing a moving mouth/face she said "No. Just No." and walked away...

    Sometimes, she gets hung up on the strangest things. (Which is OK I guess. After all she married me, and I'm one of those strangest things)
    I'm gonna have to go with your wife. Did that come out wrong?
  14. MisterTorgo

    Thor trailer

    Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
    Anyone know if it was filmed in 3d (like avatar) or a **** digital conversion from 2d to 3d?
    Entertainment Weekly reports that, yea, the film has been enchanted by All-Father Odin to deliver the most senses-shattering 3-D that a mortal can withstand.
  15. MisterTorgo

    Thor trailer

    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    <nerdrage>He should call it Midgard!</nerdrage>
    I thought about that, too and I assume they say Midgard elsewhere in the film but how many among the general public would have known what he was saying if he'd said "this is Midgard, is't it?". I'm guessing they chose that word specifically for the trailer.

    They'd probably think he was talking about a moderately-priced, moderately-effective deodorant.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Or, conversely, she had the guts to go to a Playboy shoot, then call the shots and hold a higher standard for herself and her expecting audience.

    Consider the mental marketshare that she's got to command for Playboy to decide to go ahead and feature a cover model that ordered them around, and refused to do what Playboy Wanted.

    Sorry to burst whatever bubble you thought you had, but pulling off what Olivia pulled off with Playboy? That girls got a brass pair.
    Actually, that's probably more due to the fact that Playboy's clout and drawing power has fallen considerably since it's heyday, what with more popular and attention-getting photo shoot venues like Maxim, GQ and even the plain ol' internet. They haven't got the power to order anyone around, I'd wager, who isn't a complete unknown.

    As far as her not "Playboying up" in her shoot, had it been someone who didn't have a general air of being an attention-seeking hanger-on, I wouldn't have bat an eye and not even thought about it. But every time I see Munn, it seems like she's just playing for the spotlight with her ego in the driver's seat. It's just seems like a bugsome pattern.

    I will also say that if, when my brother gave me my first (and only) stack of Playboys when I was a teenager, I'd seen that the covergirl of the world's (then) leading nudie mag wasn't nudie, I'd've been upset. Given that that is what the mag is known for (and, oh yes, the articles), I see little problem with folks being annoyed...to a reasonable extent.
  17. MisterTorgo

    Thor trailer

    Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
    It looks a hell of a lot better than Green Lantern.

    Looking coolsome.
  18. This teaser has filled me with questions:

    How plastic will the Megan Fox stand-in look while staring into the distance, backed by lens flare? Megan Fox-level plastic, +1, or -1?

    Will we finally learn the fate of Anthony Anderson's throwaway character from part 1? Or will he get his own spinoff?

    How many racial caricatures will be featured in this film? I don't see blockbusters unless they prominently feature at least 4. The stakes are raised.

    Will Ma Witwicky's wacky-meter be raised again? I want to see them have to clam her down with a mallet to the head, followed by stars twirling around her cranium.

    Will they----screw it, it's gonna suck.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    That's an amazing article to remember him by.
  20. My waffles bring all the girls to the yard.

    Whatever that means.
  21. More to the point I stopped biting my nails and I started lifting dumbbells to keep my hands busy and out of my mouth.

    My nails look awesome now, thanks for asking.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    That would not really surprise me. It's hard for movies/shows to stay 100% true to an origin story.

    I guess the only question I'd have is whether or not the original comic book author is either directly working on the TV show right now or at least publicly endorses the changes that'll be made. If that were the case I'd have no misgivings about changes at all. Otherwise there's always the chance things can go bad.
    Funnily enough, this episode was actually written by series writer, Robert Kirkman.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    There's Superman grabbing him but it doesn't look like he punched him. And the illusion was within Superman's mind. A telepath was making him think he was fighting someone else.
    J'onn says that Superman strikes Batman and then sends him flying. After that, we see him being strangled. Well, apparently strangled. Really, them Kubert boys' artwork has never been high on my list, in part, because it's so indecipherable much of the time.

    The point being that J'onn wasn't under the illusion that Superman was having and he and the others clearly see that Superman did in fact "strike" Batman. If he did in fact do this thinking that Batman was Darkseid, Bruce's cowl should have been filled with nothing but Bat-goo.