May I suggest your next destination....




I just read the news about CoH/CoV closing down and I'm quite surprised to be honest.It has always been my "go to" game when I have burned out quickly on the "new flav of the month" MMO.
I have played it since launch and it is the only MMO that has always drawn me back,it is in my opinion THE best "login and team" MMO out there,you could have a mental team of 8 ppl in a couple of minutes and you would be all laughing your ***** off and having fun.

Anyways back to the title,the last few weeks I have been playing "The Secret World" and I can honestly I have never experienced a game that can conjure up such atmosphere.
I have read that a lot of you cannot face playing Orcs n Knights type games when this closes.
The Secret World has a unique storyline,the gfx are killer and the cut scenes are amazing too (they make SWTOR look like Scooby Doo).
The skill sets are 9 weapons on a wheel containing 500+ skills,you can mix n match any of em as long as you earn the points to buy em.
I managed to try it out on a few beta tests and before launch I piled in for a lifetime sub because I truly believe it is a stand out compared to all the other games out there.
It has a horror/lovecraft/conspiracy background to it.
Some of the missions require you to do research via the ingame browser to find clues that enable you to complete them.
Other require you to sneak around and avoid cameras,etc.There is also a set xp lvling line with no increasing curve to make higher lvls take much longer.
A lot of the missions are repeatable and you ARE encouraged to explore because there are lots of lore references to find and loads of "kill X" badges to get too.
I believe there is currently a 3 day trial for the game available at the moment (dont quote me lol),I do hope that you will take the plunge and give it a go.
Many thanks for reading this and I hope to see you ingame



Ok, but only if they have an exact copy of the CoH costume creator.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Ok, but only if they have an exact copy of the CoH costume creator.

Champions comes pretty close from what I remember. I'm 90% sure that's where I'm going.



Sadly, while I can appreciate the theme, mood and setting of Secret World, I HAAATE pretty much everything else about it. The graphics, the art design, character creation, the combat system and the fact that almost literally everyone I know has, at one point or another, suggested that I go play that.

Moreover, the Secret World simply lacks what I loved the most about City of Heroes, which is the ability to make a visually and practically non-human character and write my own absurd and exciting backstory. Having my origin me "swallowed magic bug" time and again is simply never going to work for me.

The funny thing is that I was working on what is probably one of my most bizarre characters when the announcement came down. Stardiver and her nemesis - Lighteater - are both ancient automatons from the beginning of time, made by one of reality's original creators as objective experiments to prove that "life" is not aberrant to reality, but is simply a very complex function of it. These two "robots" whose design more resembles animate statues, feed off the eldritch cosmic energy at the hearts of stars and black holes, respectively, and exists for reasons they can't fully comprehend. Neither of the two can talk, or has any desire to do so, and both of them are defined by their quest for purpose, Stardiver defined by becoming attached to the company of others and Lighteater defined by his disdain for the "lesser" beings of the universe.

Really, the only worthwhile substitute for City of Heroes there can be would have to be one where all of the above nonsense makes perfect sense. And the Perfect World's story is too strict, too specific and too preoccupied with wrapping "my" story into its own world.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I checked out secret world, but I understand that it is basically a first person shooter as well as an mmorpg. If that is correct then this game would unfortunately not be for me.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Champions comes pretty close from what I remember. I'm 90% sure that's where I'm going.
It doesn't come anywhere even close. They have more categories, yes, but they only have a scant few items per category and because of the game's art style, few of them look workable.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



For me, there is no substitution for this game. It's one of a kind. I don't want a replacement just because I need to be playing an online mmo.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I'll be hanging out in TF2 on various servers. I have no plans to pursue another MMO. This one wasn't perfect but it was my favorite by far.

Twitter @FiveIronBrony



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It doesn't come anywhere even close. They have more categories, yes, but they only have a scant few items per category and because of the game's art style, few of them look workable.

I haven't played it in a year or two, but at the time I remember feeling like there were thousands of options for unique costumes. Looking at their website today I noticed that they seem to have a system almost identical to the Paragon Market, with tons of new costume packs being sold for points. I agree the art style is going to take some getting used to, but for me, I think Champions will feel more like home than anything else.



