Deadliest Warrrior last night Zombies vs Vampires




Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
I also find it interesting that they went with what the called the "modern", 30 Days of Night type of vampire but used the original Romero style zombie.
I found that kind of interesting as well. At least it wasn't the Sparkly Angst Brigade Vampires vs. the Romero style Zombies.

Although if you use 30 Days of Night Vampires why not have them face off against the 'modern' zombies from Outpost and Død Snø (Dead Snow) for something different.

Avoided the majority of screenshots from Outpost or Død Snø to minimize any offense caused by the uniforms that prominently display logos and insignia associated with the Third Reich.



30 Days of Night vamps are worse IMO, than the sparkly vamps. Dumb as dirt and just as filthy. No class whatsoever.



That's another point.

Dead Snow and Outpost, those zombies are flat out near unkillable...they're less Zombies and more 'vengeful spirits which cannot be stopped'. I swear in both those movies it shows them taking bullet after bullet, even directly to the head and they keep on walking.

Heck, even an explosion failed to kill the 'zombies' in Dead Snow IIRC.

Now modern actual Zombies, you've got a lot to choose from, the Infected of L4D or Dead Island or from Zombie mode of the Call of Duty series for a slightly closer to actual zombified Nazis rather than the vengeful spirits of Outpost or Dead Snow. The rage virus infected of 28 Days/Weeks later.

There's just so many variations on both Zombies and Vampires, which do you choose to pit against which?

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Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
which makes them much closer to the actual myths
Honestly don't give a fig about the myths for vamps. They were just plain out and out, stupid. Stupid predators don't survive for very long.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
That's another point.

Dead Snow and Outpost, those zombies are flat out near unkillable...they're less Zombies and more 'vengeful spirits which cannot be stopped'. I swear in both those movies it shows them taking bullet after bullet, even directly to the head and they keep on walking.

Heck, even an explosion failed to kill the 'zombies' in Dead Snow IIRC.

Now modern actual Zombies, you've got a lot to choose from, the Infected of L4D or Dead Island or from Zombie mode of the Call of Duty series for a slightly closer to actual zombified Nazis rather than the vengeful spirits of Outpost or Dead Snow. The rage virus infected of 28 Days/Weeks later.

There's just so many variations on both Zombies and Vampires, which do you choose to pit against which?
I can't believe I forgot 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, that could do just as nicely.

The zombies in Outpost were created by pseudo-science while those in Død Snø (Dead Snow) were animated by mystical mumbo-jumbo. Pretty nasty pieces of work in both films that had no problem using melee weapons and firearms, and employing tactics and strategy. Not particularly brain-dead at all, but viscous and vengeful.



Is it me or is everyone doing Halloween early this year? You have this episode of Deadliest Warrior and Monday's Warehouse 13 has zombies. Crying out loud my supermarket had Halloween candy displays out the 2nd week of August.

I understand if you are making/building your own costume starting this early but who buys candy 12 weeks early when you know everyone waits to stock up just before Halloween when it's on sale?

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Because the Christmas stuff will be out the second week of October? Gotta sell the Halloween stuff in that small window between back to school and xmas.



I keep telling my friends, give it a few more years and Wal-Mart won't even bother changing it's stock. They'll just end up having all Holiday stuff out year round. 2 Isles for Halloween, 1 Isle for V-Day, 2 isle for Christmas/Thanksgiving.

With the appropriate Holiday getting expanded on if it is within 4 months of it.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I keep telling my friends, give it a few more years and Wal-Mart won't even bother changing it's stock. They'll just end up having all Holiday stuff out year round. 2 Isles for Halloween, 1 Isle for V-Day, 2 isle for Christmas/Thanksgiving.

With the appropriate Holiday getting expanded on if it is within 4 months of it.
Great, now I'm envisioning Wal-Mart as an island chain superstore nation.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I keep telling my friends, give it a few more years and Wal-Mart won't even bother changing it's stock. They'll just end up having all Holiday stuff out year round. 2 Isles for Halloween, 1 Isle for V-Day, 2 isle for Christmas/Thanksgiving.

With the appropriate Holiday getting expanded on if it is within 4 months of it.
Only 2 isles for Christmas and Thanksgiving combined? Where are you at, that its that low? There'll be everything BUT 2 isles for Xmas crap.



Well, that's just from March - August. The rest of the time the entire store is filled with Christmas decor and merchandise.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Just about every 'modern' vampire story gives the vamps ridiculous speed as if they were The Flash. With that power and a sword, any zombie horde would wind up headless. It's no contest.

