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  1. For me it's the giant penny in KR. But for the server, the Hive was where the crazy of the Justice community really shined.

    "Kronos Titan has a hold, noob."
  2. Just checking: this is going to happen on the ground, by Posi, right?

    I have to work during that time so I'm going to use the AE/TF mission trick to avoid autologging and park my main there early (hopefully I won't LCM while I'm out).
  3. WooHoo! got one

    35Q5-LUKP-RAEG-2XQ6-BURC is used.
  4. Posi,

    For the last 8 years CoH has been more than a game:
    City of Heroes was a hobby, a passion, a muse.
    A companion, a therapist, a friend.
    A hangout, a comic shop, and a home.
    I am truly grateful to have lived in a time of heroes...and was lucky enough to play one.

    To you, Jack, Sean, Melissa, Christopher, Floyd, Cuppa, Jay, and countless others...Thank you.

    Til we meet again...keep /dance-ing
  5. Thought it was just me so I reset my password to check, it still didn't let me in. But I was overdue for a PW update anyway so it all worked out.
  6. Great vids and cool tips, keep em up!

    And thanks to Canine for plugging my original AE craft center, the Crafter's Cafe, still serving Paragon's finest daily!

    Also, you may want to note a warning that the Lost Curing Wand will eat up your salvage and not craft if you do it in AE. Normal temp powers can be crafted, but mission items won't.
  7. Yay! Another classic finally earns it's proper place!
  8. Did someone say screenshots?

    ...oh wait, these are all made with EXISTING costume options! Can't wait for the new stuff!!
  9. Mega-gratz!! Long overdue, PW and very well-deserved
  10. Go for it, I think I'm the only West Coaster and I'm spotty at best for attendance lately. Just let me know the new time and I'll update the OP and MA Arc Finder MOTD.
  11. This week our fearless leader, Lord of Storms, was absent with RL issues so Doc Gemini & myself decided to duo a couple arcs that were requested in this thread:

    #521781 "This Inglorious War" by @Issen1
    5 mishes/Heroic

    #515140 "The Serpent Beyond the Horizon" by @Anklyosaur
    4 mishes/Heroic

    MOST CHALLENGING: Inglorious War

  12. Do you have a list of all the entrants for those of us interested in trying them out?
  13. Here are the Villain-tines arcs we played last week. They were all top-notch and just may find a new home in your heart:

    #2260 "The Burning Heart" by @TheDeepBlue
    4 mishes/Villainous

    #58492 "King's Row Story" by @Tempest56
    3 mishes/Heroic

    #114284 "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" by @FredrikSvanberg
    5 mishes/Villainous
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    Been working Sundays the past few weeks so I haven't had the ability to join. No clue whether it'll remain consistent or change up.
    ^^^-- Like!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    My thoughts on the OP:

    ^^ This.
  16. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    This weekend @Lord of Storms picked up the mantle and chose a Christmas theme. We played 2 X-Mas arcs:

    #18775 "City of Ho Ho Ho"
    3 mission/Heroic by @Tubbius

    #353610 "The Christmas Zombie Attack"
    3 mission/Neutral by @dedcat 2

    BEST ACTION City of Ho Ho Ho
    BEST CUSTOMS & BEST OVERALL The Christmas Zombie Attack
    Next week: 12/25/11, it's Christmas! Take a day offline and spend it with your family and/or loved ones.
  17. This weekend @Lord of Storms picked up the mantle and chose a Christmas theme. We played 2 X-Mas arcs:

    #18775 "City of Ho Ho Ho"
    3 mission/Heroic by @Tubbius

    #353610 "The Christmas Zombie Attack"
    3 mission/Neutral by @dedcat 2

    BEST ACTION City of Ho Ho Ho
    BEST CUSTOMS & BEST OVERALL The Christmas Zombie Attack
    Next week: 12/25/11, it's Christmas! Take a day offline and spend it with your family and/or loved ones.
  18. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    To celebrate the release of the Gunslinger costume pack, the AE Storyteam decided to strap on their chaps & spurs and seek out some six-gun action with Western Ædventures! This time around, 4 arcs caught our fancy:

    #93431 "The Big Roundup"
    1 mission/Heroic by @suedenim

    #226126 "Cowboys and Indians..."
    2 mission/Heroic by @Arkangelo

    #121376 "BlackeyedBart's Loot"
    2 missions/Neutral by @a phoenix

    #333593 "Roundup in Paragon"
    1 mission/Neutral by @Leroy1

    With a genre as classic and wide open as Westerns it was surprising that there were very few arcs with more than 1 or 2 missions. While the arcs we found were still fun, they were more on the quickie concept/customs side than deep story/character arcs. Heads up AE authors: The "epic," CoH cowboy arc is still ripe for the picking!
    I'm kind of strapped for time this week so I'll just get right to the accolades!

