Doppelganger XP problem?




I'm planning out an AE arc where a few of the boss fights are against Doppelgangers. I've noticed however that when defeated the Dopps aren't dropping any rewards. no influence, no XP, no inspirations, no Tickets, nothing. Is there some special trick i'm supposed to use when using Dopps that allows them to drop rewards?

And let me tell you, you do not want to become known as the guy who "accelerated time and helped turn everyone into giant, sociopathic oysters." I've been through that hell, and man, it is not pretty.
-- Doctor Metropolis



There's nothing you can do. Dopplegangers don't give rewards.



Not sure they've ever awarded anything. I could see a few things that make them problematic.

1) They only come in Boss flavor, so would only apply to Boss Encounters.
2) Woulda been easy to make a weak AT + powerset combo on second account.
3) Coulda ran mission with second account vs 87 Easy Boss Encounters and let your main account rake in the rewards.

I really feel that anyone who appreciates a well-written and designed story / action arc isn't going to mind this limitation too much.



Ah, I see. They would be easy to abuse then.

Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
I really feel that anyone who appreciates a well-written and designed story / action arc isn't going to mind this limitation too much.
As someone who plays this game for the stories, both ingame and in my mind, I agree.

I'd play an engaging story even if it didn't give a single thing other than the experience, that's actual tangible experience, not the point kind.

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