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  1. You know I stop in here= I read, I browse, look around... And, what I see is pretty clearly some GW2 fans (maybe former GW fans?) that are here dropping pancakes on Save CoH - and saying it's not ArenaNet's fault that NCsoft is taking CoH out behind the woodshed & bending the community over - apparently for the sake of their stock value...

    Or (maybe) the "prevailing opinions" of certain shareholders that have bought into the "PC Gaming is Dead, All Hail the Future Kings/Queens of Gaming - the Tablet/iPad/Android/iPhone/DS3/WiiU/etc. = AKA, Mobile Gaming Platforms!"

    Then, after this recent horrible "decision" Zynga's stock started tanking, probably not helpful for Nexon = a Japanese Mobile-Gaming Company. That sees a Japanese market - where people don't have room for real PCs, believe in the coming of their 'benevolent "cloud computing" overlords' & produce a market where Nexon would rather sell a few 100,000 copies of 60 games - 45 of which will be pure garbage, and maybe 7-8 decent ones, 2-3 will be popular & profitable & if they're lucky they'll have 1 "We Hit The Lottery" title = although in the Japanese market it'll still be a smallish lottery - unless it's somehow entertaining outside that market.

    *And outside a few thousand US/UK fans of this genre of continuous garbage games, which remind me of "the end days" of the 2600 & later NES markets* = [<mini-rant> Or rather, Among the market of people who watch Japan-anime religiously on Adult Swim {or wherever} - Like, for example: "Bleach" = long after it originally airs... That's one small problem with having Spanish mythology inspiration & a dash of Germanic/English mythology all poorly translated/mashed into a title with a bunch of Japanese mythology.

    Which is THEN translated -once again- into English... Poorly = including no explanations for the stupid Kanji pop-ups (that could?/would be word bubbles or old-school Batman aka "Freem"-type graphic flashes if it was a US title) = all parts of why its nearly unwatchable IMHO, of course. The Quincy dude with the Bow was kinda nifty *shrug* </end mini-rant>]

    So - Rather than selling 500,000 to 1,000,000+ copies of 10=12 games, 3-4 of which will suck, and selling box-copies but not many subs or micro-transactions after 3-6 months, another 3-4 of which fill fade away after a year or two of decent/mildly profitable sales, a couple modest "hits" that sell enough units to be profitable and draw attention in the market/PC gaming Mags/Sites/Blogs. And a Chance at 1, (maybe 2) that will last for years like Everquest, WoW, CoH, GW, etc.

    The Eastern Market would apparently rather put out tons of the usual derivatives taking small chances w/ re-skinned junk games... Rather then do new stuff & taking any real or big chances.

    OR, they totally "go for broke" trying to force-feed cash down a development company and make it excrete out the next potential (in somebody's mind at least) "WoW-Killer" - and if this doesn't turn out as a mega success they pick it for recyclable scraps & turn over the earth & try to seed a new Wow-killer...
    Then, someone told them about Angry Birds & and "Casual Facebook Games", & a few other games -'Pulling down massive cash' (at least from the view of somebody's carefully sculpted spreadsheet), from gaming junkies. People that - in the 80's would've been pouring quarters in arcade games - who are now pouring Credit/Debit card funds into garbage "free-to-play" games w/ cash (pancake) shops.
    Actually gaming bloggers have been selling that lie for awhile now, it seems to be the Rare Exception rather than the Emergent Rule they've gambled (their souls) on it becoming!

    That's the other thing they seemed to be more worried about a quarterly report or *MAYBE* the next yearly IR Audit = That will be read by investors desperately wanting to see a greater ROE than the gaming industry & overall current global economy is able to provide. At least in anything legal, or stock-related, maybe they should just move their money into ETFs & be done with it!
    Instead of sacrificing - City of Heroes = In order to help "massage the spread-sheet numbers" into something that will get them a bonus/or promotion/or not fired?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I probably won't be here. I moved on already. Y'all should too.
    You first...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    For TR they went F2P (as it were) so you could create an account and just play in the last couple of months of life in the game. Subscriptions were stopped being taken and so forth. With there being no Premium/VIP status it was easier to do as well (I would imagine), seeing as VIP status here actually confers as well VIP forum access.

    And the lack of official TR forums helped on that side as well.

