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  1. Slightly related....if you haven't yet, you *really* should play the Walking Dead game from Telltale. I just finished episode 5...It's probably the best storytelling in the history of videogames.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golgothen View Post
    Quick question, if anyone's willing to answer...

    I'm playing a Sith Juggernaut, I have a shield generator equipped in my left hand, do I have to do anything to activate it? Does it give any sign that it is on or when it blocks an attack? I've never seen it do anything.

    No, it's a passive device...it being there means it's working...you can see it's affect on your stats, but i don't think there's actual FX for when it goes off...the game gets rather visually busy by the high end...it'd just be more visual noise.
  3. Maybe I've screwed something up with my settings, but I literally *never* see any chat. I see people, have done a couple of dungeons through the group finder, but my main's just finished egypt and i never see any one chatting
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Um... PWE's from China.
    Um...he didn't say anything about where they were from, simply that they shared a mindset that he's attributing to Korean companies.
  5. and nothing until January...and no thread about that here?

    done some digging, CN says it was for their 20th anniversary....but also have seen (but from only one source so far) that DC's rights to the Milestone characters (Icon, Rocket, Static) have expired.....
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    I don't think you've grasped the idea of debating a topic on a forum.

    From what you've said here, if anyone posts something that you don't personally agree with ... that makes them a troll?

    I don't see how you got that conclusion from what he wrote. He's pretty much said the exact opposite.
    Your intent/topic/position on any given issue is irrelevant to whether or not people see you as a troll, it's your behavior.....and things like an OP ignoring the on-topic posts in their thread and instead arguing about what constitutes a troll....that's kinda trollish behavior.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I am sorry but you have to realize that doesn't compute.

    If that is the case you drop the secret project, you don't destroy an asset that would be conservatively valued at 10-20 million dollars
    The "project they were working on" that he's referring to is CoH, i believe.
  8. Webcomic "Wayward Sons" put up a heads up to their audience

    it's over here
  9. Well, though I'd have much preferred the deal they were rumored to be working out (Fox gets an extension on the DD deadline in exchange for Silver Surfer and Galactus going back to Marvel), anytime a Marvel character goes back to Marvel an angel get's it's wings....or something.
  10. Furio

    TF2 Comic

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I don't get it...CoOp for what? There's no single player game/part in TF2....
    Its a new mode. up to 6 people (from RED and BLU) vs a hoard of robots that are trying to set up a bomb
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Because they're not interrested in making a good movie. They're interrested in making a profit, which most of them have done.
    Aye....they're not really interested in the well-being of the property, or the artistic merit...simply if they can keep making money off of it. Which is why i want all the Marvel characters to go back to Marvel. They at least have an interest in the properties beyond simple dollar signs.
  12. It calcifies the flesh is how it's described IIRC. So it's not literal stone, but close enough for a society without advanced enough science to tell the difference.

    Yup...not literally stone
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    oh god not another DD movie. But on the other hand, marvel movies have been good lately and maybe they can do same for DD and kind of diminish the memory of the first, I guess it can be called an attempt. It kind of worked for the Hulk when they remade it again.
    You seem to be confusing "Marvel movies" with "movies with Marvel characters". They're two completely different things. The Ben Affleck Daredevil movie was made by Fox, the new one would be made by Fox and is a "movie with Marvel characters". "Ang Lee's Hulk", all the Spider-Man, FF,and X-men movies, also fall into this category...a movie starring Marvel characters made by a separate movie studio.

    All of the Avengers related movies of the past few years (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Incredible Hulk, Avengers) are "Marvel movies"....made in-house by Marvel.

    And while I'm biased against the X-men movies...it's the only property that I tend to geek-out over continuity changes (mainly because I feel they're ham-fisted, and often done just for the sake of doing them, and then they can't even bother keeping their own internal continuity straight), I really would be much happier if Marvel got the rights back to all their characters.

    But for the short term, I'll totally be content with them extending the start deadline on a DD movie in exchange for Surfer and Galactus...they're sorta needed for where the next Avengers movie is headed.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    It would be better if Fox losses all the movie rights to the Marvel properties they have.
    Well, that's a given. But one step at a time
  15. Surfer and Galactus play into Marvel's current movie plans far more than DD
  16. ...don't start filming a DD movie by 10/10/13

    But....I like the idea of the Marvel offer there. I'd totally suffer through another Fox Daredevil movie if it meant that Surfer and Galactus reverted to Marvel
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Nuuuu! I want Rachel in all her glory!
    yeah....that doesn't happen till years later...Past came out in '81, Present in
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Rachel Summers is one of my favorite X-Men, I hope they get someone who does her justice! Also I hope they don't neglect her hellhound markings!

    Though, if they keep with their current storyline, I can't help but think it won't be anything but totally different anyways.
    Rachel isn't a hound in Days of Future Past. Her last name isn't even given,just that she's Franklin Richards' girlfriend. No actual time-travel in it, either (re: another post up there). Rachel somehow swaps adult Kitty's consciousness with her 13 year old self in order to warn the Xmen about the assassination of presidential candidate Senator Kelly by the New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Mystique, Destiny, Blob, Avalanche and Pyro) You're thinking of Days of Future Present, which was out about a decade later spread through a few of the Annuals released that year.
  19. DO NOT WANT. That story is too good for the likes of Fox.
  20. I'm gonna assume everyone's seen the movie if not, go see it, ya weirdo...but it wouldn't hurt to have seen previous HISHE episodes

    It's a link! Click it!
  21. At this point there's only one possible reason that Liefeld still gets hired to draw. Blackmail. He's Mr. Boddy from the movie Clue. He's got dirt on everyone running a comic company.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post

    Not surprised about Shireen.
    Kind of surprised (pleasantly) about the Reeds.
    Edmure and the Blackfish very surprised. I thought they'd just decided to ditch the Tully's.

    And can't wait for Thoros and Beric.

    I'm surprised you're even kinda surprised about the Reeds. It has to be possible for Bran and Rickon to split up, and I can't see Bran allowing Rickon to go off with just anyone, so Osha pretty much has to leave with him....and Jojen is just too important to Bran's development.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    Where the !%&# is Jack Black?!?!?

    Not an action star, so no invite. Even in that movie he was just playing a guy who was playing an action star...he's at least 2 degrees of separation from qualifying to be included in the cast here.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Yeah.....wonder how that is going to be touched on.
    Probably not at all...He's only going back to 1969, not 1869, after all. Just reminded me of a Louis C.K. bit.