The problem for the vamps would be hiding during the day and keeping the human population from becoming completely zombified. I can see a human-vampire alliance being made where the humans would enter fortified enclosures (or islands) and voluntarily be fed upon (not to death) to empower the vamps to go out at night and forage for food and cull the zombie population, hopefully, to the point of extinction. And there would, of course, be a lot of human-vampire hot carnal relations a la True Blood.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just about every 'modern' vampire story gives the vamps ridiculous speed as if they were The Flash. With that power and a sword, any zombie horde would wind up headless. It's no contest.

The problem for the vamps would be hiding during the day and keeping the human population from becoming completely zombified. I can see a human-vampire alliance being made where the humans would enter fortified enclosures (or islands) and voluntarily be fed upon (not to death) to empower the vamps to go out at night and forage for food and cull the zombie population, hopefully, to the point of extinction. And there would, of course, be a lot of human-vampire hot carnal relations a la True Blood.
Not sure what you consider 'modern' but I can think as far back as Anne Rice: Interview with A Vampire released 1976(the book not the movie) Lestat certainly had Ridiculous speed. But ya super hard to really judge this there are so many vampires/zombies rules which do you choose.

And that story Vamps and Humans in a war against zombies sounds so awesome seriously.



I still think the dumbest thing in the entire episode was their justification of the bite strengths. How deformed would a vampires neck/jaw muscles have to be to get to the same bite strength of an alligator?

For the zombies, I would of gone with the Romero remakes: great speed and more cunning than the old zombies. As for vampires, I think the most "realistic" example are those found in the movie Daybreakers. No crazy speed or superhuman abilities but they have the intellect of humans.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



I would say that the abilities of a zombie deteriorate with age. Fresh zombies will be stronger and faster than humans due to their limiters being removed. Assuming that rot still occurs, then zombies will lose their strength and speed until nothing is left except bones. Assuming humanity can isolate themselves from the zombie horde, then it is just a matter of time until zombies rot themselves out of existence.

I read this one manga chapter on zombies where it had an easily curable disease that caused the victims to exhibit zombie-like symptoms with full awareness of their actions, but unable to control their movements. The results were not pleasant. It was a very disturbing manga due to the grossness factor that I might have mentioned before on the forums.

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I saw this episode and liked it.... as far as it went... but I would have done it quite a bit differently.

The point they all seemed to miss is the common denominator between Vampires and Zombies which is HUMANS.

The way I would have set up is there are three Vampires and... say... ten Zombies. But there are 500 humans on the grid as well.

Vampires can use the humans to feed upon which grants them a strong regeneration buff that lasts through the feeding and can heal them of any sustained damage if their feeding is not interrupted. The Vampires don't gain a damage and strength/speed buff from drinking blood but they DO sate their thirst. A thirsty Vampire who has not fed in a specific amount of time will incur a gradually increasing debuff to those stats.

Zombies, of course, have only one use for the humans and that is spreading their virus and increasing their numbers. So when a Zombie "kills" a human they not only take away a potential feeding victim for the Vampire but also increase their numbers. Also, in most Zombie movies I've ever seen a person can be bitten and not die immediately; they sort of linger on, growing sicker and sicker until they die and go Zombie. During this "in-between" stage of contamination they appear as normal humans. Any Vampire feeding on a contaminated human will become violently ill (not die) and vomit up ALL the blood in their system. This puts them immediately at their maximum Thirst Debuff and requires they find a healthy human to feed on as soon as possible.

There would be two possible Vampire strategies. They could immediately set out and try to take out the Zombies while their numbers are still small and prior to the over-whelming level. This might be problematic in larger combat areas. They could also herd humans into a well-protected and isolated area, getting as many as they can and then using them as replenishment when the zombies begin attacking.

The Zombies of course, being Zombies, won't have any sort of strategy at all.

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While that certainly sounds interesting and would probably make for an excellent game the way Deadliest Warrior handled the fight is the Vampires woke up to a Zombie Apocalypse.

Though When I first heard the fight I had an immediate thought of who the winner should be and was quite happy that my initial thinking was right.



The show could have been done a number of different ways, but they stayed true to their format which is to pit two forces against each other. Add too many bells/whistles, discriminating factors/qualifiers and it takes away from the simplicity of the concept.

Interesting show and I liked the 'To Be Continued..." part

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