AE Storyteam info, schedule & reviews
Today we had a full team of Storyteamers as we loaded up 2 Ædvertised Arcs from the forum's Announce thread.
#183832 "Save the Diver, Save the World" by @Ankylosaur
5 mish/Heroic
#500325 "Nothing to Worry About" @Apolinus
4 mish/Heroic
Save the Diver is an arc that presents a unique challenge: setting the story in a flooded Paragon City! With close ties to canon the author introduces and expands on the concept of Coralax, Freakshow, Slags and more. Then makes creative use of maps to present a Paragon City that's been retaken by the sea.It was great to see such a good turnout today! Lots of fun in team chat and I think the authors got some useful feedback from the group.
While I had issues with the "Heroic" label of the arc, it's still a richly detailed story with a very unique spin. BEST OVERALL
Nothing to Worry About is a darker themed story that starts with a meteor crash in Atlas Park and ends with you pretty much saving all of reality...but at what cost? The custom groups you encounter in the arc really shine with well-detailed costumes and backgrounds. BEST CUSTOMS
Next meeting: 7/24/11, our theme will be "High Roller"...but with a twist! Instead of the High Roller picking from their normal fav list, everyone comes prepared with a list of "Mystery" genre arcs. High Roller picks their favorite "Mystery" arc to play!!
So, polish off your magnifying glasses and pack up your smoking pipes, there's a mystery afoot next week on Pinnacle!! See ya there!!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
It was another fun run of Storyteaming with a surprise visit from Wrong Number and PoliceWoman this week! Today we met on Pinnacle server for a round of High Roller with "Mystery" themed arcs:
#156389 "Kiss Hello Goodbye" by @Kitsune9tails
5 mish/Neutral
#189439 "The Fireside Poet" @Star-Girl
5 mish/Heroic
Normally when we play High Roller whomever gets the high roll of a /e dice chooses any arc they want. But this week, we decided to put a new spin on the game: the winner had to choose a Mystery-Themed arc to play, instead! So, that meant the Storyteam had "homework" to find Mystery arcs and they didn't dissapoint.It was really fun to see some old faces back in the AE and I look forward to seeing more of you next week!
I won the first roll and, despite playing a few qualifying arcs this week, chose one that was on my playlist but ran out of time to test! I had little to worry about, tho, as Kiss Hello Goodbye was already a well-received arc from PW's contact tree list.
This unique, Mystery-Themed arc has a definitively Noir slant, and is presented as an internal monologue of your character. While that's normally a no-no in AE Arcs (hijacking the player's character) it works especially well for a Noir story to set the tone. Of course, this means the story can be a little strange if you're playing a female character, but if you can get past that point of contention you'll find a richly detailed, intriguing story with memorable characters that come to life. Plus all the plot twists & turns you expect from good Noir!! BEST OVERALL
Bubbawheat chose our other Mystery arc and picked a less well-known story. The Fireside Poet was more of a grim & gruesome crime tale but still had nice a bit of mystery to it. While we all thought it could use more details, a few typo edits, and patrol dialog to flesh it out more, it was still a well-crafted arc that was very lowbie friendly. It had the feel of an author's early attempt at AE, just learning the tricks, and a lot of potential. MOST GRUESOME
Next meeting: 7/31/11, Union Server. In honor of the upcoming Signature Arc Storylines and the mystery of Who Will Die?, our theme will be "the Surviving Æight!"...arcs that spotlight Signature members of the Phalanx! Come prepped with your favorite or newly-found Surviving Æight arcs and we'll choose the ones that sound most fun!
We'll be meeting on GunBunny's home server next Sunday, so make sure you've got an alt on Union!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Another week brings another weekend of fun with the AE Storyteam! This week, in honor of the upcoming Signature Story arcs, we ran a "Surviving Æight" theme thru our arc choices:
#1266 "Mission Completed" by @TopDoc
1 mish/Heroic
#351568 "Just Killing Time" by @Silver-Dragon
5 mish/Heroic
#257226 "'Tis Nobler in the Mind" by @LaserJesus
5 mish/
Our first arc, Mission Completed, features Synapse in what could be the closest thing you ever get to an "I WIN!" button in the game. Don't miss the witty dialog in the mission as you speed thru this fun story! MOST CREATIVE!We actually had 2 teams running for most of today's session and it's great to see everyone still out and supporting the Storyteam. We could use some more support (ie. Tank & Control) ATs, so if you have an idea for an alt, please consider rolling one on a few future servers. But there's still no other group I'd rather eat floor with each week
With that little warm-up out of the way we move on to Just Killing Time, which, with it's rich detail and moral choices, was anything but a time filler. This arc features, or rather is closely tied to the history of Manticore. Fans of the old CoH comic will particularly enjoy the premise of this arc and 1st mission clue.
