The Cape - 1/9/11
Yeah, I've been surprised at how entertaining it's been. I predict that Oracle... I mean "Orwell" is actually the main badguy's daughter.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Vince really needs to work on his armor.
Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster
Definitely got potential. Though since it's got Summer Glau in it, I imagine it's going to not last the longest. Don't know what it is, but she seems to be cursed.
Scales will always be the Soccer Hooligan on Eurotrip to me.
I envision a rash of attempted knife dodgers being in the news in the coming weeks.
I envision a rash of attempted knife dodgers being in the news in the coming weeks.
![]() |

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster
With only 5 minutes left, I gotta say I really enjoyed this. Hope it gets at least 1 full season.
Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster
They've got me interested enough to watch next week.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
I enjoyed it as well (though I had to fight through weather maps, scrolling text, and bad weather closings the whole time that made the screen half it's normal size....stupid snow in the South).
Really loved her car.
Keith David makes everything better.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Good fun stuff really looking forward to the next one.
only quibble for me is it felt a little rushed like they tried to shove 3 hours into 2. the making the ally of the counselman to me story wise should have come next week, with this weeks 2 hours being build up, training, take down main bad guy and stop his plan.
Still minor quibble and was done effectively.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Just the right mix of awesome and camp...and I like that they acknowledged just how campy it all seems.
This could be a good one...we'll see how it holds up.
I thought it was missing something, it has potential to be really cool but as it is right now it just not quite good enough...
And I want that car... Mercedes SLS AMG for those window shopping, you're gonna need nearly $200,000 for it though.
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
It's a superhero show, so I'm sold already from the beginning. Enjoyed it, a bit predictable in places, but definite potential. Think it's going to take me a while to warm up to the lead though. He's ok, but just doesn't seem to quite have "it". I do like the way they are handling the villains and what seems like will be a villain-of-the-week. I'll keep watching.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Was I the only one who thought the lead looked a
Caught it, and enjoyed the first half of the pilot and most of the other episode, but the last half of the pilot felt like they were purposely rushing every cliche they could for no real reason. It also seemed like part of the plot that should have been mentioned in the pilot ended up becoming part of the second episode. That and the CGI cape was just... ugh... it's supposed to be one of the bigger selling points of the show and it just looks bad.
No problem with the actors or the story, its solid enough and they take it just seriously enough even though you can see where tongue is firmly entrenched in cheek. It's got some potential, but it needs to shake loose the crap over the next few episodes or else i don't see the Cape making it to the end of it's first season.
Yeah, I've been surprised at how entertaining it's been. I predict that Oracle... I mean "Orwell" is actually the main badguy's daughter.
Also he's obvious took defense and not resistance as a secondary so he does suffer from Cascading Defense Failure. Edge weapons always debuf defense.

Part of me doubts his intellect with the home built Mythbuster's knife thrower by loading it with the bucket of knives the first time. How was that a good idea for a test run?
So he has a Darkman style lair of dumpster dived hardware. You would think Orwell could support him a bit more than a two way headset.
At least he realized he needed a mask besides the cape.
Summer has to break out of her stereotype someday. Something other than unbalance or butt kicker or both.
I do like the chapter titles.
Yes this was the pilot but it felt very rushed and disjointed at times. It didn't flow from scene to scene as well as I thought it should.
Overall I liked it. Nice pairing with Chuck for now.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Part of me doubts his intellect with the home built Mythbuster's knife thrower by loading it with the bucket of knives the first time. How was that a good idea for a test run?
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
It wasn't bad. The acting was a bit....uhhh.....cheesy at some points. Almost like they were trying too hard to be superheroes and supervillains. Yes, Christian Bale's demon Batman voice is corny too, but even with that he seems more believable. I was waiting for Chess to to start wringing his fingers or stroke the back of a cat while laughing manically "now I shall rule all of Palm City, and there's nothing you can do to stop me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
I also have to echo the sentiment that it seemed like it was pacing itself too fast. They had two whole hours to go more in-depth with the plot and character development. That's more time than most movies. Every now and again, especially in the :30 min to 1:30 part, I felt like I was missing something because of how quickly they leaped over/through stuff.
And also the CGI cape was stupid and obviously-fake-looking. The guy also spends an inordinate amount of time with his hood/mask off, and yet no one seems to notice who he is. I guess the people of Palm City are as stupid as the people in Metropolis.
Those are just the bad things I caught on, and I'm sure (if given time) those things will be ironed out. As others have said, it has potential. And I'm pretty much automatically sold anyway due to the fact that it's a superhero show. I look forward to next week's episode.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
It was actually more along the lines of two separate episodes, as opposed to one 2-hour episode, IMO. The on-screen guide had it listed as Pilot; Tarot, iirc. That could explain some of the pacing issues, as well as the fact that there were two different directors.
And also the CGI cape was stupid and obviously-fake-looking. The guy also spends an inordinate amount of time with his hood/mask off, and yet no one seems to notice who he is. I guess the people of Palm City are as stupid as the people in Metropolis. |
On that show "Undercover Boss" CEOs grow some stubble, put on baseball caps and work alongside their employees and only two times has any of them been recognized. Heck, Leno does that "Jaywalking" bit where he shows photos of famous people to random folks on the street and plenty have no idea who's in the picture. So I can see a guy like Vince escaping scrutiny.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Ok, caught this last night. I'm really digging it. A lot of the things people are pointing out that are "bad" I can look past, simply because I watch TV to be entertained, and don't watch something to pick it apart. As long as the show doesn't fall below this quality it will be great. I suspect Vince will continue to improve his "costume" with each episode. He's definitely going to need to get some better hardware from Orwell.
The Cape will fill the gap for Sundays at 9pm, left by Dexter.
One last note, boy am I glad I have the name "Comic Book" reserved on Liberty.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
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While not perfect , I liked what i saw. He really does need a mask to hide his face more, and for a dead man he shows his face way too much in public. I would love to see a more refined costume on him aswell too Assassins's creediest for me.
The show felt so fantastically 80s.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
I liked it, and since it's on the first day of my weekend I'll actually be able to stay up to watch it on a regular basis.
"Say hello to Dorothy, *****."
Good fun so far.
Martin Klebba who plays Rollo the dwarf would be perfect as Puck from Alpha Flight.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction