Green Lantern: The Early Reviews Are Bad. Really Bad.




Box office shows good start.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out just what the hell was going on with her pelvis before I gave up.


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Saw it last night. DUG IT. Actually liked it better than Thor (3D was actually worth it in my opinion more than Thor's 3D)



Okay. Saw the midnight showing.

It wasn't bad. And it's nowhere NEAR a 20-something percent on Rotten Tomatoes bad.

No, it's NOT "The Dark Knight Returns".
But, as far as being a decent superhero flick, it's fine, though it's playing a little on the Dangerously Genre Savvy side.

Visually, the film still has the "Hey look! CGI BACKGROUND!" compositing problem. But most of the time there's enough action going on that it distracts the eye away from it. Most egregious were the Oa shots.

As for acting, it was okay. As I've said, not DKR, but hey. Reynolds needs some acting lessons though. He's like Keanu Reeves, except his "thing" is "Smug Snarker" instead of "old stoneface".

The story itself could have used a little tightening here and there and the first fight scene with Hector Hammond could have been pruned a LOT. But it conveyed just about everything it needed to. Both for hardcore GL'ers and for people who've been dragged into the movie by the aforementioned.

Was it worth $10? Well, I dunno. Had a raincheck from Thor that I used. Still, had that not worked (some shows don't accept rainchecks opening weekend), I still would have paid for the ticket, even knowing what I know now.

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I heard a breif, spoiler free review on the radio today. The reveiwer is a self proclaimed GL fan, new tons of trivia and history of the comic. While he thouroughly enjoyed it, he provided some interesting insight as to why he thinks the early reviews are so poor.

For him, the film is a fun, popcorn, summer action flick and not in by any means, high art. He clearly recognized quite a few problems with the film, as far with regards to some editing issues, story / plot issues, but said these things are quite common in many other typical summer action movies. He did state he thought the actors all did well in their roles.

The reason he believes the views are so poor is that other super hero themed movies have set up greater expectations for critics and perhaps even the audience at large. Movies like the last two Batman and Iron Man films in particular have raised the bar as to what a well done super hero film can look like. So when people see summer blockbuster super hero film announced, they tend to measure them against the bar of those other really good movies.

Over all he recommended people go see it for the fun of it, not to expect a great film, but one that is just fun like any other action flick.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
I heard a breif, spoiler free review on the radio today. The reveiwer is a self proclaimed GL fan, new tons of trivia and history of the comic. While he thouroughly enjoyed it, he provided some interesting insight as to why he thinks the early reviews are so poor.

For him, the film is a fun, popcorn, summer action flick and not in by any means, high art. He clearly recognized quite a few problems with the film, as far with regards to some editing issues, story / plot issues, but said these things are quite common in many other typical summer action movies. He did state he thought the actors all did well in their roles.

The reason he believes the views are so poor is that other super hero themed movies have set up greater expectations for critics and perhaps even the audience at large. Movies like the last two Batman and Iron Man films in particular have raised the bar as to what a well done super hero film can look like. So when people see summer blockbuster super hero film announced, they tend to measure them against the bar of those other really good movies.

Over all he recommended people go see it for the fun of it, not to expect a great film, but one that is just fun like any other action flick.
I saw the first matinee today, and this is a great summary of what I was going to say.

Anyway, +1.

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~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!



From what I have been told this movie is better than the last DC Hero movie they released over Father's Day Weekend, which was last year's dud Jonah Hex, my review of that film (a film I was hoping would be good) shows what a pile of trash it was.

What I am hearing is Green Lantern has great special effects. Great Special Effects looks great in 3D but does not grab you. It is slow at times and the Sinestro & Hal time is too brief to start to establish the famous relationship between the two. The Master going evil and the Student Rebelling is not the theme but Parallax... which I am hearing hurts the film.

No I am not saying high art, but DC just does not seem to grasp the idea of how to make movies of their characters. Nolan/Batman is perfect but the rest... well lets not discuss it shall we?



The master going evil and the student rebelling, in my opinion, is the perfect set-up for the second movie. If we had Sinestro turn bad immediately after being introduced to him, we wouldn't feel the sense of betrayal from Hal and the Corps that such a turn deserves. As it is, the movie has enough clues toward that development for foreshadowing purposes and laying the groundwork, and it ends with Hal having earned Sinestro's respect.