While the arc is not without its flaws in trying to force the player to make decisions they normally would not make without considering other options, it's still a well-detailed story with some very unique mechanics. Especially the final battle with a moral choice for the player to make (and this time it doesn't involve a timer!!) BEST CONCEPT
Manticore shows up again in our 3rd arc, along with his beautiful love interest Sister Psyche. 'Tis Nobler in the Mind is a story that takes you on a crusade against a heinous plot by Arachnos to control the minds of Paragon City. It's going to take the actions of your hero and 2 of the Surviving 8 to stop it!
The dialog and details in this arc are top notch but be warned, Arachnos is not holding back and the difficultly level may be a bit high if you're playing on a large team. BEST MIND TRIP

Next meeting: 8/7/11, Freedom Server. Our theme will be one that's close to my heart: "Tales of the MundÆne!!" Whether it's doing laundry, some last minute shopping, or making a sandwich, Heroes have mundane chores they need to accomplish every day. And next Sunday we try to find a few that could be fun to AE!
Join us on Freedom at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
What do heroes & villains do when they're not duking it out for world domination? When they're not getting tied up in Nemesis plots and Arachnos' schemes? When they just need a break from the extraordinary? This week the AE Storyteam went on the hunt for arcs that explored this oft-forgotten aspect of super-powerdom and found these: Tales of the MundÆne!
#202959 "Ghost in the Washing Machine" by @Blue Fury
1 mish/Neutral
#4562 "Household Chores of the Damned" by @TwoFlower
5 mish/Villainous
#345414 "CostClub Catastrophe" by @Ryanthius
1 mish/Neutral (Honorable Mention)
Our non-adventures begin, quaintly enough, in an encounter with the Ghost in the Washing Machine! Ever wonder how that 1 sock always seems to get lost in the laundry? Or how your favorite shirt mysteriously goes missing on occasion? This arc explores the sinister group involved with the disappearance of your unmentionables and a plot to take over the city where your dirty laundry could be the key to saving or destroying us all.Despite a few technical glitches it was a fun run this weekend with a full group (+2) of Storyteamers! Next week is Double XP Weekend so I'm not expecting a huge turnout, plus I'll be unavailable due to some real life mundane adventures, so we'll keep the theme TBD by whomever shows up! Hope you all have fun w/o me and find some good stories I can play when I get back.
The arc is actually a bit light on story but the custom enemies, bios, and humor make this a fun, quick arc to brighten up any dull day you're having. BEST EXPLANATION OF MISSING SOCKS!
Next, we load up a classic tale of derring don't! In the Household Chores of the Damned your villain finds out just how much work goes into running a successful evil empire. It's not easy when your minions aren't available and you have to get your own hands dirty with tasks like depositing checks and picking up groceries!! DAAHH DAAHH DAAHH DUUNNNNN!! Luckily, you have the world's best evil assistant to help you through the ordeal and ensure your plans for world domination are kept on track. The devil truly IS in the details, y'know?
The dialog, details, and laugh out loud funny humor in this arc make the mundane tasks of running your empire even more exciting than monologing a hapless hero. And you won't believe how satisfying it is to beat the pants off the custom enemy in the final mission!! BEST OVERALL!! BEST CUSTOMS!!
The clock ran out before we could make a run to CostClub Catastrophe, but this quickie 1 mission arc is chock-full of stockboy-insider humor and some of the best bulk item bargains in the city! Give it a spin, and don't forget your membership card. HONORABLE MENTION! BEST BARGAINS!

Next meeting: 8/14/11, Triumph Server. Theme: "TBA/General Teaming" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
This week we had a smaller, but still decent turnout on Triumph and I decided to make the theme DC Double XP Roundup. We ran some Dev's Choice arcs on standard rewards to get a little something extra out of double XP weekend
First we ran [ZQ] Once and Future King by @Sumerian. It was an older arc, that could use some improvements but it was an overall decent, if occasionally confusing prequel story about Blue Steel and the Clockwork King.
