661 -
I have now, but at the time I posted that reply I was still in the dark. Seriously bummed out that NCSoft could be so disloyal to it's fans and employees.
Quote:My villains still want to see a gigantic roasting Sally on the beach in Croatoa...
Surrounded by all the other Croatoa critters having a huge beach party. They have called a truce and are gathered around throwing Frisbee's and drinking from kegs, just waiting for some roasted sea monster!
We could make it an annual co-op event even! -
A plausible story for rebuilding the base might be that it was destroyed in an invasion by enemies or aliens. Classic comic book stuff!
I have long felt that bases just are not what they could or should be, if getting them right means destroying them, then so be it, make it the focus of an Issue story line or something. -
I would love to see a melee Whip powerset, 'specially for Stalkers!
Energy whips, classic whips even chain link whips! -
In the same vein, I would love to see a Praetorian Clockwork/Warwork EAT.
The standard monthly VIP 400 points would be fair. I like this idea a lot!
Maximum awesome suggestion! This is exactly the type of thing that I think Ouroboros should be used for! If not Ouro then the Midnighter Club!
On the first look I really thought this idea was dumb. On the second look it was confirmed. How can anyone think that this is a good idea? Even in the darkest humor this concept is in very bad taste.
No, this should not be. -
Yes please, archery pieces and parts, like a full back quiver, single shoulder quiver, hip quiver, bow w/bow quiver. And MORE BOWS also, please!
Would Rogues & Vigilantes be able to use both sets of trials?
Quote:Exactly, I have deleted only one toon since 2005. On both of my accounts I am at 56 toons total on Champion now. I have a double handful of other toons scattered across the other servers, a few of them transferred to Exalted from Champion, but I rarely even look at them much less take the time to play them. I would be far more likely to play them if I could just drag them all over to Champion and my SGs.Once I concieve a concept and make an alt it's very hard for me to delete it if I've leveled it up into the teens.
The idea of taking my characters and slots from the other servers and posting them to Champion has very strong appeal! -
Yes please for real bare feet. Yes please for fingers on hands.
I have used unslotters and they do work. But I love #2, it never fails, I am in Respec, or at the Tailor and a tell chimes. . . Yes yes yes a million times to a chat line or even a popup chat window!
Quote:That sounds good, but I'd rather have Heroic/Co-Op Patron Pools.
Me too! -
Quote:I am with the EAT choir here, but I never get tired of hearing the EAT sermon!. . . . <Snip!> -EATs; PPD/Longbow/Praetorian/Hamidon/Rikti. The others have been suggested before, but Rikti is still my personal bee-in-the-bonnet, because it fits perfectly with the 'Story Driven Epic' aim the Devs mentioned for EATs. You can have good Rikti (Traditionalists) Bad Rikti (Restructurists) and Neutral/Rogue independent Rikti. Unique body-types, powers that could only work in an EAT framework, branching powers... It works. Besides, it's been ages since the Rikti war just got left to stagnate in favour of the new Praetorian shiny...and, given they have experience with the Battalion? Could be handy in future.
We need more EATS! All of the above plus Paragon Protectors, Nictus-powered like Quantums, Galaxies and Voids, and of course Clockworks/Warworks! -
I don't want to play on another server, I have moved a few to Exaulted, but I really have no interest in playing there. I need another page of character slots! Well OK, I want it more than I need it, but as a QoL addition it is overdue.
Large bloom flower bra/tops, caveman and comicbook jungle hero animal skin outfits, capes and cloaks, breech clothes and American Indian or other tribal costume pieces. . . Please!
Symbols on capes, belts with accessories like lassos/ropes, bullwhips, grapples, clubs/saps, holsters (long overdue) and jets/rockets (for flight). Rings (plain and glowing), watches and bracelets (plain and glowing) as glove options as well as single handed (separate choices for left & right) gloves. Mini shields (For shield defense) skull caps (Human/animal/demon) and leather flight helmets. Uniforms like Golden Age football/wrestler/sports uniforms and classic police or firefighter uniforms and WWII era soldiers uniforms.