Golden Age Heroes suggestions...
Domino Masks that aren't face patterns are what I've wanted for a while. Also, better textures, especially for the trunks over tights look, would be welcome.
I'd also like for some, but not all, of the stuff in the pack to reflect the inherent goofiness of the era. Emphasize "fun superheroics" a bit more.
Proper flare-to-the-side jodphurs like this:
The various heraldic patterns (mostly available for shields) on the torsos (50-50, quartered, diagonal, chevron, horizontal band, etc).
Tommyguns, Lugers, broomstick Mausers.
Dish helmets (a la Jay Garrick Flash, although would have to leave the wings off to avoid trademark issues), leather football helmets.
Dish helmets (a la Jay Garrick Flash, although would have to leave the wings off to avoid trademark issues)....

oh wait.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Isn't there already a Tommygun?
Confirming there is already a tommygun.
What I would want for a Golden Age pack is some ankle-high boots, for both sexes:
With both tights and skin options for the calf.
EDIT:Also, now that I look at it, a cape collar option like Robin's here would also be pretty sick, especially if we can use our existing brooch options with it.
FURTHER EDIT: Also hair like Silk Spectre's in OP's video. Why didn't we get that with the Retro Sci-Fi Pack, anyway? This is a chance to remedy that!
{}... .-
Definitely want some masks that aren't only face-textures. Not just the domino-style one, but some wider ones with flares on the sides and stuff!
It makes me sad that I can't use the kind of masks in the Full Masks set with hair.
Symbols on capes, belts with accessories like lassos/ropes, bullwhips, grapples, clubs/saps, holsters (long overdue) and jets/rockets (for flight). Rings (plain and glowing), watches and bracelets (plain and glowing) as glove options as well as single handed (separate choices for left & right) gloves. Mini shields (For shield defense) skull caps (Human/animal/demon) and leather flight helmets. Uniforms like Golden Age football/wrestler/sports uniforms and classic police or firefighter uniforms and WWII era soldiers uniforms.
Proper flare-to-the-side jodphurs like this:
The various heraldic patterns (mostly available for shields) on the torsos (50-50, quartered, diagonal, chevron, horizontal band, etc). Tommyguns, Lugers, broomstick Mausers. Dish helmets (a la Jay Garrick Flash, although would have to leave the wings off to avoid trademark issues), leather football helmets. ---Dave |
Closest we have is the torn jacket top... and it's kinda crappy looking...
Also I have to second the cape with collar, as akin to Robin, as many GAH used that look.
The dish helmet with wings is a classic appearance of Hermes... and Ancient Gods predate the copyright laws...

Remaugen I love the idea of adding "accessories" to the costume. They don't have to do anything. But a glowing ring, (or a non-glowing one), holsters and/or a clear "gadget" on the belt, and old school leather football hats, Love all the ideas.
Keep em coming people

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Yes, and pointy ears predate Batman. The point is that Paragon tends to steer very clear of any possible trademark lawsuits. A winged Hermes helmet is likely to get the stink-eye from their lawyers as being too likely to invite IP violation, just like we can't get a pentagonal shield chest pattern like Superman's even if it's blank.
DvandomZ: The difference being that mythical characters have already gotten the nod as OK by the lawyers. If you run a thor and he's a hammer wielder, with lighting powers, it's ok so long as he looks nothing like the Marvel Thor, as they took certain liberties with the design. His hair is red in the myths for example.
As someone just pointed out to me, we need an option in Tights Texture > Skirts > Sleek for the female toons.
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Without turning this into another 'costume design thread' I'm just gonna put out an old thread I started some time ago, and the dire need for Tights Sleek Skirt options:
There's a large screenshot pic attached to the first post of the thread. Fair warning.
On a side note, I'd like to see emblems that can be positioned further down on the body, and aren't sitting directly on top of the chest.
In all honesty, the idea of more burlesque female costume options, like Silk Spectre I from Watchmen would be pretty sweet...But I'm not sure if that's more retro than Golden Age...
Silk Spectre I:

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
Ok! So on Freedom Friday 7/6/2012 we were asked what would be needed to go into a Super Pack for Golden Age Heroes... This was my immediate reaction:
"Golden Age Heroes, New tights textures, new domino masks that look like masks, better "shorts over tights" look for other costumes then tights.
More diversity in the belts.
Really we can do a lot with Golden Age now, but the tights looks, well crappy, compared to all the other textured alternatives in the game. Really we need new tights textures and for the tights parts (top, bottom, boots, gloves and masks) to stop using slightly different color variations causing it to appear as clipping... (I suggest a new tights option rather then revamping the old to avoid wonking out someone's existing costume thought).
Given all those things and Golden Age fans, even Silver Age fans would get a big boost out of the use.
Some inspiration for you
Anyone else have anything else to add?
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...