May I suggest your next destination....




TSW is a decent game, although as CB pointed out, it has some bugs. And because of its design, you might never encounter a bug, or you might be completely blocked in progress because of one.

It's also very alt-unfriendly and has limited customization.

I find it an interesting change of pace, but I think it's very very different from CoH.



Just tried TSW... I felt like I was watching a movie! Long *** cut scene, followed by long *** cut scene, followed me by running slowly to a waypoint, then another waypoint, to be rewarded with another cutscene! I prefer when I can largely dive right into the gameplay... especially for an MMO.

I might give it another try in my remaining 3 days, but it seems they're not big on brevity.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I posted this in the "where will you go thread." Sorry if it seems like spam. Text-based games may not be on everyone's radar, but if you are looking for a "community" game like CoX the ones below might be worth some time. Both are initially pretty complex but they get easier with time (and due to a helpful community).

For the heavy roleplayers or people looking for something very different, I am considering returning to one of the two games below. IMO, anyone who is considering a career in game design should at least log a month or two in these games and look at what possibilities are out there in terms of multi-player systems. Both games have very tight communities, in some ways similar to CoH. Both cost money (last I checked $15 a month) but you get lots of interaction with the developer team.

Gemstone IV was originally created in 1989(!) It is an experience-based game with 9 classes. The game has been under continuous development for literally decades. Injuries are semi-realistic (a blow to your hand may make you bleed or cut it off completely); Empaths here can only heal themselves; they heal you by first "transferring" wounds to themselves. Enemies sometimes drop chests that Thieves can open... if they don't fail to disarm any traps on them. The "simpler" game (IMO) than Dragonrealms, which was its sequel, but about equally popular.
Main site:
Class descriptions:

Dragonrealms is a sequel to Gemstone IV, originally released in 1996. Its exp-system is skill-based. Features some unusual classes (Moon Mage: cast spells that vary in power based on the current phases of the planet's 3 moons, Empaths: as above, but they take a vow to never injure any living creature except the undead, Necromancer: you must live your existence in secret, if another player ever figures out you are a Necro and you are inside town they can attack you or have you arrested by authorities). Like GS4, the game world is HUGE (and unlike most huge worlds, what's out there is actually interesting, too.)
Main site:
Profession/Class descriptions:



If it's anything like SW:TOR's cut scenes, I didn't mind those so much.




Don't care about the combat specifics other than:

Is it a one on one game?
Is it a 3 on one game?
Is it a 16 on one game?

Mass solo combat is one of the reasons I love CoH so much, among so many other things.



Originally Posted by Evanescah View Post
If it's anything like SW:TOR's cut scenes, I didn't mind those so much.
They are, to a degree. Pretty much every mainline quest is voiced with cutscene.

Unlike SW:TOR, though, there are no choices to make. And your character is not voiced at all. This was a choice Funcom made that freaks some people out a bit.



Originally Posted by Evanescah View Post
If it's anything like SW:TOR's cut scenes, I didn't mind those so much.
I've not tried TOR, but these are long. Very long. And not really much is said, and as Brillig points out, you remain silent the whole time... so it's not really a conversation, but just being talked at.

Also, I upgraded my graphics drivers since TSW was complaining... aaaaannnndddd now I'm getting irregular blue screens. Tried with two different 30x drivers, so probably gonna have to roll back and hope they go away.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
I've not tried TOR, but these are long. Very long. And not really much is said, and as Brillig points out, you remain silent the whole time... so it's not really a conversation, but just being talked at.

Also, I upgraded my graphics drivers since TSW was complaining... aaaaannnndddd now I'm getting irregular blue screens. Tried with two different 30x drivers, so probably gonna have to roll back and hope they go away.
Did you try the 304.79 drivers? I've had pretty good success with those. (This is another problem with TSW. It should not be this hard to get working.)



Actually, (in TSW) the characters talking at you make fun of you for not responding. Fairly often. The game's pretty good at understatement.

I do find some of the puzzles frustrating from a feeling-railroaded standpoint. But it's nice to have such a change of pace.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Champions comes pretty close from what I remember. I'm 90% sure that's where I'm going.
I wish you luck, but I think you will find it quite different (not in a good way). There is also Sony's DC Universe which has vastly better game-mechanic balance than CO or CoH (the designers learned from previous games) but I hated the playstyle engendered by its power/weapon mechanics.



I'm gonna give it a whirl anyway. I don't really play anything other than CoH. I've tried other things but CoH was home for the past couple years. I don't expect anything to replace it.





Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Did you try the 304.79 drivers? I've had pretty good success with those. (This is another problem with TSW. It should not be this hard to get working.)
Actually, it's not TSW causing the bluescreens (in fact, it never did crash the short time I played it), nor did it force me to update the drivers, just recommended... although apparently it used 35GB of disk space!

At this point, I'm mostly hoping that the old 259 (or something) drivers I had been on don't cause the crashes! At least if they work, I can go from there...

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
I wish you luck, but I think you will find it quite different (not in a good way). There is also Sony's DC Universe which has vastly better game-mechanic balance than CO or CoH (the designers learned from previous games) but I hated the playstyle engendered by its power/weapon mechanics.

Oh, I'm not going in with high expectations, because I know that for me to expect it to be a full-on COH replacement would be a perfect setup for monumental disappointment.

In regards to DCUO, the interest just isn't there for me. I like that Cryptic is a similar studio to Paragon- I think it's freaking awesome that BaB was posting on the COH forums yesterday even though he works for Cryptic.

I also think I'd be more comfortable in Champions than DC. I feel like it will have the same sort of playerbase in a general sense- DCUO to me reeks of teenagers and a more throw away target audience. Shrug.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
TSW, is buggy, very, very buggy, progress stoppingly buggy.

Gave up with it after a puzzle went from an enjoyable ten minutes, to forty minutes of frustration because it was bugged and randomly ignored the correct patterns.
TSW is not buggy.

As many have said in their forums and here, the bugginess is with the end-user who isn't comfortable or in the mood to experiment with the abilities wheel or solve all the mysteries the game has to offer.

I've been playing TSW since July and I love it. It's not CoH but its slowly getting there. The devs are becoming more conscientious about the players' need for a better character creator and there are ways to style up and be your own avatar while you play. The game environment is amazing -- especially when you get to Egypt. Its definitely one of a kind and Funcom is fully committed to growing it. I'd highly recommend it for those who are willing to embrace something new --- and smart.



I agree with much of what has been said abut TSW in this thread, good and bad. TSW was, when it was still very early in development, literally the MMO of my dreams. Perfect setting, heavily story-driven, and at that point it was going to be FPS-style reticule targeting (which I overwhelmingly prefer to traditional MMO tab targeting). They worked hard to foster a sense of player committment to one of the opposing factions, and to play up the idea of the game's happenings actually going on in the real world, under the radar.

I was annoyed (to say the least) when they abandoned the reticule targeting. It was, apparently, the right decision to make: their engine couldn't handle it w/o serious performance problems. But sheesh...if tiny little independent Fallen Earth could do it, why not Funcom?

I looked forward to Beta, and got a pretty early invitation. I was pleased that all my hopes for the game's atmosphere and immersion potential were realized. It's roleplayer heaven in that regard (although as Sam points out, there's not a ton of scope outside the official canon...). The story writing is absolutely top shelf, the cutscenes are the best I've seen in an MMO, and the graphics look good to me.

However, the character creator is not only limited, it really is hard to get a character that's actually attractive (or notably ugly, for that matter). The finished avatars are just bland. The combat system is dull (and glitchy on my system...more on that in a sec). And some of the communication and team-building tools are pretty poorly done (or absent).

The big dealbreaker for me, though, was that despite doing all kinds of things to optimize the configuration, I just couldn't get the game to run acceptably on my three-year-old machine. I'd have put up with the other things mentioned in order to have the good parts...but performance was so bad that it pretty much ruined any chance of enjoying the game. It's hard to feed my inner immersion junkie when the game kept devolving into a slide show.

I'll give it a try when my finances get better and I can build a new gaming box. For people with reasonably good machines, I also suggest taking the three day trial and having a look.

For me, I'm going to play out whatever time we have left in this game, and I've re-installed CO. Going to need to buy a sub there to be really happy with it (the f2p options are kind of annoying), and I never enjoyed it as much as I do City...but it'll work for my spandex fix. I also play GW1...for my relatively rare fantasy fix!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Just a warning from Funcom's most recent financial report - TSW is currently projected to miss their lowest sales estimate for the title, so there's a big chance of F2P in the near future for it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Funcom's sales projections were insane. I believe the numbers were 1M or 1.3M for the two scenarios.

However, they have said player retention was better than hoped.

Still, I think you are right about F2P in the future. Within 1 year.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Funcom's sales projections were insane. I believe the numbers were 1M or 1.3M for the two scenarios.

However, they have said player retention was better than hoped.

Still, I think you are right about F2P in the future. Within 1 year.
Last i read... sales was only 200K, so retention had better be good... because you can quite easily loose up to 60% of the initial playerbase between 3-6 months, and then you *should* hit some form of stability.