Then we ran Two Tickets to Westerly by @PW. One of the more recent Dev's choices, which came from Aeon's 2nd challenge. I was more than a little distracted during this arc, but I remember it as an excellent as usual story from @PW.
I didn't pick a theme for next week either, so we can leave that open unless you've got something in mind, Backfire.
Thanks Bubba, now I can make an official review post!
Last weekend was Double XP Weekend and, as many of you know, AE Arcs are exempt from the Double XP boost...with one exception: Dev Choice arcs!! So, to take full advantage of the special occasion, the AE Storyteam hosted a Double XP Dev Choice Round-up! There was time for 2 arcs this week:
#71601 "[ZQ]The Once and Future King" by @Sumerian
5 mish/Heroic
#374002 Two Tickets to Westerly" by @PW
4 mish/Heroic
Unfortunately, I was out of town for the weekend but Bubbawheat was kind enough to give a couple quick reviews!
First we ran [ZQ] The Once and Future King by @Sumerian. It was an older arc, that could use some improvements but it was an overall decent, if occasionally confusing prequel story about Blue Steel and the Clockwork King. I hear a good time was had and many Double XPs were gained! If you haven't tried these Dev Choices, load 'em up and judge for yourself if they're DC-worthy. Plus, earn a few XPs on the wayQuote:
Then we ran Two Tickets to Westerly by @PW. One of the more recent Dev's choices, which came from Aeon's 2nd challenge. I was more than a little distracted during this arc, but I remember it as an excellent as usual story from @PW.
Next meeting: 8/21/11, Virtue Server. Theme: "Optimized Arcs!" Following up on my recent post about finding story arcs that give rewards comparable to farms, we'll load up a few of the suggested stories and see how they pan out! Join us on Virtue at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!
Craft your inventions in AE!!
Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
This weekend we ran a little experiment with the AE Storyteam. As many of you know, we normally play AE for the story, not the XPs, but this week I put out a call for arcs that have BOTH! "Æptimized" Arcs, I called them, and many were submitted for our review:
#416951 "The Ms Manners Task Force" by @Wrong NumberWe randomly picked which arcs to run by rolling a die and everyone reported how many tickets they earned each mission. What kinds of rewards would we get on top of a rewarding story? It was time to find out!!
4 missions
#322480 "Day Job Hell: A Villain's First Day Job" by @Clave_Dark_5
4 missions
"Evolve Or Die" by @FredrikSvanberg
?? missions
#271637 "Welcome to M.A.G.I." by @Doctor Gemini
5 missions
#12285 "Small Fears" by TeCameleon
3 missions
#363366 "Attack of the 50 Foot Villain" by @PW
1 mission
#366083 "Another Nemesis Plot?" by Necrotech_Master
5 missions
First off was Day Job Hell, a lowbie-friendly arc that puts the player into the position of a hard working villain looking to make their big break. The story was well written with rich details, sharp dialog, and funny humor with a well developed plot & motivations! But was it "Optimized?"So, our first attempt at finding Æptimized Arcs didn't pan out so well. But we're not done looking for arcs that strike a balance between rewards and story. If you have an arc YOU think is Optimized, please submit it and we just may give it a run next week!
On a team of 6 at regular settings here's how each mission's rewards panned out:M1- 7 minutes, 127 tix (avg) per playerKeep in mind, there is no established 'baseline' of what defines "good rewards" but the consensus was that this arc should be played for the story, not the XPs. REWARDING STORY!!
M2- 9 minutes, 327 tix (avg) per player
M3- 5 minutes, 126 tix (avg) per player
M4- 11 minutes, 234 tix (avg) per player
Next up, we tried Small Fears, a darker-themed story that is rich with custom creatures that could keep you up at night and a unique, almost poetic, storyline that is both creepy and gripping.
Unfortunately, those awesome customs were too powerful for our team and, after almost 30 minutes trying to complete the 1st mission with many team wipes, we dropped the arc in search of one that is more lowbie-friendly. We'd classify this arc as more of a "Challenge" than "Optimized."
We also skipped the Ms Manners Task Force, seeing as how it was marked a "Challenge" arc, and chose Welcome to M.A.G.I., instead. This arc had a very canon feel to it with meta-humor, a solid plot, and great action any lowbie could handle!
Unfortunately, 2 missions into the arc 1 of the members dropped team and we got hit with the dreaded Leader Bug. It was already lunch time, so, we dropped the arc and decided to give it a fresh run next week! Hopefully we'll have better luck.
