Dear Devs and Community: I love you THIS much...




Dear City of Heroes Developers, Paragon Studios Employees of any nature, and my fellow community,

I have been trying to find the words to express what all this means to me. If it is not 100% right, and beautiful, then I don't want to say it. Maybe sometime soon I will find those words. Most everything I would like to say has pretty much already been said in a thousand other farewell posts, so I feel there is no need to repeat. God knows I want to though. No one but me will ever truly know how much this game, this community, and this team, really have meant to me over the past 8 years. If I could, I would at least go door to door of the devs and personally thank each and every one of you and shake your hands. You deserve better, and hopefully that "better" is coming for you. But I am getting off the topic of this thread...

Anyway, as I said before, everything I want to say has pretty much been said. Like how this was my first MMO (as you can see below, I started 08/24/2004), and the only one I ever really gave a damn about. Through hard times, I have met some of the most wonderful people I will ever meet in Paragon, and this community is more of my Family than most related to me by blood. CoH will forever live on, as there will never be another game like this, and our memories will keep it alive. I have been making Demo Record videos to play once the servers go down, and ANYONE who wants a copy is welcome to email me at You all have done so much for me, sharing a little bandwidth is the LEAST I can do. Damnit, I am getting sentimental and off topic again...

The point of this post is that all the words in the world are just that: words. They say pictures are worth 1000 words. Well here are a couple 1000 words that should explain just how much CoH means to me. G*D D*MN IT, I LOVE YOU ALL!

You can find more in my Album at:

I went to Hero Con '09. Might not sound like a big deal, but I live in Jacksonville, Florida. Most of you have no idea how difficult or expensive it was to go. And it was worth every penny. Sat next to War Witch at the dinner (Hey, Melissa!). Spent all my money on the trip and whatever was left over I spent on swag like the glasses, pens, and costume codes. That was my first time to California too. That trip will live forever in my memories.

As I said before, you can reach me at for anything. Want my demo record files, wanna chat about CoH, swap stories, share pics, whatever. You all are my family, and always will be. Please even after the servers go down, PLEASE continue to be the Heroes I know you all are. If no other games fill the void, use your newly found free time to volunteer or mentor. Donate to a cause you feel is worthy. Live your dreams. Better yourselves or the lives of others. Don't let the Heroes die with the City. May the God of your choice bless each of you.

Forever and always yours,
Blue Alpha / Prince Recluse

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



If anyone else wants to share their pics of their collection, no matter how big or small, please feel free to do so. I know at least I would love to see them. I'm sure someone has to have me beat.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Golden Girl - Thank you. And don't worry, I have one on the inside. I was never really much of one to spend much time in the forums, but in my time on them, I have noticed a few things. One of which is you. Before this thread gets flooded, I just want to say thanks to you directly. You seem to be a major force in the community. You are well known, and from what I can gather (everyones minute bickering aside) well respected. Thanks for being a beacon of CoH. If you ever need a friend, hit me up.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Why do you have so many copies of CoV? I understand the usual 2 for twoboxing and all the different editions... but wow...

BTW, I envy your collection. You just made my collection seem horribly tiny...



Holy cow, Recluse. So when does the museum open to the public?



That is a significant amount of love on display. o7



Lol. Thanks guys!

Why so many? Why not. I love this game and wanted every thing related to it. Yes, some of it was for dual/tri boxing, some was just for collecting, some was for me to have the packaging and give the serial codes to others to convince them to play.

One thing you can't see here is that one of those CoV Collector's Editions actually had TWO copies of everything in the box! Circuit City messed up I guess, but it had 2 copies of the game, 2 serials, 2 sets of Hero Clix, etc. I about crapped a christmas tree that day!

I have a bout a total of 5+ accounts, but none with such extensive history as the main one here. What can I say: When I find something I love, I support the SH*T out of it. Most of my friends often said "I wish I could get as into something as you are of CoH". Granted, I loved the game, but I also maintained a life outside of gaming as well. Thus, the creation date of 2004, yet only 5 yrs 7 mo of paid time.

But I really appreciate your comments. Of all the games I have played, none have ever matched the compassion of this community. And for that, I thank you.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Impressive collection.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You should get a badge for all that
I think he deserves an accolade better :P

Awesome collection!



Many thanks to you all. You are all too kind.

I was always a little disappointed that it wasn't more. There were a couple times I went into game stores, etc. and asked them to sell me their CoH Cardboard Displays and posters. No luck. But honestly, I am just happy to have been able to support such a fine development crew, from Cryptic to Paragon Studios. I would trade all of this in in a heartbeat if it could some how save CoH, or at least benefit the devs in some way.

I am still hoping to win the lotto, now though it is simply so I can front the money to rebuild Paragon Studios. The CoH IP may be lost (still fightin the fight though), but the genius minds that created it remain and if I ever get the chance to get them back together and work on a new project, i.e. CoH2 minus anything that crosses the copyright infringement line, then I will do what ever it takes to make that happen. If I ever do though, I am gonna base that company out of Florida so all you Californians can feel my pain!! lmao.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



While it doesn't have the CoH logo on it, I've got an extra Paragon Studios towel you can add to the collection. Send me a PM if you want me to mail it out to you.



LMAO Fire Man! Since I am rarely on Forums, this is my first time being Meme-ed. lol feels good. And I REALLY appreciate the offer. PM sent You are MY hero, with or without the "City".

