AE Storyteam




Looking for a fun, weekly event with dedicated players? Check out the AE Storyteam!

(Updated weekly)

7/17/11 - Liberty Server - Ædvertised arcs (9am PST/12pm EST/5pm BST)
7/24/11 - Pinnacle Server - High Roller ("Mystery" theme) (9am PST/12pm EST/5pm BST)
7/31/11 - Union Server - The Surviving Æight (9am PST/12pm EST/5pm BST)
8/7/11 - Freedom Server - Tales of the MundÆne!! (9am PST/12pm EST/5pm BST)
8/14/11 - Triumph Server - Double XP Dev Choice Roundup - 9am Pacific/5pm British
8/21/11 - Virtue Server - Æptimized Arcs! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
8/28/11 - Victory Server - Lowbie Ædventures! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
9/4/11 - Triumph Server - Higher Æducation! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
9/11/11 - Guardian Server - Ægg MacGuffins - 9am Pacific/5pm British
9/18/11 - Exalted (VIP) Server - Time TrÆvels - 9am Pacific/5pm British
9/25/11 - Freedom Server - FrÆedom for All! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
10/2/11 - Triumph Server - Ænemy Spotlight- CoT - 9am Pacific/5pm British
10/9/11 - Union Server - New RelÆses! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
10/16/11 - Defiant Server - Æuthor Spotlight on TwoFlower - 9am Pacific/5pm British
10/23/11 - Liberty Server - HallowÆen High Roller! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
10/30/11 - Justice Server - StreÆt JustÆce! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
11/6/11 - Infinity Server - Zombie Æftermath! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
11/13/11 - Champion Server - Players' Choice Æwards! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
11/20/11 - Guardian Server - Players' Choice Æwards ptII - 9am Pacific/5pm British
11/27/11 - Triumph - Thanksgiving LÆftovers! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
12/4/11 - Pinnacle - Pet Ædoptions! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
12/11/11 - Liberty - Western Ædventures! - 9am Pacific/5pm British
12/18/11 - Liberty - Christmas PrÆsents - 9am Pacific/5pm British
12/25/11 - (no meet, enjoy Christmas with your family & loved ones)
1/1/12 - Liberty - 9am Pacific/5pm British

NOTE: as of 12/18 @Lord of Storms will be running the AE Storyteam on Liberty each week. Just head to RWZ's AE at the normal time and/or give him a shout in the global channel, "MA Arc Finder"

What: An open team that meets each week to run non-farm Architect Entertainment content. (originally started by Wrong_Number in the Mission Architect forums)

Why: To play, rate, and critique player made content and uncover the cream of the AE crop while having fun.

When: Sunday mornings (depending on schedules), 9am Pacific/12 noon Eastern/5pm British. Sessions usually run 2-3 hours depending on interest.

Where: Rikti War Zone AE building (Server announced weekly)

Who: All ATs and levels are welcome. SG/VG membership is available on some servers but completely optional. There are no requirements for costume, colors, powersets, etc. We just want people who like playing AE missions for the story!

How: The AE Storyteam is a group of players & authors who play AE content for the story, not the XPs. We run missions at a casual pace to allow everyone on team to read NPC chat, mission briefings, clues, bios, etc. We also try to leave constructive feedback for all the arcs we play so authors can improve the AE experience.

The core of the AE Storyteam is made up of authors from the Mission Architect section of the Official Forums and they often share advice, experiences, and their AE expertise with other members of the group.

Another significant portion of participants comes from the global chat channel, "MA Arc Finder", which is the unofficial Arc promotion and Mission Architect help global channel (add it today!)

We choose missions each week thru various means and are open to new ideas:
Requested feedback arcs from the forums, members, or global chat channels
Hot topic/Newly posted arcs from the forums
Members' favorites
Members' in-development arcs for testing purposes
Random Roulette (plug in a few search terms and hit Random)
High Roller (member who rolls the highest on /em dice chooses anything they want)
Make or Break arcs (random non-farm arc at 5 stars with less than 10 plays)
Theme weeks
Newly marked Dev Choice arcs
Newly marked or rising to Hall of Fame arcs
Guest Author arcs
Ways to join:
Find members at AE in RWZ any morning we're scheduled to meet (servers change regularly, check this thread for the latest schedule)
Shout out that you're looking for the AE Storyteam in the global channel, "MA Arc Finder"
PM me here on the Forums
Contact me via global, in-game @backfire
Previously played arcs & events:

Oct 2009 - April 2011 "MA Superteam" original thread

Sept 2010 - April 2011 - MA Superteam event/reviews thread

April 2011 - July 2011 - "Ænvasion Event" cycle #1

If the AE Storyteam sounds like a fun fit for you, come join us at our next meeting!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Today we had a full team of Storyteamers as we loaded up 2 Ædvertised arcs from the forum's Announce thread.

#183832 "Save the Diver, Save the World" by @Ankylosaur
5 mish/Heroic

#500325 "Nothing to Worry About" @Apolinus
4 mish/Heroic

Save the Diver is an arc that presents a unique challenge: setting the story in a flooded Paragon City! With close ties to canon the author introduces and expands on the concept of Coralax, Freakshow, Slags and more. Then makes creative use of maps to present a Paragon City that's been retaken by the sea.