Next meeting: 8/28/11, Victory Server. Theme: "Optimized Arcs...continued!" Join us on Victory at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
If you want greater rewards you need to pick harder/challenge arcs which are going to require high level characters and tougher settings. If you are just looking for arcs that give close to 100% exp I'm betting you can pick any of any seasoned author's arcs. I know every arc I every made has 90%-100% reward levels with most near 100%. I bet most authors will say the same.
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
Like I said, this is an experiment. I still believe an arc doesn't have to be a "challenge" to give decent rewards and I'm hoping to find rewarding arcs that are playable by pick up groups, not just min/maxed builds & teams.
If I get a group of 4 or 5 players together to run some AE mishes, it should be reasonable to expect good rewards without dying the whole time. Just like if I were running a PUG with regular missions.
90-100% reward levels seems a bit inconsistent, as we learned with Clave's this weekend. He used mostly standard enemies that give full rewards, but ones like the Hydras give low rewards even at 90-100%.
If nothing else, hopefully we'll get a 'baseline' of expected rewards from story arcs.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Like I said, this is an experiment. I still believe an arc doesn't have to be a "challenge" to give decent rewards and I'm hoping to find rewarding arcs that are playable by pick up groups, not just min/maxed builds & teams.
90-100% reward levels seems a bit inconsistent, as we learned with Clave's this weekend. He used mostly standard enemies that give full rewards, but ones like the Hydras give low rewards even at 90-100%. |
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Oop... aye, sorry Backfire. I completely forgot that these Storyteam runs tend to be extremely lowbie-heavy. Small Fears is balanced as a modestly challenging (depending on team composition) 45-50 arc. It's more than a little likely to do rather unpleasant things to a team full of lowbies.
... also, I think that's the highest praise I've ever gotten from someone who couldn't complete the first mission O.o
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Oop... aye, sorry Backfire. I completely forgot that these Storyteam runs tend to be extremely lowbie-heavy. Small Fears is balanced as a modestly challenging (depending on team composition) 45-50 arc. It's more than a little likely to do rather unpleasant things to a team full of lowbies.
... also, I think that's the highest praise I've ever gotten from someone who couldn't complete the first mission O.o |
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
Heads up. I just got a last minute RL schedule conflict for this weekend's AE Storyteam meet and will not be able to attend.
Was hoping to at least run thru Doctor Gemini's MAGI arc and record the tix from it with the team. If you want to run it, please note the tickets & time for each mish. If you want to run something else we can do it the following week.
Have fun!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
This week the AE Storyteam hit Victory. I missed last week so I figured I wouldn't be best for trying to keep up with the whole ticket thing. With the low level game getting a revamp, I felt it would be nice to run some low level arcs.
First up was Mercytown #6017 by @Frija. Teaming up with comrade Dmitri Krylov we research Coralax in name of science! While we encounter some sort of mystic tome, an even greater force known as copyright filter cause mayhem in plans. However, it is no match for great strength of team.
The second arc was Outbroken #379017 by @Aehead. With our old friend Coyote getting infected with the Outbreak virus and suffering occassional OUTBURTS OF RAGE, we're tasked with helping setup training new heroes. With some of locations being mildly EXTREMELY DANGEROUS...WHO WOULD SET THIS UP FOR NEWBS?!?, we try to find out just what's going on. Manages to have some fun mechanics considering SOMEONE JUST HAD TO PRESS THE BUTTON.
I may need some rest...
I kept track of my Tickets for the heck of it.
Mercytown (Team Size = 7?)
M1 = 124 Tix @6 mins
M2 = 64 Tix @9 mins
M3 = 369 Tix @7 mins
M4 = 109 Tix @8 mins
M5 = 578 Tix @11 mins
Total of 1244 Tix in 41 mins of action time (@30 Tix a min)
Outbroken (Team Size = 5?)
M1 = 156 Tix @9 mins
M2 = 455 Tix @13 mins
M3 = 152 Tix @12 mins
M4 = 146 Tix @11 mins
M5 = 0 Tix @4 mins
Total of 909 Tix in 45 mins of action time (@20 Tix a min)
I ended up with 2241 tickets from Mercytown, giving me almost 55 tickets per minute and showing how wildly ticket drops can swing.
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
Good to see the AE Storyteam kept on rolling in my absence this weekend. And a big WELCOME BACK to SupaFreak!
Great theme you came up with, Zam! I look forward to running these solo and seeing what I missed.
