Deadliest Warrrior last night Zombies vs Vampires




Anyone see this? It was actually the first episode in a long time that I wasn't skeptical and bored by the 15 minute mark. They had Max Brooks the author of World War Z as their Zombie expert and Steve Niles the vampire expert.



Did not see this one (too busy play with new shiny toys). Go vampires! Unless they vampires sparkle in which case, Go anything against Vampires!



So they're finally moving on to more realistic fights?



Saw it and was entertained.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I saw the first half of it. I became skeptical right about when they started talking about Vampires being affected by the zombie virus. But it was shaping up to be a more interesting episode than the Gurkha vs French Legion that preceded it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



My only gripe with the episode was the assumption that the Zombie Virus could affect the Vampires. Other than that it was pretty interesting. You could question the method determining an appropriate ratio but in the grand scheme of things that hardly matters and the 63:1 is somewhat believable.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
My only gripe with the episode was the assumption that the Zombie Virus could affect the Vampires. Other than that it was pretty interesting. You could question the method determining an appropriate ratio but in the grand scheme of things that hardly matters and the 63:1 is somewhat believable.
The vampires in Blade 2 are infected with a virus type thing that makes them into Zombie Vampires. Not saying that's proof or anything, just adding to the converation.



They got rid of Max whats-his-name from the first 2 seasons because no one liked him, but the reason they said they replaced him with that other computer guy was to give more realism...

And then they do THIS horse hockey...



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
The vampires in Blade 2 are infected with a virus type thing that makes them into Zombie Vampires. Not saying that's proof or anything, just adding to the converation.
I thought they were turned into Vampire Vampires - that they still had intelligence, but their appetite went from human blood to vampire blood.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I thought they were turned into Vampire Vampires - that they still had intelligence, but their appetite went from human blood to vampire blood.
True, but it shows their blood could be infected by a virus type 'thing.'



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
The vampires in Blade 2 are infected with a virus type thing that makes them into Zombie Vampires. Not saying that's proof or anything, just adding to the converation.
If I remember right, Vampirism in the Blade movies was a pseudoscience virus and Blade 2 just had a modified version of that. If they went with a less mystical cause for the 2 there's little reason to think Vampires couldn't catch the Zombie Virus, or vice versa.



that was one fo the more interesting points of discussion to me, the possibility of viruses jumping species thus rendering the vampires vulnerable.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Watching right now on Tivo and all I can say is bwah? A zombie has the bite force of a Rottweiler and the vampire has the bite force of an alligator (because they're the "Apex predator" don't ya know).

So apparently if you are infected by a vampire your bite force will increase from the human average of 170 lbs. to 1,723 lbs. I don't think viruses work that way.


I also find it interesting that they went with what the called the "modern", 30 Days of Night type of vampire but used the original Romero style zombie.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



They did talk about the zombie virus mutating to affect vampires, as in maybe it could eventually cross species, but that never really was applied in any way to the simulation as far as I could tell. Just a brief little aside from the rest of the show.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Zombies meander around looking for living things to eat

Vampires are undead super soldiers that are experts in stealth and have been around for centuries/millenia and use a range of weapons to take out their enemies

How is this a fair match?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Zombies meander around looking for living things to eat

Vampires are undead super soldiers that are experts in stealth and have been around for centuries/millenia and use a range of weapons to take out their enemies

How is this a fair match?
Same way Marines vs. the Roman Empire is.

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Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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Zombies win. Unless the Vampires can drink animal blood and survive. Of course, there is the matter of the zombies potentially eating the animals ala the first TPB of The Walking Dead.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Same way Marines vs. the Roman Empire is.
This more like slow moving, non-thinking, barbarian horde vs the Q



Yeah rather than pure combat abilities you've got to look at the bigger picture.

Lets say there is JUST Zombies and Vampires left. Vampires never drink dead blood (that's the realm of Ghouls who are eaters of the dead) and most mythos says it either can't sustain them or it actually kills them to drink it.

Basically the vampires probably would survive in the long run IF there was an alternate viable food source left which hadn't been zombie munched (like cattle) then the vampires could wait for all the zombies to dry out, however they would need to have sustainable food source to do this.

Second of does the Zombie virus work, is it a mutated form of Kuru? mutated form of Rabies? An alien virus? Just plain Holy wrath of God kind of deal? There's a lot of ways a Zombie apocalypse can occur.

Are we looking at individuals being mutated further by the virus ( that explodes and vomits blinding stuff, one that is lighting fast and can leap from building to building, climb walls, one that can send cars flying with a single punch and soak up fire from a heavy machine gun for a good 10-20 seconds before dropping) or are we looking at the standard 'walkers' pure and simple without any further problem.

If its the former, the Vampires are in for a tough time, while no one type can match them in every aspect, one can usually match them in certain aspects...and the biggest, from what I've seen of vampire movies (only Dracula from Blade 3 would be an even match for a Tank), would probably cause havoc in a group of vampires. In that enviroment, the horde isn't the problem, they're a distraction it's the other things they're going to need to look out for.

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Hmm... its questionable if zombies would even attack vampires, since they are already dead.

But given that they would, then i think the Vampires (depending on the type)main worries would be what happens during the day when the vamps have to sleep.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



So... have they started explaining how their computer "simulations" actually work... or is it still just magic?



Originally Posted by Dawk_Boy View Post
Anyone see this? It was actually the first episode in a long time that I wasn't skeptical and bored by the 15 minute mark. They had Max Brooks the author of World War Z as their Zombie expert and Steve Niles the vampire expert.
Where did they get their Ph.D.s in Zombology and Vampirology?

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ZM would you rather they got the woman who wrote the twilight series for the vampire expert?

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Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
ZM would you rather they got the woman who wrote the twilight series for the vampire expert?

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