Tutorial (possible spoilers)




I purposely did not check out the tutorial in Beta so I could get the full experience on a new lowbie once Live. Today I had that chance when I created Vicis, my Ice/Time Corruptor.

It was amazing. I am very VERY impressed with what the developers, art team, everyone came up with here. Its so cool! I love the layout of GC, the rubble, the shivans, the CHAOS! The pathing can feel a bit rushed but if you just stop and take a moment, you really get a feel for the amount of work and effort that went into the zone(s).

Once I leveled up and passed through the tunnel, I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I do know that I didn't expect a GIANT SHIVAN! There I was, with a handful of other heroes, fighting this giant monster at level 2! Very heroic like.

So, as much as I ***** and moan about other aspects of this game I have to give credit where credit is due here. Very well done Paragon Studios. Very well done indeed.

Thank you very much. Please take meh moniez.



Beautifully done.



I found the new tutorial to be confusing and over way to fast to make sense of. All in all a fitting introduction to trials, raids and strikeforces.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
One minor nitpick... In the voiceover during the Giant Shivan attack, the announcer says Zone Events allow players to "work towards a common goal."

IIRC, it should just be 'toward.' But that's just me being nitpicky.
Toward is more common in American English while towards is more common in British English. But everybody's all mixed up these days, anyways. There are at least a few business signs here in Chicago spelled, for example, "colour" and "centre", and there's nothing foreign about the buildings they're on or businesses they identify.



Originally Posted by ScottyB View Post
Toward is more common in American English while towards is more common in British English. But everybody's all mixed up these days, anyways. There are at least a few business signs here in Chicago spelled, for example, "colour" and "centre", and there's nothing foreign about the buildings they're on or businesses they identify.
Fair enough.

Would it work to change it to "work together to complete a common objective" or something?

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Fair enough.

Would it work to change it to "work together to complete a common objective" or something?



On heroside, I advise you to do Matt Habashy and that entire line before running the Sewer Trial or Doing Twinshot. You can outlevel that mission line pretty easily and you should get the entire experience the first time through.



The new tutorial is awesome, but it's over a little too fast, and there could be a little more info in it - when the situation is that exciting and dynamic, it doesn't really need to hurry players into the "proper" game - it could be treated more like an introduction mission, rather than just a gameplay lesson.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
On heroside, I advise you to do Matt Habashy and that entire line before running the Sewer Trial or Doing Twinshot. You can outlevel that mission line pretty easily and you should get the entire experience the first time through.
I did just that. I also did Twinshot's arc, and a couple others I cannot remember their names. I'm pretty sure I've completed all the new arcs.

I really enjoyed all the new mission mechanics used! Very cool and very up to date. Nicely done Paragon Studios.

I'm hoping tonight to try out the Sewer Trial if I don't get distracted with FOOOOTBAAAAAAL!



The developers have done a awesome job with the for new tutorial. The old one lacked the excitement and anticipation of the new neutral tutorial.

This new one I can see myself running each and every time on every new character and I hate to say it but..........the Praetorian tutorial doesn't have the same level of fun compared to this(my two inf.)

I agree with others that the tutorial was very fast and went over quickly too but it was a fun time and for me,that's what really counts in the end,a fun time!

When the servers get back on,I'm going to try the tutorial on redside,wonder how that will be.

[Beta Testers]Zombie Man: Harlot is Swan's nickname too. And Dominatrix. And Sister Psyche. And Mynx. And Bobcat. And Synapse.



Personally, I find the voice over to be incredibly grating. If it weren't for that, it'd be pretty cool.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Personally, I find the voice over to be incredibly grating. If it weren't for that, it'd be pretty cool.
Truth be told, I don't play with the sound on.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
I found the new tutorial to be confusing and over way to fast to make sense of. All in all a fitting introduction to trials, raids and strikeforces.
Very glad to see I'm not the only one with this opinion.

Having done the "tutorial" twice, it's a terrible tutorial. It exists, almost solely, to have you pick your morality. It doesn't teach (you know, the whole point behind a tutorial) anything beyond going to see the trainer and is over within a couple minutes. The event mode is poorly explained and a complete flustercuck and the voice overs are horrendous. Captain Chipper sounds way too happy to be directing you after the city just got hit with a very large meteor. Then, it ends as fast as it begins, shuffling you out to Atlas Park where the real tutorial begins with the initial arcs and the Twinshot ongoing arcs.

The beauty of the destroyed zone is overshadowed by the fact that we barely get to see it because it pushes you out the door so fast. I'm not even so sure it can be viewed as a fitting introduction to grouping since the Giant Shivan event doesn't even require a group, and people don't bother with grouping for it. It might be a good introduction to world events like those found in Praetoria, but that's about it.

Frankly, it took years before I regularly skipped Outbreak and Breakout; I'm skipping this one, every time, after day one.

Edit to add TLDR: I honestly cannot understand how people think this is exciting. It's just as mindnumbing as Outbreak. It explains little to nothing, the forced grouping event is meaningless, and then you're out the door. I fail to see why I should praise the devs for this new not-so-tutorial. It's pretty, but ultimately, not worth the time.

Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM



All I know is that I started thinking I had finally gone over the edge to full insanity when the voice over played.



Unless they've changed something since Beta, you can complete the new 'tutorial' by using brawl four times. Just tag the initial required Shivans and let the NPCs do the rest. At the 'climactic' final fight, just stand right up in front of the hole in the ground, and go make a cup of tea - the jets kill the others and the giant shivan for you. It's impossible to fall below 1 hp in any of it, so there's no challenge in any of it.

I loathe the new 'tutorial'. It's a barely interactive cutscene conveyor belt.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Unless they've changed something since Beta, you can complete the new 'tutorial' by using brawl four times. Just tag the initial required Shivans and let the NPCs do the rest. At the 'climactic' final fight, just stand right up in front of the hole in the ground, and go make a cup of tea - the jets kill the others and the giant shivan for you. It's impossible to fall below 1 hp in any of it, so there's no challenge in any of it.

I loathe the new 'tutorial'. It's a barely interactive cutscene conveyor belt.

I kind of have to agree with this. I love the look and content of the place but it really does feel like nothing more than an interactive cut scene.

I imagine that for new players it might be fine but I found myself for the first time ever wanting to skip the tutorial and start directly in Atlas.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!