8/28/11: "Lowbie Ædventures!":
#6017 "Mercytown" by @Frija
5 missions/Villainous
#379017 "Outbroken" by @Aehaed
5 missions/Heroic
Next meeting: 9/4/11, we return to Triumph Server to celebrate the end of summer vacation. Theme: "BÆck to School!" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Thanx Backfire. Settled in at new residence too, but gotta find a way to get cable modem back. Wi-Fi isn't cutting it for my City action. Feels like I'l back on dial-up during prime time here.
which are going to require high level characters and tougher settings.

I don't know how I missed the fact that you guys ran my arc earlier in this thread... Anyways, I think WN's right there and that for real "good rewards" (i.e., 'farming' level of rewards) you do have to face down custom foes, not stock (such as I used in my arc) - and these foes should be weak and easy to mow down by design.
From what I know of farms they tend to be tailored to the team's (or leader's) strengths and away from their weaknesses, while being vulnerable themselves to their strengths; they often seem to include a rezz ability to make them a double-XP opportunity. This mild form of cheating allows for a greater dropped-foes-per-second ratio. No standard mobs are going to be able to compete against that... which is kind of what I was expecting you guys might run into with my arc. Still, interesting experiment. ![]() |
I also don't think lowbie ticket earnings are indicative of anything other than that lowbies kill slowly. If you got a team of mid- to high-level characters together, picked a level 50 arc and cranked up the difficulty, I bet you'd be getting way more than 55 tickets per minute, barring any low-rewarding enemies (Family, Hydra) or customs with excessive resistances or debuffs.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Farming level rewards are actually well beyond the expected reward level for the game in general. That is why people run these farms. There is no other way to get rewards that fast, in or out of AE. If there was, they'd probably be running outside AE; have you looked at purple prices lately?

And yes I have looked at purple prices lately, I make most of my inf buying and crafting them in fact and I'm doing quite well right now.

My post was written pre-coffee-takes-effect, so I probably wasn't very clear, but what you describe was my point: nothing currently farms like an AE farm set up right. I guess we'll have to start writing all of our stories to include rezzing fire-weak foes to get any plays.
![]() |
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Thanks for the feedback on the Optimized Arcs experiment. While my experiment may have been flawed from the start at least it got a few authors thinking about their arcs in a new light. I knew the story arcs were not going to give as many tickets, but what I was really curious about was how big a difference there is...and it is significant.
We haven't played enough arcs to really have a good sample for an average, but I'm going to continue tracking tickets on my own in hopes of getting to that number. Even if we can't reach Farming level ticket drops, it would be nice to have an average number we can shoot for to be considered 'good' to 'above average.'
And as for farm characters needing to be high level & /fire only, see TopDoc's thread on the claws/electric brute that can run at lvl 1 (albeit, with +1/x8 & a lot of insps). While the arc is very specialized it just shows that there's many different ways to accomplish the same goals in AE. I still hold out hope that we can find/create arcs that are both story-rich and tangibly rewarding.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Ambush City, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ambush - Arc #1043
Strife of the Grave - Arc #3409
Shift - Arc #529411
If you would like the AE Storyteam to visit your server simply let us know and we will do our best to fit it in the schedule above. Generally, we will visit the servers in the order they are requested but we will occasionally adjust the schedule for special events.What originally started in October of 2009 as the MA Superteam has evolved into what is known today as the "AE Storyteam"; a group of AE enthusiasts and authors, from across all servers, who gather each week to play non-farm AE arcs. We focus on the story, not the XPs, and do our best to promote and improve the AE experience.
Originally, we were based on Triumph but have since dropped the need for a "home server" in an effort to reach as many players as possible. We now rotate to different servers as we see fit, meeting at the same time each week: Sundays at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern/5pm British.
(Updated weekly or as needed)
If you are interested in joining the AE Storyteam, simply show up during any of our sessions and ask to join in. There is no formal SG or membership requirement, just participation. You are encouraged to join the global channel, "MA Arc Finder" as that is where we often chat and form up teams.
Submit arcs for play/review by simply posting them in this thread.* While we can't guarantee every arc will get a detailed review, we're always looking for something new and fun to play. So this is your chance to get on someone's playlist fast!
*We do request that submitted arcs be in a final or near-final state and already play-tested by the author. There are already other player resources, such as Mission Æxcellence, which are geared towards works in progress.
Active & Reserve Member List:
(if I missed you, please PM me and I'll add it)
Craft your inventions in AE!!
Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!