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  1. OmegaUltima

    Fansy Returns!

    You know, I believe all this hostility would let up at least somewhat if Fansy would drop their highly annoying and nigh incomprehensible way of speaking when asked/requested/demanded to. Certainly wouldn't hurt their credibility, either, judging by what others have said.
  2. There's pretty much nothing else that I can say that someone else hasn't beaten me to, and said more succinctly than I could.

    Seriously though, keep an ear/eye out, we're going to be preserving this somehow, and it just would not be the same without you.
  3. Well, it's been a grand time here. But who says it has to end with the game? I hereby call for a brainstorm session, to come up with a way so that the drunken community does not die with CoH.

    Please, let the voices be heard.
  4. it's not letting me purchase it, even though I have enough points....
  5. So....if Mako is a brony, does it follow that Zwilli and Nemesis are bronies as well?
  6. Yeah, I sure as heck hope that won't be the final run :P
  7. oh for the love of....the ONE time I decide to skip...
  8. In any case, I really hope the Devs try to implement this idea; AE arcs just wouldn't do the backstory justice.
  9. I heartily endorse this suggestion. I always wanted to see the actual Atlas in action. And it isn't like giant character models are not possible now, what with Tyrant.
  10. Not only have there been several on Pinnacle, I've even run into one of the people who's been keeping them around there. They came into the Help channel to ask if there was anyplace to buy inf, since they do so in any MMO they play. Just so disappointing.
  11. Don't recall if we met before you left, but all the same, welcome back to CoH.

    You're one of us now
  12. Yes, you're right, I have been taking it too seriously. I apologize for my conduct Any excuses I make on my actions would be just that, excuses. But I'm curious now, what made you think I changed my global to this third one you're bringing up all of a sudden? Yes, I temporarily changed it to Nexus6, at the time not realizing/remembering there was another Nexus around, but after that I switched it back to OmegaUltima.
  13. ...oh, now I see your game. Yes, you're the only '0mega'. Replacing a capital O with a 0, sheesh. You know what, don't bother people. Since he's obviously not mature enough to handle this like even a teenager could, I am no longer going to bother giving him the attention he seems to crave so much.
  14. All I know is that I started thinking I had finally gone over the edge to full insanity when the voice over played.
  15. I'm certainly not removing my best toons from the server. I MAY make one or two new toons on Exalted, but not going to move my mains out.
  16. Great, now you've made me curious about what happened to the old channel. Whatever happened was apparently during one of my lack-of-gaming-computer times.
  17. OmegaUltima

    Badge Issues

    Thank you, issue has been resolved.
  18. Ah, Dee, long time no see. Glad to have you back after all this time. Now, if only I could get a computer that could play CoH on hand again....