3104 -
Quote:I was not planning on posting a thread. But since it's Thanksgiving week,why not.
To those who know me and they are far and few, here goes:
1. To my fellow VG mates - The League - glad to be part of some good times (SF, PvP, Base Raids, etc). I would have quit during i9-i12 if it were not for you.
2. "RSF Central" vets: Thanks for teaching me how to play this game.
3. To the "0.o" channel members. It was a privilege going to battle with you. Epic & Excellence are the words that come to mind. Thanks Xtreme Raze & Emma for creating the channel. And for those who filled it, you know who you are, thanks you for having me. I certainly won't blame QP for this one.
In the immortal words of LordAllMighty, cheers!
Cheers LAM! -
Yeah I'll miss this section of the forums the most...
This is where I heard all the good rumors and saw the cool trailers that I haven't seen/heard of!
That and I could always ask "who would win" type of questions without having to resort to wikipedia and doing the work myself -
Quote:I won't miss most of you. A lot of you were like clones of Comic Book Guy, complaining about each and every little thing. You couldn't shut your collective yaps if your lives depended on it.
Probably just padding their post count though....(side note: thought I would have been able to join the Forum Cartel but alas it's not to be.)
I don't mind the . at the end of his posts....it does give me the "why? I want to know why he does that!" eye twitch thing though.... -
And also again I only played melee but in CO feels like I'm hitting something, punching something, cutting something. COX not so much on the punches, which is actaully more comical than CO version, but TW in COX does feel like it has more weight, but the rest of the melee CO seems to feel more solid like it's hitting something....
I'm with you for the most part. Some power sets really felt 'meh' when attacking the mobs...mobs hardly reacted to what you threw/hit them with.
I think that's why I loved the Street Justice set (and surprisingly didn't care as much as I thought I would for Staff Fighting). StJ had some great animations that the mobs used/played when they got hit with the attacks (Staff had some too but the sound fx for staff were lacking in my opinion). Loved the sound of StJ's attacks
I would have liked to see power (travel) suppression taken away but, alas, not so.
Overall I thought the combat system was okay for CoH...not great, but not horrible.
I can't stand some of the "wait for power to be cast" animations in some games though. Mainly I'm thinking of WoW right now where you "cast" a spell and you have that progress bar showing you "you're SOOOO close to casting the spell....aaww, you got "interrupted"...try again!"
Sure we have a few, very few powers that could be interrupted but for the most part, fire and forget. I don't like waiting 5s for my fire ball to be cast. *shrugs*
I would have liked to see a "FPS" type of targeting system for PvP....I'd be interested in PvP then (possibly)!
I liked the movie but still like Casino Royale as the best of the "new" Bond Daniel Craig movies.
Probably because Eva Green was in it..... -
I'd have to agree as well. Seeing 'homeless' video game characters was interesting to see and think of.
Hooray! Thanks for the link Father_Xmas!
You could just come to Richmond/Chester, VA and have less traffic!
I know I've been playing Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2 lately. Haven't logged into CoH for a good month I think...."no point" for me at least.
I'll be on for the last night though.... -
hehe, saw the episode last night. Nice in-jokes all around
Quote:Haven't read the book, but those look like some Super Fast Zombies...
I agree. I watched the trailer last night and was put off (I'm not a huge zombie movie lover guy anyways)....just the 'bad' CGI with the whole zombies piling higher and higher and not losing a step....just seemed too unrealistic.
*shrugs* Never read the book (never heard of it).
I saw the movie this past Saturday with 2 friends. We all thought it was a pretty good movie
I'm late to the party but saw the trailer yesterday (and again today
) and it's looking good!
Quote:We tracked how long you were engaged in the trial (in case you joined midway, for instance) and if you were active.
If you were marked as "not active", you got the 10 threads table. This calculation was the source of much controversy outside of the studio, but Baryonyx and Positron worked tirelessly to ensure fairness - it was very heavily weighted in the player's favor and made substantial accounting for all ATs. (This isn't to say we never had any bugs with it, but that was the design intention as I recall).
The calculations for stages engaged in the trial were crafted for each trial individually, and we did see some strange results on occasion - the system was resilient to disconnects but esp. in the early days of I20 when the TUT could accidentally send you to someone else's mission map it proved to be not *that* resilient. This did have an effect on what mix of rarities were in your reward pool at the end of the IT - and at least for a brief period if you were only in for say, a very short time, it could give you 10 threads as well, but I am hazy on that point.
At the end, if you were "active", you got to roll in a pool based upon stages engaged - this looked something like 40% Common, 30% Uncommon, 25% Rare, 5% Very Rare if you were there for the whole time. Partial time looked like 60% Common, 30% Uncommon, 10% Rare.
Hmm, interesting.
One more question about the iTrials...
When the UG (and Keyes/etc...) got "buffed" so that the UG always gave a Rare or Very Rare; I've been in runs where one person in particular (an sgmate) always seemed to dc mid-way through but he'd get back in 5 minutes or so.