    In terms of the end of game event, you are correct on this one... And the TR dev team had former devs come back to help out as well. Which is totally different to Paragon Studios where there is no one around to work on it.
    You know I had TR installed on my Computer for a LONG time after it was shutdown, just starting up the client & watching the intro was somehow comforting... Or maybe cathartic?

    IDK, but that alien drone-thing busting thru the billboard/advertising sign, and that whole intro clip are still awesome = I almost feel like going & hooking up the hard drive of that old computer and see if what I have left or TR on it! I know I kept what I could especially the all "Base 'loudspeaker' Announcements"... they were released together as a collection of audio files separate from the game - and maybe some of the notable NPC chatter too?
    It's been 4+ years or so = I can't recall precisely. But they were one of the better parts that was salvageable and still funny long after i couldn't log-in anymore. *sigh*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Rarely are enough commas used; Too seldom do we find a semicolon.
    *Ahem* {in my best Jason Mewes accent}
    WTF is (a semicolon on; ) the Internet?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
    I'm just astonished they won't sell the game and make a buck. Once they shut it down they severely damage the value of the IP.

    Loss of Face may be a cultural thing I don't understand, but I don't understand the BUSINESS decision that shuts the IP down.

    NONE OF US, at CoX customers are going to another NCSoft game if they really shut CoX down. And the thought we might go to a newer game of theirs seems to be the only logical reason not to auction off CoX and get what you can for the property.
    Seriously, Do they think just because after AA flopped/died... people tried TR because it was the best game out there? NO, It was largely because they gave Former AA players (=> who were Active/Subbed at the time of the announcement of it's sun-setting) A copy of the "Digital Collectors' Edition of TR" w/ the free month or so to try it... And, they gave (many/most?) of us TRUE = Early Beta Access to Tabula Rasa! - in what would have been "Friends and Family only" & for quite a while it was Friends and Family & AA die-hards, then some other folks who'd been in COH Beta's and whatnot (probably Lineage players too - IDK for certain but it seemed like it, for awhile there were "gold sellers" in the Beta ), then significantly later they let in the normal people via "Beta Sign-ups" from gaming sites.
    They also gave away digital key codes for COH & Lineage (maybe Lineage II(?) IDK for sure = I never wanted to even try it.

    Plus they pushed the Dungeon Runners - not sure if it was beta still at that point - I think so, it was or soon became to be F2P if you didn't want more than 1 page/small section of inventory(?) or use any of the really "nice items" OR the larger health/mana options = though (IIRC) for a bit you still got them as drops... THey camera placement & movement made me "sea-sick" - sort like "shakey-cam video" footage only this was the whole world/screen behind what there was of the UI = which wasn't much. I didn't play that "Casual Game" (and the PR release said/says paraphrasing - that they were going to Focus on their "Triple AAA games" = essentially the just the opposite oif what they appear to be doing now = No Excrement! -> Look it up!!)

    And, When they closed TR they did the same sorta thing (Here's the details I just dug up for the EU version/announcement = it may have been a little different for the US? - but not much.)
    • 3 free months of City of Heroes including digital client
    • 3 free months of Lineage II including digital client
    • Aion Exclusive Preview Event access (details coming soon)
    • Aion pre-order access (available in 2009)
    • 1 free month of Aion including digital client (available in 2009)
    NOW, CoH = The one game they have that has consistently kept customers attached to the Brand/and or coming back = And then they could try to pitch all these other Games to us... And NOW they've decided killing CoH is a smart move???
    From my point of view I think these people want to be in this business anymore! Or that don't want us as customers?? Someone Ought to look at what has been the Real "staple"/sustenance for them while they're looking for the next "AAA-Mega-Hit" OR, now the next *Mini-Mega-Hit" for "mobile gaming" platforms!
    I'm can't imagine why they have problems with investors at all now?
    I mean REALLY?? This is your plan???
  6. I haven't in quite a while, there was a Tetris clone Firefox Plugin, and I'll play Solitaire for score/speed while running vir-scans & stuff. I've got Far Cry1 & GalCiv 2, and may take a look at "Elemental" and see if they got most of the bugs out yet OR try to find one of the more recent "Civ -?-", or MoO-II type games.

