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  1. CyberTaz

    An Update

    Due to lack of reliable internet, I've been mostly silent, but my Guano Crazy Radar has been pinging alot lately. 15 days left until they close down my game, beligerrant childish behavior by the company that owns / operates it, and a crap-ton of rumor and speculation about everything else...

    On Nov 30, I will archive my game files from the Regular and Test folders. Lacking an implosion by NC Soft and a fire-sale or transfer of the CoH IP, I will divert any of my money necessary to the Titan Network's contingency efforts if and when they start seeking contributions for a tangible alternatives.

    After November 30, I would like to see a single player emulator, or at the very least an AE emulator. Or at the very least a 3d program where I could use the character creator to pose and illustrate my stories. Maybe after NC Soft goes under they won't care about private servers...

    Take my Money! NC Soft and Nexon don't want it!
    and don't forget to visit or join any of the following Facebook groups:
    or just join the boycott groups...

  2. With the character data and graphics this wouldn't be a problem. But with NCSoft licensing the game engine from Cryptic, they were reliant on them continuing to provide licensing for the game engine itself. But since another MMO either purchased the engine from Cryptic or licensed it from them it drove the engine costs too high for NCSoft to either pay for or have any continued access too. Guess it's not a perfectworld for CoX players unless NCSoft sells the game property back to Cryptic or the company that currently licenses the engine in the event of a non-competition clause.
  3. If anyone has a FB group for continuing after the servers go dark or staying together as a fan base, invite me please @
    Also if anyone has a graphical editor / map creator where you can use the pigg files to make a generated map / zone like AE and link in the character creator for solo content I'd throw a few bills at that. I mostly solo and use screen caps for the stories I'm writing so that would be nice, especially if they could include the beta content with the tested powersets, Rogue Packs, and Tech Knight gear. If someone actually gets a server running I'll spend another month in the car / storage unit and kick in a thou.

    SCyberTaz / Mike
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What makes you think that the Center - who runs an organization that has only 1 woman in it, with the most of the other members being made up of buff guys in tight uniforms, and Vampyres and Warwolves stripped to the waist and wearing leather harnesses - would be interested in a muscular guy in tight jeans and a tank top?
    If any of them start to glitter, I'm dropping a nuke!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    The loading screen looks a bit... off, but Marauder really is the cutest villain.
    I miss Boobcat...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    If justice isn't consistent, then it's not justice - either Tyrant and Domi have to walk free, or Marauder and Marchand have to join them in the dock.
    Tyrant is on trial for crimes agaisnt humanity because he killed large numbers of people "for the greater good" - Marauder also killed large numbers of people "for the greater good", but he's fast-tracked into a new SG - and both of them have a higher body count than Domi, who helped Primal Earth during the war, while Tyrant and his faithful attack dog fought to the end for their "utopia"

    Marauder and Marchand also bring nothing new to the table as a possible motivation for the authorities not putting them on trial - for example, a theme in I24 is Primal groups wanting to get hold of advanced Praetorian tech, especially the Praetorian Clockwork, so if the "reformed" Praetorians were Neuron and/or Anti-matter, then it'd be easy to see how the authorities would be preapred to let things slide if those 2 agreed to co-operate with salvaging and repurposing their creations.
    You mean the Dev's actually read history books and are doing like the Communists and Allies did to the german scientists and war material after WW2. Pray they haven't read Milton, Kafka, or Nietzsche, nevermind, looks like they did with Nemesis, Center, ect. Hey Dev's, MOAR Aliens, MOAR Lovecraftian, MOAR Alternaelsewhatifworlds... And Tentacles, please... Remember Vote Cthulhu / Hastur 2012!
  7. Awww, no more MBP, whatever will Al Gore do?
    Yeah, "Pow! A screen full of Ken-doll Statsie's crotch was irritating."
    But the Marauder / Pendragon issue cover has me thinking of a parallel thought: "Hello, we're from the government, we're here to help..."
  8. Welcome back, I've noticed that the player population declines on Exalted when NCSoft isn't having a Loyalty Incentive (Don't leave us for another MMORPG). Players from other servers come to Exalted to avoid the F2Pers and Preems who are looking to only do DFB or AE to get to 50. They also come to get away from the drama on their home servers that they may or may not have started.

