Dear Devs and Community: I love you THIS much...




here are the things I kept...I also have the Clix CoH figures but would have had to dig them out of a box in storage
The book to the right of the TopCow comic is CoV/CoV artwork (including dev's sketch concepts.) You flip it overto see blue or redside.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Prince_Recluse View Post
Yeah although I knew about this game before it came out from reading gaming magazines, I did not know about pre-orders and beta testing etc. at the time. There was very little of that in consoles at the time. And it wasn't until I was reading a "review" of the game shortly after it came out that I even knew it had been released or else my start date would have been much earlier. I had been waiting for a game like this where you could create your own super hero long before it was even an idea.

BUT I was in CoV Beta. If you notice the CoV box left of the CEs, that is my preorder box. So congrats Jayboh, you've got me beat on that CoH "Presell Disc". :-p

...but seriously I had tons of stuff that I eventually threw out - some of it is in storage though. Shortly after the announcement I dug this up. I could make an iso image of it if anyone wants it.

I initially came from Planetside, and I converted nearly my entire outfit (clan) to CoH.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
here are the things I kept...I also have the Clix CoH figures but would have had to dig them out of a box in storage
The book to the right of the TopCow comic is CoV/CoV artwork (including dev's sketch concepts.) You flip it overto see blue or redside.
I used thumbnails to save space and people's eyes, but you can find full-size images using the link to my full album below

Very Nice Healix! Yeah,

is the same art book. I just have 2 copies so I showed both sides. Also have all the maps and posters, just didn't have enough room to lay them all out.
Until now..

And I noticed your VIP card. After searching through my retail boxes just now I found mine...

AND couldn't believe it when I turned it over...


But I admire your collection. I am always happy to see I am not alone. Thank you for sharing. <3

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post

...but seriously I had tons of stuff that I eventually threw out - some of it is in storage though. Shortly after the announcement I dug this up. I could make an iso image of it if anyone wants it.

I initially came from Planetside, and I converted nearly my entire outfit (clan) to CoH.
Yeah, it is understandable to have thrown it out. I get crap all the time from my fiancee about my collection ... or "hoarding" as she like to call it . I just happened to be lucky enough to have the space to store it right now.

Here's my CoV PreOrder Disc: (along with other disc sets)

And once again, you can find all these and more at my Album:

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

There are other ones as well I just didn't have the searchfu to find them.
Thanks for the link btw. I did a search for City of Heroes on here and found some GREAT shirts, mixed with a lot of Batman stuff. Here are some links to other shirts to make it easier for people: - Save Paragon shirt - Icon Tailor Shirt - (Love this one) F7 for anything - Long Live Paragon City


You know what, there are SO many that are SO good, I will just share my search and let you sort through them:

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

There are other ones as well I just didn't have the searchfu to find them.
Wait just a damn minute.... I Burnt The Toast ?!?!?! HEY!! It's me, Blue Alpha! aka Will Blade!! Freedom server. (We're Global Friends.)

Sorry I will no longer be able to run Incarnate Trials anymore. We sure had fun while it lasted though. Just wanted to officially say Thanks for the good times. Friends like you are the reason the shutdown is so difficult. You can reach me at the email address in original post. I will do my best to be on as much as I can between now and D-Day. Hopefully we can run some more over the next few weeks.

Also, if anyone needs iTrials run on Freedom server, I would be happy to help get them up and running.

Oh and just found out, my best friend's birthday is the 29th of Nov... Guess when they are having the party... Yep, evening of the 30th. Son of a... If I have to take my laptop, or dip out of the party early to get home for the sunset, then so be it. If it wasn't his 30th B-day it would be easier... but I am sure he will understand... hopefully. :-/

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Holy ****.

This is easily my favorite game ever, but I don't think I like anything that much. Hats off to you guys.
Thanks Ironik. I just happen to have the right resources at the right times. But these collections of material things are mere trinkets compared to the vast treasure troves of invaluable memories and collections of good spirits that not only I, but the majority of our community share.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Heyas Blue I will prolly be on this weekend - got no plans so will definitely look you up. And WOW - talk about a collection I am the anti-pack rat I don't keep stuff around LOL. It used to drive my Ex Husband crazy (He was a pack rat and thought every box had to be saved).

I lost some globals somehow - no idea. So if I am not showing up on your globals send me an invite @I Burnt The Toast.

Originally Posted by Prince_Recluse View Post
Wait just a damn minute.... I Burnt The Toast ?!?!?! HEY!! It's me, Blue Alpha! aka Will Blade!! Freedom server. (We're Global Friends.)

Sorry I will no longer be able to run Incarnate Trials anymore. We sure had fun while it lasted though. Just wanted to officially say Thanks for the good times. Friends like you are the reason the shutdown is so difficult. You can reach me at the email address in original post. I will do my best to be on as much as I can between now and D-Day. Hopefully we can run some more over the next few weeks.

Also, if anyone needs iTrials run on Freedom server, I would be happy to help get them up and running.

Oh and just found out, my best friend's birthday is the 29th of Nov... Guess when they are having the party... Yep, evening of the 30th. Son of a... If I have to take my laptop, or dip out of the party early to get home for the sunset, then so be it. If it wasn't his 30th B-day it would be easier... but I am sure he will understand... hopefully. :-/

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Heyas Blue I will prolly be on this weekend - got no plans so will definitely look you up. And WOW - talk about a collection I am the anti-pack rat I don't keep stuff around LOL. It used to drive my Ex Husband crazy (He was a pack rat and thought every box had to be saved).

I lost some globals somehow - no idea. So if I am not showing up on your globals send me an invite @I Burnt The Toast.
Already double checked - Your still on mine, so I will definitely try to get some time in this weekend.

And anyone else who wants to join - Freedom Server, Global is @Blue Alpha, or just local friend Blue Alpha, I am sure I will be on him a good bit and you can get a hold of me that way.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Good to know - Will definitely see ya this weekend then.

Originally Posted by Prince_Recluse View Post
Already double checked - Your still on mine, so I will definitely try to get some time in this weekend.

And anyone else who wants to join - Freedom Server, Global is @Blue Alpha, or just local friend Blue Alpha, I am sure I will be on him a good bit and you can get a hold of me that way.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



It looks a bit like my pile but I never had more than one account so I only have one ofs.

As for T-shirts the only one has a CoV shirt they handed out at E3 in 2005 or 2006 I think. It's pretty worn out now.

I also have that CGW and the bound Prima guide from 2004 (Includes Issue 1).

Now I'm getting all misty again damn you.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
It looks a bit like my pile but I never had more than one account so I only have one ofs.

As for T-shirts the only one has a CoV shirt they handed out at E3 in 2005 or 2006 I think. It's pretty worn out now.

I also have that CGW and the bound Prima guide from 2004 (Includes Issue 1).

Now I'm getting all misty again damn you.
Sorry Father Xmas. But you didn't need this game taking up all your time anyway. You've got a busy month coming up. Seriously though, thanks for sharing.

It's too bad those Prima guides were pretty much useless 1 or 2 issues after their release. As you can see in the pics I also had the CoV guide binder that was supposed to have updates that you could add to the binder. That idea was short lived.

Congrats on the T-shirt. Only 1 I have is the one from Hero Con that I think I have only worn once, during Hero Con. I am too scared to wear it cause I am afraid I am gonna mess it up or wear it down. But I think it is time I started wearing it.

Thanks again Father Xmas. Now, if your still checking your list, I think you know what we all want for Xmas.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!