What system would you use for a Pen and Paper CoH?
Hero system. It's probably the one you were thinking of when you said over complicated, but it will absolutely allow you to mimic every power in the game, and then some.
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I know it's a weird twist, but I'd use the Hero System rules - the one that the RPG Champions uses. It's a great system and very flexible, especially if you like rolling 2.7 tons of six-sided dice for damage.
Heh, looks like someone else agrees!
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I´d use the old World of Darkness system. Just modify the disciplines/gifts/spheres/or whatever to power sets. Maybe take a look at Scion too, it has great examples for really superhuman stuff.

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Hero System or GURPS Supers. Both would allow for flexibility and I have successfully taken quite a few of my old tabletop Champions characters and made them here.
I have also made a few old Shadowrun characters who translated nicely.
But Hero/GURPS is likely the easiest with the least amount of work for the GM.
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I've always had a soft spot for Mutants & Masterminds, so... that one. Of course, that's a totally uninformed opinion since I just own a couple rulebooks and have never actually played it...
Hero system. It's probably the one you were thinking of when you said over complicated, but it will absolutely allow you to mimic every power in the game, and then some.
I know it's a weird twist, but I'd use the Hero System rules - the one that the RPG Champions uses. It's a great system and very flexible, especially if you like rolling 2.7 tons of six-sided dice for damage.
EDIT: Heh, looks like someone else agrees! |
Yes it is somewhat ironic that Champions Online didn't launch until years after City of Heroes did. But at the core of both of these games was the desire to make the HERO/Champions PnP game system work as functional MMOs.
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If you wanted something flashy and fun and simple to learn, the original Marvel Super Heroes by TSR. You can still find free PDF copies of the game and supplements on the net. Even the latest iteration of the game harkens back to the original.
If you want detailed, more custom versions, then try Aberrant by White Wolf. Went to a lot of trouble talking about supers in the real world and the impact they have. Those are always my go to's.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Add my voice to the loud chorus advocating Hero system's Champions or GURPS Supers. They have a steeper learning curve but once you get used to them, they're actually pretty easy to run and flexible as hades. You have to be careful with rules lawers who know the system well. Get them on your side as GM to rein in the power gamers and everyone will learn quickly and have fun.
"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."
I'd go with Mutant and Masterminds 2e.
I never tried the Hero system, but it is often mentioned in thread like this one. I should take a look at it.
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There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.
Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....
I actually ran a City of Villains based campaign with Mutants & Masterminds 2e a year or two ago. The ultimate big bad of the campaign even turned out to be the Banished Pantheon, with Mot the most powerful. >_>
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
Hands down the Hero System and nothing else will come close. I played the very first Champions edition back in 1981/82 and IMO it is hands down the best hero system every created. I could very easily write every powerset in this game and then some. It is the most flexible system ever written for Superhero RPG. Unfortunately you cannot completely mimic all that could be done on PnP in a video game. I played Marvel, DC and VnV and none of them were as good.
I still have probably 60 6-sided dice in my house somewhere in all different colors...
and I STILL have my lucky 3... never failed ever when I needed a roll..
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I always liked DC Hero (as opposed to the Hero system, although that's fine too), but I have no idea if that's still in print anywhere.
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I've always had a soft spot for Mutants & Masterminds, so... that one. Of course, that's a totally uninformed opinion since I just own a couple rulebooks and have never actually played it...
Savage Lands which is the work of a prevision CoH Dev has supplements that allow for the superhero (and every other) theme.
Hero sysem, or Fuzion system will do it best. Both are math and dice heavy though.
I like Mutants and Masterminds because it is built on the D20 system and it is easy for most people to hit the ground running with.
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I like Mutants and Masterminds because it is built on the D20 system and it is easy for most people to hit the ground running with.
Mutants & Masterminds gets my vote, along with the Classic Marvel TSR.
Palladium was just rough. White Wolf had it's superhero setting, Aberrant, which could likely work with or without a little tweaking (never cared for the node aspect of it).
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Man, I wish I still had my aberrant book. I forget pretty much everything in it.