    BEST OVERALL - The Big Roundup
    MOST IN NEED OF FEEDBACK - Cowboys and Indians
    BEST COMEDY/ONE-LINERS - BlackeyedBart's Loot
    BEST CUSTOMS - Roundup in Paragon
    Next week: 12/18/11, I'll be taking a short hiatus from running the AE Storyteam and will be passing the baton over to Lord of Storms. For the next few weeks we'll be meeting on Lord's home server of Liberty in RWZ at Noon Eastern, 9am Pacific.) All levels and ATs are welcome. Come out and make Lord of Storms feel welcome
  19. To celebrate the release of the Gunslinger costume pack, the AE Storyteam decided to strap on their chaps & spurs and seek out some six-gun action with Western Ædventures! This time around, 4 arcs caught our fancy:

    #93431 "The Big Roundup"
    1 mission/Heroic by @suedenim

    #226126 "Cowboys and Indians..."
    2 mission/Heroic by @Arkangelo

    #121376 "BlackeyedBart's Loot"
    2 missions/Neutral by @a phoenix

    #333593 "Roundup in Paragon"
    1 mission/Neutral by @Leroy1

    With a genre as classic and wide open as Westerns it was surprising that there were very few arcs with more than 1 or 2 missions. While the arcs we found were still fun, they were more on the quickie concept/customs side than deep story/character arcs. Heads up AE authors: The "epic," CoH cowboy arc is still ripe for the picking!
    I'm kind of strapped for time this week so I'll just get right to the accolades!

    BEST OVERALL - The Big Roundup
    MOST IN NEED OF FEEDBACK - Cowboys and Indians
    BEST COMEDY/ONE-LINERS - BlackeyedBart's Loot
    BEST CUSTOMS - Roundup in Paragon
    Next week: 12/18/11, I'll be taking a short hiatus from running the AE Storyteam and will be passing the baton over to Lord of Storms. For the next few weeks we'll be meeting on Lord's home server of Liberty in RWZ at Noon Eastern, 9am Pacific.) All levels and ATs are welcome. Come out and make Lord of Storms feel welcome
  20. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    Superman has Krypto. Batman has Ace. And now Paragon's heroes & villains have their own furry companions, too! With the recent introduction of 4 pawed friends, it felt like a good time to explore what AE has offer in the way of Pet Ædoptions! 3 arcs made this week's playlist:

    #244158 "A Pound of Cure"
    1 mission/Neutral by @ChaosCoyote

    #163220 "DeadKitty and the Vahzilok Rejects"
    1 mission/Heroic by @Euryale

    #489005 "Well of the Furries"
    3 missions/Neutral by @Rodion

    This week's mix of arcs were cute, fun loving, and just need a good player to run them, love them, and keep them warm.
    Our first arc up for Ædoption was a fun trip to the Pound! A Pound of Cure sends your hero on a mission to save cute critters from mutating into dangerous pets that need to be put down. Lots of PUN action, varied customs, and even talking birds!! Check this one out for MOST VARIETY!

    Our next potential RÆscue features a clever twist on a familiar enemy group as you fight DeadKitty and the Vahzilok Rejects. Explore a humorous, clever, and well-detailed take on the Vahzilok and learn why, one day, cats will rule us all. MOST ORIGINAL! I LOVED IT. IT WAS MUCH BETTER THAN CATS...

    We find our final pet-Æ-the-week at the bottom of the Well of the Furries. Sure, you could go the easy route and become an Incarnate at level 50...but do you dare seek Incarnal knowledge?!? A fun, nearly mission-by-mission parody of the Incarnate arc, the Well of the Furries is more than just a's an homage to CoH lore and a fun arc filled with detailed customs and witty dialog. BEST CUSTOMS! BEST OVERALL!
    For a city who's major pet population consists of flaming monkies and demons from Heck, AE provides a nice alternative to finding a companion you can make a real connection with. It may not be able to roll over or beg, but AE could be a Hero's best friend

    Next week: 12/11/11, we search out the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly in AE. That's right, Gunslingers have invaded our fair town and it's gonna BE a shootout at AE Saloon with Western Ædventures! Join us on Liberty in RWZ at High Noon (Eastern, 9am Pacific.) All levels and ATs are welcome, partner
  21. Superman has Krypto. Batman has Ace. And now Paragon's heroes & villains have their own furry companions, too! With the recent introduction of 4 pawed friends, it felt like a good time to explore what AE has offer in the way of Pet Ædoptions! 3 arcs made this week's playlist:

    #244158 "A Pound of Cure"
    1 mission/Neutral by @ChaosCoyote

    #163220 "DeadKitty and the Vahzilok Rejects"
    1 mission/Heroic by @Euryale

    #489005 "Well of the Furries"
    3 missions/Neutral by @Rodion

    This week's mix of arcs were cute, fun loving, and just need a good player to run them, love them, and keep them warm.
    Our first arc up for Ædoption was a fun trip to the Pound! A Pound of Cure sends your hero on a mission to save cute critters from mutating into dangerous pets that need to be put down. Lots of PUN action, varied customs, and even talking birds!! Check this one out for MOST VARIETY!

    Our next potential RÆscue features a clever twist on a familiar enemy group as you fight DeadKitty and the Vahzilok Rejects. Explore a humorous, clever, and well-detailed take on the Vahzilok and learn why, one day, cats will rule us all. MOST ORIGINAL! I LOVED IT. IT WAS MUCH BETTER THAN CATS...