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
I checked out secret world, but I understand that it is basically a first person shooter as well as an mmorpg. If that is correct then this game would unfortunately not be for me.
It's not. It has basically the same combat system as... Say, Champions Online, only you need to make sure you're in range and facing the enemy on your own. Also, the game lacks a repeating auto-attack, requiring you to spam the 1 key over and over again. It's a lot like ho Guild Wars 2 is, as a point of fact.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm trying it out (well, in at least another hour when the slow-*** download finally finishes). I have the strong suspicious, that the points raised by Grim and Sam will leave me rather uninterested in it.

I remember back when I played Guild Wars (1) when it first came out... one thing I quickly realized I hated was how everyone that was the same class as me looked the same. Sure, sure, I could dye a few things... but that was it! City of Heroes' costume creator got so much right. I'd say APB's is superior in many ways (although a much more narrow focus) in a technical sense, but PWE did the classic MMO thing of locking 99% of the customization options behind unlocks (it's probably why I still play it some).

I would like to find a new game that's enjoyable as CoH was... but I don't have high hopes.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It's not. It has basically the same combat system as... Say, Champions Online, only you need to make sure you're in range and facing the enemy on your own. Also, the game lacks a repeating auto-attack, requiring you to spam the 1 key over and over again. It's a lot like ho Guild Wars 2 is, as a point of fact.
Thanks for the answer, with CoH you had to select your next attack as well. How hard is it to keep facing a moving around target? I really like the autoturniong we have in coh and rely on that.



I'm there now, been enjoying Secret World right up to Egypt - definetly enjoy the atmosphere and the puzzle solving aspects of the game (even if I use cheats from time to time)

Will probably be my home MMO for the foreseaable future - Never could get into Champions and DC Online was a pleasant diversion but I will really mis CoX and with it the ability to flesh out my toons in both costume and bio (something I really hate about TSW - no bio space - damnit my character has at least 1024 characters of story to tell)

And there is still Mass Effect 3, Skyrim and Minecraft to keep me busy as well.

Which reminds me, I need to take some full body mugshots of all my CoX characters and burn'em to a disc along with their bios and store them with my D&D characters just so I can dig'em out every once and awhile and read'em.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



CO would be the only thing i would consider as a full coh replacement, but it still wouldnt be anywhere near the same

im prolly just not gonna play mmos for awhile and just play some of the 500ish games i have on steam i havent gotten to since i played coh...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It doesn't come anywhere even close. They have more categories, yes, but they only have a scant few items per category and because of the game's art style, few of them look workable.
I would modify that to read "...but they only have a scant few items per category that you don't have to pay extra to unlock..."

A huge portion of CO's costume parts are locked away in microtransactions... and you can't even buy them piecemeal (IIRC) you have to buy the full costume set/bundle even if you only want 1 piece out of it.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I would modify that to read "...but they only have a scant few items per category that you don't have to pay extra to unlock..."

A huge portion of CO's costume parts are locked away in microtransactions... and you can't even buy them piecemeal (IIRC) you have to buy them in bundles.

For what it's worth, I paid for 90% of my costumes in COH too, or earned the pieces through vet rewards/in game unlocks.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
For what it's worth, I paid for 90% of my costumes in COH too, or earned the pieces through vet rewards/in game unlocks.
While it is true that CoH also has a lot of items locked behind micro-transactions, here you can/could just buy the specific pieces you want to use. If I don't want the entire 400point set, I can just buy the part I do want and save myself 300+ points.

Also, CoH didn't lock away any of their previously free costume parts when it went Free to Play. CO did. I have characters from my original stint that I literally could not make their costumes now without buying multiple complete costume sets for.

EDIT: So yeah, I might be a touch bitter about that...

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
While it is true that CoH also has a lot of items locked behind micro-transactions, here you can/could just buy the specific pieces you want to use. If I don't want the entire 400point set, I can just buy the part I do want and save myself 300+ points.

Also, CoH didn't lock away any of their previously free costume parts when it went Free to Play. CO did. I have characters from my original stint that I literally could not make their costumes now without buying multiple complete costume sets for.

Oathbound, please don't get the wrong idea. If it weren't for the fact that COH is closing, I wouldn't touch Champions with a 20 foot pole. The fact is that I'm extremely bummed out about losing my COH and Champions seems like the most viable thing to a close replacement.

Will it be the same? No.

Will I like it as much? No.

Will I prefer just about everything about COH over Champions? Yes.