And if any other Devs/Red Names out there wanna send me any extra swag/memorabilia they may have lying around, (like a closet full of swag in an empty studio for example... ) by all means I am happy to take anything you send my way! Although, if one of these mysterious "capes" I have heard about lands in my presence, you may be responsible for a joy-induced heart attack. I am willing to take that risk.

Have I mentioned I love you guys lately? :-P

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Also, if anyone can post a link as to where I can aquire one of the AP33 t-shirts, or anything else CoH related that you think I might find interesting, it would be greatly appreciated.

Side-note: I have checked multiple times before and I remember there was supposed to be a 3rd Novel that I believe never got published, but if it did and someone knows where I can find it, you shall be my God. The first 2 books were a great read and if your a CoH fan and haven't at least read the first one, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. I believe you can still get the first 2 on Amazon or such sites. 3rd book was about the Rikti War, if I am not mistaken, but 99% sure it never saw the light of day.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



There are other ones as well I just didn't have the searchfu to find them.

Originally Posted by Prince_Recluse View Post
Also, if anyone can post a link as to where I can aquire one of the AP33 t-shirts, or anything else CoH related that you think I might find interesting, it would be greatly appreciated.

Side-note: I have checked multiple times before and I remember there was supposed to be a 3rd Novel that I believe never got published, but if it did and someone knows where I can find it, you shall be my God. The first 2 books were a great read and if your a CoH fan and haven't at least read the first one, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. I believe you can still get the first 2 on Amazon or such sites. 3rd book was about the Rikti War, if I am not mistaken, but 99% sure it never saw the light of day.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I still haven't seen anyone else that has this yet, well, besides myself:

I used to also have the CoV stands for a local Gamestop - thing was like 4 feet tall or something. I threw them out though.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
While it doesn't have the CoH logo on it, I've got an extra Paragon Studios towel you can add to the collection. Send me a PM if you want me to mail it out to you.
Confused... you offering the guy a Paragon Studios branded towel, or the dirty towel that was hanging in the men's bathroom and every dude in Paragon Studios dried their hands with?



Thank you, Prince_Recluse. Loved what you wrote and was blown away at seeing your collection. Thank you!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
Thank you, Prince_Recluse. Loved what you wrote and was blown away at seeing your collection. Thank you!
No, John... Thank YOU!

And Stars, I would be happy to receive EITHER towel scenario.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I still haven't seen anyone else that has this yet, well, besides myself:

I used to also have the CoV stands for a local Gamestop - thing was like 4 feet tall or something. I threw them out though.
Yeah although I knew about this game before it came out from reading gaming magazines, I did not know about pre-orders and beta testing etc. at the time. There was very little of that in consoles at the time. And it wasn't until I was reading a "review" of the game shortly after it came out that I even knew it had been released or else my start date would have been much earlier. I had been waiting for a game like this where you could create your own super hero long before it was even an idea.

BUT I was in CoV Beta. If you notice the CoV box left of the CEs, that is my preorder box. So congrats Jayboh, you've got me beat on that CoH "Presell Disc". :-p

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I still haven't seen anyone else that has this yet, well, besides myself:

I used to also have the CoV stands for a local Gamestop - thing was like 4 feet tall or something. I threw them out though.
I might have one of those; I purchased my pre-order from CompUSA.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I might have one of those; I purchased my pre-order from CompUSA.
For 5 of my 8 years playing, I worked at CompUSA. And I think that may be where I got my first copy of CoH (before I ever started working there)

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Dear Prince,

I know it's a blast from the past as it were, but I noticed you have a copy of Computer Gaming World magazine on the desk in that first pic. I penned the Guild Wars review in that issue. In fact, I reviewed for CGW pretty heavily for the final four years they were in print, and reviewed CoV when it launched, too.

And guess what? For seven years, I worked for CompUSA, too (at store #425 in New England, starting in their tech shop and ending as Assistant Manager of my store). Hi! :P



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Dear Prince,

I know it's a blast from the past as it were, but I noticed you have a copy of Computer Gaming World magazine on the desk in that first pic. I penned the Guild Wars review in that issue. In fact, I reviewed for CGW pretty heavily for the final four years they were in print, and reviewed CoV when it launched, too.

And guess what? For seven years, I worked for CompUSA, too (at store #425 in New England, starting in their tech shop and ending as Assistant Manager of my store). Hi! :P
WOW! First of all, nice work with CGW. You are a celebrity to me, and it's nice to know ya. Hell, you may be the reason I tried GW in the first place. Could never really get into it though, for a variety of reasons.

And its funny how hilariously coincidental life is. HitStreak also worked at CompUSA back in the day (Found that out in this weeks Coffee Talk). I started there in 2007 (Store #609 in Jax, FL) about 6 mo before they went out of business and were then bought out by TigerDirect. Started as a cashier, bumped to Head Cashier when they re-opened, and finished out in March of this year as Tech Shop Manager (Technical Services Supervisor). Enjoyed it but my god am I glad to get out of Retail. :-P

Thanks for the response...Denice? I am happy to archive some of your work for future generations to enjoy. There is a VERY good chance I have more issues with your wordsmithery then, and I will have to check. I don't know about other people, but I enjoy being able to tell people "Yeah, I sorta know the person that wrote these articles. We both used to play CoH... AND we both worked at Comp!". If you need anything, and managed to skip my multiple mentionings earlier in the thread, drop me a line at

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Haha, yes, I'm Denice.

Wow, Hitstreak worked for CompUSA too? Too bad we all didn't live closer; we could have a reunion lunch, lol.