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  1. On the first day of coxmas my true love gave to mew

    A Giant Malta Titan
  2. On the sixth day of COX-Mas my true love gave to me.

    6 trolls a raving

    5 Freedom Phalanx Costumes
    4 Posi battle drones
    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask
  3. catsi563

    Lusca Attacks

    this presumes though that they dont pass information down genetically to the next generation.

    Ive seen how smart these bloody things are myself. Had a seaworld trip once where they put an octopus into a maze which it got right on the first try, its reward was to trya nd figure out how to open a mason jar which it did in order to get at the shrimp inside it.

    bloody thing beat the maze in under a minute, and took 3 minutes to figure out how to unscrew the mason jar lid for a shrimp lunch.
  4. retired in time it seems

    rest well Andy and good night.
  5. catsi563

    R.I.P. Muad_Dib

    Im missing a friend today, though we never had opportunity to meet, it shatters me that someone I considered a friend has gone onto that final adventure without me, but I hope he'll hold out till I and his many other friends get there to join him.

    take care my friend.
  6. catsi563

    Moral Game

    Hero: Makes the impossible choice and saves the world
    Vigilante: Makes the impossible choice and saves the world then promptly hunts down nemesis for vengance.
    Rogue: Shoots his friend himself and then saves the world while Nemesis applauds his ruthlessnes.
    Villain: Not only shoots his friend himself but dares Nemesis to blow the the whole shebang.

    Your sidekick and friend are in a death trap by a master villain who is escaping in a rocket pod. go after the villain or free the side kick?
  7. Bad idea: resting under Eochais foot.

    Good Idea: Recalling a friend whose in danger of being defeated.
  8. Not to mention that City of heroes/villains and GR have all made appearances in box from in the buy more on more then one occasion.
  9. catsi563

    Pwnz Is Dead!!

    *walk into thread*

    *claw drapes*

    *walk out*
  10. definately enjoyed this episode and I am really enjoying the series as well. The mystery and what ifs of the series are being handled nicely just enough teasers to wet the appetite but enough disclosure to not frustrate the audience.
  11. Also Shaws been shown to be knocked out before. theres an upper limit to how much eh can absorb in a single shot, he can be overwhelmed if the initial shot is extreme enough.
  12. A mutant born with superior intelligence may not sound like much but when you have a gift for genetics and sciences it becomes much more. Hitting the streets with a pack of geneticaly augmented ""demons"" who can spew fire and ice and the like, along with a whip that crackles with ""demonic energy"" and various gadgets disguised as imps and ""mystic runes"" and such means that everyone will take you seriously more seriousy then they would take the science nerd.

  13. Quote:
    No argument here; Villains and villains alike can be complex and interesting characters.

    However it does seem like a 'win scenario' for any of the above characters would likely be a dystopia or wasteland apocalypse. The heroes just 'letting them win' while preventing other more pressing apocalypsi is just not an option (White Lotus may be an exception here).

    Although, it does beg the question: if Grahn or Lord Dire ruled the world, in what way would it differ from the current one (other than their personal benefit)?

    Would they abolish elections, put explosive collars on everyone, destroy population centers? Or would it be more or less today, except with zepellins in the sky and a different face on the Euro?
    Well Grahns idea of winning ironiclaly enough would be a loss for him as hed inevtiably get bored as heck. His main goal is regaining the awesome power he had when he was first created. But once he did hed more likely end up trouncing villains and heroes alike until the same thing happened to him that happened the first time. a group of heroes, or combined group of heroes and villains would inevitably defeat him.

    Lord Dire would eschew all the velvet gloves and rule strictly with the iron gauntlet. his world would be a future with jackbooted, power armored and robotic thugs marching on every street and every corner. secret police, constant surveillance, and slave labor would be common daily occurences of life. very dystopian indeed.