While I had issues with the "Heroic" label of the arc, it's still a richly detailed story with a very unique spin. BEST OVERALL

Nothing to Worry About is a darker themed story that starts with a meteor crash in Atlas Park and ends with you pretty much saving all of reality...but at what cost? The custom groups you encounter in the arc really shine with well-detailed costumes and backgrounds. BEST CUSTOMS
It was great to see such a good turnout today! Lots of fun in team chat and I think the authors got some useful feedback from the group.

Next meeting: 7/24/11, our theme will be "High Roller"...but with a twist! Instead of the High Roller picking from their normal fav list, everyone comes prepared with a list of "Mystery" genre arcs. High Roller picks their favorite "Mystery" arc to play!!

So, polish off your magnifying glasses and pack up your smoking pipes, there's a mystery afoot next week on Pinnacle!! See ya there!!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



It was another fun run of Storyteaming with a surprise visit from Wrong Number and PoliceWoman this week! Today we met on Pinnacle server for a round of High Roller with "Mystery" themed arcs:

#156389 "Kiss Hello Goodbye" by @Kitsune9tails
5 mish/Neutral

#189439 "The Fireside Poet" @Star-Girl
5 mish/Heroic

Normally when we play High Roller whomever gets the high roll of a /e dice chooses any arc they want. But this week, we decided to put a new spin on the game: the winner had to choose a Mystery-Themed arc to play, instead! So, that meant the Storyteam had "homework" to find Mystery arcs and they didn't dissapoint.

I won the first roll and, despite playing a few qualifying arcs this week, chose one that was on my playlist but ran out of time to test! I had little to worry about, tho, as Kiss Hello Goodbye was already a well-received arc from PW's contact tree list.

This unique, Mystery-Themed arc has a definitively Noir slant, and is presented as an internal monologue of your character. While that's normally a no-no in AE Arcs (hijacking the player's character) it works especially well for a Noir story to set the tone. Of course, this means the story can be a little strange if you're playing a female character, but if you can get past that point of contention you'll find a richly detailed, intriguing story with memorable characters that come to life. Plus all the plot twists & turns you expect from good Noir!! BEST OVERALL

Bubbawheat chose our other Mystery arc and picked a less well-known story. The Fireside Poet was more of a grim & gruesome crime tale but still had nice a bit of mystery to it. While we all thought it could use more details, a few typo edits, and patrol dialog to flesh it out more, it was still a well-crafted arc that was very lowbie friendly. It had the feel of an author's early attempt at AE, just learning the tricks, and a lot of potential. MOST GRUESOME
It was really fun to see some old faces back in the AE and I look forward to seeing more of you next week!

Next meeting: 7/31/11, Union Server. In honor of the upcoming Signature Arc Storylines and the mystery of Who Will Die?, our theme will be "the Surviving Æight!"...arcs that spotlight Signature members of the Phalanx! Come prepped with your favorite or newly-found Surviving Æight arcs and we'll choose the ones that sound most fun!

We'll be meeting on GunBunny's home server next Sunday, so make sure you've got an alt on Union!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Another week brings another weekend of fun with the AE Storyteam! This week, in honor of the upcoming Signature Story arcs, we ran a "Surviving Æight" theme thru our arc choices:

#1266 "Mission Completed" by @TopDoc
1 mish/Heroic

#351568 "Just Killing Time" by @Silver-Dragon
5 mish/Heroic

#257226 "'Tis Nobler in the Mind" by @LaserJesus
5 mish/

Our first arc, Mission Completed, features Synapse in what could be the closest thing you ever get to an "I WIN!" button in the game. Don't miss the witty dialog in the mission as you speed thru this fun story! MOST CREATIVE!

With that little warm-up out of the way we move on to Just Killing Time, which, with it's rich detail and moral choices, was anything but a time filler. This arc features, or rather is closely tied to the history of Manticore. Fans of the old CoH comic will particularly enjoy the premise of this arc and 1st mission clue.

While the arc is not without its flaws in trying to force the player to make decisions they normally would not make without considering other options, it's still a well-detailed story with some very unique mechanics. Especially the final battle with a moral choice for the player to make (and this time it doesn't involve a timer!!) BEST CONCEPT

Manticore shows up again in our 3rd arc, along with his beautiful love interest Sister Psyche. 'Tis Nobler in the Mind is a story that takes you on a crusade against a heinous plot by Arachnos to control the minds of Paragon City. It's going to take the actions of your hero and 2 of the Surviving 8 to stop it!

The dialog and details in this arc are top notch but be warned, Arachnos is not holding back and the difficultly level may be a bit high if you're playing on a large team. BEST MIND TRIP
We actually had 2 teams running for most of today's session and it's great to see everyone still out and supporting the Storyteam. We could use some more support (ie. Tank & Control) ATs, so if you have an idea for an alt, please consider rolling one on a few future servers. But there's still no other group I'd rather eat floor with each week

Next meeting: 8/7/11, Freedom Server. Our theme will be one that's close to my heart: "Tales of the MundÆne!!" Whether it's doing laundry, some last minute shopping, or making a sandwich, Heroes have mundane chores they need to accomplish every day. And next Sunday we try to find a few that could be fun to AE!

