Historical Missions/Arc




I was thinking that it would be fun if we could have a new Ouroborus arc involving revisiting some of the event, heroes, and villains we've only heard about via plaques and the like. Brass Monday, Atlas fending off the 5th Column, or the Hamidon's transformation would all be big historic moments that could probably be made with relatively few new resources needing created and would allow us to get to see big moments and classic supers in action.

If this was tied in with some event tied to Silos' merry band or tracking down clues for a relevant macguffin to face the Battalion or the like, even better.

Best possible use? Having it tied into the release of some Pulp/Golden/Silver costume pieces.

We have so many interesting events and characters in the past; I'd love to see some of them in action...



Considering the time period (1930s) for Brass Monday, an entire new map would need to be constructed with period pieces to properly cover it.

Aside from that, it is a wonderful (and requested every so often) idea.



I was thinking about a simpler thing, I agreed it would be awesome to visit them. Maybe even play as them just for fun =) I want to see a story for every hero/villain in the game dead and alive.

Heck why stop there, what it we played as the former leader of each villain group, to see who started the groups like CoT.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I was thinking about a simpler thing, I agreed it would be awesome to visit them. Maybe even play as them just for fun =) I want to see a story for every hero/villain in the game dead and alive.

Heck why stop there, what it we played as the former leader of each villain group, to see who started the groups like CoT.
Could work...Especially as personal stories. I love personal stories. I think every major new arc needs a personal story.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Maximum awesome suggestion! This is exactly the type of thing that I think Ouroboros should be used for! If not Ouro then the Midnighter Club!



I heartily endorse this suggestion. I always wanted to see the actual Atlas in action. And it isn't like giant character models are not possible now, what with Tyrant.



Well for some of them, wouldn't they have to bring Statesman back?

I would like that.



Originally Posted by BViking View Post
I was thinking that it would be fun if we could have a new Ouroborus arc involving revisiting some of the event, heroes, and villains we've only heard about via plaques and the like. Brass Monday, Atlas fending off the 5th Column, or the Hamidon's transformation would all be big historic moments that could probably be made with relatively few new resources needing created and would allow us to get to see big moments and classic supers in action.

If this was tied in with some event tied to Silos' merry band or tracking down clues for a relevant macguffin to face the Battalion or the like, even better.

Best possible use? Having it tied into the release of some Pulp/Golden/Silver costume pieces.

We have so many interesting events and characters in the past; I'd love to see some of them in action...
Sounds like good idea.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post
Well for some of them, wouldn't they have to bring Statesman back?

I would like that.
No, we would being playing as him before he was died.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Considering the time period (1930s) for Brass Monday, an entire new map would need to be constructed with period pieces to properly cover it.
That's pretty much the big thing keeping us from exploring far-off places and times. The expenditure of time and manpower used in the creation of new tilesets and environmental objects need to be justified, usually in the form of re-usability.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
That's pretty much the big thing keeping us from exploring far-off places and times. The expenditure of time and manpower used in the creation of new tilesets and environmental objects need to be justified, usually in the form of re-usability.
They did it with Cim. Not sure why they cant do it say with a TF, a few arcs, an entrance arc, and repeatable mish contacts for 1930 time period like they did with Cim.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
The expenditure of time and manpower used in the creation of new tilesets and environmental objects need to be justified, usually in the form of re-usability.
Of course. I was hoping that these would prove reusable for multiple missions set at the dawn of the new heroic age. A handy thing to reach for when working on lore-heavy missions and at least some of the things are around in odd corners already, like the trolley being used as filler clutter in Night Ward.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
They did it with Cim. Not sure why they cant do it say with a TF, a few arcs, an entrance arc, and repeatable mish contacts for 1930 time period like they did with Cim.
We don't need a whole new zone purely dedicated to that. Besides, it takes far less time to design a few custom maps than it does an entire, functional zone. Especially with how over saturated we are with zones as is.

Honestly, I was hoping with Ouroboros being created we'd see more historical moments in world history like we did with the initial three TFs. Brass Monday, the first Rikti War, the Nazi invasion on Independence Port, Arachnos vs. Captain Mako and his pirate crew of the Black Powder, etc. But now Ouro's just a plot device :\



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
We don't need a whole new zone purely dedicated to that. Besides, it takes far less time to design a few custom maps than it does an entire, functional zone. Especially with how over saturated we are with zones as is.

Honestly, I was hoping with Ouroboros being created we'd see more historical moments in world history like we did with the initial three TFs. Brass Monday, the first Rikti War, the Nazi invasion on Independence Port, Arachnos vs. Captain Mako and his pirate crew of the Black Powder, etc. But now Ouro's just a plot device :\

Well even better then. Why cant they make it in Ouro then. sounds simple enough.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
No, we would being playing as him before he was died.
And... how is that not bringing him back to be active again? Yes he would be dead in the future, but I thought the whole "killing off States" was to remove him.



Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post
And... how is that not bringing him back to be active again? Yes he would be dead in the future, but I thought the whole "killing off States" was to remove him.
He isn't gone, at least not 100% he is still in SS1 mission where he dies. I think they kept him in AE building.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I think they kept him in AE building.
Statesman is available for Add Ally events in Mission Architect. But, with Issue 23, he is no longer available as a story arc contact... hence, any existing story arc that used Statesman as the contact is now invalid.

I would like to see that corrected. Paragon Studios, please restore Statesman as a story arc contact in Mission Architect.




Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post
And... how is that not bringing him back to be active again? Yes he would be dead in the future, but I thought the whole "killing off States" was to remove him.
He's not retroactively erased from history, though (other than some already-ambiguous ordering of in-game events). A multitude of plaques and NPCs throughout the game still refer to him in various ways. Having him show up in a historical mission would be totally appropriate.

Or, if we're going back to preserve the timestream or whatever rather than just for funsies, it could be that whatever the anomaly is has prevented Statesman from carrying out his historical role and your character has to take his place.



In any case, I really hope the Devs try to implement this idea; AE arcs just wouldn't do the backstory justice.