    A world ruled by the Ivory tower would be more like todays world but with a very large shadowy presence behind the throne enforced by a group of superhumans lead by a ninja (whitelotus) with No scruples whatsoever. overt displays of super villainy would be used as a stick should a government not capitulate immediately to the towers whims. Any person who displeased Lord Supremacy (White Lotuses master) would face either a super powered beatdown or a swift brutal assassination.
  14. even sayings top though can have different connotations for different villains.

    For example Lord Dire my MM is a classic Power Armored mega genius. He is also a raving megalomaniac He believes, no He KNOWS that he is the best perosn to rule the world and that everyone should recognize that and just falla t his feet. he is driven to prove this by any means neccesary and if that means leading a robot army to wipe out 2/5ths of the worlds population and use a WMD to force the worlds capitulation then so be it.

    My Stalker/MM White Lotus is a classic Ninja she has given her loyalty to a friends Character and actively works to further his goals. She has a sense of honor and duty but she performs truly heinous acts such as Murder and Assassinations and acts of terrorism to further those goals.

    Grahn my Brute is a classic thug and bully. A former arachnos spy who joined arachnos for power and money, who through a fluke accident gained enough raw physical power that he was able to defeat the freedom phalanxe untill the Demolition girls super group finally delayed him long enough to allow positron to defeat him. Now he seeks to regain the enormous power he had and use it to get all the wealth and privlege he thinks hes entitled to, women, money fame, but will it ever be enough?

    Probably not as rocko says in Key largo."what does Rocko want?" Everything, and when will it be enough? "Itll never be enough never has been never will be."

    villains have different motivations some like grahn are simple greed, some like Lord Dire and White Lotus are evolving motivations. once they achieve their goals they then mvoe to a new motviation of maintaining the prior goal. After all just because you took over the world doesnt mean that its over.

    Now you have to rule the world you just conquered.
  15. catsi563

    Moral Game

    Hero saves the people from the bus and bench.

    Vigilante beats up the driver for texting behind the wheel

    Rogue saves some of the people just for the fun of it and sticks the blackberry the driver was texting on in his ear.

    Villain uses the ruckus caused by the crash as a distraction to rob the nearby bank.

    Big Mean Green alien beasty crashes into the heart of the city
  16. catsi563

    Real Steel

    Im interested in this too its about the only oen im even remotely considering paying for.
  17. that was one fo the more interesting points of discussion to me, the possibility of viruses jumping species thus rendering the vampires vulnerable.
  18. was kind of like being sung to at hooters and forced to do the chicken dance in front of the whole restaurant.
  19. You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're gonna get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/Apple/26. 5 billion years in your future. And this is the day...hold on...This is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world ~ Dr. Who The End of the World.

    Well see you in that place where no shadows fall Lord of Time.
  20. YAY tankies all * huggles all*

    *gives cake and ice creams for everyone*
  21. =^_^= tankies *huggles amerikitty*
  22. WOOT!!! Tankies all *huggles all kittehs*

    *face plants in cake*
  23. catsi563

    The Sword draft!

    western Historical - Excaliber in all its incarnations this one holds the prize as the one everyones heard of no other comes close.

    eastern historical - Any Masamune sword these swords have a legend in the east almost as pervasive as excalibers in the west.

    Anime + games Clouds Buster sword not the first huge **** sword but definately one of them most iconic.

    novels + D&D + western Fiction Light Saber I dont care how much you hate the trillogy or what ever there isnt a geek or dork in here that didnt sqeee with glee and wet themselves at the sight of luke first igniting his fathers lightsaber in ep 4. Or who didnt run around with a painted cardboard tube pretending to be darth vader. the lightsabers so pervasive it is in pop culture commercials and much much more.

    runners up: Sting (first sword I ever heard about when my dad read the hobbit to me as a kid), Hanzo swords (the Bride made Katanas cool again by chopping the 88s up.) Ichigo Kurosakis Zangetsu (one of the most popular animes and a very distinctive sword), The vorpal Sword (D&D who didnt want one fo these as an earlyAD&D player? one nat 20 and Snicker Snack)