Join us on Freedom at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Sorry I left on such short notice, I was planning on quitting during that mission and crashed while zoning, and decided not to load up the game again just to say I was leaving. See you next week.



Np, Bubba, we were able to merge teams shortly after so it all worked out well.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Is there any way we can get run one of these running in Virtue? Better yet, is there a global channel I should know about?

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Sure thing, Icy_J! I'll update the schedule in the OP and put Virtue down for the 21st.

As for global channels, join the "MA Arc Finder" channel. You'll find most of the AE Storyteam members on there, along with a bevy of AE Authors and players. It's a good place to find help in creating an arc or finding a team to test one out.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



What do heroes & villains do when they're not duking it out for world domination? When they're not getting tied up in Nemesis plots and Arachnos' schemes? When they just need a break from the extraordinary? This week the AE Storyteam went on the hunt for arcs that explored this oft-forgotten aspect of super-powerdom and found these: Tales of the MundÆne!

#202959 "Ghost in the Washing Machine" by @Blue Fury
1 mish/Neutral

#4562 "Household Chores of the Damned" by @TwoFlower
5 mish/Villainous

#345414 "CostClub Catastrophe" by @Ryanthius
1 mish/Neutral (Honorable Mention)

Our non-adventures begin, quaintly enough, in an encounter with the Ghost in the Washing Machine! Ever wonder how that 1 sock always seems to get lost in the laundry? Or how your favorite shirt mysteriously goes missing on occasion? This arc explores the sinister group involved with the disappearance of your unmentionables and a plot to take over the city where your dirty laundry could be the key to saving or destroying us all.

The arc is actually a bit light on story but the custom enemies, bios, and humor make this a fun, quick arc to brighten up any dull day you're having. BEST EXPLANATION OF MISSING SOCKS!

Next, we load up a classic tale of derring don't! In the Household Chores of the Damned your villain finds out just how much work goes into running a successful evil empire. It's not easy when your minions aren't available and you have to get your own hands dirty with tasks like depositing checks and picking up groceries!! DAAHH DAAHH DAAHH DUUNNNNN!! Luckily, you have the world's best evil assistant to help you through the ordeal and ensure your plans for world domination are kept on track. The devil truly IS in the details, y'know?

The dialog, details, and laugh out loud funny humor in this arc make the mundane tasks of running your empire even more exciting than monologing a hapless hero. And you won't believe how satisfying it is to beat the pants off the custom enemy in the final mission!! BEST OVERALL!! BEST CUSTOMS!!

The clock ran out before we could make a run to CostClub Catastrophe, but this quickie 1 mission arc is chock-full of stockboy-insider humor and some of the best bulk item bargains in the city! Give it a spin, and don't forget your membership card. HONORABLE MENTION! BEST BARGAINS!
Despite a few technical glitches it was a fun run this weekend with a full group (+2) of Storyteamers! Next week is Double XP Weekend so I'm not expecting a huge turnout, plus I'll be unavailable due to some real life mundane adventures, so we'll keep the theme TBD by whomever shows up! Hope you all have fun w/o me and find some good stories I can play when I get back.

Next meeting: 8/14/11, Triumph Server. Theme: "TBA/General Teaming" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Last weekend was Double XP Weekend and, as many of you know, AE Arcs are exempt from the Double XP boost...with one exception: Dev Choice arcs!! So, to take full advantage of the special occasion, the AE Storyteam hosted a Double XP Dev Choice Round-up! There was time for 2 arcs this week:

#71601 "[ZQ]The Once and Future King" by @Sumerian
5 mish/Heroic

#374002 Two Tickets to Westerly" by @PW
4 mish/Heroic

Unfortunately, I was out of town for the weekend but Bubbawheat was kind enough to give a couple quick reviews!

First we ran [ZQ] The Once and Future King by @Sumerian. It was an older arc, that could use some improvements but it was an overall decent, if occasionally confusing prequel story about Blue Steel and the Clockwork King.
Then we ran Two Tickets to Westerly by @PW. One of the more recent Dev's choices, which came from Aeon's 2nd challenge. I was more than a little distracted during this arc, but I remember it as an excellent as usual story from @PW.
I hear a good time was had and many Double XPs were gained! If you haven't tried these Dev Choices, load 'em up and judge for yourself if they're DC-worthy. Plus, earn a few XPs on the way

Next meeting: 8/21/11, Virtue Server. Theme: "Optimized Arcs!" Following up on my recent post about finding story arcs that give rewards comparable to farms, we'll load up a few of the suggested stories and see how they pan out! Join us on Virtue at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This weekend we ran a little experiment with the AE Storyteam. As many of you know, we normally play AE for the story, not the XPs, but this week I put out a call for arcs that have BOTH! "Optimized" Arcs, I called them, and many were submitted for our review:

#416951 "The Ms Manners Task Force" by @Wrong Number
4 missions

#322480 "Day Job Hell: A Villain's First Day Job" by @Clave_Dark_5
4 missions

"Evolve Or Die" by @FredrikSvanberg
?? missions

#271637 "Welcome to M.A.G.I." by @Doctor Gemini
5 missions

#12285 "Small Fears" by TeCameleon

3 missions

#363366 "Attack of the 50 Foot Villain" by @PW
1 mission

#366083 "Another Nemesis Plot?" by Necrotech_Master
5 missions
We randomly picked which arcs to run by rolling a die and everyone reported how many tickets they earned each mission. What kinds of rewards would we get on top of a rewarding story? It was time to find out!!
First off was Day Job Hell, a lowbie-friendly arc that puts the player into the position of a hard working villain looking to make their big break. The story was well written with rich details, sharp dialog, and funny humor with a well developed plot & motivations! But was it "Optimized?"