I do have to wonder if Martin Campbell was really the best choice of director for GL, but he still does an admirable enough job. I hope the next movie, assuming there is one, will nix Earth-based elements almost entirely and have it all set in space and on alien worlds like Korugar.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



just got back from the theater seeing this, and i have to say that i liked it a lot, yes it wasnt perfect because i felt it was rushed in parts, and not as much action as i would have hoped but overall fairly good, i would give it a 7/10 as it was definitely better than some other superhero movies



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Still seeing it.

Havent read a review from a GL fan, but I wouldn't trust a GL fan to review the movie to save their lives as a lot of fan reviews end up like this "Doesn't follow the comic so it sucks" (paraphrasing of course).
*ahem*, BrandX.

Okay, I haven't seen it yet, but certainly SOME of us nerdy enough to have their own power batteries and rings (yes I do) are usually okay if they get the idea down right.

Organic vs Mechanical Web-Shooters? Who cares? Spider-Man shoots webs. If he shoots them organically, it gives him one more thing to need to control and potentially be embarrassed by. If they're mechanical, there's a greater option for drama when the mechanism jams up or the web fluid runs dry...and of course that's the way it was originally written...but it ALSO brings up the problem of why Peter Parker never became a scientist with 3M. A kid like that machining wrist mounted spritzers that create a solid elastic that dissolves in an hour? The kid would be a millionaire many times over.

Back to "Green Lantern". I can nitpick about how the lanterns and rings "don't look right" in the movie. They don''s not and never has been how they've been drawn in the comics or in any animation. Doesn't matter...they still got the idea across. Power batter + power ring = Green Lantern powers. Spider-Man "spins a web, any size. Catches thieves, just like flies." Both ideas still work.

Please accept this as a tounge-in-cheek "neener".

Aside from that, I'll freely admit I'll have a hard time removing my personal bias to give an objective review on the film overall. Rest assured, CoX faithful, that I WILL chime in.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



I saw it. I liked it. As has been stated, not the best out there, but Rotten Tomatoes really is off on the 20%, which just goes to show imo that critics really do have a tendency to just repeat what another one says.

I do see wasted potential though! DC should take a clue from Marvel and link their movies. Which they could still do, but it would mean GL is the first super hero and not Superman.

It wouldn't have needed much either. A news report playing in the background and they'd have had it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
Saw it last night. DUG IT. Actually liked it better than Thor (3D was actually worth it in my opinion more than Thor's 3D)
Now THAT is the opinion of a trustworthy source. Thanks for tossing out your two cents.

*power-rings giant high-five for Sho*

BTW I was surprised when the wife said she wanted to see "Thor", and though I'm not the biggest fan of Marvel's version I certainly know about him and enjoyed the film overall, so I appreciate the comparison. You're also not the only person who's commented about the 3D being more impressive in "GL" than "Thor".

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



My father told me this a while ago......I will make my own opinion after watching the movie and not before......

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



It exceeded my low expectations. Thought it was a decent flick. Nothing groundbreaking, but I can understand why the mainstream reviews have been bad. It's steeped pretty heavily in Geoff Johnsian lore and he even co-produced it. Very comic booky and definitely flawed, but still thought it was okay and none of the CGI or costume effects were as bad as I thought they were going to be based on stills and trailers.

Originally Posted by BrandX
Havent read a review from a GL fan, but I wouldn't trust a GL fan to review the movie to save their lives as a lot of fan reviews end up like this "Doesn't follow the comic so it sucks" (paraphrasing of course).
I think the problem is the opposite, in this case... it may actually follow the comics too closely, to the point that only a comic book fan can really understand all the details. It's still easily followed for a mainstream audience but you can't appreciate it in its entirety and it doesn't make much of an attempt to explain things very well to the uninitiated. I can definitely see why it'd disappoint GL fans, though, in that it's just not that great of a movie. I'd give it like a 6/10 though.



Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
Okay, I haven't seen it yet, but certainly SOME of us nerdy enough to have their own power batteries and rings (yes I do) are usually okay if they get the idea down right.

Organic vs Mechanical Web-Shooters? Who cares? Spider-Man shoots webs. If he shoots them organically, it gives him one more thing to need to control and potentially be embarrassed by. If they're mechanical, there's a greater option for drama when the mechanism jams up or the web fluid runs dry...and of course that's the way it was originally written...but it ALSO brings up the problem of why Peter Parker never became a scientist with 3M. A kid like that machining wrist mounted spritzers that create a solid elastic that dissolves in an hour? The kid would be a millionaire many times over.
This is explained in the comic, both explicitly and implicitly. Explicitly in that webbing is considered useless because of the cost/benefit ratio doesn't give a boost over whatever they currently use. Implicitly in that Peter is driven to serve others, both as Spider-man and as himself, so he goes back to his high school as a science teacher. It's just who he is.

