
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. 1) Make All Enemies Level-less - All around, everywhere. What's Green is Green and what's Purple is Purple. What increases as you get more powerful is your ability to deal with them more efficiently.
    2) Greatly Reduce Street Spawns / Introduce More Zone Events - Make street encounters more meaningful and encourage teaming and community to work together to succeed.
    3) Make PvP and PvE simultaneous zone event success/failure effect each other - Trigger spawns, events, missions, buffs, debuffs, etc.
    4) Make Badges mean a little more - Unlock special missions for acquiring certain defeat badges vs a certain group thereby offering you a unique reward table.
    5) Better Story Arc Rewards for All - Upon completion of the final mission of a story arc, all team members receive a reward table offering them choices such as Reward Merits, an Enhancement Converter, etc.
    6) Make unwanted IOs more useful - Disassemble unwanted IOs to receive a chance for unique temporary powers (weaker versions of bank missions), etc.

    Might stop by and add more later... but work calls.

  2. *IF* CoH does meet its doom on Nov 30... I'll step away from NCSoft forever and MMOs for a while... most likely will be checking out Shadowrun Online if it actually comes to light in 2013.
  3. SupaFreak

    Where are you?

    In the jungle... with the Bengals...

    Cincy, Ohio


    Green Pin to represent myself as a Supa but not a troll.
  4. I kinda feel Paragon Studios had an idea the pressure was on to take City of Heroes to a new level since the announcement of "Champions Online" and possibly "Marvel Universe Online", because that's when it seemed that NCSoft had dedicated more efforts to adding to the staff and funding for City of Heroes. This was around Issue 15, and since then... big changes came about that weren't previously possible with the limited staff.

    As I evaluate what has transpired with the major improvements since and what was successful and what was not, I see a huge amount of upgrades that were pure win for new and existing players... but 1 major addition to the game that did not go over well that I'm sure cost a lot of time and money was: Praetoria.

    I can only imagine that if all the time and money spent on Praetorian zones and content (regardless of how awesome they are) were instead spent on updating & creating content (TFs/SFs and events) for the existing zones with a new player experience (which eventually happened anyways: Atlas and Mercy) instead of further moving new players away from the existing where we would be now.

    I know I tried hanging in Praetoria when GR was released for a while and helping new players, but those I helped and added as Global Friends seemed to just disappear too quickly.

    Were the Praetorian zones really needed at this time over upgrades to the old zones or should they have waited until there was a demand for them? Based on their population on my server... I would venture to say they could have waited. Visiting Praetorian maps through stories, trials and task forces would've sufficed until then.

    This is where I feel Paragon Studios failed on bringing in and retaining new players, and ultimately why NCSoft got frustrated to the point of shutting us down. Everything else they've done was pure win and successful for the existing playerbase.
  5. Excellent write up, Shadow Ravenwolf. I applaud you and I assure you I am doing everything on my behalf to save Paragon City (and to a lesser extent The Rogue Isles ).

    I have called this game home for 8 years and even though I am quiet on Forums and social sites, I will make sure my voice is heard on the attempt to shut down this beloved game.
  6. There's an fiery "adventure" out there called "Comeback Mountain"
  7. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  8. The Player Event Resource Committee is excited to announce the contestants for Design Challenge - Disaster Base!!

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @Energy Aura
    @force majeure
    @I Burnt The Toast
    @Ire Narissis
    @LaLoca Mocha
    @Layla Rei
    @Queen of Eels
    @Tax E
    @Ulysses Dare
    @War Base

    Contestants will be sent an email with further details on the competition! If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    This is where all potentially serious threads end
    Coolio. Then I can add this as my thoughts on the issues I have?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Why are you irritated? Aren't you supposed to be doing new content because it's new, and not because of the reward it gives (or doesn't)?
    Okay, so you'd be fine if all rewards were adjusted downwards so it would take 10 hours of gameplay to purchase a random roll? (20 Merits) There's 7 arcs for First Ward with 2 Reward Merits each. Casually playing them and reading, you're looking at about 7 hours for 14 Merits. You'd be happy if the rest of the game and future content was reduced to that?