The fact remains though, that Champions is a comparable game and I think it's the best bet for my COH characters to live on.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Oathbound, please don't get the wrong idea. If it weren't for the fact that COH is closing, I wouldn't touch Champions with a 20 foot pole. The fact is that I'm extremely bummed out about losing my COH and Champions seems like the most viable thing to a close replacement.

Will it be the same? No.

Will I like it as much? No.

Will I prefer just about everything about COH over Champions? Yes.

The fact remains though, that Champions is a comparable game and I think it's the best bet for my COH characters to live on.
Ultimately I agree, it wasn't really my intention to imply otherwise. Hell, I've even logged into CO every now and then since it went F2P.

I'm not entirely sure what my intention was. Airing a personal annoyance at the alternative option, I suppose.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I tried the Secret World during the free weekend. I like the world art and the stories.

But I just couldnt' make a pretty character. Perhaps that will improve with the character customization they were working on.



You know, Champions also has a huge creator for free players, its just that a LOT of the pieces are locked until level 10, something about streamlining



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
For me, there is no substitution for this game. It's one of a kind. I don't want a replacement just because I need to be playing an online mmo.
100% THIS as I don't see anything replacing this. If the final nail does keep the coffin closed, then I'll likely never be found in an online game again.

This was one of the few games that had the formula Right for once. It's not an FPS, but if you wanted to spend a day beating crap up, then go for it. It's not a carbon copy of (insert fantasy MMO title) as it's unique enough that Major comic based companies wanted it dead because they knew it would be a serious competitor.

This thing has the most elaborate costume creator I've ever seen and it was only getting better! You didn't even have to finish making a character to save the alternate costumes. We were getting customizations that rivaled the complexity of anything on the market. About the only thing you could say about the CC that was flawed would be the cartooned down quality. IE: The faces looked like toys compared to say Mass Effect, but at the same time, said game was intended to look real in that sense while CoX wasn't aimed that direction.

Almost everything about the CC can be said about the Base/AE editors with the exception that for Bases atleast, there were known human error related flaws that would take an enormous undertaking to rectify. Perhaps that could be part of a rebuild effort?

In my entire lifetime of picking up a toy/game, this is the Only one that I ever felt drawn back into. I'd left twice for a total period of ~3yrs. I'd heard about it being in Beta from friends who were into online gaming back then and even tossed me a trial account or two to test it out when it released. Officially, I started subbing somewhere near i2-i3 (nomatter What the billing thing says). I vaguely remember things like entire new zones, the introduction of HEATs, SGs, eventually Bases, etc. I didn't even have to be a Gamer to play. I could play as casually as I wanted to without some sort of major penalty.

I was able to explore parts of my personality that rarely make their way out because of a lack of proper medium. In fact, each of my toons serves to help me play out different aspects of myself independantly. There's not a chance in hell I'd ever find that IRL let alone in any other game I've ever come across and I've played some weird games before. This game helped me find tallents I'd never considered. In fact, considering I'd been in college most of this same time, I had Professors from my BS degree program tell me that the writing skills I had shown were Masters degree worthy and that they'd fully support it. Funny enough, the only writing I was doing was backgrounds for each toon and a lingering idea that I should actually write them out in the form of a sort of history.

This is one of the few real communities that I've been a part of that I didn't feel like the fly on the wall. I could talk freely (granted, I'm sure that the /gi was probably toggled a few times during any rants) and receive actual thought out responses. This may not seem like a big thing, but take into account that my Home Server has Always been Pinn. :-p

So no, while I will read the many suggestions on places to checkout, I doubt I'll find another worth my time.



I don't know, I've messed around with Champions, but their character models just seem wrong to me, alot of the shoulder pieces seem overly large and clunky and they look like claymation or something out of The Incredibles. I might give it another look, but the costumes always looked more realistic here in my opinion and didn't seem like something out of a CGI movie.


I might try Secret World for the free trial but I'm not sure it will run on my six-year old computer.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



TSW, is buggy, very, very buggy, progress stoppingly buggy.

Gave up with it after a puzzle went from an enjoyable ten minutes, to forty minutes of frustration because it was bugged and randomly ignored the correct patterns.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Thanks for the suggestion, but no. I'm not really an MMO fan. I tried this game expecting not to last the free trial. But I stayed, because of friends and the community. That won't be at any other MMO.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."