I like how they handled it in Ultimate Spider-man: it was the formula his dad was working on when he died, the implication being that either Peter's father may have abandoned it once he saw it wouldn't have too many real-world applications or he was killed before finishing. Peter was obsessed over the formula and finally solved it. Before that he worked without webs. I prefer that, because it shows that he's smart and driven.

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For those of you wanting a review from a Green Lantern fan, here I go:

The film was okay. But just okay. After seeing it, you have to wonder when you're handling an intellectual property revolving around creativity and imagination, why wasn't more of that injected into the project? Was the director just not up to properly conveying just how large-scale this movie could be? Should have they have just threw a bunch of money at Geoff Johns to write the movie instead of getting a bunch of guys together to see if they could imitate what he's done to make Green Lantern so popular over the last several years? Did they not have to budget to do what they should have, which was to break from the superhero staple of a love interest and set this movie almost entirely in space as Hal learns to sling the green?

I'm sure the answers to these questions are known to some already or will come out following the film's release, but for whatever reason, I find it hard to imagine a GL fan would say this movie lives up to its potential. Here are some of the reasons why the film missed the mark:

  • Blake Lively was positively wooden save for maybe one scene.
  • Hal's time exploring the capabilities of the ring and training on Oa was too brief.
  • There's no memorable musical score to go along with the character.
  • The CGI of organic creatures was off and felt sub-standard, as if whichever company behind it didn't really take pride in their work.
  • The relationship between Hal and Sinestro isn't explored enough, and overall Sinestro wasn't given enough screentime, certainly not enough to demonstrate his motivations for doing what he does in the stinger.
  • The action was a bit too brief and the big bad is defeated too easily.
  • There were no stand-outs acting-wise.
  • There's no real personal beef between the main villain and Hal, so there's little emotional weight to their fight.

It's certainly disappointing if you're a GL fan and if you realize how much better it could have been if they'd gone a different way with it or gotten the money and creative team to take pride in the movie rather than simply throw a DC superhero movie out there just to show they're making an effort (albeit minimal) in the comic book big screen battle.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



^^ Foamerang said it just about exactly right, coming from me as another GL fan. The only other big thing is that the film really shows that it had 4 writers. There are sections that just abruptly end, and there's a particularly rough few minutes where literally nothing makes sense, and it felt like the scenes were just out of order somehow. My other big beef is:


About 50% of the movie is Hector Hammond: The Movie, guest starring Hal Jordan. There's all this talking and exposition and buildup to Hector being a big-headed creep (and he's a creep, not a threat in any way). Then his big moment comes, after all this buildup, and he fails and dies. There was no big resolution, no big... anything. SO much time was spent on Hector, to NO major outcome. He had NO impact on the story whatsoever. [His fight scene in the DEO lab is the segment I mentioned skipping around. Hal shows up-- how? He doesn't know this is going on. Hector is... blinded? Then Hal is talking to Carol, then we see Hector in bed being told to fight Hal. Suddenly, Hal goes to Oa and asks permission to do exactly what he was doing and ends up going right back where he was. WTF?]

I, as a fan, am not nerdraging, nor am I upset by this movie. I had low expectations, and I got more than I thought I would. It's better on dvd, where you can skip over the bad parts and just have 45 minutes of alien fighting.



Having not watched this movie yet....thinking of waiting til netflix gets it....

From a GL fan, one would think that they would have spent more time on Hal Jordan being a test pilot and how and why he became a GL in the first place and then focused on him on OA being guided/taught by Sinestro and then at the end of the movie have a tease of Sinestro turning on Jordan and the Corp...thus setting up a sequel and possible trilogy.... At this point to the unintiated there is no need to do the whole "Hector Hammond/Parallax" thing....just explain the guys origin.....I mean if you wanted to do some sort of space opera that ended up being the whole Corp Wars thing then fine.....however the first couple of movies should have a limited focus.........

Am I wrong for thinking the above???

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Bah, I always goe to matinees. Less people to mess with my agoraphobia.
Or snatch the cell-phone from some knucklehead and beat the ever living snot out of them.

