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  1. More impartantly: Blue-Ray Holiday Special?
  2. Yep, the first episode was surprisingly good, felt very much in sopirit of series 1-6. Am looking forward to the next episode tonight.
  3. Anarky? Really? I always thought he was pretty cool.
  4. Whats the best (i.e. most crazy) marketing idea you came up with that you weren't allowed to do?
  5. Just played it, seems pretty fun. At first glance, it feels like a X-Com game, the one free mission built some tension. I liked that you can pull up the list of modifiers for a shot (so can see why you have the % chance you do). The various soldier specific abilities could be good, will depend on how they are arranged, am also interested in seeing how exactly the loadouts you can choose effect things. The base looks really good and should be fun building it up.
  6. The Demo is up on Steam, downloading it now.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Really? This is the plan?
    Actually, one of the side benefits of all the Save CoH stuff is: even if it doesn't work, the game itself is getting more exposure. Its been trending on Twitter, got stories on gaming siites etc... All of this raises the profile of the game, and thus, the people who worked on it. It might not be much, but it could just give them an edge when it comes to hiring. Out of two people, with the same qualifications, if one helped make a game where the playerbase cared enough to buy the devs dinner when they heard they were out of a job, you might just go for that one.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I think the best productive and practical thing we can do is encourage Cryptic to hire our dev's before they all find other jobs. Probably to go work on generic fantasy MMO's, which would be a giant shame.
    Even if they did end up working for Cryptic (which I hope some of them end up doing, I hope they all end up with great jobs), there no guarantee (in fact, its probably not likely given the apparent rate of updates for it) that they would be working on anything to do with CO. More likely Neverwinter (AKA Generic Fantasy MMO) or whatever Cryptic's other project is.
  9. I do like the idea that The Valeyard might just have been manifested in the Dream Lord, from Amy's Choice
  10. Actually, it would be cool if all the GMs appeared as Watchers.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Paragon Studios had 80 employees. Assuming each employee costs about 50k (that's salary + all benefits, a massive low ball), that's $4,000,000 of the $10,000,000 revenue right there. I wouldn't be surprised if it was double that (an employee usually costs far more than their salary, and that 50k is lower than a lot of starting salaries for the field).
    Would be interesting to know how many of those 80 worked on CoH and how many were on the other project
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hero Prime View Post
    I'm not sure why people don't seem to understand that City of Heroes' 2.5-million-per-quarter revenue is not profit, but total gross income. NCsoft's quarterly financial report paints a more clear picture; they were spending nearly as much to keep CoH alive as the game was making. Its profits were minimal, and therefore did not represent a significant income for its investors. What NCsoft's decision represented was the desire to take the investment they were placing in City of Heroes and place it somewhere more potentially profitable.

    I don't agree with how they did it, but I understand why.
    Which bit of it shows how much they were spending on CoH? I couldn't find it.
  13. I'd think each server would have its own 'Regen Nerf' setting going from 0 (Regen is nerfed slightly) to 1 (regen actually damages you).
  14. So, kind of like Neverwinter Nights?

    Sounds good.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Broad daylight too. On a main road. What a poor attempt to remain inconspicuous.....
    Those are the decoy black helicopters. They buzz people with those every so often, so the stories of these mysterious black helicopters get out and everyone dismisses them as nonsense. That way, if anyone sees the real black helicopters, they get ignored.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    It's not supposed to start for an hour and a half. 2pm Pacific. Started REALLY early.
    Phew, thought I slept through it!
  17. Its scary I remembered that stuff without having to look it up.
  18. There was also the whole thing about how origin would affect your character. This is from memory of the old descriptions on the site but:

    Mutants could have the highest number of powers (8) I think but had the lowest cap for how powerful their abilities were.

    Altered Human could only have 4 powers. But those powers could become stronger than any of the other classes.

    Cyberware and Gadgeteer, Magical Powers and magical Artifact were different from each other due to power source. The ones with external power sources needed to be recharged externally (like Green lantern) and they could get items to carry around to recharge their batteries, the internal ones ran of the characters stamina.

    Superior Human had (almost) no powers, but all other classes were skill capped. So a SH could become much, much better at using weapons, items etc... than any of the other classes. Certain types of attack had their damage dependant on the accuracy, so a SH could potentially do as much damage with a thrown knife as a Ah could do with a plasma blast.
  19. Remember those short beta sessions (Was known as Technoccult back then). And the fun with the name reservation stuff going from beta to live.

    And having to wait 2 weeks after the 3-day head start as the box was shipped to England So I could get my activation code. For years I was always behind on my Vet badges cos of that , til that bug adjusted it.
  20. I think the current thoughts are:

    1) Titan network is looking into seeign if NCSoft will sell the game(or IP), if so that wouldn't be a problem.

    If 1) doesn't happen then:

    2) Since there is no game to compete with, no profits are being lost, so they might just not care.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Poison View Post
    Nemesis knows that he must start slowly since the city still loves its heroes. Thus far he is responsible for the new laws requiring all heroes to register themselves and their powers with a single city office. He has made this registration process relatively lengthy and onerous, and plans to add more red tape as time goes on.
    Ha, so every single Hero is embroiled in a Nemesis Plot, right from the moment of character creation!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    • Buying the IP from NCSoft. This relies basically on them being charitable, because we definitely can't make them an offer so good they can't refuse.
    Just a crazy thought, but this just popped into my head:

    What if they actually were being charitable.

    If a charity for the preservation and proliferation of City of Heroes was set up, then if they donated the IP (and possibly code) to it, it might well be that the 'full' value (which they would probably never hope to realise otherwise) would then be tax deductable. That might just be more lucrative to NCSoft than the amount that we could raise to buy it.

    Donations/subscriptions to the charity could then, in theory, be used for game development.

    Not sure if that would work, would depend on the various tax and charity laws. Just desperately trying to think outside the box.
  23. Dr_Darkspeed

    I am crying.

    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Almost, thinking of going and having a drink.
    Update, now reasonably drunk. But drank it all out of my CoH and CoV glasses.

    And shed the odd tear.
  24. I can contribute, I think I can pledge $1000, even if its just to buy the IP and make it public domain.
  25. Thank you all for your contributions