Green Lantern: The Early Reviews Are Bad. Really Bad.




Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
That's one thing that kind of bothers me about some of the reactions to this movie. You've got a lot of people saying, "Well obviously it can't be as good as The Dark Knight" or something similar. And every time I see that, I think, "Er, why not? Shouldn't the makers of these comic book movies be looking to rise to standards of excellence?"
Couldn't agree more! All films should strive to be as good as movies such as this, but I don't expect them to be, to be honest

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Couldn't agree more! All films should strive to be as good as movies such as this, but I don't expect them to be, to be honest
I don't expect them to be, either, but I think filmmakers realize that and should put their best effort forward and look to pleasantly surprise us with their work. And with Green Lantern, the fact that I am thoroughly convinced that almost no one took pride in their work on it really disappoints me.

I need to go watch a good superhero movie now to get my mind off this one, although I'm worried I'll just return with a rant about what makes for a good and bad one.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Well obviously it can't be as good as The Dark Knight" or something similar.
Well it's more like it wasn't as bad as the Dark Knight. It was better, as I'd actually like to see it again and would recommend it to people. I am SOOOooooo sick of this overrated turd. STOP USING IT as the standard when its the substandard in story telling. It had any more plot convience in it there be a 7/11 on every corner.(It had more than the Harry Potter films.) The world jobs to the the guy who's Joker in name only and Batman is a guy just some angry dude who wrecks alot of stuff, growls and never actually does any detective work. It's a comic book film ashamed to be a comic book film. It's a decent film, but a terrible comic book film.

When I saw Green lantern I was having remotely as many YEAH Right moments as when I saw the Dark knight. it was aalittle slow at times, but it got the spirit of the Green Lantern right...something the Dark knight failed miseribly at.

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So I just got back from watching the movie with a friend and I thought it was a good movie.

My friend, who is a big GL fan and a reader of the comics/etc (I'm not), said it was good but there is some nitpicks that are wrong in the movie.


Oh and I didn't read any of the posts in the thread (except a few) but...I think the "best" origin story comic book/hero one is the Iron Man movie. Really, really liked that movie. If it had a longer fight (more drawn out fight) between Iron Man and the main villain (forgot his villain name War Monger?) it would have been perfect.

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Iron Monger



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
It had any more plot convience in it there be a 7/11 on every corner.(It had more than the Harry Potter films.)
Do you mean plot contrivance?



Why does adding the word "Summer" to the description "Good movie" somehow allow a lower standard then the words "Good movie" alone?

I see this all the time, and it rather perplexes me. Am I the only person that thinks a good summer movie does not come out every summer?



Originally Posted by Nemo_Utopian View Post
Why does adding the word "Summer" to the description "Good movie" somehow allow a lower standard then the words "Good movie" alone?

I see this all the time, and it rather perplexes me. Am I the only person that thinks a good summer movie does not come out every summer?
It's like the difference between a good hamburger and a steak. Both are ostensibly made of the same basic stuff, but well, one's hamburger ie. summer flic ie lower expectations to hit to be considered "good hamburger". And the other is steak ie. more serious fare. And no...a good summer movie doesn't come out every summer, but I don't know what that has to do with anything.

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And is it the season or the budget that allow this lowered expectation?

I notice that I can not add summer to "It is a good steak" and permit lower expectations. If the cook makes it in a different season he gets no lowered expectation. If he gets a bigger budget with which to prepare my steak, expectations for a good steak rise should rather then fall.



There were a lot of good ideas in this movie, but not a whole lot that is well executed. The major theme that I saw that Hal brought something to the Corps that they lacked: as a being that felt fear easily enough and yet could overcome it, he had a distinct advantage over the other Green Lanterns who couldn't recognize their own fear until it was too late. But they did a poor job selling this point. Instead we get way too much focus on a weak villain, and too little focus on the Corps.

Maybe if Hal could have nearly been consumed by Parallax, but at the last moment rip his soul back out of a sheer force of will. Maybe if he was joined by a contingent of the Corps and he and his very human way of dealing with fear turned the tide of battle. Maybe if they made more of the fact that Sinestro came to believe that fear was stronger than will and showed that he resented that Hal was victorious through will, his actions in the stinger would have made a lot more sense.

Also, while Green Lantern does need Hal's life on Earth to ground the character, Green Lantern works best when its basically space opera in spandex. It deals with a lot of color-coded characters wielding emotions as weapons and makes no apologies about that. It should all be silly, but it takes itself seriously and just asks you to go with it, and if you do you're in for a fantastic ride. That's what Geoff Johns brought to Green Lantern, turning it into a perennially struggling property into one of the most popular superheroes going right now.

But that's not what we got here. Instead we got a lot of what made Green Lantern a struggling property for many years: too Earthy, too small, trying to be like every other superhero instead of showcasing what makes Green Lantern unique and great.

It's not a bad movie. It's definitely not as bad as Spider-Man 3 or the Fantastic Four movies. It's entertaining, but it fails to tap into its potential. No one is going to see this movie as their first exposure to Green Lantern and say, "Ohmygosh, Green Lantern is AWESOME!" And that's exactly why you do a superhero movie in the first place: to expose people who haven't yet experienced the character to just how awesome they are. And that's why this movie is so disappointing as a Green Lantern fan even though I did kinda enjoy it.