    We find our final pet-Æ-the-week at the bottom of the Well of the Furries. Sure, you could go the easy route and become an Incarnate at level 50...but do you dare seek Incarnal knowledge?!? A fun, nearly mission-by-mission parody of the Incarnate arc, the Well of the Furries is more than just a's an homage to CoH lore and a fun arc filled with detailed customs and witty dialog. BEST CUSTOMS! BEST OVERALL!
    For a city who's major pet population consists of flaming monkies and demons from Heck, AE provides a nice alternative to finding a companion you can make a real connection with. It may not be able to roll over or beg, but AE could be a Hero's best friend

    Next week: 12/11/11, we search out the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly in AE. That's right, Gunslingers have invaded our fair town and it's gonna BE a shootout at AE Saloon with Western Ædventures! Join us on Liberty in RWZ at High Noon (Eastern, 9am Pacific.) All levels and ATs are welcome, partner
  22. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    Didn't have enough turkey last thursday? Still have room for another slice of pie or a heaping of Mom's fruit salad? Did you sleep through the Thanksgiving Day parade or the football game? Well, you can always find some Thanksgiving LÆftovers at your local AE! This week we loaded up a couple quick holiday-related arcs that are sure to please your palate:

    #349017 "Cranberry Express"
    1 mission/Neutral by @Crystal Vanquisher

    #1614 "Don't Rain on My Parade"
    1 mission/Heroic by @President Black

    I was pressed for time this weekend, in order to get on the freeway home with the rest of America, so we just ran some quickies. Both of them were fun arcs and were made even better with the company of 2 new AE players joining in the team! (Thanks for joining us, Teeto & Pixie!)
    First up was a PUN-tastic romp called Cranberry Express! This little side dish of fun was fresher than a can of Smuckers! Custom groups, witty dialog, and clever humor make this arc BEST CONCEPT & BEST COMEDY!

    Our 2nd serving of AE adventure was a Work In Progress titled Don't Rain on My Parade. The annual Freedom Phalanx Parade is in jeopardy of being sabotaged and it's up to your hero to save the day! Once again, a fun, quick arc with good dialog and a simple, fast-paced story that makes you feel like a hero! Unfortunately, a couple hostages' character models have been invalidated and turned into MekMen, and the arc is supposed to continue in a 2nd mission that doesn't exist yet, but it's still worthy of BEST WORK IN PROGRESS!
    There are a cornucopia of arcs still left on the try-out list, but just not enough room to sample them all. If you're looking for a 2nd helping of Thanksgiving fun, do a search yourself and see if you can find something to fill up your plate!

    Next week: 12/4/11, I've noticed that the pet population in Paragon City has recently blown out of control. So, we'll take a visit to the virtual animal shelter that is AE and see if there's any Pet Ædoptions available! Join us on Pinnacle in RWZ at the normal time. All levels and ATs are welcome
  23. Didn't have enough turkey last thursday? Still have room for another slice of pie or a heaping of Mom's fruit salad? Did you sleep through the Thanksgiving Day parade or the football game? Well, you can always find some Thanksgiving LÆftovers at your local AE! This week we loaded up a couple quick holiday-related arcs that are sure to please your palate:

    #349017 "Cranberry Express"
    1 mission/Neutral by @Crystal Vanquisher

    #1614 "Don't Rain on My Parade"
    1 mission/Heroic by @President Black

    I was pressed for time this weekend, in order to get on the freeway home with the rest of America, so we just ran some quickies. Both of them were fun arcs and were made even better with the company of 2 new AE players joining in the team! (Thanks for joining us, Teeto & Pixie!)
    First up was a PUN-tastic romp called Cranberry Express! This little side dish of fun was fresher than a can of Smuckers! Custom groups, witty dialog, and clever humor make this arc BEST CONCEPT & BEST COMEDY!

    Our 2nd serving of AE adventure was a Work In Progress titled Don't Rain on My Parade. The annual Freedom Phalanx Parade is in jeopardy of being sabotaged and it's up to your hero to save the day! Once again, a fun, quick arc with good dialog and a simple, fast-paced story that makes you feel like a hero! Unfortunately, a couple hostages' character models have been invalidated and turned into MekMen, and the arc is supposed to continue in a 2nd mission that doesn't exist yet, but it's still worthy of BEST WORK IN PROGRESS!
    There are a cornucopia of arcs still left on the try-out list, but just not enough room to sample them all. If you're looking for a 2nd helping of Thanksgiving fun, do a search yourself and see if you can find something to fill up your plate!

    Next week: 12/4/11, I've noticed that the pet population in Paragon City has recently blown out of control. So, we'll take a visit to the virtual animal shelter that is AE and see if there's any Pet Ædoptions available! Join us on Pinnacle in RWZ at the normal time. All levels and ATs are welcome
  24. Best Lowbie Arc: designed for levels 20 or lower

    #1: The Blue Devils #468738 by @Flame Kitten (aka Coulomb2)
    #2: Tutorial Arc 3: Dark Harvest #470181 by @Khonshu