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  1. Were more 'movies' going to be added to next year's summer event? If so, what were they going to be like?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    I really doubt they're going to copyright troll people based on City of Heroes characters, there is absolutely no point in it.
    If someone started making blockbuster movies out of a CoH character, they might. But probably would not care about much less than that.
  3. I would be willing to throw real money at this (well, a grand or two), yes.
  4. Thug_Two

    Boycott NCSoft

    If NCSoft has a booth at PAX, will try to ask them. Doubt it'll do any good.
  5. Thug_Two

    Duck Melee

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Ducks? No. Carp? Yes. You can now hit things with a giant carp.
    Sharp pointy fishy thing.

    (Does anyone remember the Floating Vagabond PnP RPG?)
  6. For a while now it seems that I haven't been getting any V-merits for completing missions with the Vanguard Recruit badge active. Is that happening for anyone else?
  7. Short Range Attacks:
    • Short range attacks, i.e. 40ft attacks like Blaze, etc, are having their range extended to 80ft, the same as other attacks in the set.
    • This change also effects Corruptor, Defender and Dominator sets (And I assume PPPs, if they have any such attacks)

    How about Electrical blast? It doesn't have a short-range power. I suppose you could gain the ability to summon a Voltaic Sentinel at 80 feet instead of 40, but that doesn't seem to gain much.
  8. There is precedent for showing a police box/TARDIS in a superhero-related source:

    My wife and I backed up the Tivo on that ep and ROTFL for quite a while when it showed up.
  9. [QUOTE=Nericus;4231970]

    But if one of them runs into the middle of a mass melee of heros and Rikti/Zombies/Nemesis/whatever, will it just push everyone out of the way and keep going?
  10. Hero system, certainly. If run with the "4-color" options it can be reasonably simple, although parts of CoH would be difficult to simulate that way.

    Biggest difference is the two system's control of attack timing. Hero assigns characters a SPD rating to control how often characters act, while CoH has the luxury of being able to use actual time.
  11. Can we get more mask or cowl-type options that have "depth" to them? I've got a super with what's supposed to be a classic-looking head-covering cowl, but you can still see his ears. The cowl didn't cover them, it just changed their color.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
    To add perspective (and a good charge to bolster RP) to the operations of submarines and the plausibility of his purported noisy evolutions, I provide a small input as a 20 year veteran submariner to entice you with answers to these pressing concerns:

    As for Nemesis' sub's pinging, again, I'm sure its more 'hull popping' as it ascends, and as mentioned, thermal layers can easily mask these noises, making his sub very hard to detect, pending on how much sound silencing practices and materials he uses throughout his sub's design.

    This concludes our current discussion on any form of submarine operations! All hail Lord Nemesis!
    If it's really making some sort of ping every 33 feet, that's not random hull poping, it's deliberate. Although it could just be a bell connected to a depth sensor- i.e., *only* the people inside the sub would hear it. LN is something of a traditionalist, after all, and if subs go *ping* in old movies, then by gosh his sub is going to go *ping*!
  13. Thug_Two

    Comic Relief

    Towel capes.
    Fish weapons. I want my vibro-carp!
    A bunch of the 'bowl helmet" options (fish, gas, lightning, bubbles, etc) sound very nice.
    A pet that's an old-fashioned suitcase with feet (would that be a copyright issue?)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
    I am currently unable to zone into a base or Ouro. Both hang the game and eventually I get a 'mapserver disconnected" message and have to force quit the game.

    Characters zoning into Ouro are then shown as being in Ouro and cannot log in. Zoning into base (well, failing to) leaves the character where he was when he tried to zone in.

    I have contacted support.

    Anyone else on Triumph seeing this? (Characters on another server are unaffected and zoned to Ouro just fine.)

    ps. Stupid forum keeps giving me timeouts/errors, too!
    Have you tried this from different computers? Might be some graphical feature is triggering an odd driver hang-up.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    It was either butt or bewbs. I am pleased with the decision they made.
    Consider her lucky they didn't make her try a contorted position to show both off at once.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    someone reported their base's defenses are active and attacking anyone who enters.

    I'm really hoping my base is hit with this one.
    Do you get EXP for defeating your own base defenses?
  17. Invasion of Lemmings? Walkers, blockers, diggers.....
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Either no bowl OR a simple headless option.

    Also seconding the request for having regular heads inside.
    Adding to the request for being able to stick a regular head inside. Have always wanted a "fishbowl helmet' for space costumes. Would be better if the bowl was round, but I'll take what I can get.
  19. Given how wacky the TL's are, they could be leftovers from a previous Big Bang, which could allow them to exist in this universe long before it's reasonable for sentient life to have evolved.

    And there is always the "It's just a show, you should really just relax" argument :-)
  20. You could copy over to the test server twice and try out both choices.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impervious Fist View Post
    (I've done absolutely no research on this anywhere besides the game itself, so if this was brought up somewhere else than sorry about that. )

    When I first went to Oro after the head start and checked my map so I can go to the Echo of Galaxy City, I noticed something. The map marker didn't say Galaxy City, it said "Ouroboros Echo Teleporter." Not only that, but rather than bringing you straight to Galaxy City, it brings up a window, asking where you want to go. Doesn't that seem to imply more areas will be added if the crystal doesn't just port you to Galaxy? Does this mean Galaxy City is only the beginning of the destroyed zones?
    I have been wondering if they'd add the old Atlas Park to Oro.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Danged Ferrets...
    Space Lemurs. Very dangerous. You go first.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
    Well, i know i ran into it on beta. Ill have to take a look when i get on live later today.
    It would not be very surprising if they adjusted the limits for MARTy on beta before deciding what the final value should be on the production servers. Perhaps you were just unlucky enough to be playing when they were testing the low range.