Soul Trapped Burrito

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Uh... they do. Specifically, a (usually very useful) long-lasting temporary power, most of which cannot be obtained by any other method. And potentially a second one, if you get the weapons deal side mission. There's an exploration badge in every Mayhem and Safeguard, too.
    Here's what I actually wrote:

    How about they give rewards after the first time* you do a bank mission? Something like a handful of merits or a recipe if you do the same bank more than once. Even another temp power would be ok.

    *Note: After the first means: second, third, fourth time etc.

    And I've recently been doing tips again starting Monday. They are different than when I did them before, thank gods. But don't you think they made them easier? Some of them were already crazy easy like the moral mission where you just have to beat silent blade a couple malta and your clone. Takes like 5 minutes. Though I dunno what they changed with that one as I haven't done it.

    And think about the SSAs. Once you get confirmed as a hero or villain (which gives you reward merits), you can speed through SSA1ep1 twice in a row to get two hero merits. That takes what? 15 minutes depending on your character? 5 radio/paper missions, "the easiest content in the game" and a bank mission take longer.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Well, then maybe you should stop making blanket statements that you can't back up? Or posting opinion as fact?

    I see a LOT of teaming going on, and almost none of it is Radio missions.
    lolwut? It's true I don't see much teaming on my server for missions. How do you dispute that? Do you even know what server I play on? lol I'm talking about MISSIONS not trials or tfs or farms.

    And EVERYONE likes radio missions was a tongue in cheek statement.

    As for an actual reply, imo regular story arc missions aren't harder than radio missions they just take longer.

    And as for them being mind numbingly boring, depending on what you like/don't like you could say that about anything in the game. iTrials are boring to me for instance. I've done them over and over.

    And doing story arcs with people needs fixed imo. Only the one with the missions gets any reward at the end. At least it was like that last time I did it.
  3. You aren't happy with anything are you Forbin?

    edit: Let's just assume you dislike everything I say in these forums and you can stop commenting in them because everyone already knows.
  4. I thought of another thing related to these guys so I'll just add it here.

    About the only mission teaming I see going on (which doesn't happen a lot) is radio missions. How about they give rewards after the first time you do a bank mission? Something like a handful of merits or a recipe if you do the same bank more than once. Even another temp power would be ok.

    I really like radio missions. EVERYONE does!
  5. Yes. Mikey the Ear in Port Oakes is superior to Drea the Hook because the Ear is located relatively in the middle and closer to both subs for the bank missions.

    Detective Frietag stands outside the Police Station in King's Row, while Becktrees you have to go inside to talk to. Frietag is cooler too. He's no nonsense like me.

    Anyone have a preference to others?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I find it comes in handy for defeating cows.
    Hey, nice trolling.
  7. I somehow think the devs hate they made AE and don't wanna do anything with it except nerf it more.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    So use the existing ingame tools the devs added to block blind invites.

    Either set your Search flag to red which blocks invites, or type in /hide and select 1. Hide and block all Invite Options.

    Whenyou are ready to join a team you can reset your flag or unselect /hide.
    Err is that something that has come out within the last 6 months or so?

    Never heard of it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Procs always work, regardless of how low you exemplar down. You might be thinking of global bonuses.

    And yes, given the extreme gutting enhancements get when you exemplar down that far, slotting a bunch of procs (and purple/ATO sets, since they keep their set bonuses) would be optimal. That's exactly what the CEBR builds did, IIRC.
    Really? Does that work with LOTG: Rech and things like Miracle Uniques?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    Please answer.
    Me? I don't care if people do dfb. Sorta related I guess, but I do not like getting random group requests in Atlas though.

    I'm asking because I'm curious if people make special builds for it. I have seen a group on my server (months back) advertise they were a Professional Sewer Team.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    1. /leaveteam
    If you're solo, it will make you quit the team you're on, abandoning the current mission.

    2. Supergroup Registrars don't show up on the map. I wouldn't object to them being added. As a long-time player, I know where to go to find them, but for newbies, I'm not sure any hint is ever given.
    1. Oooh, thanks!

    2. Yes, I know where they are, too. I've been asked a few times where the one in the Isles are and I don't think it'd be too much trouble to put a marker on them.
  12. 1. I was running +2 for a bit, then I went and got a snake mission and went inside before remembering, HEY that would probably be a little hard at my level.

    So I exited.. and couldn't abandon because it was already started. I could change diff, but it's locked at that point because I entered. I didn't have any other missions, so I had to go halfway across Mercy to pick one up so I could select it and reselect the snake mission.

    I don't know if there's another way to do this or not, but I don't see why you can't abandon a mission once you've entered when there's a workaround like that.

    2. I think the Supergroup guy in Port Oakes should be a contact you can see on the map. I've checked all the different types and he doesn't show up.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    Procs don't care about the enhancement level right? Only whether or not you have access to that power?

    So couldn't you turn your low level attacks into buzzsaws?
    Actually no, procs only work if you are 3 levels less than them or higher.

    I believe purple recipes retain set bonuses no matter what level, but not sure of the procs.
  14. I thought this thread on Reality Warping would have drugs in it.
  15. Do ya'll who mostly do DFB no matter your level put six slots in things like brawl because it's useful in there?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    No, we would being playing as him before he was died.
    And... how is that not bringing him back to be active again? Yes he would be dead in the future, but I thought the whole "killing off States" was to remove him.
  17. Soul Trapped Burrito

    DFB and contacts

    Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
    Then why can't you use DFB to get all the way to 50 quickly?

    Because the devs do not like power leveling.

    THAT is why AE gets nerfed.

    There used to be 5 contacts to get from level 1 to level 6-ish. Now there is only one.

    DFB is a recognition by the devs of the sewer teams that used to form in AP that would get a lowbie character from 1 to 8 in an hour or so. And also so we can use the DFB to get us most of the way to Talos (level 20ish) rather than run the same two contacts to get us to Steel and then run Radio mishs to get an actual contact, etc, etc.
    There are 4 contacts level 1-6. The Hellion ritual guy, the doctor with the skull food supply, the new detective with the vahz, and Twinshot. And actually there's another guy in Atlas you can get, but you probably are level 6 by then.

    I'm sure people get to 50 in DFB.
  18. Soul Trapped Burrito


    Or however it's spelled. What type of business is it? I see it all over.
  19. Soul Trapped Burrito

    Contacting Mods.

    How do I contact a mod when I don't have private messaging privileges as a premium player?
  20. Killing cows is a very popular thing to do in Runescape which I also play.

    I think it would be fun to have a villain or hero head to a cow pen and fight them. And I like fun & funny things in games I play. Not everything has to be super serious.
  21. At least four times since yesterday it seems to kick everyone and reset everything. Meaning if you do a mission when you log back on it's suddenly not done or if you crafted IOs they are missing.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Nobody is taking your thread seriously because your thread was not made seriously, just like all the rest of your inane gibberish threads. Honestly I'm kind of shocked it's even still open.

    That, or everybody is too entranced by the original GIF to comment on it. I know I've had to stop myself from watching it a few times.
    I don't know how you came to this conclusion except maybe you think everyone who posts a suggestion you don't like is not serious.

    I am serious about this emote. And my cowpen suggestion.