    Praetorian Origin characters, well since i21 where you can start any of the basic AT's out as hero or villain, Praetorians have kinda fallen by the way-side.

    As for RP, well Virtue is still the queen, there are some RP SHG/SVG's out there so hit up the Help or LFG channels in the game. You can also ask in EXALTED-UNITED, Exalted Events, or BMT of Exalted, anyone can join those by typing /chanjoin and that channel's name. E-U's for anything you possibly could want, farms, ae, PL, ect. BMToE's for those badge whores out there looking for like minded individuals who want Badges for Monsters and TF's/SF's/Trials. EE's for the random events, trials, seasonal events and CC's.

    Welcome back and hope you enjoy Exalted.

  9. Of course when they forget to link the pic and only type the yfrog address, everyone's screwed...
  10. They've also seemed to have forgotten the line between Customer Satisfaction and Consumer satisfaction.

    Customers are those of us who are VIP's who still pay to play the game, therfore pay their salaries, server-farm maintainance, bandwidth, ect.

    Consumers are those who also play the game but don't pay for it.

    Many players have noticed a longer and longer lapse between sending in a stuck petition on a mission / TF and getting a GM assistance Tell. The VIP's were supposed to get faster service, but this has seemed to go to the way-side.

    They could have given the Dark Matter (Kirby Dots) Aura to the paying customers who register their Twitter @name & subscribed. They also could have given a code to anyone making a Paragon Points purchase in the Paragon Store. I seem to recall that their Facebook /e facepalm required you to click on a link on thei Facebook page which launched an app that gave you a code. Instead of posting pictures with codes, they could have posted a link to a similar app and then put a usage counter on it or required entry of your twitter account name to get a code.
    Since they're being cryptic on when the Dots aura will be re-offered I'm droping from Customer to Consumer until then. Less Twinkies for them!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    The first week you had to re-tweet. That system didn't work since they then DMed you a code. They quickly reached the max DM limit of Twitter.

    So last week they tried this method... and they are doing it again this week, for the last time.

    This is the last Tweet Code Thursday as it is not living up to what they expected.

    So... back to the drawing board.

    They said lots of codes will be given away today, even more than last week.
    Or they could just put it on the Paragon store for those of us who don't have spazmatic type-rate twitchy fingers...

    Especially with the lag-rate between tweeter and people's mobile devices,
    their own wi-fi connection lag,
    opening yfrog,
    rezooming that image to view the image at a readable level,
    then trying to get a code that hasn't been taken...
    Try doing that on a mobile device with no second browser tab with the Account serial code entry page open...
  12. I draw the line at Google+! If they start offering stuff there, it's time for the torches and pitchforks...
  13. When they try a "new way", maybe I'll follow them on twitter and go VIP again. I know I wasn't the only one Vader/Lando'd by them & had to take a break from work today to try to re-tweet the post and encountered the code-rush fever instead...

    It was fun being a VIP, maybe they'll have another loyalty program to bring me back. Just don't only announce it on twitter!
  14. Or they could just automatically give these items to VIP's who register their Twitter accounts and get a tweet, with a repeatable code. But that would entail customer support and assure their continued interest in the game and not dropping from VIP like I plan to do shortly...
  15. Or some information on who the heck Rula Shin is supposed to be. Maybe some pics, if it's one of the Temp Costume powers(Halloween), a Non-Combat / Non-Power toggle costume(disguse), or some costume pieces.

    A little more heads-up last week would have been nice as well, many of us have the NC-loader close when we start the game, I only saw the blurb about the twitter gimmick when I had to reinstall the game Thursday night. A GMOTD popup in the game would have helped spread the message to active players! And of course the game has over 6000 people following it, but the way they're doing the codes means that a whole 360 people can get the first come - first served code!
  16. Congrats to @Gender Poison for another 50
  17. CyberTaz


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    Aw. Aren't you special.
    No really, I enjoy your chatter amongst the channels. It's usually...interesting. Keeps my soloing "fresh".
    Team Cybertaz. haha.

    on a side note, your in charge of BMT too yes? I'm probably going to feel really stupid once i hear the answer (lightbulb) but what is BMT?