    I had been looking forward to "Warface" coming to the US - but that was when I thought it was gonna be a free/basic game to promote the new Cry Engine (3? iirc).
    Kinda like counter-strike or whatever - now it seems it may end up as a F2P game. But instead of building up points/ranks on some recent FPS games = you'll have to buy them like temp-buffs If so = Frak that... And, surprise - I think that's because NCsoft &/or Nexon bought into it - from the Kiev-based Crytek Studio. (I know one of them did it's hard to tell who owns who/what over there now.)

    And it looks like there could be similar problems with "Defiance" from Trion & Syfy = IDK how that's really gonna work yet?

    When Far Cry 3 comes out I'm gonna be all over that- from the trailers & previews - it looks like they realized what sucked in FarCry 2 and went "back to the well" - for some fresh awesome.

    Fortunately, I found the Wing Commander Saga - "Darkest Dawn" came out in March = a 10 year project fan-remake, Finally got permission to use the IP from EA - plugging Wing Commander III probably helped.
    Several of the original Wing Commander games are available at, so make sure to show your support for the actual creators of Wing Commander by going and purchasing some copies! You won't regret it. Especially make sure to pick up a copy of Wing Commander III, since the story of Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn was written to coincide with the events of that game.
    And better still, I found that Chris Roberts is now going to make a new Wing Commander-ish game!

    I think It's fair to assume the Darkest Dawn went over well enough to convince him it was time, He mentions having wanted to wait until the Tech caught up to his Ideas = its had plenty of time... He decided for whatever reasons to give it another go now - that'll probably take a couple years but since the Jumpgate revamp tanked = Well, there's a "hole" in the space-based fighter sim genre.
  7. Cardiff_Giant

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    "... If you want people to think realistically, then realistically the odds of the game being saved in any manner whatsoever are pretty low..."
    Arcana, you should really know better:
    "Never tell me the odds!"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Going to stop here, because i have never heard of "one of" expenses... "one time", "one off" expenses, yes, but not "One of" expenses...
    I think that may be an American English/Uk English thing = I'm talking about "one-time" expenses (I there seems to be a similar difference in the of use of the term at - at it's an American usage vs. UK usage) - Hmm, okay.

    The NCsoft West thing... it hasn't appeared in *any* of their financial reports. NCsoft West was more than anything else, a rebranding of the UK (Ncsoft Europe) and American offices (NC Interactive), even though *financially* they are still separate entities.
    Isn't that a REAL Problem = when these presentation are meant to show financial data and illustrate the relationships as to which divisions are losing money vs. which ones are making money?

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    People who upgrade their phone before their previous contract is up have either too much money burning a hole in their pockets or have their priorities seriously messed up.

    But it is true the mobile gaming, on phones, is on the upswing. Especially in areas where this is a lot of mass transit with long commute times. NCSoft own presentations show 17% growth in that market, however they also still show a 19% growth in online gaming.
    Problem is - the "handy graphs" (don't have a useful key). So, they don't show what "Online gaming" REALLY IS... The viewer/reader could assume that "PC games" are separate from "Online games" - and another could easily assume that MMO's played on PC are by definition "Online games". That could be a HUGE difference!
    And what about "Console games" with "Online" components/content?

    And more importantly people (even myself) are quoting these reports - But they have a big disclaimer on on page 2:

    "Some of the information and data in the material have been prepared based on assumptions. There can be no assurance that the assumptions used by NCsoft are correct and even if they are, that the effect of such assumptions on NCsoft’s business and results of operations will be as projected.
    Therefore, NCsoft will not be responsible for individual investment decisions based solely on this material.
    The financial results for 2Q 2012 have been prepared on an un-audited basis, and may be subject to change during independent auditing process."

    I'm sorry = But, This is a SERIOUS PROBLEM!
  9. From the IR Reports/Conference Call transcript Archives that I read, (basically all of them) - they actually included special notes for "one-off" expenses {specifically severance packages} - but they don't say for which games... of course!
    They also don't specify what "NC Interactive" is = not precisely, it should be "NCsoft West" (in at least a few of them - over certain time-periods). But, they really don't seem all that interested in any such details (and FFS it should read "one-of" expenses).
    They seemed to re-use PDF's of previous Reports as broiler plates & more than once it looked like they left some stuff from older ones by mistake - (Or because they weren't planning on leaving the PowerPoint 'slide' up on the wall too long & nobody was gonna actually read any hard-copies) - And that, in the meetings they would focus on TELLING the story *as they wanted it to be*, rather than what it was = "shaping a narrative" designed to influence the investors according to their own plans, not the pesky facts and/or history of what actually occurred.

