Monkey Heads!!

Golden Girl



Why are there no Monkey/Ape heads? We have about 600 other animal heads, but not the Big Gorilla Head I want!

Please add these ASAP (or, if they do exist, and I just can't find them, please let me know where to look/what to get).

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



This has been requested quite a lot - I think it's possible they could make a 2nd animal pack with the amount of stuff that the 1st one didn't cover.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
We have about 600 other animal heads, but not the Big Gorilla Head I want!
*begins to count the animal heads*

I do believe, good sir, that that fig-ure is a bit of a, how does one say it?... Oh yes... an exaggeration, my good man. Pip pip. And all that jazz. *guffaw* Or... were one feeling in a particularly accusative humour, one might say "hyperbole," oh yes, one just might say that indeed.

Oh goodness. Now where is my crumpet!? *adjusts monocle*



They pulled a crocodile head and some lizard parts at the last minute from the original animal pack, with hints that they'd release them in another way in the future.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
*begins to count the animal heads*

I do believe, good sir, that that fig-ure is a bit of a, how does one say it?... Oh yes... an exaggeration, my good man. Pip pip. And all that jazz. *guffaw* Or... were one feeling in a particularly accusative humour, one might say "hyperbole," oh yes, one just might say that indeed.

Oh goodness. Now where is my crumpet!? *adjusts monocle*
Speaking of Monocles, all new Monkey heads should have a left-eye monocle by default. You know, to make them 'classy'.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



Yes I want this so bad. A monkey head, monkeyfur chest and legs, and monkey feet that look like hands.



You can make a gorilla-ish type head by using mandible part.

What I do is put a helmet on the head to cover up the rest and then use the large robot gloves and short legs with some sort of kilt.

I can post a pic if someone doesn't beat me to it. It is or was a common way to make the face years back. I don't know if it carried on to today.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



I would like a gorilla head.

And maybe a gorilla-headed gang that you fight.



Ook ook!

Want the whole body/costume!



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
And monkey hands to slap with?
YES! I forgot about that. The current "hands", even monstrous hands with hair, are awful to look at and too small.