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    I don't think people that pay to unlock First Ward are going to care much about how many merits they're earning. They can still do other things that earn merits way more efficiently if that's their endgame.
    Okay, so in that manner... we can take all the story text and cut-scenes away from anything that has good rewards? I mean... what's good for the goose is good for the gander...

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Besides, merits are supposed to be based more on the difficulty level of the task, not so much on how long it takes to do the task.
    Oh, so the Rewards weren't adjusted downwards for Katie Hanon Task Force and Eden Trial because people were blowing through them in 15 minutes based on data logs? They were adjusted downwards because people complained they were easy?

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    These arcs aren't that hard, particularly for ATs and builds that can handle the psi powers most of these enemies can throw at you.
    I really don't know how to comment to this. It almost sounds like an endorsement for mandatory researching the internet for which archetype and powersets to have when playing a story arc.

    Accepting these rewards as reasonable is a slap in the face to me.

    To me, it's the equivilant of the following as a basis of a story arc:

    Contact: Go fight Recluse.
    Accept: K
    Contact: Go!

    Lord Recluse: Hi.
  11. *zombie chant* Follow the chart!
  12. I really have no issues with the system. I love that there's no knowing what the posters want and no way for them to know what I'm posting for.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    The problem is not that the arcs are less rewarding than TFs, SSAs, tips, or whatever. That's to be expected. These story arcs are less rewarding than other story arcs in the same range which are otherwise directly comparable. If they want premium accounts to pay for First Ward access, it should at least not give them less rewards than they would get in Talos Island.

    2 Reward Merits for 45-60 minutes of play time (with reading) is so poor, I was beyond irritated.

    That's 1/4 of earning a Random Large Inspiration or Single Origin Enhancement. 4 hours of casual play to earn one of these minimum rewards is ludicrous and if I had paid for that as Premium player, I'd be outraged.

    I don't want to be too negative here and would like to add that whether or not the newer arcs are everyone's bag... I will admit that I do feel the effort to be more immersive with the action within new missions is improving.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    You heard it here first, folks: CoH is all about grinding. People who play for fun can GTFO.

    Sure seems that way anymore.

    Note that I did mention the other elements I enjoyed, just expressed my unhappiness with those I didn't.

    If it were flipped around the other way, I'd express my concerns there too.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    Well, you can't compare the story arc rewards to SSAs or tips or TFs, you can really only compare them to other story arcs. That said, I'm admittedly unsure how the FW arcs stack up to regular arcs, but I do know the FW arcs were all pretty quick, like 3-4 short missions each.

    I didn't...hate the zone? But it's not really repeatable for me either. I went through it once for the story, but I have no pressing desire to return with another character.
    Note that I didn't compare to TFs or anything I need a team to do. And actually, I feel I somewhat can compare it to SSAs and Tips since they are both soloable.

    While it's true Alignment (A)Merits are time-gated, they equal roughly 125 Merits for those of us who play multiple characters and when the time comes - focus on the rewards to build a new character with an established character.

    Some may argue that newer arcs require less travel... you can't discard all the methods of teleportation we now have to cover ground on old arcs... making that arguement less valid.

    I guess I should stress where I see the overall problem:
    TIPS - SOLO (rewards focused)
    1 (A)Merit = @125 Merits
    1 (A)Merit = @60 minutes per character over 2 days
    1 (A)Merit = @125 Merits / hour

    SOLO (rewards focused)
    Unnamed Old Arcs = @25 Merits / hour
    New Arcs since Issue 10 = 3-14 Merits / hour

    Merits are becoming less and less valuable. (A)Merits are 5x more valuable than old arcs and up to 40x more valuable than new arcs.

    Is this a good formula for prolonged success? To herd those seeking rewards on content into farming Tips & SSAs when solo? Heck, doing this with multiple characters right now is probably more rewarding than teaming on Weekly Strike Tasks.