    Example: when they were doing comparisons of profits from quarter to quarter from box revenues and whatnot - they still had Tabula Rasa box prices listed in a place it had no business being - the game was already shut-down prior to the relevant quarters at hand.
    BUT, they probably were all about leaving an "accidental" (pseudo-subliminal) *remember Tabula Rasa failed & Garriott is still suing us (yes again)* when they were fighting over future plans!

    And all through this stuff you could easily read the undercurrent/message of "MMORPG's for 'hardcore gamers' take 5 years and Tens of Millions of $$ to make", and "all the cool kids are switching to tablets/phones, mobile & "online" platforms"... and they did it while harshly criticizing the development time and cost of production on "Console" & "PC" games. They are all really playing-up the "Casual", "Social", and "Browser" games... As the place to be = low risk/quicker turn around time = So, if/when a game flops it'll flop quick & they can try again! These "suits" are treating these Games more like *scratch-off lottery tickets* = rather than *actual business ventures* = its so frustrating they don't care at all about the games or the players!!

    Now someone said around here just yesterday in response to something I posted that PC's hardware is always changing & that phones/tablets were more standardized - I'm calling B.S. on that = there are basically 2 lines or types of CPUs & Video Cards and corresponding drivers to work with... There are some issues but I see them as less complicated than - Phone hardware (& their OS'es) change every few months, same thing with the Mobile Platforms, and Browsers are updated/fixed (and are known to break random seemingly unrelated stuff) all the freaking time!

    The main CPU Architectures and instruction sets & related OS/Software/Driver "life-cycles" are surely longer & I know Firefox just update to version 15 (it been jumping thru revisions like crazy the last couple years - I think they must be talking about the PC in the Cyber-cafes where the owners buy standard PC's and let them sit till they are paid for = people buy new phone every few months & iPads/tablets are almost as bad, & the major issue is the Phone/Mobile/Browser Games = SUCK!

    If you're not at home - sure you can play a cheapo Tetris, Zelda, or Diablo clone, or some similar POS game. And, If that's the garbage they want to invest in fine = Then Sell the CoH IP to people who'll cherish and continue to develop & play it - They Are In No WAY Competing For Any Of *MY* Disposable Income!
  10. Cardiff_Giant

    Where are you?

    I'm down = Added!
    (Not to the exact street address - but it's close enough for this...)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ground_Fault View Post
    Do you guys really think they are going to fire and disband an arm of their organization and then change their minds and rehire everyone? I cant remember anyone ever doing that. Think about the office morale, employee loyalty would be in the toilet.
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Yeah, I can't imagine a good outcome for Paragon Studios. Maybe someone can salvage the game's code, but I'm not holding my breath. All my experience with corporate politics tells me there's rarely any second-guessing when a decision has been made. You can't be seen to be a waffler because you're perceived as weak. That attitude is probably a thousand times more powerful in Korean culture.
    Actually, It could be WAY easier than you think - they lay the blame on one person for distorting the IR Reports - a variety of Quarterly Accounting Reports Earnings, Costs & Sales Breakdowns, Equity Figures, etc.
    Or for "Misrepresenting" the future growth, expected sales, assumptions about current titles/properties/sales/trends in business models of = whatever...
    Doesn't really matter & it happens all the time - normally they send the person to another department, or fire them if it becomes a snafu of epic proportions... See where I'm going here? Sometimes it's someone major close to the top & they presumably go into a board meeting and say the equivalent of "You, know, I was just following all of the recent advice we've (and every other game company or many software companies.

    They show the "Online" market projected to rise, and show percentages of expected growth for the other markets = "PC", "Console", "Mobile", "Arcade", "Browser Games", and in some cases "Other"...

    There's charts and articles saying oh there's gonna be huge growth in Mobile Platforms, and everyone wants the next Farmville, Angry Birds or, uhm - actually I don't really know!
    I don't have a smartphone/iPhone or an iPad. And I can live with out them for now = my cell phone works, so does my PC and not only is the "new is gonna wear off the "i-stuff" sooner or later.
    Plus, right now - none of them run games I'd want to play = Not Yet. And, if/when they do, I know they'll cost way more than I'm willing and/or able to spend.