On a team of 6 at regular settings here's how each mission's rewards panned out:
M1- 7 minutes, 127 tix (avg) per player
M2- 9 minutes, 327 tix (avg) per player
M3- 5 minutes, 126 tix (avg) per player
M4- 11 minutes, 234 tix (avg) per player
Keep in mind, there is no established 'baseline' of what defines "good rewards" but the consensus was that this arc should be played for the story, not the XPs. REWARDING STORY!!

Next up, we tried Small Fears, a darker-themed story that is rich with custom creatures that could keep you up at night and a unique, almost poetic, storyline that is both creepy and gripping.

Unfortunately, those awesome customs were too powerful for our team and, after almost 30 minutes trying to complete the 1st mission with many team wipes, we dropped the arc in search of one that is more lowbie-friendly. We'd classify this arc as more of a "Challenge" than "Optimized."

We also skipped the Ms Manners Task Force, seeing as how it was marked a "Challenge" arc, and chose Welcome to M.A.G.I., instead. This arc had a very canon feel to it with meta-humor, a solid plot, and great action any lowbie could handle!

Unfortunately, 2 missions into the arc 1 of the members dropped team and we got hit with the dreaded Leader Bug. It was already lunch time, so, we dropped the arc and decided to give it a fresh run next week! Hopefully we'll have better luck.
So, our first attempt at finding Optimized Arcs didn't pan out so well. But we're not done looking for arcs that strike a balance between rewards and story. If you have an arc YOU think is Optimized, please submit it and we just may give it a run next week!

Next meeting: 8/28/11, Victory Server. Theme: "Optimized Arcs...continued!" Join us on Victory at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Heads up, there may be a change to the theme this week. I just got a last minute RL schedule conflict for this weekend's AE Storyteam meet and will not be able to attend.

The Storyteam members that do show may want to run a diff theme. If so, I'll see about continuing the Optimized Arcs theme the follow weekend.

Sorry about that, have fun!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



I had a last minute schedule change this weekend so couldn't attend our Sunday meet. In my stead, Zamuel led the Storyteam thru a couple "Lowbie Ædventures!":

#6017 "Mercytown" by @Frija
5 missions/Villainous

#379017 "Outbroken" by @Aehaed
5 missions/Heroic
I actually haven't had a chance to play either of these arcs yet, but here's Zamuel's reviews:

Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
This week the AE Storyteam hit Victory. I missed last week so I figured I wouldn't be best for trying to keep up with the whole ticket thing. With the low level game getting a revamp, I felt it would be nice to run some low level arcs.

First up was Mercytown #6017 by @Frija. Teaming up with comrade Dmitri Krylov we research Coralax in name of science! While we encounter some sort of mystic tome, an even greater force known as copyright filter cause mayhem in plans. However, it is no match for great strength of team.

The second arc was Outbroken #379017 by @Aehaed. With our old friend Coyote getting infected with the Outbreak virus and suffering occassional OUTBURTS OF RAGE, we're tasked with helping setup training new heroes. With some of locations being mildly EXTREMELY DANGEROUS...WHO WOULD SET THIS UP FOR NEWBS?!?, we try to find out just what's going on. Manages to have some fun mechanics considering SOMEONE JUST HAD TO PRESS THE BUTTON.

I may need some rest...

So, it looks like Mercytown had a good story but is currently afflicted with the Copyright/Proanity filter bug. And I can't tell if Zam had a balance/difficulty issue with Outbroken or if he's commenting on fuzzy logic in the plot. I'll have to play them myself and find out!

Next meeting: 9/4/11, we return to Triumph Server to celebrate the end of summer vacation. Theme: "BÆck to School!" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



To celebrate the end of Summer and kids going back to school this weekend's AE Storyteam theme was "Higher Æducation!" And, as we learned, there's plenty of fun on the curriculum at AE University! 3 arcs made the grade this time:

#513523, "Party" by @Cybernetic Hobo
4 missions/Neutral

#322309, "Steel Canyon High School Dropout" by @Markus Bitterman
3 missions/Heroic

#218878, "Warrior Scholars" by @Mechatronic Man
4 missions/Heroic
Not surprisingly, "school arcs" are a very popular theme in AE with a great deal to choose from and not nearly enough time to play them all. Whether you're looking for high school drama, raging keggers, or a lesson in science, there's an AE for that!
Seeing as how it was the weekend, it only seemed appropriate that we start things out with a Party. This arc was an absolute blast to play thru! Following the details of a college party flyer, your hero stumbles upon a plot to wreak havoc all over the city and one of the most original enemy group alliances you'll ever encounter.

