When that day comes.. i am worried




Slowly we are heading towards the very last day we can walk in a city called 'home'.

It is not the first time i have to go through a final day of a game, nor it will be my last, but CoH hits me way harder then probably any game i've played that has shut down (or has to).

I went through my memories of other fallen games, some will happy ends, some with very sad ends, then i remembered NCsoft's other game: Tabula Rasa.

Those who have played it, as i very enjoyed the game, might also remember the last few hours on the server, going back to earth and fight one last time. Those very last hours were for many completly destroyed by the simple fact, the server couldnt handle anymore.

Massive lag, disconnects, even channels/worlds dropping every few minutes, dying and unable to get up anymore.

Then i worry, will CoH suffer the same fate? Unplayable, crashing and queue's all around us?
Many want to stay to the very last second, but will we even be able to?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Then i worry, will CoH suffer the same fate? Unplayable, crashing and queue's all around us?
Many want to stay to the very last second, but will we even be able to?
I think (but not sure) that Tabula Rasa opened up the game for everyone. CoH locked everything down so unless you had an account you can’t do much.

Also, for Tabula Rasa the dev team was there till the end to craft an event. Here best we will get may be some lingering mod with powers not stripped away spawning lots of stuff on various zones.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I think (but not sure) that Tabula Rasa opened up the game for everyone. CoH locked everything down so unless you had an account you can’t do much.

Also, for Tabula Rasa the dev team was there till the end to craft an event. Here best we will get may be some lingering mod with powers not stripped away spawning lots of stuff on various zones.
For TR they went F2P (as it were) so you could create an account and just play in the last couple of months of life in the game. Subscriptions were stopped being taken and so forth. With there being no Premium/VIP status it was easier to do as well (I would imagine), seeing as VIP status here actually confers as well VIP forum access.

And the lack of official TR forums helped on that side as well.

In terms of the end of game event, you are correct on this one... And the TR dev team had former devs come back to help out as well. Which is totally different to Paragon Studios where there is no one around to work on it.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
For TR they went F2P (as it were) so you could create an account and just play in the last couple of months of life in the game. Subscriptions were stopped being taken and so forth. With there being no Premium/VIP status it was easier to do as well (I would imagine), seeing as VIP status here actually confers as well VIP forum access.

And the lack of official TR forums helped on that side as well.

In terms of the end of game event, you are correct on this one... And the TR dev team had former devs come back to help out as well. Which is totally different to Paragon Studios where there is no one around to work on it.
You know I had TR installed on my Computer for a LONG time after it was shutdown, just starting up the client & watching the intro was somehow comforting... Or maybe cathartic?

IDK, but that alien drone-thing busting thru the billboard/advertising sign, and that whole intro clip are still awesome = I almost feel like going & hooking up the hard drive of that old computer and see if what I have left or TR on it! I know I kept what I could especially the all "Base 'loudspeaker' Announcements"... they were released together as a collection of audio files separate from the game - and maybe some of the notable NPC chatter too?
It's been 4+ years or so = I can't recall precisely. But they were one of the better parts that was salvageable and still funny long after i couldn't log-in anymore. *sigh*

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
You know I had TR installed on my Computer for a LONG time after it was shutdown, just starting up the client & watching the intro was somehow comforting... Or maybe cathartic?
Yea, that was a cool intro.

Although the ending.. pun? was a bit corny ("that is what we need... a fresh start... a clean slate")

Also now that I see it again I notice how just at the time the narrator says "they were not able to take us all so they took those that could fight" they show a little girl holding hands with her mom. Odd standards on "who can fight"



Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
You know I had TR installed on my Computer for a LONG time after it was shutdown, just starting up the client & watching the intro was somehow comforting... Or maybe cathartic?

IDK, but that alien drone-thing busting thru the billboard/advertising sign, and that whole intro clip are still awesome = I almost feel like going & hooking up the hard drive of that old computer and see if what I have left or TR on it! I know I kept what I could especially the all "Base 'loudspeaker' Announcements"... they were released together as a collection of audio files separate from the game - and maybe some of the notable NPC chatter too?
It's been 4+ years or so = I can't recall precisely. But they were one of the better parts that was salvageable and still funny long after i couldn't log-in anymore. *sigh*
I have all of the GLM files extracted out, so I have everything backed up. Also, i have the most recent PTS installer backed up as well as the last "installer" file... and the actual game install all zipped up.

Oh, and also the fansite packages (did you know that there was a difference between the EU and US fansite packages?)

Yeah.. i might have a bit laying around here.



I probably won't be here. I moved on already. Y'all should too.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I probably won't be here. I moved on already. Y'all should too.
I have one last storyline to finish on that day, nothing to do with community or unity or stuff, that went out the window a while ago, but my personal ending. Nov 30th, the last chapter of the storyline for this character. This week is the ending for another character that should be done by 7th then after that it's just the wait until Nov 29th and 30th to end the storyline of the one that started it in i6 and will end it in Nov 30th.

Mostly been playing CO (only MMO) and other games that are non-MMOs. If it wasnt for a friend selling me on the solo part of it I probably would have left it alone. Lo and behold he was right. It's like playing a stand alone game with the community as a side effect, although they are pleasant to interact with and quick to answer questions when I got there. None of that "noob" or "Read paragonwiki" and snarky remarks nonsense. Just "oh, that is easy, you do this and that and this and there you go. Anything else you need help with, just ask and welcome to CO." One guy even gave me some cash to start off with. Never had that happen in COH even back in i6-era.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I probably won't be here. I moved on already. Y'all should too.
You first...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I probably won't be here. I moved on already. Y'all should too.
Moved on yet posting on the forum.

I don't think you understand the meaning of "moved on."

Be well, people of CoH.