For Haloween: How about an Oompa Loompa invasion?
Gee... How silly of me. I just HAPPENED to have an Oompa Loompa costume saved in my costume files. I wonder how that happened.
Just a thought, but everyone should give their character a normal first name, and follow it with Oompa Loompa as if that was their last name...such as "Steve Oompa Loompa" or "Tom Oompa Loompa." Yeah, I guess I gave this way too much thought. Right... I get it... *nodding*
CostumeFilePrefix male
Scale -33
BoneScale 1
ShoulderScale 1
ChestScale 1
WaistScale 1
HipScale 1
LegScale -0.1
HeadScales 1, 1, 1
BrowScales 1, 1, 1
CheekScales -1, 1, 1
ChinScales -1, 1, 1
CraniumScales 1, 1, 1
JawScales -1, 1, 1
NoseScales 1, 1, 1
SkinColor 221, 152, 107
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
Geometry Pants_Korea
Texture1 Pants_Poofy_01
Texture2 None
DisplayName P887196332
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Pants
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry Baggy
Texture1 Tunic_02
Texture2 !Chest_Pattern_6
DisplayName P566009771
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Baggy
Color1 51, 17, 0
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
Texture1 !v_face_skin_head_10
Texture2 None
DisplayName P687117166
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry Flare
Texture1 Tights
Texture2 !GLOVE_Fade_Line
DisplayName P3937616722
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Baggy
Color1 51, 17, 0
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry Smooth
Texture1 Tights
Texture2 !Boot_V_Thin_Stripe_01
DisplayName P2104750136
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Pants
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 51, 17, 0
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry standard
Texture1 MARTIAL_ARTS_01
Texture2 None
DisplayName P177456852
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Baggy
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_Cyrus_01
Texture1 !Hair_V_Cyrus_01
Texture2 !Hair_V_Cyrus_01_Mask
DisplayName P2681220175
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 61, 0
Color2 0, 61, 0
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
DisplayName P2793026233
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry MALE_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Baggy
Texture1 Base
Texture2 !Emblem_V_Vanguard_01
DisplayName P2281134661
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Baggy
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Chain_03
Texture1 !X_V_Spadr_Chain
Texture2 None
DisplayName P772741860
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Baggy
Color1 51, 17, 0
Color2 255, 255, 255
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
DisplayName P2371314042
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
DisplayName P1848153390
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Fx None
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Geometry None
Texture1 None
Texture2 None
DisplayName P546439883
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Pants
Color1 0, 153, 2
Color2 2, 0, 153
Color3 0, 153, 2
Color4 2, 0, 153
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet
Totally doing this. Unless a better idea comes along.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Participating as of today.. creating my Oompa Lompa today
remember kids, when oompa lompa's die they're ground into chocolate...
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Why not just hope for an invasion of amorous, intoxicated Snookies?
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
Invasion of Lemmings? Walkers, blockers, diggers.....
I remember way back when we would occasionally have an "invasion" event, for example I recall a fairly successful "Kobold" invasion on one server, where everyone was encouraged to make a short lizardoid character all at the same time.
For this Haloween, how about as many people as possible on Exaulted make an Oompa Loompa character, as a lead in to the trick or treat event? The only criterion would be having orange skin, Green hair, and (usually) being short, so existing characters could save a costume out and temporarily make an Oompa costume.
"Come, my diminutive orange-faced Green-haired bretheren! Throw off the chains of the Chocolate maker and invade the server, spreading Chocolatey Goodness (Or chocolatey evil) throughout the land in preparation for the Trick or Treating!"
Just a weird idea I had while watching the Developers preparing to shave Posi's beard and chatting about snacks in Help while it was going on...
The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood
Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you a BAD PLAN!