    And can Reward Merits (not Alignment) even be obtained by free/premium accounts?

    If not, then this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to have less Rewards on newer story arcs... if it's a VIP Reward (of sorts).

    I just wish "Story Arcs" rewards were in-line and competitive with other rewards for ALL so that they would become a viable option for teaming in an MMO.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I'm curious, then... how would you change it? What would constitute an improvement? Greater rewards? Different mechanics?
    I really don't want to get myself into posting suggestions/ideas here regarding this since that kinda belongs in those Forums... but it's honestly been the trend since Issue 10 "Invasion" in regards to story arcs and the Merit Rewards... and they are gradually getting worse.

    I've expressed my discontent with "Merits for mission holder only" through tells to red-names in the past as well as offering suggestions.

    After opening my Rewards-Tracking excel sheet, I will just say there are certain pre-I10 arcs that award upwards of 24 Merits per hour in that level range and everything since Issue 10 awards 14 or less... regardless of level range.

    I've been here since Beta and trust me, I love this game and want to see it thrive... but I feel when a good chunk of our content is unrewarding to play and it begins to feel like you're being herded into "farming" limited content to be rewarded... it's easy to see why some possible subscribers look the other way. "Eye Candy" only goes so far.
  17. Please keep in mind, the following is my opinion and not a basis of fact. Please add any comments on how you feel about the following:

    Decided to finally take a stroll through First Ward...

    The zone is visually beautiful and unique.
    The lore is deep and astounding.

    The system elements within are getting worse.
    • Mission Accept text (or interaction text) ran off the contact gump 1/3 of the time. Yes, it even happens during a cut-scene of all things.
    • NPCs spam the screen with dialogue at an astounding rate at times.
    • Player interaction follows a script when dealing with contact vs offering a general reaction. Comedic Example: "I'm gonna punch you in the face, $contact" vs "Express your discontent with $contact"
    • 2 Reward Merits per arc. Period.
    I will say, I found a few of the cast very memorable but this is a "1 and Done" for me. I'm becoming very concerned if there's even an awareness of how important substance and rewards are.

    I know it had to take a significant amount of time and effort to create all this new content, but jeez... it's so technically unrewarding to return with another character. And forget teaming-up for story content... only the mission holder gets the measly 2 Merits.

    At least "The Seed of Hamidon" has 5 Reward Merits + Badge + Temp 30 min XP/INF boost for those that participate. (I feel the other GMs & Zone Events could use a boost along these lines - especially Lusca)

    While I'm seriously glad Lore & Story isn't being ignored... I'm quite bothered that Rewards are nowhere in the vicinity of being in-line with rewards found elsewhere... and let's face it... it's a game and rewards are a factor.

    So, why on Earth would I endorse these arcs that average roughly 3 Merits per hour when I can get:
    • 1 Alignment Merit on a Signature Story Arc in 15 mins
    • 1/2 Alignment Merit credit in about 30 mins doing Tips
    • Roughly 15 (edit - 26) Merits per hour in Ouroborus on certain old arcs (these can be acquired on teams for all members to boot)
    • 1500 Tickets in around 5 mins towards rolls in AE
    It's almost as if either there's no gauger for rewards OR participation on Praetorian-related content is feared.

    Perhaps Praetoria wouldn't be a wasteland if its rewards were in-line with Primal rewards. I personally loved all the awesome content and visuals on my 2 runs with noobie toons through Praetoria when GR was released, but the rewards were crud and the desolation of the zones is warranted.

    I don't know how many cents I just posted, but you can keep the change.
  18. Special Ratings/Review of in-game arc for comparrison

    "Twisted Reflections"
    Contact: Field Agent Keith Nance
    Heroic (20-29)
    Missions: 4

    Level 27 Electric Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper
    Settings: +0/x1/Bosses Off/AVs Off

    Overall: 3.52

    Story: 3.83
    Logic: 4.00
    Really seems to me a special "radio" contact would have set this all up better, to make it feel more like there's a sense of being an outcast.
    Details: 4.50
    Dialogue: 3.00
    Didn't seem like the NPCs made a big enough deal of me possibly being on the wrong side of the law. Could have been more urgent. Way too much chatter at once inside first mission.

