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  1. I am moving out of the area, but that means I will just have to travel back, from outerspace...

    oo sorry, wrong segue...

    Anyhow, Crazed Drifter has lead on this organize! Get with him for details, but it's looking like the 17th Nov 2012 is our best date, (short notice is short), and our best location is still Arundel Mills (since everyone knows where it is and the parking is MUCH easier now).

    Hope you can make it... Obsidian Light and I will be coming in from TX...
  2. I call BS,

    They never even entertained the letter from Ms. Mercedes Lackey, they didn't speak to anyone we can find and we are looking, about actual price for the IP. They are feeding a line of bull and then in the same press release asking us to play B&S, which I will never ever touch.

    I call BS, I say this is to placate us, get us to quiet down, and stop making waves.

    So let's do the opposite, make waves, make sure EVERYONE has signed the petition, and personally, I promise if this game shuts down, NC Soft will never see a red cent from me ever again.


    Elvnsword09, AKA Liberties,
  3. We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget

    Masses, assembled to save an online community and world. Think for a few more minutes here, if you REALLY want to piss off this many people.
    We aren't asking you to keep a game that isn't profitable. CoH showed profit this quarter. We are asking you to keep the game the IS profitable, and eliminate the unprofitable one if need be.

    If I need to I will speak ferengi here since you seem as greedy, and this is likely all you understand...

    Rule of Acquisition #57 Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.

    We are good, amazingly loyal customers, and you are deciding we aren't worth the paper you didn't print that announcement out on.
    I am appalled at your lack of business acumen. Profit is Profit, Loss is Loss, cut AION and KEEP CoH!

    PS: went a lil trekkie on you there in the middle, but it applies I'm honestly starting to see NC Soft in my head as the Ferengi from Star Trek...
  4. elvnsword09

    My SaveCOH Video

    /em clap

    Thanks for a wonderful visualization of how I at least feel at the idea of City of Heroes, and my beloved Paragon City (#1 place I'd like to visit on vacation in a parallel Universe) being dissolved for "company realignment."

    /em facepalm

    I still can't believe they're doing this so callously, without a word to us. It's hurtful.

    But, till Nov 30, I will be there, Liberties will be on every day I can to lead the fight when he can, and I'm not at work or looking for my new job. (I transition from the military in late October)

    Thanks for the video, your an amazing woman, (and also responsible for my first successful BAF back in the day when it was still hard...)

  5. When a company goes rabid, and discontinues my world. That makes them the enemy. Anyone who acts in only they're own interest, even when doing otherwise wouldn't hurt them is inherently your enemy.

    If the only thing that they will listen too is this then I will cry it to the mountains.

    "Not One More Penny"

    If all you care about is the bottom Line NC Soft I can assure you this is going to effect it.

    Anyone who fires my friends (and yes anyone I would buy a beer for no questions asked is a friend), and ends my online home without a good reason, is my enemy.

    If all I can do to hurt that enemy is vote with my wallet in the end, then that is what I will do. NC Soft has 87 days from now to rescind this decision, open source the game, or sell it to another developer, or they will never see a penny of my money again, and until those decisions are made they will not see any of my money either.

    I know your trying to be peaceful in this. And heaven knows I signed the petitions and made the phone calls and wrote the letters, however TonyV, I will only be so kind to one who would make me they're enemy.


    Currently protesting on Freedom in perpetuity...
  6. I don't have anything to add to your Rolls of the Fallen, however I did want to applaud you for this Samuriko... It's a damned fine thing.

  7. Why is it I always post after you,

    I have contacted the ones I know how to contact...

    Jim Butcher plays, anyone know where he got off too?
  8. Hey all,

    The Perfect World/Cryptic Studios rumor has been debunked by Posi...

    Tic-Toc is Posi...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    How about just Positron's statement in his goodbye thread that "Freedom wasn't a failiure" if the aim of Freedom was to increase the profit margin and Freedom wasn't a failiure, than that must mean that CoH wasn't running at a loss.

