The Cape




Didn't see this here, but did see ads for it while watching the 'Boys play tonight. It's a new superhero TV series coming to NBC on Jan 9. Just curious if anyone else has seen anything about it, and what y'all's opinions are. I haven't seen much so I'm kind of on the fence about it atm.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Has a visual flair. However I don't think that alone, or the fact Summer Glau is in it, will make it succeed any better than the majority of original superhero shows of the past such as M.A.N.T.I.S. or Exo-man.

One of the City's last honest cop, framed as the City's big bad, believed killed but taken in by a group of circus performers, taught various skills to craft a superhero persona similar to his son's favorite comic book hero. Summer Glau is the young honest reporter who teams up with him while he tries to bring the real bad guys to justice and clear his name.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Has a visual flair. However I don't think that alone, or the fact Summer Glau is in it, will make it succeed any better than the majority of original superhero shows of the past such as M.A.N.T.I.S. or Exo-man.

One of the City's last honest cop, framed as the City's big bad, believed killed but taken in by a group of circus performers, taught various skills to craft a superhero persona similar to his son's favorite comic book hero. Summer Glau is the young honest reporter who teams up with him while he tries to bring the real bad guys to justice and clear his name.
It puts me in mind of great cheesy hero flicks like:

Manimal, an American action–adventure series that ran from September 30 to December 17, 1983 on NBC. The show centers on the character Dr Jonathan Chase (Simon MacCorkindale), a shape-shifting man who possessed the ability to turn himself into any animal he chose. He used this ability to help the police solve crimes.


Night Man aired in syndication from 15 September 1997 to 17 May 1999. Johnny Domino is a well-known San Franciscan jazz musician who is accidentally struck by a lightning bolt in a freak cable-car accident. The strike allows him to telepathically recognize evil but robs him the ability to sleep. Although Night Man has no other superhuman powers on his own, he owns a special bulletproof bodysuit that gives him several abilities, including flight, holographic camouflage-style invisibility and advanced sight functions through the round red lens over his left eye including the ability to see in the dark and fire a laser beam.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well don't forget the Tron inspired Automan.
Good find lol; looks horribly cheesy...I love it.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Night Man aired in syndication from 15 September 1997 to 17 May 1999. Johnny Domino is a well-known San Franciscan jazz musician who is accidentally struck by a lightning bolt in a freak cable-car accident. The strike allows him to telepathically recognize evil but robs him the ability to sleep. Although Night Man has no other superhuman powers on his own, he owns a special bulletproof bodysuit that gives him several abilities, including flight, holographic camouflage-style invisibility and advanced sight functions through the round red lens over his left eye including the ability to see in the dark and fire a laser beam.
The really creepy thing is that Night Man is based on an actual comic book, published by Malibu comics back in the Ultraverse days.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
The really creepy thing is that Night Man is based on an actual comic book, published by Malibu comics back in the Ultraverse days.
Yep. If you've read the book (as I did for the first half of its run, or so---before they gave him powers beyond the "hearing evil" thing), it's freaky to flip it on at random and see him stand-flying in cheesy fashion through San Francisco and saying "That guy and the big red wig looks a little like Night Man" before flipping it right back off.

"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Has a visual flair. However I don't think that alone, or the fact Summer Glau is in it, will make it succeed any better than the majority of original superhero shows of the past such as M.A.N.T.I.S. or Exo-man.
Blasphemy! I should strike you down where you stand!

I'll watch it. From what I've seen... at the very least.... it looks somewhat interesting.

Besides, it also has Keith David in it. And I'm hoping he is allowed to keep some of his zen-like awesomeness from Pitch Black.



Looks cheesy , and the villians Scales and Cain , pfft . I'll give it a shot though



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Good find lol; looks horribly cheesy...I love it.
Find it? I watched it when it was on, when I was able to take control of the dorm's TV during my senior year.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Blasphemy! I should strike you down where you stand!

I'll watch it. From what I've seen... at the very least.... it looks somewhat interesting.

Besides, it also has Keith David in it. And I'm hoping he is allowed to keep some of his zen-like awesomeness from Pitch Black.
Seriously, Summer Glau and Keith David? Daaaamn. I hope to Sweet Jeebus that it's not as 'good' as Manimal. But alas, the only hope it would have had is if it were on a Basic Cable channel instead of a Big 4 Network.

[Of course, the cancellations of Rubicon and Terriers puts the lie to that assumption... <sigh...>]

Now, if only there were a way to just show a series of photos of Summer Glau, with an awesome voiceover by possibly the best voice in any medium (behind James Earl Jones,) I would buy that!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
One of the City's last honest cop, framed as the City's big bad, believed killed but taken in by a group of circus performers, taught various skills to craft a superhero persona similar to his son's favorite comic book hero. Summer Glau is the young honest reporter who teams up with him while he tries to bring the real bad guys to justice and clear his name.
I'm old.

The first thing this synopsis reminded me of was Lord Valentine's Castle.

'scuse me... gotta go color my hair... the grey is showing again.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Some of the clips I have watched have really bad music to them, so hopefully they can keep that stuff to a minimum.



Summer Glau's character is named Orwell. I get the reference!

So glad High School English is finally paying off for me!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Anyone remember Street Hawk?



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
The really creepy thing is that Night Man is based on an actual comic book, published by Malibu comics back in the Ultraverse days.
Tru fax

The Manimal and Night Man series crossed over as The Manimal made ana ppearance in a 2 part story on the Night Man series.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Originally Posted by ShadowSkill View Post
Anyone remember Street Hawk?
That's part of the genre of super vehicle shows. Airwolf, Knight Rider, The Highwayman (think Airwolf meets Knight Rider), Thunder in Paradise. Pretty much ended with Viper until the Knight Rider remake.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



As Damon Lindelof (co-creator of Lost) said on Twitter:

NBC's THE CAPE is a big eff you to Edna Mode.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
Looks cheesy , and the villians Scales and Cain , pfft . I'll give it a shot though

^ This.

It looks okay and so I'll record the first few episodes and see where it goes...

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
That's part of the genre of super vehicle shows. Airwolf, Knight Rider, The Highwayman (think Airwolf meets Knight Rider), Thunder in Paradise. Pretty much ended with Viper until the Knight Rider remake.
Although the names sounded cool, I always wondered why they switched animals: Streethawk, Airwolf. Of course, it would be redundant to have Airhawk and Streetwolf.

I think there was a whole subgenere of Super RVs on Saturday Morning TV back in the '70s, too.

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