869 -
Perfect Pain and Golden Girl were never banned. Every forum has the insufferable fanperson who doesn't get banned for the reason that they play cheerleader for the game.
I want more combat systems like GW2, where you aren't always locked in place when using an ability and moving around actually does something. One thing I don't like is dodge rolling. That and blocking in other games doesn't really work with lag spikes.
The problem is that mmos are in a weird place right now. TSW is very awkward for an mmo payment plan. Hopefully more games like GW2 and War Z are released to shake up the MMO monotony.
People are freaking out because they added a new tier for rings and back slot items.
They were kind of screwed from the beginning from the engine they used.
I played this game because I like superheroes and I wanted to make my own.
Quote:I like GW2, but it's going to be an on and off thing for me.There are a ton of missions in GW2, and you can team in it as well, but you can also team without creating a team, in a sense. Personally I got bored with GW2 fairly quickly because the game lacks power progression. I might not have given it a fair shake.
I know for a fact that I am going to be playing Planetside 2 probably more than anything else in the near future. -
Usually when they develop something in the west they just shop it out to an outside developer. Yeah, they are pretty much hated by Mega Man fans and charging for on-disc DLC, but they are one of the main publishers of western games for the japanese market (GTA games are published by them over there).
So stating the obvious fact that cooperation between a group of people who aren't communicating is an act of sabotage?
Cryptic got screwed by Atari when they started out. Right now they are finally recovering enough to start adding things in game, like vehicles.
Quote:Pretty much, except I gave up on the game a few months before the announcement. The game became a less fun WoW with incarnate trials, and trying to do anything else felt like a waste of time.I gave up on the game when the server population went kaput. Which was sometime in mid September. Now I'm just logging in to finish up a few arcs and put my OCD for this game to bed.
I gave up on the "spiritual successor" to this game (Plan Z or whatever) when I saw who was in charge of it and how they were organized. Totally not going to end in anything but bickering and a seriously screwed up set of game mechanics.
Its OK though....this game was getting faded and dated, it was time to move on to something else. NCSoft just forced it to happen a little sooner than I expected. No big deal.
I totally got my moneys worth of happiness out of this game. So in my eyes, they are a bunch of over-achievers. Not all that credit goes to NCSoft, of course. Much of it goes to Cryptic directly. But still.....
Sometimes I would get inspired to make a new character. I would log in, then I realized most of my costume ideas need to be purchased in the shop, the powers as well (and not to mention having to bust open a thesaurus), and when I finally managed to make something serviceable, I get dropped into a laggy tutorial with an event at the end I have to do twice because if you don't get in right away as it starts, it doesn't count that you completed it. Couple this with going into a dead AP, the game just became uninteresting and no one was doing anything else besides itrials and the new shiny praetoria and Dark Astoria.
That was the best case scenario. Most of the time for the months leading up to me just ending my subscription were me having idea and just logging out when I couldn't do anything with it. -
Honestly, I never had any faith in any plan to save this game organized by the community, I just wanted to know what the last ditch effort was for the game. The only game they will be able to make is a sequel to the CoH flash game that was basically a modded version of Superman for the Atari 2600.l
Haha, oh wow. Do any of the people over there have any experience in game development?
I've been hearing about it. Is it a plan to jump ship to that new zombie mmo, War Z?
This thread perfectly encapsulates the CoH forum community.
Quote:I think the Coke analogy doesn't work that well with this situation. Coke was (surprisingly enough) the flagship drink of the Coca-Cola company, so of course they were more willing to appease its customers (and doing so made their sales increase more than Pepsi).Yes, I believe I am 100% ready to hear NCSoft's explanation right now. Yes, their two Public Relations statements qualify imo as examples of "EPIC FAIL". No, I don't think NCSoft or any company should single out my communication as the one to reply to. Rather, I think any reasonable customer letter, one that omits bombastic language, ought to be responded to, and many companies have a department dedicated to customer relations. Perhaps my communication was "lost in the shuffle" as you suggested or "not important enough" or otherwise slipped thru the cracks. Be that as it may, NCSoft dropping the ball on this reflects on them, and signals clearly how important my business as a customer is to them or isn't! Unless you're suggesting that NCSoft cannot distinguish between one customer's letter and another's? I'm not certain about "entities" but I expect businesses to act business-like, which means reading one's mail, sorting and filtering it, perhaps discarding/ignoring bombastic rants, but otherwise responding business-like to customer letters. (Presumably NCSoft still wants customers.)
Re: appeasing the angry crowd aka all of us, did you read the link I posted on "New Coke"? I actually like the Coca-Cola company version better than the Wikipedia synopsis. The reason I posted that is that Coca-Cola angered and upset MANY of its customers. Coke chose NOT to ignore it's customers. Coke wanted to win/survive the "cola wars" -- hence the "bold" step of New Coke/Coke II -- and Coke had the wisdom to see it had made a bad decision in doing away with its "failing" product and brought it back. "Classic" coca-cola came back ONLY because of customer action and letters.
CoH is to NCSoft as Surge is to the Coca-Cola company: A well-liked but under-performing product that was put out of commission by the company and has a small but vocal fanbase on facebook. -
Quote:An excellent example of my point.ok, lets recap:
1. Liking stuff and being upset when it gets snatched away from you for no reason is not only wrong, but stupid. [And we were never given a real reason, so dont start about that.]
2. Morality is idiotic. Only fools think that others should behave by moral norms. Corporations are people too, as we are oft' reminded here in the States, and so: ditto.
3. It is wrong to be upset when someone else takes your stuff with no warning, and then refuses to give it back when asked politely. Refuses to give it back, when offered money! Wow.
4. Hell, emotion, PERIOD is wrong and is the province of fools.
Some of you must be a real hoot in real life. Jaysus. -
Convincing a person that they are being emotional never works. Like they will suddenly respond in a rational manner.
Same thing every announced video game movie: went nowhere.
Quote:Yeah, GW2 is more skill based than any other mmo I've played. Basically, levels and professions don't matter, it's how you build and play the character, which makes for a better experience, especially for pvp.I disagree for this reason: loot, skill unlocks, and traits do have a major impact on performance, even with being leveled down to the area you're in. It's much easier going back to a level 6 zone as a level 80 character with all the phat lewt, traits, and skills you have earned over time.