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  1. horse-hockey...

    The female form options look like ruddy brazen painted strumpets!

  2. It's not enough for me, but I understand and sympathize with your plight.
  3. /sign me up for the pets MM!
  4. Fair is only fair if the devs say so. **** is obscene, but grotequely misshapen bodies left in the wake of our heroic "justice" is perfectly acceptable.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Part_Troll View Post
    6) Why are emails mailed TO YOURSELF on a damned 15 second timer!
    Always have been as far as I've known.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Ok, I'm going to double check this - but I just came from an AE farm.

    1. I never gobble red candy before I zone into the mission. I gobble it when I'm already in the mission. If you have 30 seconds from the time you gobbled to the time you got in the mission, that's why they're gone - possibly. But, I'm gonna double check this, because 1. It's undocumented as someone stated above, and 2. I could be mistaken.
    Yep, those son of a BISCUITS!

    What the PANCAKE are they playin' at?

    I down 3 rows of red insps and head into the mission...

    I zone, and all... the... insps... are... GONE. They are PANCAKIN' GONE!

    Devs, you may officially kiss my BELGIAN WAFFLE, WITH SPRINKLES!
  7. GM had to come and complete the mission for me. I waited for about 40 minutes. After that, the arc ran smoothly.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I'm not saying everythings peachy keen, because there's certainly some serious issues, however it's not quite Rollback severity.

    The word Rollback has very, very serious implications when you're talking about a live product.
    Um, yeah Zwill... Many of us are well aware of that fact. You always try to keep us in the loop (well, as well as the Paragon handlers will allow), and we realize you are just doing your job. However, the breaks far outweigh the fixes...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Marty is also there to give much more precise feedback on how and where the exploits are happening - that's why we've had two important fixes for rez abuse and ambush abuse so soon after Marty went live.
    Marty isn't just a watcher - he's a hunter too
    How is it that I, a calm and rational person, feel a surge of "Sith-like" hatred everytime you post a smilie GG?
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Does it really surprise anyone that they omitted the AE changes from the notes? Note that I also think it's dumb, but it's a dumb thing they've been doing forever.

    Edit: If they needed MARTy to figure out the rez and ambush changes, there really is no hope. (For anything they do.)
    That's why there is a New Hope.
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    MARTy is a catch all, not the only solution. MARTy prevents exploits from being onerous while the devs figure out a permanent fix.
    Pancake's gettin' permanently fixed alrighty... As in, fixed at the Vet.
    Originally Posted by Severe View Post
    man and to think i was gonna reup on my vip status in 4 days...good thing i i know it can wait..thanks devs!
    I have to admit, they certainly do seem to want to help folks out the door lately...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
    Missing patch note on inspirations (not sure about other buffs. Too annoyed right now.)


    Effect of Inspirations taken BEFORE entering an AE mission will be stripped off the character.

    So, have a boss fight you're buffing up for and hoping to have other insps in the tray as you go on? Forget it.

    JEEZ! What the hell man? ARGH! This nerfs more than farms you cretins! This nerfs EVERY AE!
  11. color as well... everything is now hero blue regardless of what you had before.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    Tested, and the reduced rewards are certainly in there.
    Yep, they were just too cowardly to list the change in the patch notes.
  13. I would love to transfer some of my old toons to my much more blinged out account, and all are under the master account.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    I want to see neon colors. I want to see dingy colors. I want to see an orange-red every once in a while! We don't even get orange-red!! It's just red or orange! But we get 3 variants of purple!? Who am I? Prince??

    *tries to calm down*
    ^THIS Rylas, was worth the price of admission! Thank you!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    I couldn't agree more with this idea if my name was Agree O'Agree, from Agreeshire in Agreesland. In other words, oh hell's yeah! Loved them beasties!
    Thank you Blue Rabbit! I needed that laugh this morning!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infatum View Post
    You guys are my favorite MMO team, but this just looks like an attempt to make uninformed free players waste their points.
    I agree with the second half...
  17. The difference between 2 slotting hasten is 276 seconds or 176 seconds and 3 slotting it is 265 seconds or 166 seconds (the first number is the recharge when hasten is off and the second when hasten is on).

    So, with an additional lvl 50 recharge reduction in there (i.e. the 42.4% increase), you recharge about 10 seconds faster.

    Sometimes 10 seconds makes all the difference.

    Really though, what build are you trying? There are some sets (resist sets) that don't have enough spaces to put 5 LotG recharge globals in it for the extra recharge...
  18. That is a heck of a lot of recharge... And, you can't get Hasten perma on its own. 3 slots is the optimum for most purposes (ED saw to that).
  19. BeornAgain

    Solo MoITF

    Meh, it's all a Nemesis plot anyway.
  20. I have STILL never done this TF...
  21. never gotten the 99 zombies. I am running a StJ/elec brute, so, I don't get beaten too bad (especially if I drop a purple), but every time I've done this, I get between 85-95 zombies.

    Any suggestions?
  22. You sir, are a friggin genius! Thank you so very much for your advice and guidance!
  23. Devs, players, everyone...

    Just leave well enough alone.

    Keep tinkering with the engine and eventually the car won't start...

    I'm just sayin'...