717 -
Another year has passed. I don't suppose there's an answer now?
-np -
Quote:There is that whole Korean "Kibun" honor-type thing. If someone were to buy the game from them, and do BETTER at it then NCSoft did, that can be seen as a loss of face to NCSoft.I think what has people upset is that the right move for NCSoft should have been to sell the game to another producer. They get to pocket some money, and the game continues on. There's no reason for them not to do that.
Kibun also dictates that it is dishonorable to have people continue to work on projects after informing them that they are being fired, so the lack of warning on the Paragon Studios shutdown has some reason behind it, even if people from other parts of the world see things differently.
-np -
I for one am not playing because I am one of the many folks in the eastern US without power due to a hurricane.
-np -
And as I said, the party filing the lawsuit doesn't have to be legally "right" or even win, they just have to make it so expensive that the target is forced to stop or be bankrupted.
Don't get me wrong, I want CoH saved, but the talk about legality is kinda moot. It doesn't matter if they're legal or not. NCSoft can and has taken legal action over emulators regardless of whether they're "legal". Being shut down because you can't afford a lawsuit is the same as being shut down for illegal activities. You're still shut down.
-np -
I would point out that there are actually two programming projects being discussed over at Titan.
One is the aforementioned emulator. Which is technically legal, but bear in mind that you can still be sued over otherwise "legal" stuff. Civil court does not follow the same rules as criminal court. Also, the party filing the lawsuit doesn't actually have to WIN the suit, many "win" by simply making the costs of fighting the lawsuit too expensive for the target to bear.
Also being worked on is "Plan Z", which is to make a superhero game from scratch that is similar enough to COH that someone playing will definately feel at home, but different enough to avoid IP problems. Copyright only protects specific implementations of ideas, not the idea itself. You can make stuff with the same idea, as long as you use a different implementation. Like an artist copying a specific STYLE to create a specific feel, but not actually duplicating any prior artwork.
For example, you can make a city block sorta reminiscent of Atlas Park, as long as you don't actually DUPLICATE it. Different buildings & layout, different textures, different coding and place names, etc. Perhaps a statue of the mythological character "Atlas" holding a hollow sphere-style globe instead of the current superhero "Atlas" holding that solid globe. That sorta thing.
-np -
Yes. "Plan Z" is to create an entirely new MMO that retains the feel of CoH but does not have ANY of the content or IP connected to CoH.
-np -
Quote:People don't do that anymore, in general. In games and in real life.New players could try looking. That's what I do when I'm new to a game - explore the options. When I get to select a power for the first time past character creation I notice there are tabs on the top of the power selection window with various icons, and clicking them opens up a string of other icons. I see there is a "Filter" option for the powers and that I can have it show me "unavailable" powers. I notice that clicking on a power gives me a description of what it does (with an option to open an advanced description) and when I click on a greyed out power it tells me what I need to have before I can select it.
During character creation one can open up a complete list of powers for each of the Archetypes, too. I think each of the powers listed has a brief tooltip description of what it does, but I don't exactly recall.
It's kinda sad, actually. If it's not shoved right in their faces with blinky arrows they don't seem to see it. Even if it's really right in front of them. They need to be hand-held through the learning process like children. I weep for the future.
-np -
Quote:People posting this image always makes me giggle, because their intent is that they are clapping for something they think is awesome, but the scene depicted from Citizen kane is Orson Welles clapping despite something being totally awful. The character starts out the only one clapping in that theatre, for a truly horrid performance, because the performer was his wife. A few moments later, some others in the audience start hesitant, awkward clapping just to be polite, like the fake laugh you might do trying to be polite after someone made an unfunny stupid joke.I've never posted this before, but your message deserves a hearty
-np -
Uh, no, it is not, actually. In fact, IP law specifically calls out reverse engineering as a Fair Use exception.
If you obtained the client in a legitimate fashion, it's perfectly legal. And you can get the client software for CoH legitimately in a number of ways.
It may violate the EULA, and expose you to potential lawsuit for contractual breach, but that doesn't affect the legality of reverse engineering.
Things would be a bit more complex if the client software had DRM or other copy protection, as the DMCA would then kick in and that has much more restrictive terms on reverse engineering. But since the client does not, it is freely copyable without restrictions, the DMCA clauses affecting the subject do not apply.
