Costume Addition - More logo locations




The variety of logos usable on the chest are great, but I'd love to see those logos usable in a variety of ways.

Back logos - Think biker jackets with back patches. This one seems like one of the easier implementations, especially if limited to certain back types.

Cape logos - Why not put your logo on the back of your cape? I realize this one is likely harder and less likely to be implemented since it could have animation implications. A "logo cape" option would be nice though.

Shoulder logos - Logos on shoulder pads or shoulder patches would be another nice option.

Pocket Logos - Instead of the full chest, what about logos that just go at the breast pocket.

Logo Belt buckles - A logo belt sounds like another cool way to incorporate the logo.

I'm sure there are more, but a "logo costume pack" seems like it could be feasible, for at least some of these locations, and opens up a wide variety of new costume options.



Love the idea,

Capes could be simplest by implementing on a single color cape with a "logo" option that puts the logo on front and back of the cape as the second color option for the cape.

Unfortunately it means we couldn't play with the designs the way we do on the chest piece using tights option two, but it would lead to a wide variety of looks if we had all our emblems available, special emblems too (I want my PPD Superhero)

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



This would be nice... also Mask Logos.... =)

I could have that Arachnos's cape..... the one you get for per ordering CoV I think :P



I think this is a really awesome idea. I can definitely see myself using the logos in new areas, particularly on the belts!



I'm all for more costume options.

On occasion I've wanted to stick a logo on my back, or even just move it around on the chest a bit (esp on female characters, where the...ah topography can get in the way of the image).


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My City Was Gone