    They'll also have to decide if that want to keep the "solid/legacy" Titles, or ditch those to go with Tired-overdone Tropes, AND hope/pray to have the next gold-rush "Casual", "Social", or "Browser" game. That costs next to nothing to make & hooks people like crack... Like arcades in the 80's with people dumping quarters/tokens in one after the other, only NOW they can just charge it to your smartphone = well over in Japan & Korea where they have a "captive market - people who literally lack the space for Desktop PC's, or the money to keep up with high-end "Enthusiast" (or mid-grade) PC's to play the latest (or recent) games on.

    And, I expect they're gonna have trouble with the various tablet/mobile/phone OS'es as the become more prominent. Heck, how long is it taking to get Flash working on them? Yeah - that won't be the last issue like that, & if they're emptying wallets by the minute or second, (I actually saw that in some sales figures = average profit per second!)
    And that level/degree of unashamed money grubbing is gonna cost them - when the hackers run out of quarters, and the bad press they already have from internet cafe's & trying to monitor all that and that the users aren't minors playing after whatever hours they made off-limits in their "curfews"...
    City of Heroes is the BEST Super Hero MMO in the US, and even if they decided they need to upgrade the engine a bit more or shift the population over to a "CoH 2.0", they're gonna be missing out on a Dedicated Market - we love our superheroes & the movies are gonna keep on coming out.

    Meaning while NCsoft could be dumping money into cheap-azz title after title, maybe "virtual thumb-wrestling" will be their next big gold-rush hit?
    I'm betting they're gonna regret not re-thinking their decision coming up with a reasonable excuse/reason that protects most everyone's egos/dignity/etc and gets most of Paragon Studios up and running again! Maybe it won't be NCsoft...
    But I think they know by now their brand is gonna suffer if they don't do something - from those of us who'll never trust them again & that they'll have a bunch of nearly identical MMO & Browser Games, and then hope they create the next big Facebook/Mobile/Tablet game - JUST Like every other programer and their freaking dog is "counting on" aka = hoping to do.
    They might do well in Korea/Japan but there's a lot of U.S. "Dollar, Dollar Bills Y'all" that they're never gonna see again!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
    I'll also be "borrowing" this...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
    15 bucks is still ridiculous for 10 more enhancement slots.
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    the point was raised in another thread that it's ten slots PER CHARACTER.
    So for someone like me with a multitude of alts the price point starts making sense.
    I kinda suspected these were gonna be on sale - when I logged in last night & saw them all pop up as "Featured" but not yet on sale...

    And sometime before that If I'm not mistaken they started using slightly different artwork = like that used/seen for the "Upcoming Tray 4 & Tray 5" in the last Convention "Preview" - Interactive Page Thingy
    (please excuse my use of the technical term above)

    *I can't find the page link - I bookmarked it & seem to have promptly misplaced it*
  14. IIRC - Really you only needed to spend $5 to get SG Access before Issue 23,
    and as it stands now:
    "Free/Premium players can join supergroups regardless of Paragon Rewards tier."
    Note: "The Paragon Rewards Program launched with the ability to join supergroups requiring Tier 2, but Issue 23 removed the restriction. A VIP subscription is still required to create supergroups and all other activities that require access to the Super Group Registrar."

    At one or two times - You could get a 1 month VIP account for either $.99 or $1.99 ? (Hhmm... Sorry, I can't recall clearly at the moment its too "late" for my schedule.)

    I got like 7 off these to have alternate accounts to invite my alts = 1 character for each Server/SG Base even when they go freebie I can pay the silly Rent with toons from my main account. My alt-aholism & RL-stuff hasn't given me the opportunity to do all the stuff I've planned to do - "properly" just yet...

    Heck, this week I've been logging on Alts that were 'last logged in' 80, 200, 250 days ago, one pseudo-placeholder on a server I've never gotten around to filling up (yet) was last played 504 days ago - *sigh*

    Sadly I'm thinking of resorting to a spreadsheet-schedule = to at least login alts for DayJobs & "flopping" cheap salvage, inspirations, etc. - for progress on WW Badges - maybe craft some Common IO's or the occasional really low turnover rate "niche" Set IO...
    Then, run a lowbie arc mission with Defeat (or some other) Badges in mind, Like = Veluta Lunata's, and/or auto-complete a P.I.T.A. lowbie mission ("Save the 3 workers from the PTS" for Marshal Brass, maybe run a Newspaper or 2 and a Mayhem Mission (I -inexplicably- love them) that sorta thing.