He always got the 10 thread drop (I'm pretty sure at least).
So did the system know that you went through stages 1-3 of the UG; then dc then come back for stages 5 (maybe even 4-5) or was it a "fresh start" when you entered back into the iTrial? -
Quote:Waypoints were always sent to the client in terms of the final destination - just the X,Y,Z of where you were to go. The pathfinding beacon system would try to construct the actual shown waypoint at whatever transitional doors stood between you and the destination. This system had some edge case problems - the pathing could get caught in a loop sometimes, but it worked most of the time. It's also possible from your description that it was trying to do the pathfinding "too early" - as in, while you were inside the door instead of just outside of the door - and that's why it was pointing back at the door you came from. Logging in and out would cause it to remake that path at your new position, which would be valid.
Actual bugs with that pathing were terra incognita, we no longer had enough knowledge around the team to figure out how that system worked on the level of comprehension necessary to resolve it. It would have been first rediscovery then resolution - and the rediscovery task never seemed worth it in terms of time investment, considering how apparently minor the issues were. It could have been a trivial fix, but the knowledge of where and how to find that trivial fix in the system was not in anyone's head. While we did push a lot into those darker areas, some (pathing, collision) were still very dimly understood.
It's also possible the system that send the next waypoint to the client was broken in some way. There were some ways to advance a task (delivery tasks/dialog trees) that weren't 100% on the "oh and now you have to send all the updated task status stuff to the client" portion of doing things. Again, logging in and out would cause the server to resend all the client data from scratch, which usually fixed those sorts of bugs.
Ah okay, cool! Thanks for the info.! -
Okay just thought of a long standing 'bug' that's been out ever since CoV was released (or the first issue after cov forgot
In Seer Marino's arc, you get a mission in Mercy Island to do whatever (look for info on Ghost Widow ?).
That mission is inside an actual building in Mercy. Kind of like St. Martial Giza temple missions.
You complete that mission and the next mission you get is also in Mercy; however, the UI marker for the mission is off and has always been off. If you look at the mini-map, I think, the marker was correct but the actual in-game UI marker was in/at the doors into and out of the building you were in.
Only logging out and then back in "solved" the issue.
What's up with that?
Sure it's a very low priority bug to fix but...you can't tell me Null the Gull couldn't have solved the issue within the time frame the bug has been around (again, since CoV or whenever Seer Marino was introduced). -
Quote:Wha.. what? That's not what I remember. Stealth didn't matter to them at all - I remember, because I ganked many stalkers who were running warburg codes with hide on. I also remember them following very well.
But I guess it's a moot point :|
Yeah...again, it could have been me...my toons might have smelt bad or something -
...At some point this power, even though it's "hit" was merely incrementing a script counter, started being treated like a normal attack by the AI - thus you had pets charging Marauder as soon as he appeared - after all, he just "attacked" them!
ooooh...well that at least makes sense! -
Quote:Yes. Yes it did. I remember some of them fondly. Y'all shoulda used the Warburg script on all escort NPCs, it was a much less buggy and irritating script.
Uh, how about 'no'....
Maybe it was just me but Warburg seemed to have the "take more than 5 feet away from me and I'll stop following you" code (and no I didn't have stealth/invis on).
There were some missions you could invis/stealth on, run a good distance away and the AI was still following you. Others....yeeesh...the stupid wolf dog in NW (Kii kiii or whatever) was almost the worst. *Takes 2 steps* I don't know where you are!?! help! *kicks dog...I'm right here!* Kii kii!
Anyways, back on topic; thanks again BS for what you did in the game! -
There's so many points that made CoH great in my mind....I copied and pasted this from another post of mine recently:
I was so excited! Getting into WoW and all the hype about WoW. WOW was I blown away at the difference between CoH and WoW! CoH was (and still is in my opinion) sooooo much more awesome than WoW was for me. More intuitive, easier to know where to go, who to talk to, etc...I'm not the "explorer" type so when WoW told me to go to x city and talk to y person...uh...I know I have to go south but...uh...where in the town is the NPC?! Ugh....*walks 5 mins trying to find him*
CoH? Oh, go here and here's a marker to know where to go! Awesome! I don't want to waste 5-10 mins trying to find something so that I can actually get my quest.
CoH's UI is still awesome and the ability to fight more than 1 "mob" at a time made me smile. Going from CoH to WoW and I'm like, "2 mobs? pfft, I got this...*starts attacking* *gets hit once by each mob* OH MY GOSH, RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!
And while playing Diablo 3 one night two people were "Reminiscing" about WoW and a few highlights were (paraphrasing since I don't remember it all):
"yeah I remember if you were serious you had to be available for at least 8 hours to do x raid."
"those darn x guild people were always camping (24/7) every spawn point of x new boss."
Me: *shakes head*...yeah...that sounds like...pain...I want to start up a game and PLAY and play to have fun, not "have a 2nd job which supposedly is a game." >_>