I remember when I first joined Paragon Studios. I think we had around
9,000 fans on Facebook. That's pretty bad for a game as popular as COH. A lot of it was that as a Studio, we just weren't that experienced or comfortable with leading in social media. You'd think it'd come first hand considering how social we were.....
In the matter of a few short years, Andy, Jessie, the entire community team managed to create a real presence on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Twitch....all of those places had their own feel and identity.
What some studios won't share with you is that in order to make themselves look better, they'll "buy" Facebook Fans+Twitter followers. Some times you'll see that some game went from having 10,000 fans to 100,000 fans in a matter of weeks. Most of those are dummy accounts, bought from out of country.
Well we didn't pay a dime to go from 9,000 to over
56,000 in less than 3 years. Some may say it's because, well....we couldn't afford it

. But the truth is our community team gave players a reason to want to follow us on social media.
You guys probably know by now how challenging it is to market an 8-year old game with a non-existent budget, but I'd say it's even MORE challenging trying to lead a community when you have less than $0 to spend. You have to keep not only your current players engaged, you have to constantly reach out to new players and find ways to get them to join this awesome family....and you have to do it with nothing but your passion and smarts.
As we can all see today, Andy, Jessie, Kevin, Tia, and the rest of our community were up to tackling these obstacles and quickly overcoming them. It didn't take long for the rest of NCsoft to notice just how active our social media sites were, and the incredibly innovative ideas the community team kept coming up with. That's why you may have noticed that once you saw the COH team do it, other games would slowly try to do the same.
We had (and still have) the BEST community and the BEST community team. And Jessie in particular deserves our praise and thanks for the heart-breaking and herculean work he's had to do the past couple months to keep the game going strong. He may not have been there from the start, but Jessie is the one who is making sure that the torch is being lit until the very last second, and then some.
Thank you Jessie.