Green Lantern: The Early Reviews Are Bad. Really Bad.




So sad. Well maybe they're all wrong.

Something witty and profound



I read the paper and they are horrible. In the Baltimore Sun, they said the GL makes Thor look like a Masterpiece...that is just sad.



Just a feeling I get from the trailers; everything in space and on Oa will be breathtaking, amazing, classic GL and wonderful. In contrast, all scenes on earth look terrible.

Still hoping I'm though, GL is one of my favorites



I'll see GL but probably not till it hits the dollar theatre. The review said that CGI was everywhere but the live scenes was just so bad.

Also, from the scenes, GL was uninspiring about applying his mind to the ring.



Well I had classified it as "wait for netflix/Pay per view" and I've not heard anything to upgrade that

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Funny the critics said the same thing as one of my co-workers. He liked GL but thought Thor was much better. He saw it via press release preview last night. I'm sure I'll still see it in theater though.



I got to see it last night and it was ok. I am a big DC and GL fan but still it was ok. What makes GL great is the GL Corps and all the supporting aliens.

The movie focused more on Hal and his relationships, which is ok, but took over the movie. They should have toned this down and made the movie shorter or added that to provide more about the rest of the Corps. I can see why they did it because sci-fy dosen't apeal to a lot of people, and they wanted the star to get more screentime.

If you look at Thor another comic that has a big supporting cast and has a sci-fy element they got it right.

I dont think it will be as big as DC hoped, maybe thats good for us DC fans as this may help crash their big reboot plans.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



I will still go see it in the theater. I have very little respect for critics, most of them are not even journalists and calling them hacks would be an insult to real crappy writers.

Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.



Ow. 24% on Rottentomates...

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Well, I'm going to go see it. I'm an old-school comic book nerd and GL's trailers haven't been so horrible that it doesn't get an automatic "You will buy ticket NOW".

What I'm expecting.

Due to the basic color palette of the movie (black and green) and the fact that we're going to have a lot of heavy-duty CGI, plus the fact that this film is also debuting in 3D), we're going to see a rather underlit film.

This is a Ryan Reynolds film. So snarky will be the watchword for humor in the film.

It's an origin story. But they're also trying to impart portions of the overall current mythos. So expect it to be a mash-up that doesn't really conform to either the canon origin story OR the mythos particularly well.

Also, as the speed of plot varies wildly between comics and movies, I expect the film to be rushing over certain points which don't push the film forward (but are important for GL back-story) and plodding through things that don't mean much to the overall GL story, but push the movie forward.

In short, it's probably going to be a mess of a film. But I go in with both eyes open on this.

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One of the more detailed discussions I've read... that ends with a "skip it" recommendation. I was never a GL fan, but until a month or two ago this was on my list to see in theater. The trailers and these reviews have dropped it to rental status.

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Originally Posted by BatFan View Post
I have very little respect for critics, most of them are not even journalists and calling them hacks would be an insult to real crappy writers.
Pretty much my opinion of critics and how much store I put in what they say, and that's if I even bother to listen to their reviews.



On the bright side, this may lower my expectations and enable me to enjoy the film more, whereas with X-Men: First Class I was expecting it to be awesome on an epic scale throughout because of all the positive feedback.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Pretty much my opinion of critics and how much store I put in what they say, and that's if I even bother to listen to their reviews.
Critics give some flavor of the movie. What they say isn't what I care about, it's the rating. The rating tells me whether to go watch it or not. When they rated Thor A-, that told me to wait to see it. You can always tell which critics have been bought off



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
On the bright side, this may lower my expectations and enable me to enjoy the film more, whereas with X-Men: First Class I was expecting it to be awesome on an epic scale throughout because of all the positive feedback.
X-men was worth the money but it wasn't over the top. I just want to avoid the total garbage movie that's pushed as the next blockbuster.



But my big question is...where can I buy my personal GL ring so I can pick up the women in the bars? I'm working on my lines now If the movies was going to be a hit I might be able to use it for two weekends but I might barely get a weekend out this movie(friday night, maybe...saturday night)



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
But my big question is...where can I buy my personal GL ring so I can pick up the women in the bars? I'm working on my lines now If the movies was going to be a hit I might be able to use it for two weekends but I might barely get a weekend out this movie(friday night, maybe...saturday night)

Want your own hard-light hologram "Schwartz" ring eh?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
But my big question is...where can I buy my personal GL ring so I can pick up the women in the bars? I'm working on my lines now If the movies was going to be a hit I might be able to use it for two weekends but I might barely get a weekend out this movie(friday night, maybe...saturday night)
If you have any artistic bent, you could always fashion one out of jade. Probably get more play with that than with a plastic one.



Looks like I'm skipping this one. My expectations were pretty low to begin with, but a 24% on RottenTomatoes tells me my $7 is better spent elsewhere.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Ow. 24% on Rottentomates...
just checking this it is 22% now

the actual critics raved it was awful but audience reviews said it was pretty good

i think overall it looks pretty good from the trailers, but $14 for a movie is too much



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
If you have any artistic bent, you could always fashion one out of jade. Probably get more play with that than with a plastic one.
I have no artistic bent. I'm a moron It was simply a question.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I have no artistic bent. I'm a moron It was simply a question.
Graphitti Designs

I had very low expectations for this movie and it sounds like they were well founded. My epectations of the movie were formed by Ryan Reynolds' reading of the GL oath in the trailers. It was fine until the end when he growl/screams, "Green Lanterns' LIGHT!!!"


Still might take in a matinee in a few weeks.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



21% rotten now. Skipping it.



Are you surprised? It has "Ryan Reynolds" as the main character!!!!!

He's like Mr. Shallow, he couldn't even keep Scarlett J. and she is almost 10 years younger than him. If you can't keep a clueless young woman like are pathetic.