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I have accounts in both DCO and CO but I'm burnt out on the super hero thing for now. Not into the fantasy games and TSW kept DC'ing on me during the free trial so I'm not giving them any of my money.
I have been enjoying Fallen Earth via Steam. Dropped $30 for a three month sub on the lowest tier after messing around with free to play for a bit and I'm enjoying it. Lot's of crafting, optional PvP and very solo friendly. I like the post apocalyptic feel of the game and the fact I don't have to worry about running into any Elves. -
You mean like this?
I would say have that song stuck in his head for eternity, but I couldn't wish that on anyone, not even him.
Fallen Earth
http://www.gamersfirst.com/fallenearth/ ( or through Steam)
This is what I've moved to for now. Free-form post-apocalyptic MMO with a free to play as well as a 3 tiered payment structure (more crafting spots and other bonuses). Except for a few crafting materials and mission rewards almost everything in the game can be player-made.
At least the lower 2/3rds of the game seems to be solo-friendly so far and PvP is strictly optional (better/rarer crafting supplies in some of the PvP zones but I frequently see players ignoring each other in those areas). Interface takes a little getting used to since you need to aim at your targets but the learning curve is low, especially if you play FPS style games.
The biggest challenge I've found so far is deciding where to put points when leveling since you only get so many and will never be able to max every stat and skill. -
I wouldn't be surprised if they can make more with it being a tax write off with some creative accounting than they could with just selling the title to another company.
Quote:What, you don't want to "fling" your mouse to open the task-bar?The underlying OS isn't bad or anything. But I absolutely CANNOT stand the new start screen/metro interface.
If you're running a touch interface, yeah, it's probably not so bad.
But if you're doing gaming/desktop productivity, it's clown shoes. -
Quote:Sorry, but I have too much time and effort invested in Combat Arms (my 2nd most played game behind CoX) to just toss them aside over rumor and speculation.Ok... Ok...
So, now my task is to also Go. Hunt. Find Nexon Products. And then boycott them as well.
I... don't know why I didn't make that connection before, but since they bought in June, and the announcement was in August, then that makes them liable for the decision and poor execution as well.
So. There we go. Bye Nexon. Whatever you're pushin', I'm not buyin'.
/Of course, as the majority stock holder, if Nexon somehow were to reverse the closure, I'd be more likely to reverse my boycott decision, naturally. -
Off list: Fallen Earth, it's a FTP MMO that you can play through steam. Think of it as Fallout: The MMO.
Hey all, I've decided to make this my new MMO once the lights go dark in Paragon and am wondering if there are any other from CoX who might be making the move.
It's an FTP MMO that you can play through Steam set in a post-apocalyptic future that reminds me of the Fallout series. From what I've read in the forums it seems to have an active PvP community for those who enjoy such activities and so far isn't all too difficult to solo.
Just thought it would be nice to find others and perhaps start a CoX clan, Paragon's Refugees or something to that nature. Anyways. I know people have been asking what others are going to next and would like to recommend Fallen Earth to those who don't want to bother with elves and high fantasy. -
I'm having fun with Fallen Earth: Welcome to the Apocalypse on Steam. It's a free-to-play MMO with a decent Fallout / Mad Max sorta feeling. It seems to be really solo-heavy, but that suits me just fine.
Personally, I like the way Champions handles names, tying them to your account global name. That would "free up" a whole bunch of names and would help to ease any possible naming issues if servers are merged (unless you create the same character across several servers). I also think it would make it easier to recognize people that you know and enjoy playing with without constantly checking your global list.
As for the idea of a new payment tier, personally if all that was given was automatic free contest codes like the recent Kirby dots I'd be satisfied. I don't use twitter or check Facebook on a regular basis so I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never get these freebies. If they were guaranteed by paying a few extra bucks a month, sign me up.
How about giving gold member a monthly prestige stipend so that several of them could get together and build a decent sized base on an alternate server in a decent amount of time, even if that isn't the sever that they spend the majority of their play sessions. That was one of the reasons the core group that I played with stayed on one server, we had a maxed out base and didn't want to start from scratch. If we were able to plop down a chunk of prestige that was saved up in order to have a small to medium base in a short amount of time we might of ventured out and met new people. -
I don't know, I've messed around with Champions, but their character models just seem wrong to me, alot of the shoulder pieces seem overly large and clunky and they look like claymation or something out of The Incredibles. I might give it another look, but the costumes always looked more realistic here in my opinion and didn't seem like something out of a CGI movie.
I might try Secret World for the free trial but I'm not sure it will run on my six-year old computer. -
I remade this thread in General Discussion (where I thought I posted it the first time) so that all may reply.
This is a double post because I created the first one in the wrong section of the forums, so I'm just going to cut and paste my original query:
I've been thinking about this for a few hours, and decided to be a doomsayer.
If they actually did fire everyone, what are the chances that the servers will actually remain stable and running until November? For that matter, what is stopping NCsoft with flipping the switch on Monday and shut it all down with no fanfare?
I really don't want to seem like a Gloomy Gus, but if I were a betting man, I would say that November 30th (or whatever the exact date is if I got it wrong) might be a long shot. -
Quote:I don't know, as much as I like this game, I doubt I'll be flying to Korea to storm their H.Q.No, not really. I am HOPING that I get that entire three months, but a part of me really doubts it. I expect the forum to go down a long time before then. From my understanding, its pretty much just all been scrapped. Leaving the servers up was probably just to prevent a mass storming of their headquarters by angry gamers demanding blood. This way we have time to say goodbye, and don't immediately resort to violence.
I've been thinking about this for a few hours, and decided to be a doomsayer.
If they actually did fire everyone, what are the chances that the servers will actually remain stable and running until November? For that matter, what is stopping NCsoft with flipping the switch on Monday and shut it all down with no fanfare?
I really don't want to seem like a Gloomy Gus, but if I were a betting man, I would say that November 30th (or whatever the exact date is if I got it wrong) might be a long shot.
I remade this thread in General Discussion (where I thought I posted it the first time) so that all may reply. -
I'm on
Edit: Don't mind me, didn't notice that this was server specific before posting. -
Quote:Sorry about that, Arcane Bolt. It's a ranged energy blast power with a chance of knock down that's available at level 4. Link to the wiki page.I don't want to sound like I'm carping, but since Sorcery isn't out yet, I haven't memorized all the acronyms yet. AB=?
edit: Wrote knock back when I meant knock down. -
Slightly off-topic, but has anyone given any thought to incorporating AB from the sorcery pool into their build once the set goes live? I'm considering putting my Plants/NA project on the back-burner until this goes out in order to incorporate the blast into a low-level attack chain.
I agree, without some basic information, it would be tough to suggest anything. It would not make any sense to suggest a controller if you can't stand the archetype. Like wise can we suggest a powerset that costs points and if so, which sets do you already own?
wow, I've been here since 2006 and only have 4 50's. I guess that's what happens when you take your time and just enjoy playing the game over multiple characters. Best of luck to ya.