And I dunno, the old school Marvel RPG is super popular, BUT, everytime I look at characters for it (or the old DC one) I go cross eyed.
The Storyteller system is probably IMO the easiest Ive ever picked up and played BUT, also has the drawback of having the least fulfilling combat.
while Hero is my favorite superhero system (BASH is also fun, but lighter), it bears no resemblance to City of Heroes.
if the question is what system would you use for a superhero game that you could make your CoX characters in - Hero works. But it won't play like CoX. Character creation is massively more complicated (okay, not if you include IO sets in CoX).
Hero system, certainly. If run with the "4-color" options it can be reasonably simple, although parts of CoH would be difficult to simulate that way.
Biggest difference is the two system's control of attack timing. Hero assigns characters a SPD rating to control how often characters act, while CoH has the luxury of being able to use actual time.
Mutants & Masterminds 2e, totes. For lower level stuff, PL 5-6. For endgame stuff? You could swing everything a character can do into PL 10 pretty easy. Especially if you drop something like Side Effect 2 (Fatigue) on your arrays. Sustained effects even act like toggles!
We play a lot of M&M 2e. Usually use it to play concepts I can't make in CoH, because the system is so open and can model just about anything.
Just use the Trinity and Aberrant powers with the Storyteller system. Easy, quick set up and play.
while Hero is my favorite superhero system (BASH is also fun, but lighter), it bears no resemblance to City of Heroes.
if the question is what system would you use for a superhero game that you could make your CoX characters in - Hero works. But it won't play like CoX. Character creation is massively more complicated (okay, not if you include IO sets in CoX). |
I am pretty sure the IO system could be created fairly easy in Hero also.
Repainted hero clix could also be used as map markers... but that would eb with any of the systems.
I can say with all honesty, other than Friday Night Fire Fight from Cyberpunk, White Wolf had the worst combat system ever imo. This from a guy who had every Werewolf the Apocalypse book printed. Including hard to find books like the Valkenburg Foundation. The only thing I love more from the 90's that Werewolf the Apocalypse is my wife and kids. It was still one of the (if not the) worst table top combat system ever written. AEG's 7th Sea, and LFR were also D10 systems, but were actually fun and worked.
Yeah, I would not recommend Aberrant or the pre apoc version of it. I know they made two stories for it. The beginning when people first got their powers, and apocalyptic version where the powers had mutated most people to monsters. To be fair, I also wrote white wolf off when they scrapped years and years worth of story just to release new and improved editions of everything. In the process ruining a lot of what I loved about Werewolf setting. Sorry, off topic a bit.
Shane Hensley is the previous Dev who runs Pinnacle now, Savage Worlds does have a Super companion. My friend Sean Fannon who also worked on the Hero system, and the Fuzion system says that it is a good system. Last I spoke to him, he was working for Pinnacle though.

It is weird, because I have RL friends who work for some of these companies. Play tested some of these games. Shoot my kids go to summer camps with employes of several PnP game companies. Only a little twist of fate has kept me from working in the gaming industry full time.
Any way. Yeah, D20 is easy to learn, teach, and use which makes Mutants and Masterminds such a great game. Also it is a Green Ronin game and they have made some of the best mest martial arts supplements around outside of Ultimate Martial Artist for Hero and Ninjas and Super Spies for Palladium games.
Wow, I really am a gamer geek.
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Hero system. It's probably the one you were thinking of when you said over complicated, but it will absolutely allow you to mimic every power in the game, and then some.
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Worked wonders for my group in the day.
HERO is just too broken...too many over the top powers (Intang comes to mind) and our group had to ban swaths of abilities to create a balanced game.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Asked this at the recent ustream, and Protean asked this question back. I actually was kind of surprised, even more so to realize I didn't have an answer.
Is it something that could be done with an existing system? Probably, there are multiple "Super Hero" games out there, but I dunno. The few I've touched were.. over complicated for my taste.
I have a soft spot for AEGs Roll and Keep system, because it's simple to pick up and uses a single dice type. But converting that to CoH is something I've boggled on for years, because the main issue is going to be the powers, and that's the hardest thing to transition over.