Darkman (1990)
Ah yes, Darkman...
One of Rami's earliest films staring a youngish Liam Neeson. Gawd I do enjoy this film.
A bit cheesy, but considering when it was made, it's a film of it's time.
Thank you for the time...

Good movie, always pop it in every now and then. Liam Neeson as a psychotic hero was awesome

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
I remember this one fondly.
I remember when this one came out, all the employees at the local theater here wore "Who Is Darkman?" promo buttons. I remember the very sweet Danny Elfman score (which I used to play with as inspiration for one of my toons). I remember the carnival scene.
In short, I remember enjoying this movie very much.
"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
...brought to you by Carl's Jr.
It was a great little movie with a lot of "before they were stars" power behind it. The sequels weren't as bad as the Robocop sequels.
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Own it and watch it from time to time. Although if I'm in the mood for badass Neeson fix I generally pop in Taken, especially since that's on BluRay and Darkman's on DVD.
You know what kills me? 1990 was 20 years ago. Man.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
The liquid Terminator still looks pretty cool.
Don't forget the awesome Bruce Campbell cameo in Darkman!
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
So yeah I was looking through old movies; and well who remembers this gem? Yeah back when we walked to school ...up hill ....barefooted ...in a blizzard! This is pre dark knight; pre watchmen; pre sin city... We had someone who who everyone but no one; who was everywhere but no where! We had our Darkman!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L58rdhCfDIU If you never saw this movie; check it out. |
I saw Darkman 2:Return of Durant and I can see why it was straight to video but still fun. I have not seen Darkman 3 and not sure I want to.
Still I have to admit that the T-1000 still does indeed look cool, and that was rather cutting edge FX at the time as I recall. Look at what all that FX tech would lead to for future movies and TV shows......
Own it and watch it from time to time. Although if I'm in the mood for badass Neeson fix I generally pop in Taken, especially since that's on BluRay and Darkman's on DVD.
Now if they decide to make all 3 Blu Ray and sell them as a trilogy pack.....hmm
It was a great little movie with a lot of "before they were stars" power behind it. The sequels weren't as bad as the Robocop sequels.
Still, Frank Miller did get a bit carried away with #2 and then he was toned down too much for 3.
Though Robocop 3 at least gave Robocop some nice accessories.
Robocop Prime Directives: a nice mini series that started good but half way through part 3 I could feel the shark prepping for the jump and in part 4 boy did it jump......
A fun movie then and now. Also minor trivia note: Rami wanted to make the Shadow but the rights were a bit tough to obtain, hence Darkman.
I saw Darkman 2:Return of Durant and I can see why it was straight to video but still fun. I have not seen Darkman 3 and not sure I want to. |
What is interesting is that for 2 and 3 Liam is replaced by Arnold Vosloo, the actor who did Imhotep in the Mummy.
Too many alts to list.
Just read up on the wikipedia entry for Darkman, looks like they wanted to do a TV series and had a pilot made. Now that would have been interesting to see.
Perhaps if there is enough interest, a TV series could be done now? With FX tech being what it is, they should have little trouble with Darkman's many faces.
So yeah I was looking through old movies; and well who remembers this gem? Yeah back when we walked to school ...up hill ....barefooted ...in a blizzard! This is pre dark knight; pre watchmen; pre sin city... We had someone who who everyone but no one; who was everywhere but no where! We had our Darkman!
If you never saw this movie; check it out.