1414 -
Quote:A lot of the pages are similar, but I did spend a lot of time doing rewrites and edits after feedback and analysis, and examining bilingual publications here in Aotearoa/New Zealand.I will say it one more time. Amazing art! I really like the environment concepts by Amit Dutta. With regards to the Comrade Hero Project, I notice some of the sample pages look similar but changed to earlier samples, has the story changed a little to accommodate maori myth? With the game ending I just wanted to say good luck to you and I look forward to following your work on twitter and deviant art.
The inclusion of elements of Māori and Polynesian cosmologies, and also Aboriginal and Slavic mythological elements, came about when comparing mythology with contemporary superheroes and looking at the parallels.
There's nothing particular new with this, but I liked the idea of shifting the focus away from Anglo-American and Western European mythologies (Graeco-Roman and Norse mythology for example) to match the geographical regions of Aotearoa, Antarctica, Australia and the South Pacific that I'm using.
Another change is that the pages have been decompressed after exploring and comparing print and digital formats. Working out the page/panel ratio for a variety of different sized viewing devices was a major consideration, and is still being experimented with.
This is pretty much still a work in progress for me, and one that has taken a while. Mainly because I'm paying for everything. Not easy, but manageable so far.
Thanks for the your well wishes. Whether City of Heroes is reincarnated into a new version, or quietly fades away, I'll be busy working on creative project for the foreseeable future. -
Comrade Hero Sample Pages. Pencils by Yamandú Orce. Inks by Sorah Shibao (nee Suhng). I can't post the lot the first twelve here, but you can find them on deviantART: bit.ly/PZTSVG
Quote:My creative writing project has proven to be quite cathartic lately. Still here and logging in, although I've been in poor health. Protector has been quiet for a few years so the drop in population count in the past month hasn't spooked me much.It's been so quiet as of late I am wondering if there are enough people with VIP access left.
Well my event will be Nov. 2nd-4th and I've managed to collect over 50 promised gift artz from 30+
amazing artists to give as prizes so sound off if you are still around and up for some winning of teh free artz!
Otherwise I may have to host most of it on DA.
Quote:If you get the chance watch Tony Robinson's Gods and Monsters. Episode 3 deals with Disease.Oh please, Elizabeth Bathory had him beat by several hundred years.
In this episode that recreated the account of a mortally wounded Irish warrior who was immersed in a bath full of bovine blood in an attempt to infuse the warrior with the vitality and strength of these animals. Needless to say, the attempted cure didn't work. -
Quote:Thanks for picking that up. Not quite sure what happened there, must have had a brain fade.Great concept art Comrade.
Link seems broken though. Like you combined the CoH
page you were on with the DA page of his instead of just posting a direct link.
Think this is what you were wanting.
Some concept art by the talented Amit Dutta. Tāmaki Nui. The new world towers over the decaying ruins of the old. Where Comrade Hero eventually ends up.
Finally completed... Pencils by Myke Guisinga. Inks by the talented Gary Mitchell. Colors by the talented Andrea Celestini.
As of September, 2012:
Comrade Hero spent 1741 hours on patrol and went on patrol 1935 times.
Account was created on May 11, 2004 with total paid time of 7 years, 10 months.
I'm a little slow... -
Comrade Hero will end City of Heroes as he began his adventures in Paragon City after completing the old tutorial mission and introduction. At the base of the steps leading up to Ms. Liberty and City Hall.
Of course that's not the end of Comrade Hero's adventures. City of Heroes gave me the opportunity to put a face and outfit to my scribblings and scratchings, and rekindled my interest in creative writing. Comrade Hero began marching inexorably onwards - slowly, but surely - as a project since I started (and eventually completed) a Certificate and Diploma in Creative Writing back in 2008.
Quote:That at least is a small piece of good news!Samuraiko asked Zwill about the forums being closed via Twitter, and he said he'd look into it. He did, and came back with the answer of not being able to find any information stating such a thing.
So, as far as we know, the forums will still be here Tuesday and beyond. -
No idea where to park my online gaming avatar. Over eight years I tried other MMO's but never bothered to cancel my City of Heroes subscription as I always came wandering back. I hit the multiplayer on Mass Effect 3 every so often, but that's about it. Can't see myself reinstalling Champions Online or DCU Online, and Marvel's Superhero Squad is a bit beyond me.
Quote:I stalk... err... follow a few of you over on deviantART and Facebook so it's not so sad.I had no idea that was a possibility.
Great to have shared these past years with you James and all of you. Gonna miss this sub community.
Quite a few veterans jumped over to http://unleashed.philotix.net/index.php years ago. In the MMO section you can catch up on the remembrance thread for City of Heroes there as well. -
It's been one hell of a ride. There's a rumor going round that the Forums may be shut down as early as next Tuesday. I seriously hope that isn't the case.
Anyway, if you want to stay in touch facebook.com/comradehero -
It's been one hell of a ride. There's a rumor going round that the Forums may be shut down as early as next Tuesday. I seriously hope that isn't the case.
Anyway, if you want to stay in touch facebook.com/comradehero -
Quote:True enough with the accents, although the Federation did have a class system of Grades that were assigned to those born on Federation worlds. The Federation is nothing if not obsessive in controlling the lives of its citizens.Wouldn't make a lot of sense though, since most of the characters came from the same place.
I see no particular reason why most of the characters couldn't have American accents.
There is a slight division of working class/upper class accents in the original series (e.g. Vila paired with Avon) which I don't think would work the same, but it's not hugely important.
It was pretty difficult to improve your Grade, but quite possible to be downgraded. In the television series there are four Grades that are mentioned or attributed to major or minor characters - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta.
Villa stated that he's a lowly Delta Grade and that Blake is in the privileged Alpha Grade. Servalan mentions that Jenna is "a superior grade citizen." But aside from Blake and Villa it's never explicitly stated what Grade the rest of the other main characters are. The television series also mentions occupation based classes - Labor Grade (Free and Slave), Technician Grade, Security Grade and Service Grade. -
Quote:I think this would need a British actor. Avon doesn't go from charming to evil, he managed to be charming, cold, sarcastic and ambiguously evil all at the same time! In a perfect world, I would cast Alan Rickman. American actors - I think James Masters could pull it off. I think James Badge Dale would be a good Blake, based on his performance in Rubicon.Quote:When I first saw Blake 7 I first thought it was Star Trek turned on it's head. The Federation was evil, the logical, emotionless science guy is an jerk, the captain always put his agenda before the ship and crew and the rest of the crew was a bunch of icky criminals. Farscape is a lot closer to Blake 7 than B5, Firefly or new BSG and I would think it would be the show people, not knowing better, would compare a new Blake 7 to. I can already see it, "it's Farscape without the Muppets and body paint".
The only two were weren't convicted criminals amongst the original seven were Cally and Zen (Blake included the master computer that operated the Liberator as the seventh member, to bemusement and irritation of Avon).
Roj Blake: Convicted child molester (framed).
Kerr Avon: Convicted embezzler.
Vila Restal: Convicted thief.
Jenna Stannis: Convicted smuggler.
Olag Gan: Convicted murderer (declared insane).
Cally: Non-human. Auron Telepath and resistance fighter. -
So long as they can get someone who can nail the part of Kerr Avon, one of the greatest characters from any science fiction series.