Decorative base items we want... and exist!
I am so with ya.
I am guessing we have to look at IN MISSION items because some of those items are the same items in bases.
I think based on some recent posts................bases are going to sit on the back burner.
God I hope Im wrong!
Argentina???? I want to come!!!
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I want an elevator instead of the base portal.
I want an elevator instead of the base portal.
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Decorative items ONLY on this thread please. Elevator/Portal has a function, thus not decorative. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Actually you opened the door with the Boombox suggestion.
As a decoration (not functional), an elevator is a great suggestion.
Same with doors (wall mounted). There are plenty of those around.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Actually you opened the door with the Boombox suggestion.
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Nope, because it's not interactive. It just sits there and you can't do anything with it. It might play music just like the supercomputer plays a supercomputer sound or the arcane energy generator hums. Sound does not equal function.
Elevator doors without a function: sure if possible. Remember doors spawn as NPCs, not as static objects. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
A boombox playing the same tune over and over again would be annoying.
Doors: they are going to have make a new object anyways, so make a static door, just like the current washroom doors.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
A boombox playing the same tune over and over again would be annoying.
Doors: they are going to have make a new object anyways, so make a static door, just like the current washroom doors.
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You could alternate tunes or even make it so you could have it play audio clips of youtube or internet radio or even cd's or even better... a TV inside your base, a giant TV that plays clips from youtube! O_o or dvd's in your pc. What? A man can dream cant he?

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
OH YA... i heard this thread all the way in Croatoa... :-)
I want some of the stuff in Mr. Po's store as well..:-)
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY Snow_Globe..:-))
It would be cool to have like a upstairs and a downstairs and a BAR!!!
and some real looking beds and a real looking tv make so decrative items that you could use to make a bedroom or somthing like that for the rp sg's so each player can have their own room
Remember, this thread is looking for items that already exist in the game.
I'll add all the medical stuff from the asylum map. .

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Can we get a couch that's not sea-green? It's the closest to "comfy " looking place for a character to rest.
Or maybe a Real bed? (Isn't there one of these in the City somewhere?)
The straw pallet, wicker cot & pillow, medical exam table, or restraint/torture looking thing all look rather uncomfortable.
How about a Recliner/Lazy-Boy type chair where you could actually put your feet up?
I'm just wondering but are there not any Kitchen Items besides sinks anywhere in the game - appliances like a refrigerator or a mini-fridge for sodas, microwaves, stoves, etc.?
What about chimney's or maybe a franklin-stove?
I just keep get this feeling when designing/decorating Bases of, Ok cool, now thats all finished, where the heck am I gonna kick back and take a break?
Ok, so here's a leather couch and a LCD or Plasma Screen neither look like they have cable TV, theres no "entertainment center" at all really & no remote control, and so on...
I just keep think this is spiffy, but where am I/we supposed to be living again?
Anyone else have this problem?
Edit: Ok so I posted before I read the whole thread, oops!
So, I'm not the only one that's missing things like a real bed, and stuff you'd maybe find in a dorm room, like a Loft - I don't think this exists but idk for sure I haven't been everywhere?
I kinda tried to make a loft kinda thing before but not being able to stack most things - kept me from doing it like I was trying to. The arcane stuff has a pseudo-loft type thing but you can't put a pallet or mattress on it.
And sticking it up above a cubicle or desk doesn't really work with the over sized boxes around items.
But this is a neat thread, good suggestions all around.
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
Like so many others have suggested, I really think that being able to unlock or purchase NPC's to place within your base, such as guards that do nothing but stand there (as they do in the RWZ), or a secretary to sit at your base "front office" desk (if you have one) would make the base seem much more alive. Or some guy walking about tinkering with this and that.
As well, smallish statues (certainly not like in Atlas Park or the Rogue Isles) that stand maybe four or five game feet tall and busts of Super Heroes and Arch Villains. Other details that many have openly longed for I beg for as well, such as fountains or shallow pools. Oh yes, and a much, much, much wider variety of wall art. lol
I love the idea of fake windows that another player suggested in another thread. You know, something to present the illusion of there being an outside across that window. Again, just opining for some base details that others have also begged for for some time now.
Almost everything thrown by Propel is not available. (no idea how I'd get screenshots of those, but the location seems pretty easy to find.) For example: dumpster, oxygen tank, gargoyle statue, sink, etc.
Also not worth a screenshot, because they'll be easy to find, a lot of Glowies exist as objects already but aren't placeable. Such as the Fridge, Tech Lab, various computers, the short file cabinet, wall safe, gun racks.
Remember, this thread is looking for items that already exist in the game.
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quoted and bolded.
Almost everything thrown by Propel is not available. (no idea how I'd get screenshots of those, but the location seems pretty easy to find.) For example: dumpster, oxygen tank, gargoyle statue, sink...
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm definately in favor of seeing propel being ported over to the base (along with, well, everything else).
How about some of the railings we see in the factory tileset?
Or the "very large stacked crates"
I'd also like to see some of the Pocket D lasers (they move, but they're technically "non-functional"). Or perhaps some of the falling dust that decorates Orenbega.
I'll second the Propel theory of items.
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How could I have forgotten that in the list?
Which contact has the "Sabotage Boomtown Construction" mission? I bet that's full of interesting things. No, I don't know why we'd need rolls of pink insulation sitting around our base, yet somehow I know I'd use them.....
What about all the items from Pocket D? O_o And what if we could change the colors on items too, not just decorative items, but I mean all items, blue super computers, red teleporters, green basic genorators, etc...