Lots of details, humor and action make this arc a solid play, but it's the customs and settings that really put it over the top. Just make sure you can handle your liquor before you load it up! BEST CUSTOMS! BEST OVERALL!!

High School Dropout was another arc to feature custom enemies. In this case, they were hundreds of high school students who have mysteriously gained super powers and are running amok over Steel Canyon!!

While this arc didn't have near the same amount of detail as the first, it stood out as having a lot of potential and a good amount of action. BEST POTENTIAL!!

Our last arc was a bit of a throwback to the old school. Warrior Scholars focused on the standard Warriors enemy group and told a tale that easily could have been straight out of canon.

The arc was refreshing in it's simple, straight-forward plot, objectives & mechanics. A classic "beat 'em up" arc with lots of fast-paced fighting and a touch of meta humor at the end. BEST BASICS!!
It was especially good to see some old faces show up this week! If it keeps up we may have to start running 2 teams at a time like the good old days

Next meeting: 9/11/11 , we will be meeting on Guardian Server to answer one of our Storyteam members' questions that came up this week: "What's a MacGuffin?"

So, we'll be serving "Ægg MacGuffins!" all afternoon on Guardian at the AE building in RWZ. Want a taste? Come join us! All levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This week's Storyteam theme spilled over from a conversation during last week's adventures. At one point Fred mentioned a dislike for the MacGuffin of a certain arc and some members asked, "What's a MacGuffin?"

As someone who's taken many film study classes I often forget that others aren't familiar with common tropes such as the MacGuffin. So, in order to better educate us all we chose MacGuffin arcs to run this week!

For those that are curious, here's how the web defines a MacGuffin:

MacGuffin (also Maguffin or McGuffin) - n. an object or event in a story that serves as the impetus for the plot.

(from wiki)
The defining aspect of a MacGuffin is that the major players in the story are (at least initially) willing to do and sacrifice almost anything to obtain it, regardless of what the MacGuffin actually is.

Usually the MacGuffin is the central focus of the first act, and then declines in importance as the struggles and motivations of characters play out. It may come back into play at the climax of the story, but sometimes the MacGuffin is actually forgotten by the end.
Now, MacGuffins show up in many, many arcs. So, to narrow it down, I picked arcs that were a bit more overt in featuring their MacGuffins. By that nature, they're more satirical than most MacGuffin arcs would be, but they're enjoyable and perfect illustrations of the trope:
#498945, "I wonder if this works..." by @Naggoth
1 mission/Heroic

#335544, "Chest Quest: Hunt for the MacGuffin" by @Garuta
5 missions/Neutral

#1567, "Curse of the Emerald Parakeet" by @Lazarus
4 missions/Rogue
The arcs this week are a nice mix of satire, challenges, and serious storytelling. Your search for MacGuffins ends here!
I wonder if this works...was the perfect start for the day. A 1 mission humor arc that pokes fun of the MacGuffin plot device in the most overt ways possible. A scientist needs your help to recover a doomsday device (MacGuffin) before it's activated and destroys the world.

Elegant in it's simplicity and rife with biting satire. This one is not a cerebral masterpiece, but it is a lot of fun. MOST OVERT!!!

Chest Quest uses the MacGuffin to send you on a series of challenge missions that at first seem random, then all come together in the end. While it is a 5 mission arc, all missions are on tiny maps and can be completed very quickly (and very painfully if you're not prepared!)

This is one of those arcs that you may start with reservations on, but it quickly grows on you. The dialog really carries the arc, and I for one want to see more of the silver tongued contact. Who knew a talking chest could be so fun?!? BEST ORIGINAL CHARACTER!!

And finally, the Curse of the Emerald Parakeet is a blessing for story enthusiasts! Your rogue swipes a valuable figurine but can't seem to shake the curse that comes with it! In your quest to rid yourself of this cursed MacGuffin you use every underworld contact you have and get a unique perspective on a rogue's life behind the scenes.

Aside from the sharp dialog and rich details in this arc, what really makes it unique are the settings of the first few missions. They are a nice reprieve from the typical fight-your-way-to-the-boss type of missions you normally find. The last mission OTOH, is a large map filled to the gills with baddies.

The good thing about it, though, is all but the objectives are optional. So if you're in a punching mood, you can smash to your heart's content and be rewarded with bonus clues and content. Or you can ignore the mobs and head straight to the end.

Fun story, great action, and perfect use of the MacGuffin! BEST OVERALL!!
As usual, it was great teaming up with the Storyteam and I hope you all had as much fun and edutainment as I did!

Next meeting: 9/18/11 , we will be meeting on the brand new Exalted (VIP) Server where we will celebrate the introduction of Time Manipulation with a few Time TrÆvels of our own! Our resident time traveling expert, Bubbawheat, will choosing the arcs and leading this time, so set your clocks!!

"Time TrÆvels!" next Sunday on Exalted at the AE building in RWZ. Don't be late, join us! All levels and ATs are welcome!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This week the AE Storyteam celebrated the introduction of the Time Manipulation powerset with Time TrÆvel arcs! Our resident time travel Æxpert, Bubbawheat, plucked 2 arcs out of the timestream for us play:

#20863 "A hero is made, not born." by @OverlordIndigo
1 mission/Heroic (TIMED!)