Matinees are great for keeping the prison population from exploding due to violent behavior in that regard.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



The film had some problems. Entire scenes seemed missing, some too short. I'm guessing it's due to the excessive CGI scenes drove the cost of the movie up. It really needed another 15 to 25 minutes to smooth out the flow.

Scenes that felt out of place. The birthday party. The bar fight.

They needed a better way to established Hector's crush on Carol as well as how they all knew each other. It was somewhat obvious with Hal and Carol.

Why did Sinestro turn?

While Thor also had some CGI environments, it did have a lot of physical sets as well where GL had few. Basically only when Sinestro and Hal were on screen together.

It's not Airbender bad. Thankfully few movies are but I think it's closer to Metacritic's score than Rotten Tomatoes.

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Ok, I saw it. And I liked it. That out of the way, there are things to be said about it.
First, the buzz on it is bad. X-Men has nothing to worry about.
Hal Jordan is a bit of good looking fluff who only does one thing in his life well. And that is fly. And even that is tainted by the memory of his Father's flaming death right before his young eyes. He feels that the ring chose incorrectly because the stated criteria is fearlessness. And he knows that he is filled with doubts, insecurities and fears. The lady in his life encourages him. By showing him that it is not that he has to be reckless enough to be fearless, but courageous enough to overcome those fears.
Ironically, with the possible exception of Ryan Reynolds himself, the casting/acting is spot on, especially as it applies to the guy playing Sinestro.
The one glaring plot flaw that really irked me. Is that The Guardians of the universe are supposed to be one of the oldest and wisest and most powerful of the sentient races. One of their own members approached the yellow orb of fear to better understand and control it's power, and was overwhelmed. He became Paralax. Who goes on to decimate a host of Lanterns. And yet when a Lantern (Sinestro) suggests that a yellow ring be made, they agree instantly! Huh? Run that by me again...
But it still was a lot of fun. And it doesn't take itself too seriously. Go see it and enjoy. But take my advise, don't waste your money on the 3D version. It adds nothing.

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My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
As I said in the other thread, ignore the critics and just go enjoy a great, fun film
It's not great and it's rarely fun, people.

I'm not trying to start some **** with Coin or anything, but I just read this post and winced cuz I felt like I should put a disclaimer on there or something.

And here's Nostalgia Chick and, er, Todd(?)'s review

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
It's not great and it's rarely fun, people.

I'm not trying to start some **** with Coin or anything, but I just read this post and winced cuz I felt like I should put a disclaimer on there or something.
Pfft, bring it on, Foamy :P

Seriously, not saying it's the best film in the world, or even the best superhero film in the world, nor is it without it's flaws, there's always things in any film that could be done better, but compared to a LOT of other superhero flicks, it's a good, fun movie! Shall we compare it to the stodginess of Superman Returns? Or the sheer awfulness of Catwoman? What about the excrement that was Wolverine? Or X3??

Given how much it seems to be polarising opinions, I just think people should see it for themselves and then decide. I know people who love it like me and hate it like yourself. There's no universal love like Dark Knight got, nor the universal hatred that Catwoman got either.

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Pfft, bring it on, Foamy :P

Seriously, not saying it's the best film in the world, or even the best superhero film in the world, nor is it without it's flaws, there's always things in any film that could be done better, but compared to a LOT of other superhero flicks, it's a good, fun movie! Shall we compare it to the stodginess of Superman Returns? Or the sheer awfulness of Catwoman? What about the excrement that was Wolverine? Or X3??

Given how much it seems to be polarising opinions, I just think people should see it for themselves and then decide. I know people who love it like me and hate it like yourself. There's no universal love like Dark Knight got, nor the universal hatred that Catwoman got either.
That's one thing that kind of bothers me about some of the reactions to this movie. You've got a lot of people saying, "Well obviously it can't be as good as The Dark Knight" or something similar. And every time I see that, I think, "Er, why not? Shouldn't the makers of these comic book movies be looking to rise to standards of excellence?" And when I go down that road I realize I'm not upset at the movie-goers for having this reaction, but rather I'm pissed at the creative team behind this because upon reflection you can tell that they weren't trying for anything even close to that in terms of quality.

I really don't enjoy bagging on this film. I really, really, really wanted to enjoy this one and I allowed myself to go in with lowered expectations but they took this concept that I've become a big fan of over the past decade or so and they put just the bare minimum effort into bringing it to the big screen. It's so mediocre it hurts.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405