Person of Interest 9/29/2011
Watched last night's ep
fairly good, more insight into Finch. More buttkicking action. All in all I am liking this series alot. Personally I see this kind of like the ground floor beginning of an even larger operation by Finch as the version 1.0 of the machine only covers New York. Considering he built it for the NSA, I wouldn't be surprised by the end of this season he goes "global" with his project. |
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definately enjoyed this episode and I am really enjoying the series as well. The mystery and what ifs of the series are being handled nicely just enough teasers to wet the appetite but enough disclosure to not frustrate the audience.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Of course, we all know The Machine has its own agenda, right? I mean it's pretty obvious after al... hmmm... why is my webcam on?
... Hit it ...

Interested to see how we go from founder and friend alive and Ben (i know, i know) jogging to gimpy can't move his neck and founder dead.
I also expected Fitch's "boss" to ask him for his TPS reports.
I love the idea of hiding at your own company as a code monkey.
"I took the liberty of booking the whole floor."
The problem is if they start saving or taking down high profile targets, it will attract more attention than a single NYPD detective. Also I believe Finch realizes that you can't save/stop everyone, which is always the biggest problem in trying to be the hero. That's why, beside budget reasons, they won't leave NYC (or Toronto).
I like the fleshing out of the machine's creation.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Watched last night's ep
fairly good, more insight into Finch. More buttkicking action. All in all I am liking this series alot. Personally I see this kind of like the ground floor beginning of an even larger operation by Finch as the version 1.0 of the machine only covers New York. Considering he built it for the NSA, I wouldn't be surprised by the end of this season he goes "global" with his project.