#4727 "Future Skulls" by @Justice Blues
4 missions/Heroic
Hero is made was a timed mission where you're stopping a bank heist in the past. There were some nice customs and dialog, but, honestly, the action was a bit too fast-paced to keep up. A story with more of a 'challenge' slant, I'll have to hop in my way-back machine and play this one again to get the details I missed in the heat of combat. MOST FRANTIC!!

Future Skulls, on the other hand, was a story-rich and highly detailed arc that evolved the concept of the Skulls, turning them into a much more imposing threat to the city. It's balanced for low level play and features a creative mix of custom and canon enemies. BEST CUSTOMS!!

A big thanks to everyone for rolling up alts on Exalted for this week's meet. The new sewer trial is going to make hopping servers easier than ever!!

Next meeting: 9/25/11 , the CoH: Freedom celebration continues as we visit the Freedom server for "Freedom" themed arcs. "What's a 'Freedom' theme," you ask? Join us next Sunday in the RWZ on Freedom and find out!! All levels and ATs are welcome to join

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Well, real life took me away from the game last weekend and I have yet to get the lowdown on what arcs were played by the group, but that won't stop me from posting SOMETHING!

Our theme was "Freedom for Æll!" so here's a couple that fit the theme...not necessisarily what was played, but they should be fun if you're looking for something in that vein

#519444 "The final days of a Galaxy" by @Neon Rider
2 mish/Neutral

#384776 "Made to Wave the Flag" by @LaserJesus
5 mish/Heroic

Final Days is a creative prelude to the Shivan invasion of issue 21. While it's mechanics can still use some polishing and the author takes some creative license by having the Shivans talk instead of grunt, it's still a fun, action-packed lead-in to CoH: Freedom! BEST PREQUEL!!

Made to Wave is a more traditional "freedom" arc, with themes of duty, honor and sacrifice. WARNING: You'll be facing off against Malta so bring your big-boy britches!! BEST OVERALL!!
I have a feeling Storyteam members are busy playing with the new toys & returning friends in i21, but we'll try to get back on track next Sunday. We'll play the theme by ear and meet 10/2 on Triumph. Normal time & place, see ya there!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



To match up with this week's new costume set in the Market, Sunday's theme will be an Ænemy Spotlight: Circle of Thorns.

Join us on Triumph, Sunday at noon eastern!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This week we celebrated the release of the new Circle of Thorns player costume parts with our first ever "Ænemy Spotlight!" Circle of Thorns took center stage in these 2 mystical arcs:

#4829 "Chains of Blood" by @Venture
5 mish/Heroic

#355428 "Rise of the Elite Three" by @Col. Starbottle
3 mish/Neutral

When Venture caught wind of this week's theme he submitted Chains of Blood for us to play. It was one of the first arcs he ever made and he used our playing it as an excuse to spruce it up! What we found was a detail-rich story that explores a possible secret history of the Circle of Thorns that ties into the stories of what I assume are a couple of his personal characters and the Legacy Chain.

The difficulty was well balanced and played just like a normal canon arc with the exception of one AV challenge at the end. I would have liked to have seen a better motivation for the player or some way of making the story more about the player than the history of the CoT, but it was still a fun time. BEST ADDITION TO CANON

For our 2nd arc we took a risk...we played Random Roulette! With "Circle of Thorns" in the search field and filters for Mystery and Drama arcs I clicked the Random button and found "Rise of the Elite Three!"

The mission description sounded like it wasn't a farm and it had 2 or 3 plays already so we loaded it up! Immediately we're contacted by a robot from a 'grim future' that wants to send us thru time to defeat three bad guys that take over the world. So we hop into the timestream and get to work!!

First thing we notice: it's a defeat all (actually all 3 missions were >.<) Luckily, the missions are all on small/medium maps so it wasn't as dreadful as it sounded. 2nd thing we noticed: the first 2 missions are filled with Hellions...but there's no level cap so they all spawned grey to our level 44 group >.< The first missions are quick as we mow down greys!!

Mission 3 we finally fight something our level: the CoT!! No big surprises here as we wrap up the story and defeat the Elite Three...who really weren't very elite at all.

The story was thin and the mechanics were in need of a re-edit...but there was definitely and attempt to tell a story and flesh out characters. There were even custom enemies with bios! I figure the arc is a first time author's attempt. Hopefully the feedback we left will help them improve and maybe revisit AE. MOST IN NEED OF A RE-EDIT
Next Sunday we cross back over the pond to test out some freshly made arcs in need of feedback. Don't miss New RelÆses!! 10/9/11 on Union at 9am Pacific, 5pm British. Meet us in the AE building in the RWZ, all levels & ATs welcome.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



One of the things I love about AE is its freshness. Every day new arcs are created so there's never a shortage of content for a hero, villain or a rogue! This week we took a look at some of that fresh content with our theme, New RelÆses! 3 arcs made the playlist:

#521513 "The Sleeper" by @Miyka'el
2 mish/Heroic

#522067 "Project Dragon" by @FredrikSvanberg
5 mish/Neutral

#523306 "Execution of Elaborate Evolutions" by @Zamuel
3 mish/Villainous

I discovered The Sleeper while the author was looking for feedback on the MA Arc Finder global channel. This quick, creative arc was crafted by a relative newcomer to AE and features a very unique concept: protecting another hero's secret identity!