    Sorry, there is no "Team @SCyberTaz" that's just the many roles and characters I assume. It's mostly Team Anti-SCyberTaz with special featured "guest stars" who get caught in the conflagration's effect.

    Side note re: BMT of Champion, I am not in charge of that channel, just a Mod/OP there. That was an insidious and malicious plot hatched by Ping to force sanity on an untamed mind. Shackled and leashed, I am to behave on that channel. There are a few others that are OP's on that channel. It is a public channel for players interested in collecting Badges, Monsters, and joining Taskforces(Strikeforces, Trials, iTrials, ect...). I am one Mod there in-trusted with the channel by it's creator, all other mods there also were approved by him as well. The channel is public and everyone is welcome as long as they curb chat when people are trying to form things and don't advertise for farms. AE Tix, Prestige, Inf, or Exp. Some would point out the Magi farms as violating such, but until I get a ruling from the channel's creator, this field referee's ruling that Magi is necessitated farming due to it being the only way to unlock the Hybrid slot and with that slot making the trial more successful.

    Anyone with Global Chat unlocked from the Paragon Rewards can join by typing /chanjoin BMT of Champion
    the channels rules can be found here

  18. Beginning in August we will be featuring AE Story arcs. So create or nominate a complete story arc (not farm) and submit it in the thread below. Voting will also be in the thread below, if you do not wish your votes to be visible to others send them in the global mail to @SCyberTaz or to with your 3 selections and @global ID, you may vote for 3 arcs but only one of your own. In order to maintain impartiality, I will not be submitting an arc for consideration. You may submit anyone's arc even if they're not a member of BMT of Champion.

    Also anyone working on the "Among Friends" 8 players to test a mission badge may ask in BMT. Returning players or new players can re/join BMT of Champion by typing /chanjoin BMT of Champion. It is a public channel and open to everyone interested in Badges, Monsters, and TF/SF/Trials. Depending on participation and donations there may be a Inf. prize per monthly winner.

  19. CyberTaz


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    So uh, Team Nexus or Team Champion Trials?
    Yeah, it's been awhile since I've bothered with the boards, but there is no Team Champion Trials. I created the channel as a DMZ between all the other channels for players who wanted to join trials and get them done. No drama, no BS, and no cliques just a channel for Incarnate related content. The channel's public and not set to silence anyone on entry. Grown-ups who wish to join are free to do so, it's not my channel, it's EVERYONE's channel...
  20. CyberTaz


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    We have a last minute addition.

    Jits vs Jits

    Schizophrenia is always fun to watch
  21. It also helps if you're shooting for Invictus and everyone already has Hellenic Beauty, go ahead and whack the chicks for a chance of getting the temp power drop to increase the favor of the crowd. And of course letting your trial-mates know what the temp power is for...
  22. CyberTaz

    Magi farm

    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    Welcome to the Warmth that is Champion....
    You might try Freedom, you get responses there within seconds
    Usually when I go off to Freedom it's "Want to AE Farm" "PL ME PLEZ" or "PVP?"

    Then again as soon as I get a hotel with speedy interwebz on Wednesdays I want to bring back the Badge Fight Club...
  23. CyberTaz


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    I've been on Champion for years. I just lurked the forums for a long time without ever registering. I also only played solo until Itrials forced me to play with others.
    But you still play with yourself while on iTrials...
  24. [BMT of Champion]Jac: chill. i was being a dick to someone else, not you.
    [BMT of Champion]Jac: lmao omg mt
    [BMT of Champion]Destructosaurus: Lol
    [BMT of Champion]SCyberTaz: i've seen better
    [BMT of Champion]Destructosaurus: If you know what I mean?
    [BMT of Champion]Jac: no doubt, taz
    [BMT of Champion]Zubenelgenubi: heh. I've heard a lot better mistells with the word "dick" in them... try harder next time
    [BMT of Champion]Destructosaurus: Heh, harder.
    [BMT of Champion]Jac: hehe you said "dick in them"