    The fact that the speed of development went up in the last year because they suddenly had the money to do so can only mean that CoH wasn't loosing money.

    Simple logic really. But as LittleDavid said, you can't make a claim like you did, that CoH was loosing money with no facts to back it up then demand proof when someone disagrees with you.

    Page 13... Profits from CoH are up...

    Credit for the reporting should go to The Escapist website...
  10. Now I might have to get Planetside 2 just to keep up with you guys...

    My daughter just turned 4 this year, I am very sad she won't get to have a similar experience growing up with this game.
  11. "O Miguel, how can you nurse a grudge so..."
    "I have tough nipples"
    -Spiderman 2099

    Boycotting, they are added to my do not buy list along with anything by WotC, and anything from Ibuypower
  12. Tony,
    I am with you, you have my sword, so to speak. This game has connected me with friends I would never have had prior to it. It has been there for me through Iraq, and two divorces. My daughter plays "dress up" with the costume editor when she's here...

    Now all that ends... Now the story is over...

    I for one, am willing to put in on a kickstarter, sign up for a year of subscription fees at a time if need be, to give you all the money needed to either run a private server, or too get the IP outright.

    CoH is a proven IP and a proven commodity, I think with a kickstarter as seed money you might even get a bank to back you on it as a start up business.

    Best of Luck and if I don't catch you here again... I hope to see the fruits of your labor...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thrillseeker View Post
    Personally, due to the way NCSoft pulled the rug out from under Paragon Studios like this, I, for one, will never play an NCSoft product again. (Well, 'never' is a strong word. Let's just say it would take major new management, rehiring many of the Paragon Studios folks in other parts of the company -- or at least OFFERING them a place elsewhere, etc...)

    I -was- interested in some of the other games in the NCSoft stable, especially GW2 and Wildstar (or whatever it is called).... but now... they ain't getting any more of my money if I realize that money is going to NCSoft.
    I am not buying any NCSOFT products.
    I havn't bought a single Wizards of the Coast product since the 4E debacle. I may not be much but I am one thing, and that is a consumer who in conscientious of where I spend my money.

    I Can Vote With My Wallet, whats more I might just start on direct competitors to NCSOFT especially if the Paragon Studios alumni are involved.
  14. AHA! Finally an answer that makes some sense! thanks much there Honbrid! I appreciate the answer HUZZAH!
  15. Okie, so my account went Premium for all of an hour or two. I paid my $15, and all my servers are accessible again, including Exalted, but NOT Freedom. It still acts as if I was Premium.

    Any ideas anyone?

  16. Rest my friend,

    We will endure your loss by knowing that you are somewhere out there, being a hero to someone...

    From one candle, many candles can be lit, so to does one person touch us all, my condolences to his family and friends...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Oooooh leather jacket! And shiny buttons!

    I know that this got posted to Deviant Art by Obsidian Light, but I wanted to share it here as well...

    Liberties and Eva finally found each other!

  18. DvandomZ: The difference being that mythical characters have already gotten the nod as OK by the lawyers. If you run a thor and he's a hammer wielder, with lighting powers, it's ok so long as he looks nothing like the Marvel Thor, as they took certain liberties with the design. His hair is red in the myths for example.

    As someone just pointed out to me, we need an option in Tights Texture > Skirts > Sleek for the female toons.
  19. Love the idea,

    Capes could be simplest by implementing on a single color cape with a "logo" option that puts the logo on front and back of the cape as the second color option for the cape.

    Unfortunately it means we couldn't play with the designs the way we do on the chest piece using tights option two, but it would lead to a wide variety of looks if we had all our emblems available, special emblems too (I want my PPD Superhero)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DvandomZ View Post
    Proper flare-to-the-side jodphurs like this: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0...vage_large.jpg

    The various heraldic patterns (mostly available for shields) on the torsos (50-50, quartered, diagonal, chevron, horizontal band, etc).