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
what if we could change the colors on items too, not just decorative items, but I mean all items, blue super computers, red teleporters, green basic genorators, etc...
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I give up. People just aren't paying attention to the idea behind the thread.
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
The hottubs from the Katie TF.
Err, I mean cauldrons.
Anything from that redcap cave map.
The big portals from the large room in the oranbega map. Or the small ones for that matter. (non-functional, purely decorative, but with the swirly stuff . . )
Blow-uppable stuff from the mayhem maps (cars, phone booth, bust stop, newspaper stands parking meters, etc).
The Asylum map stuff. Curtains, beds, medical stuff in general.
The giant throne from the Tyrant map. The lava beds too, fer that matter. Perferably with the actual "ooh ooh hot hot" lava!
Some of the Freaks stuff like you find in westarn Crey's folley, or that one badge map (name escapes me pwnz?). Graffitti'd up corrugated tin pieces. to act as seperators aor room dividers. Or the beat up stuff in the Atta mish. Off the top of my head, a couple destroyed signs, some half buried cars, a broken vending machine (OMG!), some road construction stuff.
Speaking of construction stuff, some of those random piles of girders , pipes, wood, rolls of insulation, etc (from Faultline, for instance) would be great to place in rooms that I'm still messing with to show a *under construction* status.
More later as I think of them.
@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)
I want all the items from Yinns Market, heck just give me Yinns Market and I'll put it in my base.

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
New lights would be nice. Specifically the hanging crystal lights in Orenbenga and the hanging sewer lights.
The glowing cave mushrooms/crystals would be fun for a night garden.
The Banished Pantheon and Tsoo room screens would be great to decorate with. As would a smaller version of the Tsoo blood ink idol. The Pantheon 'witch doctor' totems and villainside tiki hut decor would be colorful as well.
At one point in the mishes I thought I remembered seeing open coffins and leaning coffins - great for zombie and vampire themes
It'd be nice if they scaled down some of the decorations already in the game too! All that arcane and sewer stuff is WAY too big.
Wasnt there a thread a long time ago similar to this one? with pictures and everything?
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?
This thread is to post items that already exist in the game, and we want available in the base editor so we can put them into our own base.
Here's a few to kick it off:
* Top of the list: fake windows. The Universities have them, and they even let the sunshine through! Police stations have windows with the blinds closed, as well.
* Fun and games: vending machines, pool table, pinball machines, darts. They can be found all over Pocket D.
* Water decorations! This one is inside the Vanguard base in Atlas Park. Here's another near Jim Temblor in Faultline.
* Stools. We have a couple of chairs, but a stool fits a room such as a bar far better. And since I'm talking about bars, booze racks would be very nice too. Both items from Pocket D.
* Boombox! Everybody has one, but nobody keeps one in their bases? Unconceivable! Bonus points if there's a version that actually plays music. Bonus points and cookies if there's several versions with different tunes.
* Security cameras (found in hospitals and police stations) and card readers (this one from a Pocket D elevator) to make sure the base is secured.
* Medical items: a wall-mounted medkit (found in any hospital), or a rack of medkits. Medical table with a round thingy around, and medical table with instruments, the last three items found in the Firebase Zulu hospital.
* Lockers for our SG members. I found those inside the Faultline dam, next to the door to the hazard zone.
* This trashcan (ashtray as a separate item). We already have trashcans but they're ALWAYS empty. This style of trashcan is better to pretend it's actually being used.
* Ceiling fan. We need more stuff to put on the ceiling besides lights. This one found in the Cryptic Lounge in Faultline, they're also found inside any PPD station.
Post a picture to the item, and the location where you found it (to give the devs an idea where to find the model). Decorative items ONLY! No arena kiosks, icon employees, or anything like that.
Do not request any stuff that is not currently in game. Neither a modification to an item; those things take time. Premium items (things only found in the tiki lounge for example, or faction-specific things like a Vanguard logo) are off limits. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!