-np -
Vigil Station, a bleeding-edge tech space station in geosynchronous orbit over Paragon City, represented in-game by my supergroup's custom hero base.
-np -
I had a come on once, from a "hot chick" heroine type.
I was playing The Pink Guy, who is a large dude in a pink leotard.
Some people are weird.
-np -
Hm. I didn't think my question would have elicited that reply, but okay. Especially given it's my first ever related to the shutdown.
I just don't understand the purpose of repeating 'game over man, game over!' ad infinitum.
I can understand the other side trying to save the game posting a lot, as they're trying to create change. But saying 'it won't work' dozens of times across multiple threads, how does that achieve anything worthwhile?
I myself am a realist. I don't think there's a lot of hope to save the game. At the same time, if folks wanna try anyway, more power to them.
-np -
Quote:Okay. Your opinion, your perogative.I think if the original Paragon Studio devs were doing the reverse engineering work we would still have massive problems and it could take years.
It's over - really. Immediately I assume attacks will be sent my way for being honest but I don't really care. I just don't understand why people are setting themselves up to be hurt in the near future. I DO understand the majority love rooting for the underdog in most situations but regardless of what is written on the Titan Networks I just don't see anything but disappointment happening.
But if you feel that way, why bother posting?
Why not just leave the crazy folks who still wanna fight on, and go do other stuff?
Unless you have other ulterior motives for posting downer messages over and over and over.
-np -
At the launch of City of Heroes, Cryptic had a booth set up for GenCon, showing off their new game. They had many computers arranged so you could play a demo.
Inside a closed off area in the back of the booth were several more computers. They had a decidedly different game on many of them, however.
The World of Warcraft beta.
-np -
I know at least GMs are answering trouble tickets over harassment issues. I would suspect they may be able to reset base rent as well.
Quote:I found knocking opposing faction players off ledges and cliffs they'd unwisely decided to stand near to be pretty amusing.The best reason to play TOR is for the various class story lines. The actual mechanics of the gameplay are nothing special or innovative, but the stories are typical Bioware awesomeness.
-np -
Well, I'm still getting non-automated responses to bug and harassment reports.
So, click that Support button and report away.
-np -
"I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal. I want you to be nice... until it's time to not be nice."
-np -
The Doctor doesn't kill. Oh goodness no.
Other people kill for him.
That's what he does, if you remember. The Doctor turns people into weapons.
-np -
Quote:That they didn't explain it, doesn't mean he just randomly stumbled across it. It just means they didn't explain it.It was established to be a very rare, virtually unknown technique. So yes, stumbling into it is a problem for the story. And while an old technique to the viewers, Yakone uses it in a means that contradicts established canon (that water benders can only blood bend during a full moon), which requires some explanation as to why he can do so. At best, the whole thing is lampshaded by Sokka's speech at the trial. I really do think they could have done better though.
For all we know the guy was a descendant or relative of Hama. We just don't know.
And really, ultimately it doesn't matter. It's background detail that has no direct impact on the story.
Could they have fleshed it out? Sure. But they had a fraction of the episodes in a season as the last series, they had to pick and choose what to show.
-np -
Quote:It makes more sense when you realize Adam Baldwin in his personal life is pretty hardcore "conservative" on many subjects.Nice bits with Adam Baldwin as well. I have trouble picturing him as the voice of Supes*, but the behind the scenes part was still nice.
*- It's hard for me to not see him as Jayne in all roles now, and I've been a fan of his since he popped up as the colonel in charge of area 51 in Independance Day.
-k -
Holy necro-thread, Robin!
-np -
Quote:"I assure you, my good man, that Nemesis is most definitely 'down with the street.' Word up, my homie, as it were."Zwillinger was playing around with streaming Google+ hangouts this morning and found that he can add accessories using his camera. Caption this photo!
-np -
Iron Man is a tankmage.
Iron Man is THE tankmage.
-k -
As I didn't see it mentioned before...
Hawkeye's select-a-warhead quiver was pretty nifty. With wireless control!
I will be surprised if it doesn't make it's way into the comics.