    Action: 3.50
    Immersion: 2.50
    Aside from the requirements, there was nothing special going on NPC-wise.
    Flow: 4.50
    Cast: 3.50
    Bonus points for doppleganger technology, but no one else in the arc was interesting. Therefore, I stole the show? o.O

    Technical: 3.75
    Presentation: 2.50
    And so we are introduced to a new dialogue box. Very cool. Not a fan of it locked into a fixed location and falling behind my personalized set-up.
    Maps: 3.75
    Balance: 5.00

    Rewards: 3.00
  19. Arc
    "Whack A Mole: Lambda Sector"
    Author: @Bubbawheat
    Neutral (50-54)
    Missions: 1

    Level 50(+1) Thugs/Pain Domination Mastermind
    Settings: +0/x3/Bosses Off/AVs Off

    Overall: 3.25 / Rated: 5

    Story: 3.00
    Logic: 5.00
    When you're dealing with an arcade-style parody of the trial, not much logic needed... and no problem comprehending what was going on.
    Details: 2.50
    There's only a small amount of details present. Could there be more? Sure. Should there be more? Dunno. But wanted to reflect it is simplistic.
    Dialogue: 4.50
    Best line for me was that I was holding up queue.

    Action: 3.00
    Immersion: 2.00
    Aside from the required collections and named boss, there was nothing going on NPC-wise.
    Flow: 3.00
    Cast: 3.50
    Ideal use of NPC for contact. Lack of representation for some enemies.

    Technical: 3.75
    Presentation: 4.00
    While I did enjoy the parody for the most part, I was unsure exactly what to do after crates when the objective to "score" came up.
    Maps: 4.75
    Balance: 2.50
    While this mission may be cakewalk for ATs with status protection, it's not very kind to those without.

    Rewards: 3.25

    I think the biggest letdown for me was lack of diversity in enemies which kinda plays a factor in balance. A stun here and there ain't so bad, but when I dare not push past x3 on an Incarnate (regardless of AT)... Houston, we have a problem. Knowing the author a little, I feel bad not being able to give higher ratings in some categories... but I gotta be honest.
  20. Arc
    "Whack A Mole: Lambda Sector"
    Author: @Bubbawheat
    Neutral (50-54)
    Missions: 1

    Level 50(+1) Thugs/Pain Domination Mastermind
    Settings: +0/x3/Bosses Off/AVs Off

    Overall: 3.25 / Rated: 5

    Story: 3.00
    Logic: 5.00
    When you're dealing with an arcade-style parody of the trial, not much logic needed... and no problem comprehending what was going on.
    Details: 2.50
    There's only a small amount of details present. Could there be more? Sure. Should there be more? Dunno. But wanted to reflect it is simplistic.
    Dialogue: 4.50
    Best line for me was that I was holding up queue.

    Action: 3.00
    Immersion: 2.00
    Aside from the required collections and named boss, there was nothing going on NPC-wise.
    Flow: 3.00
    Cast: 3.50
    Ideal use of NPC for contact. Lack of representation for some enemies.

    Technical: 3.75
    Presentation: 4.00
    While I did enjoy the parody for the most part, I was unsure exactly what to do after crates when the objective to "score" came up.
    Maps: 4.75
    Balance: 2.50
    While this mission may be cakewalk for ATs with status protection, it's not very kind to those without.

    Rewards: 3.25

    I think the biggest letdown for me was lack of diversity in enemies which kinda plays a factor in balance. A stun here and there ain't so bad, but when I dare not push past x3 on an Incarnate (regardless of AT)... Houston, we have a problem. Knowing the author a little, I feel bad not being able to give higher ratings in some categories... but I gotta be honest.
  21. Arc
    Author: @Ankylosaur
    (Heroic 41-54)
    Missions: 5

    Level 50(+1) Thugs/Pain Domination Mastermind
    +0/x8/Bosses Off/AVs Off

    Overall: 4.20 / Rated: 5

    Story: 4.75
    Logic: 5.00
    Details: 4.50
    Dialogue: 4.75

    Action: 4.58
    Immersion: 5.00
    Lots going on, made me feel I was in on something big.
    Flow: 4.25
    I think anytime any of us use an outdoor map, we can expect to lose some flow needing to search around for objectives.
    Cast: 4.50
    The supporting cast of characters were great. I didn't find the main custom enemy group extremely memorable, though they looked very nice for the most part.

    Technical: 4.50
    Presentation: 4.75
    Multi-contact interaction was handled extremely well.
    Maps: 5.00
    Balance: 3.75
    Feel some customs could use some tweeking. There's far too many to pin-point exactly which ones seemed over 100% rewards.

    Rewards: 3.00
    As of first run, the effort put into some fights don't pay off all that well.

    Reviewed after freshly published, and hopefully my comments + some others will help shape up this arc. It's pretty solid, though.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fantastic_Foe View Post
    Cat: It's What's For Dinner #530511 by @Interface

    Your character designs were pretty cool, I'd be interested if the Longbow I fought were customized too at some point, since that was done in the Two Chicks at Once arc.
    Yea, I thought it was odd LB wasn't customized to fit the alternate universe.
  23. Thanx for the write-up/review. You're very thorough and I do appreciate it. My reply to your post:

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    In the opening briefing – “There’s been an increased missing person reports…”; I think you mean “There’s been an increase in missing person reports…”
    I do believe you're right.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Exaulted status? Does that imply I’m supposed to be an incarnate? (I am, so that’s not a problem; just curious).
    Indeed, this series of arcs are intended for advanced builds / incarnates. Paragon knows you well and wanted to reflect that no one really questions your moral standing.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    The mission’s got an interesting mix of redone Circle (that seem to be a splinter branch intent on animating banished pantheon corpses; it’s a neat touch). The “Hunters” look like shadow shard “reflections” – that may be intentional, but there wasn’t an obvious reason why they might look like that.
    I really, really, really wanted the Soul Mage as the LT in the group and at this time, the reflections are the only ones available. That being the case, I wanted the minions to be in-line with the look of the LT... so I opted to use the reflections version of them as well. Until we get a possible DA update to the group, I kinda figure it's a side effect of the rituals they're performing.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    I did think the descriptions on the “Void Summon” mobs seemed oddly different than the others: while most everything in the mission has pretty “standard” descriptions in terms of the style, the Voids read more like you were getting the info from a “combat report.” I’ve seen that style used before, and don’t mind it at all – but it did seem a little odd that one faction would be in one style and the rest in the other. Seems like it’d be better for all the descriptions to have the same style. (Note: Same thing with the bosses in the Midnight Hunt faction. And the bosses of the ‘Shadow Portal’ group – I think that’s what the group is called.)
    Pondering if I should delete the combat analysis thing on the custom critters completely. It's really only there for those that pay attention to that and scout the bios in advance. I guess I should go 100% either way with the Standard and Customs.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Found BrandX – hmm, her bio seems awfully dark for a Longbow experiement; reminds me more of Crey. EDIT: Oh! Based on the souvenir she a "guest appearance" type character, so her bio isn't actually the author's work.
    Right, there's 2 per mission. Winners of a contest I held and totally optional EB Allies/Enemies (per request).

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Oh, okay, I see the theory behind how this is intended to work … Ravenessence’s illusion leads me to Deadfall, whose been bitten by a zombie. Then Deadfall and I head to where the real Ravenessence is … only we have to fight an Archmage of Darkness (which actually then spawns Raven in...and gives the message Deadfall is not feeling so hot).