    Tommyguns, Lugers, broomstick Mausers.

    Dish helmets (a la Jay Garrick Flash, although would have to leave the wings off to avoid trademark issues), leather football helmets.

    For that matter I want Doc Savage's torn shirt as an option as well! That is a classic look for many Golden Age era heroes, so strong it tears they're own clothes off... or tough enough the fabric of the shirt is torn and ragged from the hail of bullets but they are fine underneath...

    Closest we have is the torn jacket top... and it's kinda crappy looking...

    Also I have to second the cape with collar, as akin to Robin, as many GAH used that look.

    The dish helmet with wings is a classic appearance of Hermes... and Ancient Gods predate the copyright laws...

    Remaugen I love the idea of adding "accessories" to the costume. They don't have to do anything. But a glowing ring, (or a non-glowing one), holsters and/or a clear "gadget" on the belt, and old school leather football hats, Love all the ideas.

    Keep em coming people
  21. Ok! So on Freedom Friday 7/6/2012 we were asked what would be needed to go into a Super Pack for Golden Age Heroes... This was my immediate reaction:

    "Golden Age Heroes, New tights textures, new domino masks that look like masks, better "shorts over tights" look for other costumes then tights.

    More diversity in the belts.

    Really we can do a lot with Golden Age now, but the tights looks, well crappy, compared to all the other textured alternatives in the game. Really we need new tights textures and for the tights parts (top, bottom, boots, gloves and masks) to stop using slightly different color variations causing it to appear as clipping... (I suggest a new tights option rather then revamping the old to avoid wonking out someone's existing costume thought).

    Given all those things and Golden Age fans, even Silver Age fans would get a big boost out of the use.

    Some inspiration for you

    Anyone else have anything else to add?

  22. So, Exalted has no activity on the boards really, this front page sometimes sees weeks long dead threads sit here.

    Here is the thread to change that hopefully... please feel free to simply post here what you did today on Exalted, who you teamed with and why you had a blast on what I consider to be my Home Server.

    Today, I ran several DA arcs and tested my new Hybrid slot against the Council World goons in the PI Mission, Close Dimensional Ruptures at 54 x8 with my brute, Liberties. It went quite well...

    I teamed with Mr. Invincible and a PUG of others to work in DA for awhile, then headed off to bed.

    Good Hunting Exalted!

  23. We found a work around the the queue bug, log out and back in seems to clear the "Waiting for event to start" issue...

    good luck...

    Good Hunting
  24. Yes, I know that the level pacting has been disabled since I20 hit live. However, when it was taken away, we were told it was to re-evaluate and look at the Level Pact system.

    This week I noticed the shared XP item in the paragon market. This is the official death knell of the old Level Pact. I am sad to see it die out. It gave people like me who work odd hours a way to team with static teams, and to keep up progression with friends. Now we have no recourse but to BUY with real money a similar but weaker version of this same, previously free service.

    Bad Form...

    Bring back Level Pacting, yes I know it means no one will buy your "shared XP" tokens but no one is going to do that anyhow, as frankly, it was asinine to charge for something you previously gave away.

  25. What I am saying is that I should have to endure group content to enjoy content that everyone has been chomping at the bit to have, especially not x5!

    O and btw that's 5 successes! if you had failures in there it's gonna add to the number of runs, so yea... it could be as many as 10 or 15 times before that slot unlocks for the unlucky.

    They gave us the solo path to the incarnate powers and a lot of players took that as a step in the right direction. "Finally a way to do this in small teams, and by ourselves, without having to do scripted trials and events" and then what do they do...

    Scripted Trial and Event, You must do this 5-10 times to unlock the next power... and we might release it to soloists "someday"

    You can see where my aggravation comes from.

    Yes I will play the new trial... no I won't like it... that is what my post means... I am exicited about the options the new power brings, anytime the new slots becoming available is always going to bring me to a grin... but locking them behind trial content is not the way to go about it In My Opinion...