    If you've got the time and a plan I bet you could make something work - or find a VIP friend to pay your SG rent every 6 weeks = BUT, I'd suggest the 12 month Subscription it's about as cheap as it gets for an Online Subscription-based game.
    Don't let "Freedom" fool you - it's a "hybrid model" game now -> a Sub + micro-transactions, and it's (mostly) been getting better aka more Powersets and whatnot than we ever got before.

    Granted, there is some of the "bloodsucking" stuff in the store ala 'Korean-Style MMO' - "Buffs" they'll let you buy, buy, buy = if you're Independently Wealthy... that's great - they seem to be working on balancing it out = in a good faith manner,

    I suspect most people that can afford the - roughly $12 a month (depending on whether you have to pay sales tax where you live or not?) via the 12 month sub is the best deal. And it gets you damn near everything with the least hassle. And, access to some stuff they're simply not going to let people have without a "VIP" Subscription.

    And Yeah, they're putting out just enough stuff that you'll almost certainly wind-up wanting/"needing" to spend some $ on some extra Paragon Points to get the majority of what you'll likely want = they're Evil that way...

    They know impatient gamers are (quite likely) gonna make them some serious bank. BUT, they have a way to let you (or the card holder) set a specified $ spending limit to keep you from breaking your bank in the process of enriching theirs.

    (Edit) P.S. I read that as the SG Registrar (guy) - not the SG Registry (list)... IDK, could be either I suppose?
  15. I normally take screenshots of my power trays but you have to use /screenshotui 1 and then click on something in one of the trays and then keep the cursor down there in the first 3 trays - (I tend to use Sands of Mu because it puts you into a visible 'fight stance' then I'll hover my cursor over a power, like one I'm changing or whatever), otherwise none of the UI will show.

    I don't have anything other software on here that would do screenshots of the game-screen... AFAIK.

    Seems like they could work out a way in-game for us to take screenshots of the Enhancement Management Window-thingy = the Powers/Slots/IO's Screen... To avoid the having to "write it all down" method, OR "just try to remember method" of re-slotting during &/or after a Respec.
  16. According to the "prezi" thingy - it showed them as being "Cold and Smashing Damage", with some -Speed & -Defense...

    Not sure - But, I'd think it'll be as good or better than 'ice-powers' vs 'fires' & the -Defense part might help with the Ultra-Stubborn, Steel Canyon Fires.
  17. Anyone know enough about what all you can actually out-level and miss = as of Issue 22/(or 23).
    And/Or what can't be done by Flashback...
    I.E. = Badges that can't be snagged, Story Arcs & accompanying Temp Powers that can be missed, or that sort of thing??

    As an Altaholic, and Completionist - I could really use a updated checklist of these sorta things - so I could at least KNOW what I may or might not be missing out on with some characters.
    I've been fighting myself as to whether or not to force myself to just ignore stuff & finally level-up some older(or newer?) characters...
    There's a whole lot I haven't played thru at all = yet...
    Like the L50/Incarnate stuff, haven't done any one it. And I want to get to it before the servers eventually come down some day.

    Because at my current rate of leveling on so many Alts/Servers, with SG's+Bases, and Badging, Marketing, IO'ing, Etc. = I simply won't...
  18. Sweet... I hadn't seen this guide in quite awhile until today.

    Particularly Spiffy IMO is the Updated PPP/APP's for Masterminds - I haven't played my MM's at anything but sub 30-ish levels (for quite some time now) = So... much of this hadn't even occurred to me as an option to keep in mind.
    Chill Mastery
    *Hoarfrost (Self Heal, +Max Health, +Res(Toxic))
    *Frozen Armor (Self: +Defense(Smash, Lethal), +Res(Cold))
    *Hibernate (Toggle: Self +Recovery, +Regen, Invulnerable)
    Is it just me or are those exceedingly cool =2 opportunities for healing that aren't /Dark Miasma, /Pain, or the Medicine Pool (I haven't played any of the Incarnate stuff yet but the info looks interesting
    I'll definitely be back to reference this again whenever I get around to that stuff. (Completion-ism & Alt-iholism are two harsh mistresses)

    Thanks for ALL the updates!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 4_Thirty_5 View Post
    Can I do a rewrite of the Interlok system (using Cybergeneration as a template)? I have a huge [REDACTED] for R. Talsorian.