    To be honest, I think you really need to have the objective text reflect a bit more clearly what you should do. I know you’re not a fan of having much there (and, to be fair, you’re attempting to direct the player through the clues), but IMO the objectives are a much better place to prompt the player as to what to do next. Believe me, things like “Head deeper in to find Deadfall” and “Press on to find the real Ravenessence” would have been far more helpful than “3 Midnighters, Capture Tormas” being up there the whole time.
    I actually implemented it this way with clues/Nav based on previous feedback that "I feel like I have to follow Nav" when there's only 3 objectives until the end room on a pretty linear map. I'm not a fan of failable missions unless it's for an optional finale. Therefore, I don't have the "should be required" Midnighters as required. I was concerned the ever-changing objectives would be off-setting. I do like your suggestions and gonna have a relook at that.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Also, the clue that drops when the Archmage dies only makes sense if Deadfall is with you (I’d managed to ditch her a while back and really didn’t want to go back and get her because I was already a bit frustrated after backtracking and scouring every square inch of the map I hadn’t yet explored before finding her, since I wasn’t clear whether I needed to head forward to move the story along). I went back and got her, but giving her the ability to fly might be very useful – greatly increase the chance that you won’t lose her.

    Hmm … when I went back and fetched Deadfall, I ended up picking up Neverest as well – so he suddenly gave me a clue when I brought him to where the Archmage was. But he refers to Black Maverik. Who the heck is that?

    Oh … except Neverest isn’t here. Wait, what? Did he just run off after giving the clue and I missed it?

    I’m guessing that “P.hantom Strike” isn’t a typo – that it’s needed to defeat the profanity filter? (Note: With my incarnate pets and abilities, and two elite boss helpers, I had no trouble at all taking him out as a full AV.)

    Oh … huh, Neverest didn’t vanish. Apparently he was standing in a corner in the room. Odd.

    …and Black Maverik is the murdered Midnighter. Got it.
    Trust me... this is the most complicated mission I have planned because you're getting introduced to 6 of the 10 main characters. Yea, the profanity filter bites (think I may try to spell them Phant0m Strike & Jade Sc0rpion until that gets fixed). Couple of notes:

    *I need to recheck, but Escorts set to Follow after they reach their destination were buggy before... Neverest is set to Wander at this time. If it's fixed, I'll set him back to Follow.
    *Impressive you took Phantom Strike on as AV, especially with the chaos that ensues during the fight.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Neat … it looks like this is set up as a multi-parter where you get to choose the “flavor” of the story’s next part by selecting which version of the arc you want to play. I’ve actually thought of doing this myself … neat idea!
    Yea, my spin on Morality missions that stick to an overall story. Since we now have no cap on the amount of Mission slots we can have, I'll be dedicating 16 seperate missions (slots) to this depending on the choices you make with different/recurring contacts along the way. I do hope people realize that while there's like 32+ guest appearances from others + 2 of mine present throughout... we're all just a supporting cast to it all.

    I do greatly appreciate the play and feedback, which will definitely be reflected in modifications. Fortunately it's just in the text and not the mechanics (which I've spent countless hours testing for balance on various ATs).

    Edit: After reworking my Nav based on Columb's feedback and looking at my recent comments about "finding Nav confusing" in some of my review notes... I kinda feel like I'm contradicting myself. I guess what's "easy on the eyes" for me is when key elements or different objectives are color coded differently vs all white Nav of say... 3-5 objectives. This is a personal issue with me, and not really slamming anyone that does the standard all-white.
  24. Not sure they've ever awarded anything. I could see a few things that make them problematic.

    1) They only come in Boss flavor, so would only apply to Boss Encounters.
    2) Woulda been easy to make a weak AT + powerset combo on second account.
    3) Coulda ran mission with second account vs 87 Easy Boss Encounters and let your main account rake in the rewards.

    I really feel that anyone who appreciates a well-written and designed story / action arc isn't going to mind this limitation too much.
  25. There's nothing you can do. Dopplegangers don't give rewards.