The dialog comes at a good pace and the action is well-balanced with standard groups. The story lets the player feel heroic and is quite engaging. There are a few mechanical bits that could use fixing ie. the level range shift between missions and some nav bar text, but all-in-all it's a solid story and a lot of fun! MOST CLEVER & BEST DUMPSTER CAMEO!

Project Dragon
is the latest project from fellow Storyteam member Fredrik Svanberg. Fred's arcs are often rich with canon references and fast-paced action and this arc has those in spades!

Your character has been called upon to infiltrate a kung fu tournament put on by the Tsoo. You team up with the lovely Flower Knight and uncover a lot more than roundhouse kicks and karate chops! Be warned, tho: this is a Challenge arc and is meant to test your character's limits. Bring break frees and be ready to mash buttons with the best of 'em! MOST CHALLENGING & BEST MAP CHOICES!

Finally, Elaborate Evolutions had JUST been published when we wrapped up Fred's arc. Zamuel even joined us to test his latest creation!

The villainous story hook dug deep: a serum has been developed that evolves mutants to a new level of power and we need to get it to make our own doom army (or other nefarious deeds.) We beat up Crey, some evolved wannabe heroes, and even a few Devouring Earth in our quest for villainy.

While I found the overall story a bit too elaborate, the dialog and details were top notch and the underlying concept is engaging. BEST HOOK & MOST POTENTIAL!
Next weekend we'll extend our overseas stay and visit Defiant for a new concept! Don't miss our first ever Æuthor Spotlight! featuring arcs by @TwoFlower! TwoFlower has recently embraced the F2P model by buying up new arc slots and cranking out fresh stories for us to enjoy! It just makes sense to see what they're like!

Join us for Æuthor Spotlight: TwoFlower, 10/16/11 on Defiant at 9am Pacific, 5pm British. Meet in the AE building in the RWZ, all levels & ATs welcome.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This week the AE Storyteam tried a brand new theme: Æuthor Spotlight! We decided to play new arcs by one of MA's most prolific and recognized creators...@TwoFlower! Since the launch of CoH:Freedom, authors now have the option to buy as many AE slots as they'd like. @TwoFlower decided to take advantage of this new service so we loaded up his latest adventures:

#517859 "Crime is Art and Art is Crime" by @TwoFlower
3 mish/Heroic

#519044 "Grunty McFisterson's Two Step Guide to Winning Respect" by @TwoFlower
3 mish/Villain

What happens when villainy and creativity combine? You get Art Crime - Criminal acts with an artistic flair that can't be handled in the traditional policing manner. When Crime is Art and Art is Crime, that's where you come in to save the day.

As a card-carrying hero of the city, you've got the experience and powers to catch these eccentric evil-doers and the Art Crime division of the PPD need YOUR help!

What you'll find are memorable characters, sharp dialog, humorous clues, and a very clever plot that can only be thwarted by YOU! Also, an original use of lead out mechanics and an unforgettable custom group with some of the best end-boss one-liners you've ever encountered.

Note: this is a higher level arc and you will be fighting Carnies, so bring some BFs but also be ready to have FUN!

Heroing is good and all, but sometimes you just want to be a villain. Now, some villains are content with being an Arachnos stooge, but for those who want to make a name for THEMSELVES, there's a new contact in town...Grunty McFisterson!

Grunty can see your potential and doesn't think you want to waste it working for the man. So he clues you in to a different path to notoriety...a fool-proof, 2-step method that any villain with enough gumption and power can pull off.

If you love punching lots and lots of deserving punks in the face, this is the path for you! Low level fun, mostly standard enemies, and non-stop action (this arc actually rewarded almost 3x as many tickets as the previous arc)!

While I felt this wasn't nearly as polished or original as @TwoFlower's other arcs, it's still a fun romp and good lowbie action!
I like to think our first Æuthor Spotlight was a success! You could definitely see the Æuthor's 'style' come out in each arc, yet they were very different stories with their own 'feel.' We'll have to do this again, soon!

Next Sunday, get into the spirit of the season with HallowÆen High Roller! 10/23/11 we'll meet on Liberty 9am Pacific, 5pm British for some tricks and AE treats! Each Storyteam member will come prepared with a HallowÆen themed arc they've found or made and the High Roller picks which arc we play! Meet in the AE building in the RWZ, all levels & ATs welcome.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



The leaves are changing color, the nights are getting longer, and giant bags of candy are flying off the shelves. You know what that means? It's Halloween time! So this week the AE Storyteam explored a few HalloweÆn Arcs:

#524193 "Once a Hero" by @Lord of Storms
5 mish/Heroic

#461308 "The Abandoned Hospital" by @Therianthrope
1 mish/Neutral

#461253 "The Pumpkin that stole Halloween" by @Nathras
1 mish/Neutral

When you think Halloween, you think of ghosts, goblins, and things that go bump in the night. And that's just what you get with our first arc, Once a Hero!

While trying to rid the streets of a powerful, new hallucinogenic drug, you stumble upon a mystery that threatens to engulf the whole city in a horde of nightmarish monsters and ghouls.