    Okay, but only if I can help you play-test it! I really wanted to do do the same sort thing - take Cybergeneration = mostly the character "Classes/Templates" and convert them for use in a regular Cyberpunk game IMHO - Cybergeneration dumbed down the game too much. I sure they had the best of intentions - but the 'killing off the old game' by killing off the 'old characters & setting' via a plot device "Plague", left a bad taste in my mouth - so to speak...

    And on a related note, If (as some mentioned above) you're looking for a Seriously Non-Crunchy System = then T.F.O.S. (Teenagers From Outer Space) is another 'R. Talsorian' game that would be perfect!

    Particularly the older printing/version of the game that was less 'Japan-anime' than the reprint. It was a bit less Project_A-ko, and bit more "Galaxy High" ...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Yes, because every needs highly detailed information to get excited for something. Heaven forbid you might be interested by a concept of all things.

    Most of these are pretty self explanatory. Water blast, must be a new power set.
    Actually, that's only half-right...
    IIRC Energy Blast (or the graphics for it?) was originally a 'Water Blast' set, way back in alpha or beta??
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    My understanding was that Champions *was* the Hero system. My first brush with it, IIRC, was Champions 3rd Edition. At that point, the only other system I'd seen that was so horribly bogged down by its own mechanics was Loremaster.
    *In the (1989? version with the 1st printing's hardcover binding that fell apart the 2nd-3rd time you dropped it) = 4th Edition & they were the same system*

    "Champions" was effectively just a setting for the Hero System, Fantasy Hero, Ninja Hero, Space-something, 3D (=Time Travel), Dark Champs =Vigilantes, Western Hero (/e shudder = I still have it, its was a waste of paper), I know there were a few more. I've got the more obscure ones =aka mostly useless (and some older 3rd Ed stuff) in a box.... somewhere??

    Later on, you could get the 'plain vanilla' = "Hero System" with out the Champions or any particular "setting".

    I miss those days when we actually hung out in large groups = THAT was "grouping" or "teaming", w/ giant bags of D6's & even the 2-D paper double-sided "minis" on a hex map, and the Pizza,Sodas,Etc. And even the fairly complex the SPD/DEX (broken down into what segments you act in) as a chart on a white board or chalk board...
    "Okay if I start my 'pushed' Haymaker now, when does it land?"

    Roll 3D6 for OCV vs. DCV (or rarely Maybe ECV), Grab 2 hands full of (aka half a bag of) dice to roll, figure out the Body Damage (& usually ignore it) then add up the Stun... (Unless of core it's an Killing Attack or an RKA, then it can get really ugly with way fewer dice) - dang it, I'm old. *sigh*

    *Edit=Note* FWIW, You're gonna NEED pencil and paper for this & preferably a calculator that easily handles fractions - that helps a TON! That without a doubt was the most "fun with math" I've ever had!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    That would make him a random (and less well known) DC character hanging out with a bunch of guys from Marvel. Human Torch is more likely.
    Well, okay -But- they do kinda look like they're on their way to a convention or something, (maybe a Crossover/Tie-In/?) And it IS the subway... amirite?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prince_Recluse View Post
    I was wondering that too. My assumption was Lion-O. Maybe Human Torch, but I am assuming he was going for Fur, not Fire.

    (EDIT: After a closer look at the "flames" on his gloves and shoulders, I am going with Human Torch. Should have added an orange mask though.)
    I'm thinking that's an "early" Firestorm from the 80'-90's?
    Back when he was more "Nuclear-man" & not "Fire-Elemental", and way before this "Firestorm Matrix" nonsense (with Black/White/? Lantern "tie-in-stuff"... That I just wasted time looking through on Wikipedia *sigh*
  24. That looks a LOT like Red Dawn - only with invading Asians (at least some of them were) = Red Dawn had Russians, Cubans (& maybe some generic 'Central Americans' ?), No reason for it to be just one invading nation/country/culture/force.

    They were invading some part of Australia (or very close by) = there was a License plate shown (right before the one girl says "Run"... *explosion*) with the motto "The Premier State" on it... So that makes sense enough to me.
  25. I've seen a bunch of those over the years - on the Live servers & especially on the Test Server = back when it was Test 1 - and sometimes Test 2...