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  1. If he follows me home I'm not feeding him.
  2. I propose that we name this planet "Petra".
  3. I just recieved a copy of Going Rogue Complete Edition that I ordered from Amazon. Whenever I try redeeming the code it tells me "This serial code has expired." I can't use it to upgrade any account or to start a new one.

    I believe the response for an already claimed serial is "This code has already been used."
  4. It's just as well that SOE didn't buy CoH. I refuse to give SOE money for anything.
  5. I generally use my 2nd build as a group build and my first build as a solo build. I play around alot with different power choices/slotting for my 3rd build. It's kinda like my playground. Your incarnate abilities are not tied to any of the builds and any abilities you have crafted stay across all of them.
  6. I had that exact same case of "Only an idiot would put a secret door behind an actual bookcase. Oh."
  7. It's cool. I got it covered now.
  8. Sorry. I'm just in a really foul mood this weekend. I was going to edit that out.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    My favourite part was how the article was almost 2 years old and was about a species that we've generally known about for quite some time. I can't wait for the discovery of the gecko to hit.
    I'm sorry. I wasn't aware I needed your appoval to post something I found interesting. Next time I'll ask you first.
  10. I know I bought my gaming laptop because my job makes me spend weeks at a time in a hotel. So the gaming laptop was a better choice than the gaming desktop.
  11. Right. What I meant was that he was the best they could come up with.
  12. Sadly, he was the best they could come up with.
  13. Here's one I found when looking for the other Monty Python picture. Juts had to share it.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
    That reminds me, wasn't there an older Spider-man movie before the Raimi films? I recall walking through Blockbuster when I was a kid and seeing what looked like a live-action Spidey movie from the 70's or 80's.
    There was a made for TV Spider-man movie in the late 70's. It was basically a movie length pilot for the live action show.

    Also, a lot of the episodes where combined into 2-hour movies and released on VHS.
  15. Frostbiter

    gifting CoH?

    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    RMT Companies + "Gift" = Fraud issues.
    My understanding of you post is that this shouldn't be done because RMTers will use stolen credit cards to gift time to themselves. How is that different from buying time with stolen credit cards?
  16. They haven't made it into the game yet so no-one knows the actual mechanics for them.
  17. What about things like base defense items attacking players? Or the current knockback bug that is affecting one of my characters so severely she is unplayable?
  18. There is a way out! All you have to do is drive a limo through an earthquake and then fly a plane into said earthquake.
  19. Either you just don't watch many movies or you have really poor taste in them.
  20. Nice article. Very interesting read.
  21. If you think that's awesome I just want to let you know that my MM eats iTrials for breakfast and craps rares.