The action is fast-paced, the customs are great and the details such as bios and clues really show the heart the author put into the arc. BEST OVERALL!

What's Halloween without a Haunted House? Not to be outdone by the Devs, The Abandoned Hospital is a clever, moody mission that creatively uses standard enemies and settings to create a haunting story.

While the concept, mood, & characters are top notch, the arc does have 1 drawback: it gives almost NO rewards. A lot of the enemies used in the arc are Pets, and as such, give 0 xp or drops. Despite this, the arc is definitely worth a run thru for the setting, alone. MOST CREATIVE, BEST SETTING!

And finally, if there's one thing no Halloween can go without, it's a Pumpkin! The Pumpkin that stole Halloween is a fun, simple, action arc with exceptionally designed, holiday themed customs.

The story isn't too deep, but the costumes make up for it! I'd have liked to see more detail put in and maybe some more variety in the hostages, but if you're looking to get into the spirit of the season, it's a great arc to kick things off. BEST CUSTOMS!
On a side note: the two 1 mission arcs we played this week both had Corrupted Critters & Invalid Names from a recent patch. Hopefully the authors will get the feedback we left and give them an update soon, as they're fun arcs.

Next Sunday, we celebrate the release of the newest addition to Melee powersets with Street JustÆce arcs!! Join us on the Justice Server this Sunday, 10/30/11, at 9am Pacific/5pm British for some back alley beatdowns! Remember, we meet in the AE building in the RWZ, all levels & ATs are welcome.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Batman cleans them up. Daredevil prowls thru them. And even CoH's Nemesis is down with them, as it were, yo. I'm talking about "the streets!" And with the recent addition of Street Justice to the Paragon Market, we thought it'd be a good time to visit some arcs that dish out some good, old fashioned StreÆt JustÆce!! 2 arcs made the playlist this week:

#115935 "Cracking Skulls" by @Flame Kitten
3 mish/Heroic

#6600 "'Dyne of the Times" by @Samuraiko
5 mish/Heroic

What better way to kick off StreÆt JustÆce week than by Cracking Skulls!?! The lower rung of Paragon's criminal food chain has been peddling a new drug and it seems to have made them more powerful! The Skulls are no longer the pushovers they were before and it's up to you to not only put a stop to their new drug, but possibly save their lives, too!

This arc is well detailed, fast-paced, and balanced for new heroes up to level 14! The customs are a perfect fit into canon and the story is a solid mystery that unfolds at a perfect pace. BEST OVERALL!! BEST CUSTOMS!!

'Dyne of the Times is a very similar premise, but with a much deeper tie to CoH lore. Back Alley Brawler needs your help to get a new drug & new gang off the street and your success or failure could mean everything to Galaxy City's top dog!

As you can tell from the Arc ID #, this is a very early made arc, and as such, it's not as slick & polished as many arcs being made today. But, despite it's age, the core of the story is solid and the action is two-fisted fun for levels 1-50+! BEST LORE TIE-IN!
I wish I had time to search out more SJ arcs, as it's a superfun genre and such a staple of comic heroes. You just can't go wrong punching bad guys in the face!

Next Sunday, we explore the fallout of all these crazy Zombie Apocalypses with Zombie Æftermath!! Join us on the Infinity Server this Sunday, 11/6/11, at 9am Pacific/5pm British for some undead AE action! Remember, we meet in the AE building in the RWZ, all levels & ATs are welcome.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



I bet you thought I forgot to update the AE Storyteam thread this week. Wrong!! I've just been recovering from the Zombie Æftermath action (and still working overtime at my new job.) So, in case you missed it, last weekend we found 3 zombie arcs and brought them back from the dead:

#129569 "Brains!"
2 missions/Heroic by @Radisonx

#394516 "Z-Day 2039: Part One"
5 missions/Heroic (NOTE: removed by author, no longer playable)

#165163 "City of Zombies"
2 missions/Heroic by @Valegor

Whether you like your zombies slow moving & shambling or cracked out & amped up on RAGE!!! the AE has a zombie arc for every undead slayer out there!

Brains! Is a fun action-oriented zombie slaying arc that has a nice bit of story mixed in with its gore. Rescue a hero and beat up zombies for fun and XP! BEST ACTION!!

Z-Day was a highly detailed zombie story that took place years after an undead apocalypse. While it had some mechanical problems and a couple grindy missions, the concept, characters, and overall execution was going to earn it BEST OVERALL for the week...but the author pulled the arc shortly after our run-through so, sadly, unless someone can coax them to put it back up Z-Day is just a fade memory...

Our final zombie bash was City of Zombies! Another quick, fun, action-oriented arc but this one has some humor thrown in and a super-wide variety of undead enemies to try and survive! Be sure to check out the bios on this week's BEST CUSTOMS!!!
Overall, zombies seem to be a popular theme in AE and I'm sure there's many more unexplored gems in this genre. Check 'em out and let us know if you find any good ones...and survive the experience!

Next week: 11/13/11 we check out the finalists in the Players' Choice Æwards! Join us on Champion server, all levels and ATs are welcome

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



I may be able to join one of these, I am certainly going to check out these AE missions.

I haven't done AE since I rejoined (the arc in my sig is probably totally broken). Good to know people still make/play AE missions for fun and not just farming