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Originally Posted by Nemo_Utopian View Post
And is it the season or the budget that allow this lowered expectation?

I notice that I can not add summer to "It is a good steak" and permit lower expectations. If the cook makes it in a different season he gets no lowered expectation. If he gets a bigger budget with which to prepare my steak, expectations for a good steak rise should rather then fall.
The term "summer movie" doesn't really have anything to do with the season it's released, or the budget, but the style of movie. Big, noisy, action packed, effects spectaculars. Another term would be a "popcorn movie". It's not really lowered expectations, but *different* expectations. What makes a good popcorn movie isn't necessarillly what makes a makes a "good" movie overall. A summer movie isn't particularly meant to make the audience think deep thoughts (which is what may account for the split in opinion on Inception)...they can, but it's not generally the aim of a popcorn movie.

Like I said, hamburger and judge each on different scales.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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And here's Linkara's thoughts on the movie.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
.......ok, what the hell was that??

That's a review website?

Yeah, most The Cinema Snob's website is devoted to making fun of bad, obscure movies. He does, however, review new mainstream movies on the main page of the site.



So, Hal Jordan is summoned by otherworldly technology to encounter a dying alien being, transported across the universe, and awakens on another planet clad in a wondrous energy uniform. And how does he react to these awe-inspiring experiences?

Well, as played by former standup comedian, Ryan Reynolds, he playfully struts and poses, watching himself in a reflective crystal surface. Argh!

Warner Bros., you are the same studio that served as reverential caretakers of the Harry Potter property; why did you desecrate Green Lantern?!



Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
So, Hal Jordan is summoned by otherworldly technology to encounter a dying alien being, transported across the universe, and awakes on another planet clad in a wondrous energy uniform. And how does he react to these awe-inspiring experiences?

Well, as played by former standup comedian, Ryan Reynolds, he playfully struts and poses, watching himself in a reflective crystal surface--argh!

Warner Bros., you are the same studio that served as reverential caretakers of the Harry Potter property; why did you desecrate Green Lantern?!
For me, the problem with Hal Jordan is that he doesn't have a personality. I think maybe they were trying to go for a sort of "Top Gun" mentality by essentially lifting the character arc from Tom Cruise's role, but it falls flat because they didn't really know how to handle it.

Watch some of Reynolds' more serious work and you can see he has a great range and real acting ability. But he's most famous for his goof roles, so they seemed to have wanted him to channel that aspect of his persona.

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I just wanted to say, Thank You, to all the critics and rottentomatoes for bringing my expectations for this movie down to a low enough level that I could enjoy it!

Best scene: Green Lantern and Carol on the balcony. Take that Lois Lane! Well played

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The problem with Ryan Reynold's Hal Jordan is that it is an unfocused, irresponsible, immature d-bag.

Hal Jordan is a focused, angry, responsible character who seems to be uncaring due to his focus and anger.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

Hal Jordan is a focused, angry, responsible character who seems to be uncaring due to his focus and anger.
Is that Hal when he first got the ring, or Hal after decades(real time) of ring-slinging?

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
The problem with Ryan Reynold's Hal Jordan is that it is an unfocused, irresponsible, immature d-bag.
Agreed, Reynolds would have been MUCH better as Kyle Rainer, or really let the d-bag loose for a role as Guy Gardner.

As far as the movie itself goes, though, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I thought it was better than both Thor and X-Men: First Class. I just don't feel that Ryan Reynolds was the right one to play Hal Jordan--or rather, that the Hal Jordan in the movie was even remotely true to the source material.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Is that Hal when he first got the ring, or Hal after decades(real time) of ring-slinging?
When he first got the right.

After he became GL he lost a lot of his anger as it was, but he is often angry at other things, like Guardians being complete tools, Sinestro enslaving his planet, the destruction of his home city etc...

As said in the other thread... they got virtually everything wrong... and it's mediocre at best and all the changes they made are bad changes.



I admit it's been a while since I last read the Emerald Dawn version of GL's origin, but I thought the movie borrowed a fair bit of Hal's personality from that. The irresponsible jackass who knew he was a bit of a screw-up but couldn't bring himself to admit it and take responsibility for how his actions affected others?

One thing that I really liked about the movie's portrayal of Hal was the moment after he's dropped off near Abin's ship. He's disoriented at first, then disbelieving when he catches sight of the ship. But the instant he sees Abin's arm drop into view he charges in without hesitation to try and help whoever's in there.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
So, Hal Jordan is summoned by otherworldly technology to encounter a dying alien being, transported across the universe, and awakens on another planet clad in a wondrous energy uniform. And how does he react to these awe-inspiring experiences?

Well, as played by former standup comedian, Ryan Reynolds, he playfully struts and poses, watching himself in a reflective crystal surface. Argh!

Warner Bros., you are the same studio that served as reverential caretakers of the Harry Potter property; why did you desecrate Green Lantern?!
What is he supposed to do? Curl into a fetal position on the ground in fear and suck his thumb? GL's are chosen for their ability to overcome fear/being fearless. If a new GL transported to Oa caved into fear I daresay the guardians would rip the ring right off their finger and send the person back to their planet.

In the original Tron, FLynn gets zapped into the computer and his first thought was "this isn't happening, only think it's happening" he soon found out it was happening and he reacted with the Kevin Flynn style of humor that the character had at the time.